federation of AMPFIELD & JOHN KEBLE Church of England Primary Schools

SECURITY POLICY Agreed and adopted: Next review:

01/07/15 Summer 2018

INTRODUCTION Policy Statement The governors recognise and accept their responsibilities to provide a safe and secure environment for children, employees and visitors to Ampfield & John Keble CofE Primary Schools. The premises security procedures will operate within the framework described in this policy. Where appropriate, the governors will seek any necessary expert advice to determine the security risks and precautions required to deal with them. The governing body will provide staff with enough resources, information and training to implement the security procedures. The governing body will, where appropriate, be informed of breaches and failures of the policy to enable them to take any corrective action as is necessary to ensure the safety of members of the school community. Responsibility for security at the federation of Ampfield & John Keble CofE Primary Schools is held by the Executive Headteacher who is the responsible manager. The Executive Headteacher is supported with the implementation of this policy by the Heads of School at each establishment. All staff have a statutory obligation to co-operate with the requirements of this policy. Aims & Objectives Our security policy requirements will be achieved by: • Ensuring children and all those who work at or visit the premises feel safe and secure • Ensuring focus is strongly on personal awareness and responsibility • That the latest recommendations of the DfE, Government guidelines and the advice of Hampshire County Council, Children’s Services department are adhered to • Identifying and minimising the risk as far as reasonable practicable and sensible • Controlling access to and movement within the buildings and grounds by people and vehicles • Responding effectively and in good time to identified security issues Scope This policy covers the following areas: • Site access, general building security, movement around and outside of the premises • Lock-up and unlocking procedures • Assault, injury, theft, burglary, criminal damage, vandalism, trespass and nuisance • Offensive weapons • Identified threats to the safety and well-being of the school community from those with criminal intent • Emergency procedures • Visitors, contractors, helpers or other persons involved with children • Computer data security • Cash handling ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible Manager The FP&P Committee will: • Ensure that the school has a Security Policy and that this has been implemented. • Monitor the performance of the site security measures. This will be achieved by: o Monitoring performance on visits via the Executive Headteacher o All governors observing its implementation when they visit the school

federation of AMPFIELD & JOHN KEBLE Church of England Primary Schools

The Executive Headteacher will: • Implement the Security Policy approved by the governors • Ensure that staff receive information, instruction and training in the Security Policy and procedures • Establish a system for the reporting, recording and investigation of breaches of the policy and take reasonable steps to prevent them from happening again • Ensure that all visitors, contactors and agency staff adhere to the Security Policy • Consider particular risk situations (e.g. home visits, lone working) • Monitor and review the implementation of the policy and security arrangements All staff will: • Comply with this policy and the arrangements made by the Executive Headteacher to ensure the safety of children, employees and others on each of the school sites. • Report any shortcomings to the senior leadership team The FP&P Committee will periodically review the premises Security Policy. The governing body will delegate the day-to-day implementation of the policy to the Executive Headteacher. Pupils will: • Be encouraged to exercise personal responsibility for the security of themselves, follow the federation Code of Conduct and to co-operate with the arrangements made for the security of each school Pupils, Parents, Community Users, Contractors and Visitors will: • Be expected to respect the measures taken by the school to improve and ensure security • Be encouraged to report problems and suggest ideas to the staff and/or governors, as appropriate. ARRANGEMENTS CONTROLLED ACCESS AND EGRESS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY Controlled access is a combination of measures to ensure that the risk to pupils and staff from unauthorised visitors is minimised. The extent of physical controls, such as fences and gates, has been decided by a robust security risk assessment of the site, taking into account the risk presented by visitors/general public/contractors. The security measures put into place at the federation of Ampfield & John Keble CofE Primary Schools have taken into account the need to balance the need to remain a welcoming environment whilst ensuring the safety of all our pupils and staff.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS The federation will take all reasonable efforts to control access to the buildings and grounds of both schools to prevent unauthorised access to children and ensure the personal safety of staff. The access control procedures for the buildings are: AMPFIELD • At Ampfield, access is controlled to the site through an intercom on the pedestrian gate. • Following this, a further intercom is situation on the main entrance door. Admin Staff can track a visitor’s movements from the access gate to the main entrance, a short distance away. • Other external doors have security locks to prevent access from the outside except for the door to Year 1/2 vestibule where the door is open during the day. (NB – this door is to be fitted with a push bar system to allow easy egress but prevent unauthorised access from the outside) JOHN KEBLE • At John Keble, the building has one access point into the reception/ admin office area. On arrival at the reception, an electric door will open automatically into a small vestibule. Visitors can only be allowed access to the school building through the engagement of the second automatic door.

