ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606

newsletter 01/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 305 - Januar 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web:

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Mit 86 prall gefüllten Seiten heissen wir Sie ganz herzlich willkommen zu unserem ersten Newsletter in unserem Jubiläumsjahr 2012. Gerne hätten wir Ausgabe 305 schon wesentlich früher ins Feld geschickt, doch wie es halt immer so ist: Termine, Termine, Termine. Dafür aber sieht die aktuelle Ausgabe vom Umfang eher aus wie eine Doppelnummer – und das obwohl wir auf Grafik praktisch fast vollkommen verzichtet haben. Aber Sie kennen ja unsere Einstellung: Information geht vor! Auch wenn Sie lange nichts mehr von uns gehört haben, so waren wir doch extrem fleissig. Denn um unser 20jähriges Jubiläum gebührend feiern zu können, haben wir mit der Produktion unseres ersten eigenen Films begonnen. Während wir diese Zeilen in den Computer einhacken, laufen die Dreharbeiten bereits auf Hochtouren. Zuviel möchten wir an dieser Stelle aber noch nicht verraten. Nur soviel sei gesagt: wir produzieren selbstverständlich im kinogerechten 1:2.35-Bildformat und werden den Film mit einer dynamischen 5.1Tonspur ausstatten. Die erLASER HOTLINE

sten Mustervorführungen waren bereits vielversprechend. Seien Sie also gespannt. Wir werden Sie natürlich rechtzeitig informieren, sobald unser Projekt fertiggestellt ist. Denn dann werden Sie den “Director’s Cut” auf unserer Website ( anschauen können. Eine anschließende Kinoauswertung ist übrigens auch nicht aus-

geschlossen. Um Ihnen schon einen kleinen Vorgeschmack zu geben, haben wir auf dieser Seite schon mal das Teaser-Poster abgebildet. In diesem Sinne – freuen Sie sich mit uns zusammen auf ein adrenalintreibendes Jahr! Ihr Laser Hotline Team

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Freitag, 06. Januar 2012 Roadtrip durch das Fegefeuer Mein persönlicher Filmjahresauftakt begann ganz bescheiden mit einer Independent-Produktion aus deutschen Landen. THE BIG BLACK (1:2.35, Stereo) Verleih: ohne Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Regie: Oliver Kyr Darsteller: Heiko Akrap, Paul Barrett, Delphine Chanéac, Constantin von Jascheroff, Gerhard Polacek Kinostart: ohne Ein junger Mann erwacht in einer Gefängniszelle und kommt in die Freiheit. Alles wirkt wie ausgestorben. Wie kommt er hierher? Was war passiert? Lebt er noch oder ist er schon tot? Erst allmählich wird ihm klar, dass er sich in einer Zwischenwelt befindet, in der entschieden wird, ob er in der Hölle landet oder ob er seinen Frieden finden wird. Mit einem geklauten Leichenwagen mitsamt Leiche macht er sich auf einen bizarren Roadtrip, auf dem ihm ein paar Menschen begegnen. Begleitet vom ehrfürchtigen Kommentar einer Stimme aus dem Off macht sich der Held der Geschichte im Niemandsland auf die Suche nach seiner Vergangenheit. Und damit auch jeder versteht, worum es in Oliver Kyrs Film geht, scheint der unsichtbare Kommentator eigentlich mehr ein Filmerzähler zu sein, erklärt er dem Publikum doch fast jeden Schritt des Protagonisten. Das ist umso ärgerlicher, als der Film durchaus ein großes Potenzial erkennen lässt. Dieses manifestiert sich in der ungewöhnlichen Bildund Tongestaltung. Mit reduzierten Farben und gelegentlichen Farbtupfern nimmt uns Kameramann Martin Schlecht mit auf die Reise, das düstere Geheimnis des Protagonisten zu ergründen. Mit ungewöhnlichen Perspektiven holt er stets das Optimum aus den Drehorten (stillgelegte Fabriken etc.) heraus und sorgt dafür, dass der Film optisch immer ansprechend bleibt. Ob der Film mit einer 5.1-Mischung ausgestattet wird, ließ sich dem Screener leider nicht entnehmen. Der hatte lediglich Stereo-Ton, ließ sein tatsächliches Potenzial nur erahnen. Dazu gehört auch die gelungene Filmmusik. Insgesamt wirkte der Film etwas zu langatmig, was zum größten Teil darin begründet sein dürfte, dass die Story eigentlich nur für einen Kurzfilm ausreicht. Eingefleischten Genre-Fans könnte es hier schnell langweilig werden, weniger Vertrauten dürfte die “Twilight Zone” gefallen. Immerhin handelt es sich um Genre-Kost aus deutschen Landen – ein seltenes Gut.


