12.1 Qualitative Dependent variable (Dummy Dependent Variable. Qualitative Dependent variable binary variable with values of 0 and 1

Lecture 12 Qualitative Dependent Variables 12.1 Qualitative Dependent variable (Dummy Dependent Variable • Qualitative Dependent variable – binary v...
Author: Gabriel Arnold
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Lecture 12 Qualitative Dependent Variables 12.1

Qualitative Dependent variable (Dummy Dependent Variable

• Qualitative Dependent variable – binary variable with values of 0 and 1 Examples: • To model household purchasing decision whether to buy a car ⇒ a typical family either bought a car or it did not: takes the value of 1 if the household purchased a car; takes the value of 0 if the household did not. – the interpretation of the dependent variable is that it is a probability measure for which the realized value is 0 or 1 – discrete choice model or qualitative response model: involving binary (dummy) dependent variables • Decision to study for MBA degree: – a function of unemployment rate, average wage rate, family income, etc. – takes tow values: 1 if the person is in MBA program and 0 if he/she is not. 1




• Union membership of a worker • Own a house When we handle models involving dichotomous response variables, four most commonly used approaches to estimating such models are: 1. The linear probability model (LPM) 2. The logit model 3. The probit model 4. The tobit (censored regression) model


Linear Probability (or Binary Choice) Models [LPM]

Consider the following simple model: Yi = α + βXi + ui where Xi = household income Yi = 1 if the household (ith observation) buys a car in a given year Yi = 0 if the household does not buy a car In this model, the dichotomous Yi is represented as a linear function of X. This model is called linear probability model since E[yi |Xi ] can be interpreted as the conditional probability that the event will occur given Xi ; that is, Pr(Yi = 1|Xi ). Given observed value of Yi = 0 or 1, let’s define Pi =Pr(Yi = 1|Xi ). It results E[yi |Xi ] = 1 × Pi + 0 × (1 − Pi ) = Pi Pr(yi = 1|Xi ) = α + βXi More importantly, the linear probability model does violate the assumption of homoskedasticity. When y is a binary variable, we have Var(yi |Xi ) = Pi [1 − Pi ] c

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where Pi denotes the probability of success: Pi (X) = α+βXi . This indicates there exists heteroskedasticity in LPM model. It implies the OLS estimators are inefficient in the LPM. Hence we have to correct for heteroskedasticity for estimating the LPM if we want to have a more efficient estimator that OLS in LPM. ui = 1 − α − βXi ifYi = 1 = −α − βXi ifYi = 1 0 = E(ui |Xi ) = Pi × (1 − α − βXi ) + (1 − Pi ) × (−α − βXi ) σi2 = E[(ui − E(ui ))2 |Xi ] = E(u2i ) since E(ui |Xi ) = 0 By definition, σi2 = Pi (1 − α − βXi )2 + (1 − Pi )(−α − βXi )2 = Pi (1 − Pi )2 + (1 − Pi )Pi2 = Pi (1 − Pi ) which makes use if the fact that α + βXi = Pi . Hence σi2 = (1 − α − βXi )(α + βXi ), which varies with i, thus establishing the heteroskedasticity of the residuals ui . Procedures of Estimating the LPM: 1. Obtain the OLS estimators of the LPM at first. 2. Determine whether all of the OLS fitted values, yˆi , satisfy 0 < yˆi < 1. If so, proceed to step (3). If not, some adjustment is needed to bring all fitted values into the unit interval. 3. Construct the estimator of σi2 : σ ˆi2 = yˆi (1 − yˆi ) 4. Apply WLS to estimate the equation REMARKS: Even the normality assumption of ui is violated, OLS estimates of α and β are unbiased and consistent, but inefficient because of the heteroskedasticity. Why not estimate α and β by regressing Y against a constant and X? Does this cause any problem? Reason: In the case of dummy dependent variable, the residual will be heteroskedastic, and hence the application of OLS will yield inefficient estimates. DISCUSSIONS: The LPM is plagued by several problems, such as c

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1. nonnormality of Ui 2. heteroskedasticity of Ui 3. possibility of Yˆi lying outside the 0-1 range 4. the generally lower R2 values 5. it is not logically a very attractive model because it assumes that Pi = E[Y = 1|X] increases linearly with X. We need a (probability) model that has two features: 1. As Xi increases, Pi = E[Yi = 1|Xi ] increases but never steps outside the 0-1 interval 2. the relationship between Pi and Xi is nonlinear, that is, “one which approaches zero at slower and slower rates as Xi gets small and approaches one at slower and slower rates as Xi gets very large.”

