Aproved 9/20/2005 Annual Dinner Meeting - June 15, 2005 Florentine Grille, North Providence Social “Half Hour” at 5:30 p.m. Dinner and meeting followed at 6:00 p.m. Attendees: Bill Anger, W&I Hospital; Jo-Anne Aspri, Treasurer, Kent Hospital; Cheryl Banick, VA; Janet Crager, Brown; Barbara Davis, Newport Hospital; Mary Farias, retired; Ruth Ann Gildea, Butler Hospital; Pat Gorman, PresidentElect, Memorial Hospital; Mary Ann Greene, Roger Williams Medical Center; Winnie Jacome, Naval Ambulatory Care Center; Barbara Janson, Johnson & Wales University ; Andre Nault, GSLIS student; Pat Padula, Landmark; Deborah Porrazzo, President, Department of Health; Tovah Reis, Brown; Janice Schuster, Providence College; Mary Ann Slocomb, Lifespan; Hadassah Stein, retired; Regina Swanson, Secretary, Lifespan; Ann Toll, retired; Mary Zammarelli, St. Joseph, Fatima Unit. Approval of Minutes for 3/16/05: There were several corrections to be made to the minutes from the March 16th meeting. Minutes approved as corrected and new copies will be sent out upon completion of the corrections. Treasurer’s Report Jo-Anne distributed copies of her report and explained that the balance reflects the dinner meeting check deposits but doesn’t include the check that will be given to the restaurant tonight. The balance of the LORI Grant has been paid. Bylaws The Proposed Bylaws change (returning Shared Resources to the list of standing committees) was presented; motion to approve was made, seconded and approved by the membership. Changes to the Policy & Procedure Manual were announced and will be posted to the ARIHSL website COMMITTEE REPORTS Education - Mary Ann reported that April 11th was the Snake Oil to Penicillin educational session at URI in the morning and at Brown in the afternoon with 26 in attendance and the Department of Health education session on May 10 with 30 in 1

attendance. On July 20 there will be a 4-hour Advanced PubMed class for ARIHSL members only taught by Donna Berryman. Barbara Jansen is hosting this session at Johnson & Wales Library at the Harborside campus, with lunch sponsored by ARIHSL. There will be a tour of the museum afterwards. Scheduled for October 6th is Complementary and Alternative Medicine at Cranston Public Library. The instructor is not known yet. This session will be open to anyone in RI and will be an audience participation class. Electronics Committee – Bill stated that the updates to the website have been made and that there are more to come. He asked everyone to please review the website and see if any further changes need to be made. Membership – Mary Ann reported that there are now 16 individual memberships and 17 institutional memberships. Mary Ann Green is the new librarian at Roger Williams Hospital, Barbara Davis is the new librarian at Newport and Elisa Jepson, a new member to ARIHSL, is now at South County Hospital. Mary Ann has set up a post office box at Rhode Island Hospital to eliminate the problems with mail delivery. Mary Ann announced that MLA has a “Scroll of Exemplary Services” which defines librarians who are leaders within the profession based on their service level to the section and association. This year that list includes Bill Anger, Jo-Anne Aspri, Penny Glassman, Tovah Reis and Mary Ann Slocomb, and Mary Ann handed to each person present a certificate and accompanying lapel pin. The criteria for eligibility is available on the MLA website under the hospital library section. Shirley Gronholm is section representative and anyone can nominate themselves or someone else professionally. Shared Resources – Mary Z. announced that the CRIARL Union List is not being updated but our records will be added to the HELIN system. She also mentioned that now the general public can view the hospital library holdings. Since Mary Z is going to be President-Elect of ARIHSL next year, she won’t be able to continue as chair of Shared Resources and would like to have someone else take over that responsibility. Pat Gorman, current President-Elect, is planning an Executive Board meeting soon, at which time this subject will be addressed. NAHSL Conference – Janet Crager reported that the program for the conference is active on the web now, by going to NAHSL .org and clicking on the icon. Pat Padula, who is chairman of the Scholarship Committee explained that there will be a raffle associated with scholarship to raise money and that members of ARIHSL and others are being asked for a donation for the raffle table.