Montag, 09. Januar 2012 Flacher Geisterritt und klingende Knabenkehlen Auftakt der ersten Pressewoche im neuen Jahr bildeten eine Comic-Verfilmung und ein Dokumentarfilm. GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1) OT: Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Verleih: Universum (Walt Disney) Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Darsteller: Nicolas Cage, Idris Elba, Ciarán Hinds Kinostart: 23.02.2012 Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film erst ab 17.02.2012 auf DIE THOMANER – HERZ UND MUND UND TAT UND LEBEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Regie: Paul Smaczny, Günter Atteln Kinostart: 16.02.2012 Im März 2012 ist es soweit: der berühmte Thomaner-Chor aus Leipzig feiert sein 800jähriges Bestehen. Grund genug für Paul Smaczny und Günter Atteln einmal einen Blick vor und hinter die Kulissen dieses traditionsreichen Knabeninternat zu werfen. Dabei ist es den Regisseuren gelungen, zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe zu schlagen. Denn DIE THOMANER fungiert nicht nur hervorragend als Image-Film für das Internat, sondern zeigt zumindest ansatzweise auch die Schattenseiten des Thomanerlebens. Zu Wort kommen Thomaner im Alter von 9 bis 18 Jahren. Allesamt begabte Sänger, die sich der Obhut des Internats gerne anvertrauen, da sie nur dort in der Gemeinschaft ihrer Passion zum Singen ungehindert nachgehen können. Viel Freizeit gibt es da zwischen Frühstück, Schule, Mittagessen und endlosen Proben nicht. “Ich frage mich, was NichtThomaner mit ihrer ganzen Freizeit anfangen” hört man einen der Internatsschüler sagen. Denn nach einer schwierigen Eingewöhnungszeit fühlen sich die meisten Schüler im Internat extrem gut aufgehoben. Ältere Schüler kümmern sich um die jüngeren, für die sie auch Vorbildfunktion ausüben. Einmal im Jahr darf der größte Teil der Thomaner auf Konzertreise gehen. Im Film werden die Jungen bei ihrer Tour durch Südamerika begleitet. “Für uns ist heute Zahltag!” erklärt einer der Schüler begeistert. Denn der Applaus im großen Konzerthaus von Sao Paulo ist Belohnung