Pi = f (Xi ) f (·) is S-shaped and resembles the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a random variable. Practically, the CDFs commonly chosen to represent the 0-1 response models are 1. the logistic distribution (logit model) 2. the normal distribution (probit model)


Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)

Use MLE method to estimate β, the collection of β1 , · · · , βk , σ 2 , and Ω(θ), the variance matrix of parameters, at the same time. Let Γ estimate Ω−1 . Then, the log likelihood can be written as: log L = − c

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 1 1 n log(2π) + log σ 2 − 2 ε0 Γε + log |Γ| 2 2σ 2





First Order Condition (FOC): ∂ log L 1 = 2 X 0 Γ(Y − Xβ) ∂β σ ∂ log L n 1 = − 2 + 4 (Y − Xβ)0 Γ(Y − Xβ) 2 ∂σ 2σ 2σ   1 −1 1 1 = Γ − ( 2 )εε0 = 2 (σ 2 Ω − εε0 ) 2 σ 2σ


Heteroskedasticity-Robust Inference After OLS Estimation

Since hypotheses tests and confidence interval with OLS are invalid in the presence of heteroskedasticity, we must make decide if we entirely abandon OLS or reformulate the adequate corresponding test statistics or confidence intervals. For the later options, we have to adjust standard errors, t, F , and LM statistics so that they are valid in the presence of heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Such procedure is called heteroskedasticity-robust inference and it is valid in large samples.


How to estimate the variance, Var(βˆj ), in the presence of heteroskedasticity

Consider the simple regression model, yi = β1 + β2 xi + ui Assume assumptions A1-A4 are satisfied. If the errors are heteroskedastic, then Var(ui |xi ) = σi2 The OLS estimator can be written as Pn

(xi − x)ui βˆ1 = β1 + Pi=1 n 2 i=1 (xi − x) and we have


Var(b2 ) = c

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− x)2 σi2 SST2x

i=1 (xi





where SSTx = ni=1 (xi − x)2 is the total sum of squares of the xi . Note: When σi2 = σ 2 for all i, Var(βˆ1 ) reduces to the usual form, σ 2 /SSTx . Regarding the way to estimate Var(βˆ2 ) in the presence of heteroskedasticity, White (1980) proposed a procedure which is valid in large samples. Let uˆi denote the OLS residuals from the initial regression of y on x. White (1980) suggested a valid estimator of Var(βˆ2 ) for heteroskedasticity of any form (including homoskedasticity), is P


− x)2 uˆ2i SST2x

i=1 (xi

Brief proof: (for complete proof, please refer to White (1980)) Pn

− x)2 uˆ2i p n· → E[(xi − µx )2 u2i ]/(σx2 )2 2 SSTx Pn Pn 2 2 2 2 ˆi i=1 (xi − x) u i=1 (xi − x) σi p ˆ → n · Var(β1 ) = n · 2 2 SSTx SSTx i=1 (xi

Therefore, by the law of large number limit theorem, we Pn and the2 central 2 (x − x) u ˆ i=1 i i d βˆ ) = can use this estimator, Var( to construct confidence 1 2 SSTx intervals and t test. For the multiple regression model, yi = β1 + β2 xi2 + · · · + βk xik + ui under assumptions A1-A4, the valid estimator of Var(βˆj ) is d βˆ ) = Var( j


2 2 ˆi i=1 rij u 2 SSTj

where rij denotes the ith residuals from regressing xj on all other indepenP dent variables (including an intercept), and SSTj = ni=1 (xij − xj )2 .

REMARKS: σ2 , SSTj (1 − Rj2 ) P for j = 1, . . . , k, where SSTj = ni=1 (xij − xj )2 , and Rj2 is the R2 from the regressing xj on all other independent variables (and including an intercept).