federation of AMPFIELD & JOHN KEBLE Church of England Primary Schools

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Other external doors are locked from the inside and cannot be opened from the outside. The Year 2 classroom has a security keypad entry system and a door bell to alert staff members that someone requires access. The main corridor access door is activated by an electronic key fob or push pad on a timer for supervised access times (e.g. at the start and end of the day). Pedestrian and vehicle access gates to the field, parent shelter area and Year R play area are locked during the school day. Opening times for the main vehicular gate will be reviewed for September 2015 implementation (June 2015) Improvements to security fencing is also currently under review which will increase site security and enable site staff to close the whole site to vehicles and pedestrians (June 2015)

GENERAL • Unauthorised visitors will be challenged by staff and be escorted to the school office. • The school has close links with local police and the community police officer. Police will patrol the site on request. • The school operates a registration system which allows us to monitor absenteeism and truancy – with all absence followed up that day if no other message has been sent to school. • The school operates a signing in/signing out system for staff, parents, visitors and pupils who are arriving late/leaving early. • Caretaking/Admin staff closely monitor the movement of vehicles whilst present on the premises and are responsible for contractors on site. • Contractors comply fully with site procedures at all times. • Waste disposal vehicles and contractor vehicles have restricted access to the site to avoid times when pupils and staff are moving around the site. The access arrangements for the grounds are: • School field at John Keble– Children using the school field are always under the control and supervision of staff. Staff would challenge any person not wearing a photo ID or visitor badge. • Lunchtime at both sites– Staff would professionally challenge any person not wearing a photo ID or visitor badge. Supervision arrangements at John Keble ensure that a member of staff is supervising the wider field area when this is in use. • Playgrounds– This area is only used under staff supervision at break and lunchtime and staff would challenge any person not wearing a photo ID or visitor badge. CONTROL OF VISITORS The control of visitors is a fundamental part of our site security policy for the safeguarding of both people and property. Our policy is that: • All visitors must report to the reception desk on arrival. • All visitors are issued with a sticker or lanyard to be worn at all times. This includes parents, helpers, contractors and any other person who is not school staff. • Visitors on site will be accompanied by a member of staff to their destination and will be returned to reception by a member of staff in order to “sign out”. • Any person on site without a badge will be asked to accompany a member of staff to the reception desk or asked to leave the site. Any refusal will be reported immediately to the Executive Headteacher or Head of School. • Any acts of violence or aggression from an adult towards school staff or children will be reported to the police. • Visitors will not remove any items of the school’s property without the express permission of site staff. • For their own safety, authorised visitors will be given appropriate information on the health & safety procedures such as parking, fire safety and first aid.

federation of AMPFIELD & JOHN KEBLE Church of England Primary Schools

SUPERVISION OF PUPILS The school’s overall safeguarding strategy requires that, at times, the security of pupils is achieved by competent supervision by authorised site staff. Locations where supervision is part of our safeguarding procedures: • Playgrounds and field (at John Keble) – Children are always supervised when on the playing fields during break/lunchtimes • Playgrounds (at Ampfield) – Children are always supervised when using the playgrounds Times of the day when supervision is part of our safeguarding procedures: • Start and end of the school day – We supervise the children INSIDE the building for fifteen minutes before the start of the day (doors open at 8.40am). Children should not arrive to school before this time. In addition, a member of the Year R team is usually at the Year R play area gate at John Keble and another member of staff at the pedestrian gate by the parent shelter. Members of staff supervise children leaving the school at the end of the day from either their classroom doors or by leading their class on to the playground. • Lesson changes – due to the nature of our small school buildings, there is no need for formal supervision arrangements at transition times. Staff informally supervise pupil conduct in and around the corridors, through the hall and from/in to classes. • Lunchtime – the lunchtime team take responsibility for the supervision of children in the hall and out to play on the playground and field. Children may only work inside the building with an adult acting as their nominated supervisor. CO-OPERATION WITH THIRD PARTIES, EXTENDED SERVICES AND COMMUNITY GROUPS Our site security arrangements have taken into account the third parties who use the building or grounds. In most circumstances the arrangements for the site will be equally applicable for the third parties involved. Below are the additional security measures that apply to the groups listed: Breakfast Club JKS – Arrivals are welcomed between 7.45am and 8.15am through the side door to the car park. The provider operates a signing in sheet and the external door is then closed and locked at 8.15am. Breakfast Club APS – Arrivals are welcomed between 7.45am and 8.15am through the main door. The provider operates a signing in sheet and the external door is then closed and locked at 8.15am. After School Club – The provider operates a signing in/out sheet and adult supervision is high. Community use – Although not extensively used, community groups may use facilities between the end of the school day and in to the evening. When inside the building, access to the rest of that building is restricted. Risk assessments as part of induction arrangements are carried out. No hirer will be allowed to use the school facilities unless they fully comply with the relevant risk assessments and hire agreement. Visitors in unauthorised locations will be challenged by staff.