HELIN/ARIHSL - Mary Z. has taken on the role of representative at the last Business meeting. She mentioned that the CRIARL Union List no longer exists and that the serial holdings of all the health sciences libraries are going to be put into HELIN. Representative Reports LORI Committee – Mary Ann reported that LORI standards are currently being reviewed for certification, which takes place every 3 years. RI Library Board – Tovah reported that there was no May meeting, but that at the April meeting the RI Library Board approved the issue of open library board meetings. Lib/Futures – The meeting was last week and Mary Ann attended. They are waiting for the three committees (one catalog, shared databases & lifelong learning) to finish preliminary reports. The Database and Catalog committees are in the survey stage. They’ve sent out surveys to every library in the state and have so far received about 130 surveys that are broken down by category of academic, school, public and special. Anyone who hasn’t sent in the survey can still do so, even though the deadline has already passed. They’ve distributed a list of all the libraries in the state. And they have a listing of all the databases that libraries have subscribed to and will now determine which will be most valuable. The Lifetime Learning Committee is currently working on a position paper to determine their goals. Thus far there is nothing concrete for all three yet. Although serving on these committees was voluntary, and anyone who wanted to participate, could have, there isn’t much representation of special librarians on the committees. The three committees were supposed to be finished with their work by June, but now it looks like it will be September. Tovah also mentioned that with reference to the “one catalog for RI” objective, she learned that CLAN has signed an agreement for INNOVATIVE. NAHSL – Mary Ann stated that there was an executive board meeting June 3, 2005 and there was a resource-sharing meeting with RML. The 2006 conference will be in Connecticut at the Hartford Hilton with the reception at the Mark Twain House. COLA – Tovah reported that there was a meeting last week and the group is working on a brochure of public libraries. Tovah noted that as Past President, this was the last meeting that she would be attending. Ann Toll, a COLA rep stated 3

that Tovah had been a good participant and that COLA encourages us to send another representative. President’s Report - Deb welcomed the group to the Florentine Grille and thanked Pat Gorman for organizing this dinner meeting. New retiree, Mary Farias, was welcomed, as was Barbara Davis as Newport Hospital’s new librarian. Congratulations and a gift was conveyed to Barbara Janson in recognition of her recent wedding. Deb also recognized and presented a gift to Jo-Anne Aspri for all her work in winning a LORI grant enabling all of ARIHSL’s book collections to be integrated into the HELIN system. Deb distributed a President’s Report, summarizing all of ARIHSL activities for 2004-2005 highlighting the upgrading of the website, the organization of the ARIHSL archives, and the implementation of the LORI grant as among some of the key accomplishments. Deb also mentioned our endorsement of UMass, Worcester, for the RML contract renewal. (See addendum attachment of President’s Report). Election/Installation of Officers - Tovah announced the new slate of officers for the 2005-2006 year as: Pat Gorman, President Mary Zammarelli, President Elect Regina Swanson, Secretary Jo-Anne Aspri, Treasurer There were no additional nominations and the slate of officers was elected. Finally, Deb Porrazzo presented the President’s gavel to Pat Gorman and she presented a gift to Deb for her tenure as the past year’s president. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Regina Swanson, MLIS Secretary


President’s Report – Summary of ARIHSL Activities 2004-2005

Submitted by Deborah Porrazzo, President, 2004-2005 June 15, 2005 ARIHSL dinner meeting, Florentine Grille

♦ Updating/upgrading website ♦ Organizing/replenishing archives ♦ Implementing LORI grant – HELIN membership ♦ Representation on HELIN committees Collection Development Inclusion of our databases in HELIN matrix Electronic resources/database discounts Training – procedures: borrowing, loaning, bar-coding, adding, deleting ♦ RML Contract Renewal Support Creation/improvement of resource sharing activity/tracking/archiving of DOCLINE statistics ♦ RML Grant - RI Multitype Library Outreach (Consumer Health) Information sponsored by Lifespan & Brown University libraries o Oct. 2004 – Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information o Nov. 2004 – Prescription for Success: Consumer Health on the Web o March 2005 – Keeping Up with NLM’s PubMed o May 2005 – Rhode Island Department of Health Information Resources: An Overview Presentation for Librarians ♦ Library Futures o Oct. 2004 – Special Executive Board Meeting re: non-approval of funds expenditure for Legislative Commission to study libraries, instead recommending the creation of the Library Futures Town Meeting o Dec. 2004 – Library Futures Town Meeting Creation of sub-groups ♦ One catalog ♦ Shared Databases ♦ Lifelong Learning