genug für die Sängerknaben. Aber die Kamera bleibt nicht nur bei de Weltenbummlern, sondern zeigt auch jene, die aus den ein oder anderen Gründen nicht mitgenommen wurden. Nicht alles ist hier nur Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen. Doch was wäre ein Film über Leipzigs Traditionschor ohne Musik. So räumen die Filmemacher speziell der geistlichen Musik von Johann Sebastian Bach, dargeboten von den Thomanern und erstklassigen Orchestern, einen breiten Rahmen ein. Für Musikfreunde wie auch an Hintergrundinformationen interessierten Zuschauern sehr zu empfehlen. Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012 Sexuelle Nötigung, das FBI und Alpträume Heute gab es mal wieder ein Triple-Feature in der Presse zu bestaunen! KAIRO 678 (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: 678 Verleih: Arsenal Land/Jahr: Ägypten 2010 Regie: Mohamed Diab Darsteller: Boshra, Nelly Karim, Nahed El Sebaï Kinostart: 08.03.2012 Drei Frauen im modernen Kairo teilen sich ein ähnliches Schicksal. Fayza, verheiratet und Mutter zweier Kinder, wird bei ihrer Fahrt im vollbesetzten Bus ständig von fremden Männer begrapscht. Die Demütigungen führen sogar dazu, dass sie sich ihrem Mann verweigert. Die in einem CallCenter arbeitende Nelly wird auf offener Straße aus einem fahrenden Auto heraus sexuell genötigt und erstattet Anzeige. Es ist die erste dieser Art in Ägypten. Und Galeristin Seba, einst bei einem Fußballspiel sexuell belästigt, will mit einer Selbsthilfegruppe gegen sexuelle Übergriffe mobil machen. Alle drei Frauen lernen sich zufällig kennen, doch ist es nur Fayza, die als Erste zum Gegenschlag ausholt. Mit einem Messer bewaffnet besteigt sie den Bus... Die Zahl im Filmtitel deutet auf die Buslinie hin, in der sich Fayzas Schicksal von der Gejagten zur Jägerin ändern wird. Mohamed Diabs Film zeigt ein Gesicht Ägyptens, das wohl kaum jemand in der westlichen Hemisphäre kennt. Frauen wurden bis in die Gegenwart hinein wie Freiwild behandelt. Niemand wagte Anzeige zu erstatten. Der auf wahren Ereignissen basierende Film lässt jene Zeit Revue passieren, in der erstmals Frauen in Ägypten öffentlich Front gegen sexuelle Nötigung machten. Der durch die verschachtelte Darstellung der drei Vorgeschichten der Protagonistinnen interessant gestaltete Film überzeugt vor allem durch seine glänzenden

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Darsteller. Die sind hierzulande zwar vollkommen unbekannt, doch gibt dies dem Film seinen besonderen Reiz. J. EDGAR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: J. Edgar Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: Clint Eastwood Darsteller: Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Watts, Dame Judi Dench Kinostart: 19.01.2012 Amerika in den Zwanziger Jahren. Angesichts von Terroranschlägen gegen rechtschaffene Politiker setzt sich der aufstrebende Beamte und Idealist J. Edgar Hoover für die Schaffung einer besonderen Abteilung zum Schutz der amerikanischen Bürger ein. Schließlich wird er vom Bundesstaatsanwalt mit der Aufgabe betraut, tatsächlich eine solche Behörde aufzubauen: das FBI. Mit handverlesenen Mitarbeitern sowie Wissenschaftlern erschafft Hoover eine vollkommen neue Vorgehensweise bei der Aufdeckung von Verbrechen. Doch Hoover hat nicht nur Vorzeigeseiten. Insgeheim ist er machtbesessen und neurotisch, will alles und jeden kontrollieren. Für die Durchsetzung seiner Ziele überschreitet er nicht nur seine Befugnisse, sondern greift auch zu illegalen Methoden... J. Edgar Hoover, jene oftmals in schillernden Farben gezeichnete Ikone der amerikanischen Führungsriege, war schon von jeher eine sehr umstrittene Persönlichkeit. Clint Eastwood konzentriert sich in seinem Film insbesondere auf Hoovers dunkle Seite. Während Hoover im gesetzten Alter seine Memoiren diktiert, zeigt Eastwood in ständigen Flashbacks seinen ganzen Werdegang, wie er zu dem wurde, was er ist. Ein wichtiger Aspekt dabei ist Hoovers Homosexualität, die er seiner dominanten Mutter zuliebe verheimlicht und mit seinem Kollegen Clyde nur platonisch auslebt. Leonardo DiCaprio brilliert in seiner Rolle als Hoover und dürfte ein sicherer Oscar-Kandidat sein. Ob den jungen oder den alten J. Edgar – DiCaprio meistert dank exzellenter Maske jede Lebensphase des FBI-Gurus. Auch bei Naomi Watts als Hoovers Sekretärin ist der Alterungsprozess hervorragend gelungen. Nur bei Armie Hammer als Clyde scheint die Maske etwas zu versagen. Tom Sterns fast schwarz-weisse CinemasCope-Fotografie taucht den Film stets optisch perfekt in das jeweilige Jahrzehnt ein. Anspruchsvolles US-Kino. INTRUDERS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Intruders Verleih: Universal