SUPERVISION OF CONTRACTORS Contractors and maintenance personnel will not always have been DBS checked, therefore they should not have unsupervised access to children. They will be controlled as follows: • All contractors will be expected to sign in at reception and will be issued with a sticker which will be clearly displayed whilst on site • Contractors will park in authorised parking areas only • Contractors will only carry out work agreed at the start of the contract and at the times agreed • Contractors will be supervised by site staff when possible • Contractors will comply with the contractors’ risk assessment • Contractors will work in designated areas only which do not allow them unsupervised access to children

federation of AMPFIELD & JOHN KEBLE Church of England Primary Schools

LONE WORKERS Our school has lone working risk assessments in place and procedures for staff where there is a security risk due to the need to work alone; staff at high risk will receive appropriate training.

PHYSICAL SECURITY MEASURES The governing body will consider the need to use physical measures such as fencing and electronic access controls and CCTV to ensure the safety of staff and pupils, as appropriate. The FP&P Committee will review the provision of physical security measures on a regular basis in the form of a security risk assessment. The risk assessment will take into account: • The location and layout of each school • Past incidents related to security • The performance of other security measures already in place or that could be implemented. Where justified by consideration of the risk, the governing body will ensure that physical security measures are installed. Where physical controls are not justified the governing body will ensure that other controls are implemented by the school to ensure the safety of staff and pupils. Where electronic controls are installed, for example alarm systems, they will be maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

SECURITY OF THE BUILDING • Effective intruder alarms are in operation. These are always set when the site is not in use/unoccupied which is monitored by Ellis Integrated Systems Ltd (at John Keble) and Premier (at Ampfield). • Security lights are on whilst the premises is occupied after dark on a timer, or are activated by movement sensors. • Separate lists, with the names of the key holders who are responsible for the security of the buildings, are maintained by the Senior Admin Officers. • It is the responsibility of class teachers to make sure that their classroom is secure before leaving the premises: windows and external doors closed and electrical equipment switched off where possible.

UNLOCKING AND LOCKING ARRANGEMENTS AMPFIELD At Ampfield, the school will be unlocked daily at around 6.30am. This will be the responsibility of the caretaker during term time. At weekends and other ‘out of hours’ times, the responsibility for unlocking the site will be with the key holder who wishes to use the building. The daily locking of doors and windows, switching off lights and other electrical equipment, activation of the alarm system is with the last key holder on site. JOHN KEBLE At John Keble, the school is unlocked by the first key holder on site. Breakfast Club staff are usually on site at around 7.30am. The two fire doors along the main corridor must be unlocked by the first key holder on site. At the end of the day, the caretaker is responsible for the locking of the site and the setting of the alarm. This is usually around 7.00pm each day. Should key holders wish to work later than this time, they then take responsibility for locking up and setting the alarm. The usual office hours for public access to the buildings will be 8.30am – 4.00pm, when a member of the admin team is present, unless specific events are planned.

EMERGENCY CALL OUTS If a key holder is contacted as a result of a “Person Present”, they will wait outside the building until the police arrive. If necessary, additional key holders should be contacted for support. Staff should not enter the site alone.

federation of AMPFIELD & JOHN KEBLE Church of England Primary Schools

CASH HANDLING Staff should avoid keeping cash on the premises whenever possible. The safe should be used and kept locked. Staff should avoid handling cash in visible areas; any money requiring banking should be carried out at irregular times, particularly where substantial sums are involved.

VALUABLE EQUIPMENT All items above the value of £50 will be recorded in the Asset Register. Items of value, including portable equipment with a value above £250 will not be left unattended in rooms where there is public access. In such locations, the room will be locked when it is vacated. Wherever possible, valuable items will not be left where visible from outside. The security risk assessment will take into account the location and security arrangements for high value equipment, for example ICT equipment. VEHICLE MOVEMENT The school car park at John Keble is allocated for school staff. Remaining spaces in the rest of car park area are available to visitors and contractors. Please refer to the Vehicles On Site Policy for more information. There is no access for vehicles at Ampfield except for emergency vehicles on to the playground. All staff and visitor parking is on Hampshire Highways adopted roads or elsewhere in the village (the village hall has a small car park which is available for school use). PERSONAL PROPERTY Personal property will remain the responsibility of its owner. This includes both staff and pupils’ personal property. Both are discouraged from bringing any valuable personal property to school. At Ampfield, staff lockers are provided upstairs, next to the staff room. Keys should be returned to the empty locker after use. Lost property is managed by the admin office with items returned to their owner as soon as possible. Any unclaimed property will be recycled or disposed of after a period of time. Staff and pupil involvement Everyone should be reminded it is their responsibility to prevent crime including: • Guarding against assault and theft of personal belongings • Safeguarding the school They should be told: • The school procedure on reporting assaults, disturbances, theft, damage and burglary • The cost of crime in the school RISK ASSESSMENT A security risk assessment will be completed and reviewed annually (or earlier if deemed necessary). The findings will be used in the review of this security policy and shared with staff.