• The variance of the usual OLS estimator βˆj is Var(βˆj ) =


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d βˆ ) is called heteroskedasticity-robust stan• The square root of Var( j dard error for βˆj . Once the heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors are obtained, we can then construct a heteroskedasticity-robust t statistic. estimate − hypothesized value t= standard error


The Probit Model

Assume there is a response function of the form Ii = α + βXi , where Xi is observable but where Ii is an unobservable variable. What we observe in practice is Yi , which takes the value 1 if Ii > I ∗ and 0 otherwise. I ∗ is a critical or threshold level of the index. For example, we can assume that the decision of ith household to own a house or not depends on an unobservable utility index that is determined by X. We thus have Yi = 1 if α + βXi > I ∗ Yi = 0 if α + βXi ≤ I ∗ If we denote by F (z) the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution, that is, F (z) = P (Z ≤ z), then Pi = P (Yi = 1) = P (Ii >

Ii∗ )

1 Z Ti −t2 /2 = F (Ii ) = √ e dt 2π −∞

1 Z α+βXi −t2 /2 =√ e dt 2π −∞ where t ∼ N (0, 1). Ii = F −1 (Ii ) = F −1 (Pi ) = α + βXi The joint probability density of the sample of observations (called the likelihood function) is therefore given by L=



Yi =0

−α − βXi σ


" Y Yi =1


−α − βXi σ


• the parameters α and β are estimated by maximizing L, which is highly nonlinear in parameters and cannot be estimated by conventional regression programs. It needs specialized nonlinear optimization procedures, such as BHHH and BFGS. c

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The Logit Model

The logit model (aka the logistic model) has the following functional form: Pi = E[Yi = 1|Xi ] =

1 1+

e−(α+βXi )

We see that if βX → +∞, P → 1, and when βX → −∞, P → 0. Thus, P can never be outside the range [0,1]. logistic distribution function: The CDF for a logistic random variable is P r(Z ≤ z) = F (z) =

1 1 + e−z

F (z) → 1 as z → ∞, F (z) → 0 as z → −∞. Since Pi is defined as the probability of Yi = 1, then 1 − Pi is the probability of Yi = 0. 1 1 − Pi = 1 + ez Hence, we have Pi 1 + ezi = = ezi 1 − Pi 1 + e−zi By taking the natural log, we obtain Pi Li = ln 1 − Pi 


= zi = α + βXi

Estimation of the Logit Model Pi Li = ln 1 − Pi 

= α + βXi + ui

If we have data on individual households, with Pi = 1 if a household owns a house and Pi = 0 if it does not own a house. But it is meaningless to calculate the logarithm of Pi /(1 − Pi ) since it is undefined when Pi is either 0 or 1. Therefore we can not estimate this model by the standard OLS. We need to use MLE to estimate the parameters. c

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If we have data in which P is strictly between 0 and 1, then we can simply transform P and obtain Yi = ln[Pi /(1 − Pi )]. Then regress Yi against a constant and Xi . The marginal effect of X on P ˆ

ˆ βX )   ˆ −(α+ 4Pˆ βe ˆ ˆ ˆ = = β P 1 − P 2 ˆ ) 4X ˆ βX 1 + e−(α+


The Tobit Model(or Censored Regressions)

The observed values of a dependent variable sometimes have a discrete jump at zero, that is, some of the values may be zero while others are positive. We therefore never observe negative values. • What are the consequences of disregarding this fact and regressing Y against a constant and X? In this situation, the residual will not satisfy the condition E(ui ) = 0, which is required for the unbiasedness of estimates. The Tobit Model(or Censored Regressions) There is an asymmetry between observations with positive values of Y and those with negative values. The model becomes (

Yi =

α + βXi + ui if Yi > 0 or ui > −α − βXi 0 if Yi ≤ 0 or ui ≤ −α − βXi

The basic assumption behind this model is that there exists an index function Ii = α + βXi + ui for each economic agent being studied. If Ii ≤ 0, the value of the dependent variable is set to zero. If Ii > 0, the value of the dependent variable is set to Ii . Suppose u has the normal distribution with mean zero and variance σ 2 . We note that Z = u/σ is a standard normal random variable. Denote by f (z) the probability density of the standard normal variable Z, and by F (z) its cumulative density – that is, P [Z ≤ z]. Then the joint probability density for those observations for which Yi is positive is given by the following: P1 =

i=m Y i=1


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1 Yi − α − βXi f σ σ






where m is the number of observation in the subsample for which Y is positive. For the second subsample (of size n) for which the observed Y is zero, the random variable u ≤ −α − βX. The probability for this event is P2 =

j=n Y

P [uj ≤ −α − βXj ]

j=1 j=n Y


−α − βXj = F σ j=1


The joint probability for the entire sample is therefore given by L = P1 P2 . Because this is nonlinear, the OLS is not applicable here. We have to employ maximum likelihood procedure to obtain estimates of α and β, i.e., to maximize L with respect to the parameters.

References Greene, W. H., 2003, Econometric Analysis, 5th ed., Prentice Hall. Chapter 21. Gujarati, D. N., 2003, Basic Econometrics, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill. Chapter 15.


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