Land/Jahr: USA, Großbritannien, Spanien 2011 Regie: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Darsteller: Clive Owen, Carice van Houten, Daniel Brühl Kinostart: 19.01.2012 Auf den ersten Blick stehen die beiden Geschichten in keinem Zusammenhang. Der kleine Juan wird in seinen Träumen nachts immer wieder von einem gesichtslosen in Schwarz gehüllten Eindringling heimgesucht. Doch die Alpträume nehmen zunehmend realistische Züge an. Die 12jährige Mia schreibt gerne Geistergeschichten. Auch sie wird plötzlich von einem unbekannten Eindringling heimgesucht. Niemand will ihr zunächst Glauben schenken. Doch eines nachts macht Mias Vater eine schreckliche Entdeckung... Wie und ob die beiden Geschichten tatsächlich zusammenhängen, erfahren wir erst am Ende des Films. Bis dahin ist es jedoch ein langer, weiter Weg. Denn Juan Carlos Fresnadillos Geisterfilm verspielt viel von seinem Potenzial, indem er Bild- und Tonebene zu “ungruselig” gestaltet. Freilich – Kameraarbeit, Geräuschkulisse, die Sets und die Filmmusik sind sehr gut, aber einfach zu wenig. Schließlich möchte man in einem Horrorfilm auch ein kleines bisschen erschrecken dürfen. Fresnadillo tut leider alles dafür, das genau dieses nicht passiert. Erschreckend indes jedoch die Besetzung mit Clive Owen. Ihm nimmt man den liebenden Familienvater, der tagsüber in schwindelerregenden Höhen auf Baustellen arbeitet, ganz und gar nicht ab. Fazit: für eingefleischte Horrorfans vollkommen unbrauchbar, für Neulinge zu wenig. Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012 Ein Meisterregisseur verbeugt sich vor der Filmgeschichte Nach THE ARTIST, der Hommage auf die Glanzzeit des Stummfilms, kommt mit HUGO jetzt eine weitere Liebeserklärung an das Kino – und was für eine! HUGO CABRET (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 & 7.1) OT: Hugo Verleih: Paramount Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: Martin Scorsese Darsteller: Sir Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen, Asa Butterfield Kinostart: 09.02.2012 Paris in den Dreißiger Jahren. Der 12jährige Waise Hugo lebt versteckt im Inneren des riesigen Räderwerkes der großen Uhr des Pariser Bahnhofs. Seit ihn sein trunksüch-

tiger, verschwundener Onkel dort aufgenommen hat, kümmert sich um sämtliche Bahnhofsuhren. Seine große Leidenschaft gilt dem Reparieren mechanischer Dinge. Dazu gehört auch ein Roboter, dem ihm sein verstorbener Vater überlassen hat. Ersatzteile besorgt er sich heimlich beim Spielwarenhändler. Der aber ertappt ihn auf frischer Tat und entwendet ihm sein über alles geliebtes Notizbuch, ohne das er den Roboter nicht reparieren kann. Die Enkelin des Spielwarenhändlers will Hugo helfen, das Büchlein wieder zu bekommen. Damit beginnt ein großes Abenteuer für die beiden Kinder... Aus seiner großen Leidenschaft für Filme und die hohe Kunst des Filmemachens hat Regisseur Martin Scorsese noch nie einen Hehl gemacht. Da wundert es nicht, dass er mit HUGO jetzt seine ganz persönliche Liebeserklärung an das Kino geschaffen hat. Sein äußerst phantasievoller Film nimmt den Zuschauer mit einer oftmals frei durch den Raum schwebenden Kamera mit auf eine Reise zu den Abfängen der Kinematographie und verbeugt sich im Besonderen vor der schöpferischen Kraft des Georges Melies, der wie kein anderer zuvor das Filmemachen zur Kunst erhob und es damit revolutionierte. Seine Innovationen beeindrucken auch heute noch. Diesem Geiste verbunden realisierte Scorsese seinen geheimnisvollen Abenteuerfilm in innovativem 3D. Billige “Alles-fliegt-Dir-um-dieOhren”-Effekte weichen hier einer intelligenten Nutzung der räumlichen Tiefe und lassen den Zuschauer sprichwörtlich in die Geschichte eintauchen. Das wunderbare Produktiondesign mit Hunderten von Zahnrädern und sonstigen mechanischen Gimmicks sowie die gigantische Bahnhofskulisse tun ein Übriges, um die visuelle Kraft zu unterstreichen. Unglaublich gut auch die Tonmischung, die speziell in mit Dolby Surround 7.1 ausgestatteten Kinos ein nahezu holographisches Klangbild erzeugen dürfte. Bei all der überzeugenden Technik und den vielen Verbeugungen vor der Filmgeschichte bildet leider das Drehbuch den Wermutstropfen. Die Geschichte ist sperrig und überlang inszeniert, was Filmfreunde nicht wirklich stören wird, dem normalen Publikum den Zugang zu diesem Film jedoch nicht besonders leicht macht. Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012 Vom Driften in die Obdachlosigkeit und Versinken in parallele Welten Ein deutsches Doppel war heute angesagt. Richtig überzeugen konnte mich aber keiner der beiden Filme.

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog DIE SUMME MEINER EINZELNEN TEILE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: Wild Bunch Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Regie: Hans Weingartner, Cüneyt Kaya Darsteller: Peter Schneider, Henrike von Kuick, Timur Massold Kinostart: 02.02.2012 Einst war Martin ein hochbegabter Mathematiker mit guter Anstellung in einer großen Firma. Doch der immer stärker werdende Druck am Arbeitsplatz hat ihn in die Isolation geführt. Ein wochenlanger Krankenhausaufenthalt war die Folge. Selbst nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus muss er noch jede Menge Pillen schlucken, um festen Boden unter den Füßen zu finden. Doch es kommt schlimmer. Seine ihm zuvor in Aussicht gestellte alte Arbeitsstelle will man ihm nicht mehr geben. Martin verfällt in Depression, lässt die Pillen weg. Es folgt die Zwangsräumung. Martin wird obdachlos. In seinem Unterschlupf trifft er auf einen obdachlosen ukrainischen Jungen, der sich mit dem Sammeln von Pfandflaschen über Wasser hält. Die beiden schließen sich zusammen... Was sich nach dem ersten Blick in die Pressemitteilung anhörte wie ein Film über das Phänomen des “Burn Out” las, entpuppt sich letztendlich als eine Film über das Abgleiten in die Obdachlosigkeit und der Suche nach einer alternativen Lebensweise. Zu sehr beschäftigen sich die Regisseure mit der detaillierten Schilderung des Überlebens in verlassenen Häusern und in Wäldern. Dass der Protagonist große Probleme hat, erkennt man unschwer an seiner Zwangsneurose, ständig Zahlen aufsagen zu müssen. Wie es dazu kam, erfährt man leider nicht. Das aber gerade wäre das wirklich Interessante an dieser Geschichte gewesen. Dass zu allem Überfluss am Ende des Films auch noch ein Story-Twist über den Zuschauer hereinbricht, macht eigentlich alles nur noch unglaubwürdiger. Genauso unglaubwürdig wie die junge Lena, die sich von Penner Martin anbaggern lässt. Spätestens jetzt erkennen wir: es ist nur ein Film! SCHILF – ALLES, WAS DENKBAR IST, EXISTIERT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Regie: Claudia Lehmann Darsteller: Mark Waschke, Stipe Erceg, Bernadette Heerwagen Kinostart: 08.03.2012 Sebastian und Oskar sind beste Freunde schon seit Urzeiten. Während Sebastian


Physik an der Jenaer Universität unterrichtet und sich über Paralleluniversen philosophiert, arbeitet Oskar am CERN in Genf. Oskars Besuch bei Sebastian und seiner Familie endet mit einem Streit der beiden über Sebastians Theorien – und das vor laufender Fernsehkamera. Als Sebastian am nächsten Tag seinen Sohn ins Ferienlager bringt, verschwindet der spurlos an einem Rastplatz. Da erhält Sebastian einen anonymen Anruf: um seinen Sohn wieder zu sehen, soll er einen Mord begehen... Parallele Welten und Zeitreisen sind faszinierende Aspekte der modernen Physik und liefern immer wieder Vorlagen für MysteryThriller. Auch in Claudia Lehmanns Verfilmung des Bestsellerromans von Juli Zeh spielen die bisher noch nicht bewiesenen Möglichkeiten paralleler Existenzen eine bedeutende Rolle und sorgen dafür, dass man als Zuschauer mehr als nur einmal verwirrt wird. Doch der in Bild und Ton handwerklich gut gestaltete Film vermag letztendlich keine befriedigende Lösung für den ablaufenden Plot anzubieten. Zumindest keine, die man selbst als nicht sonderlich agiler Kinogänger bereits frühzeitig geahnt hätte. Wenigstens ist der Film mit Mark Waschke als akribischem und selbstzweifelndem Sebastian sowie Stipe Erceg als zwielichtigem und eifersüchtigem Oskar gut besetzt. Freitag, 13. Januar 2012 Exorzisten und ein Superproll Ein aktueller Kassenknüller aus den USA und eine französische Komödie rundeten meine Pressewoche am heutigen Freitag ab. DEVIL INSIDE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: The Devil Inside Verleih: Paramount Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: William Brent Bell Darsteller: Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth Kinostart: 01.03.2012 Vor genau 20 Jahren wurde Isabellas Mutter in eine Nervenheilanstalt eingewiesen, nachdem sie sich selbst bezichtigte, drei Menschen aus ihrem kirchlichen Umfeld brutal ermordet zu haben. Für Isabella ist es nach wie vor kaum vorstellbar, dass ihre Mutter eine solche Tat begannen haben könnte. Und mehr noch: angeblich sollen diese Morde während eines Exorzismus, der an Isabella Mutter ausgeführt wurde, geschehen sein. Die Tatsache, dass die Mutter ausgerechnet in eine Nervenheilanstalt nach Rom überstellt wurde, bringt Isabella ins Grübeln. Zusammen mit einem Dokumentarfilmer macht sie sich auf den

Weg dorthin. Ihre erste Anlaufstelle ist die Exorzistenschule des Vatikan... Die Idee die hinter diesem Film steckt ist inzwischen leider schon relativ abgedroschen: man tarnt die Fiktion als Dokumentation. Dieser Filmstil wurde für THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT entwickelt und bei vielen weiteren Horrorfilmen der letzten Jahre erfolgreich angewendet. Hierzu zählen PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, [REC] und DER LETZTE EXORZISMUS. Auch William Brent Bell versteht es in seiner fiktiven Dokumentation hervorragend, den Reality-Stil zu adaptieren. Dazu gehören Artefakte im Bild genauso wie Störungen auf der Tonspur sowie unbearbeitete Videofragmente. Bell gelingt es auch, seinem Film dadurch eine gewisse Spannung einzuhauchen, die nicht zuletzt Dank seiner guten Darsteller auch weitgehend am Leben erhalten wird. Sogar ein paar wenige Schreckmomente – ausgelöst durch entsprechenden Toneinsatz – kann Bell auf sein Habenkonto buchen. Wer jedoch die zuvor erwähnten Filme kennt, dem wird schnell etwas langweilig werden. Denn Überraschungen oder wohltuende Variationen des etablierten Doku-Stils hat Bell leider nicht auf Lager. So dürfte DEVIL INSIDE wohl nur Neueinsteigern das erhoffte Gruselgefühl bescheren. MEIN LIEBSTER ALPTRAUM (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Mon Pire Cauchemar Verleih: Concorde Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 Regie: Anne Fontaine Darsteller: Isabelle Huppert, Benoît Poelvoorde, André Dussollier Kinostart: 19.01.2012 Galeriebesitzerin Agathe ist eine Frau mit Biss und Haaren auf den Zähnen. Eine Frau, der man besser nicht widerspricht. Ausgerechnet sie stößt mit dem vulgären Patrick zusammen, einem Superproll, dem das Jugendamt schnellstmöglich seinen Sohn wegnehmen möchte. Ausgerechnet der ist der beste Schulkamerad von Agathes Sohn. Dass es zwischen Agathe und Patrick läuft wie zwischen Hund und Katz hindert Agathes Ehemann jedoch nicht daran, Patrick mit den Renovierungsarbeiten in ihrer noblen Wohnung zu betrauen. Und schon bald wohnt Patrick im Dienstmädchenzimmer. Doch Agathes anfängliches Naserümpfen über den Proll verwandelt sich allmählich in so etwas wie Zuneigung... Gegensätze ziehen sich bekanntlich an. Kein Wunder also, dass es zwischen Isabelle Huppert und Benoit Poelvoorde Funken muss! Bis es allerdings

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog soweit ist, müssen noch eine ganze Menge Dosenbier und Schnäpse die Kehle hinuntergespült werden. Benoit Poelvoorde alias Patrick spielt seine Rolle unglaublich gut und feuert ein wahres Feuerwerk an Unterschichtensprüchen ab. Es darf herzhaft gelacht werden! Und Frau Huppert gibt sich als die kühle, unnahbare, rothaarige Galeristin, an der selbst ihr Gatte (prominent besetzt mit André Dussollier) schon lange kein erotisches Interesse mehr hat. Eine typisch französische Komödie, in der Gesellschaftskritik und Liebesgeflüster Hand in Hand gehen und für einen vergnüglichen Kinoabend sorgen werden. Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012 Lisbeth ist zurück Weil der deutsche Filmverleiher sich aus nicht weiter benannten Gründen weigerte, den Stuttgarter Pressevertretern David Finchers Remake von VERBLENDUNG zu zeigen, habe ich den Film in meinem Lieblingskino in einer regulären Vorführung „nachgesessen“. VERBLENDUNG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Verleih: Sony Pictures Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: David Fincher Darsteller: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer Kinostart: 12.01.2012 Der erste Teil von Stieg Larssons “Millennium”-Trilogie jetzt nicht mehr “Made in Sweden”-Produkt, sondern als amerikanisches Remake. Kein Geringere als David Fincher hat sich des Thriller-Stoffes um Lisbeth Salander und Mikael Blomkvist angenommen. Erfreulicherweise wurde die Geschichte nicht in die USA verlegt, sondern bleibt in Schweden. Das erste, was beim Remake auffällt: es ist wesentlich freizügiger als das Original. Und das will für einen amerikanischen Film schon etwas heissen. Und auch bei der Brutalität legt Fincher gegenüber der Schwedenversion einen Gang zu. Waren die beiden Vergewaltigungsszenen in der schwedischen Fassung schon sehr brutal, dann bereiten die Neuauflagen wirklich Schmerzen! Fincher sagte über seinen Film, dass es darin um Gewalt gegen Frauen geht und er nichts beschönigen wollte. Das ist ihm hervorragend gelungen. Überhaupt hat Fincher – wie von einem Regisseur seines Kalibers auch nicht anders zu erwarten war – den Film auch optisch in eine ganz andere Liga katapultiert als das Original. War das trotz CinemaScope-Format visuell vergleichsweise eher noch an sonntagab-


endlicher TV-Kost orientiert, so kreiert Fincher zusammen mit Kameramann Jeff Cronenweth einen ganz eigenen, faszinierenden Look, dessen Kraft man sich nicht entziehen kann. Zu beglückwünschen sind jene Zuschauer, die in den Genuss einer digitalen 4K-Präsentation des Films kommen und damit das Optimum an Bildqualität erleben dürfen. Was die Besetzung angeht, so gibt es bei Fincher nichts zu mäkeln. Rooney Mara mimt das hochintelligente, bisexuelle Goth-Girl Lisbeth Salander mit Bravour. Waren bei Noomi Rapace in derselben Rolle äußerlich noch liebenswerte Züge zu erkennen, so gibt es diese bei Mara nicht mehr. Auch Daniel Craig als Chefredakteur und außerordentli-

cher Ermittler Mikael Blomkvist füllt seine Rolle überzeugend aus. Der “Bond” haftet ihm nicht an. Die Handlung des Films wurde an vielen Stellen gegenüber der schwedischen Erstversion einiges geändert. So wurde u.a. das Liebesverhältnis zwischen Lisbeth und Mikael mehr in den Fokus gerückt und wir erfahren auch erstmals, dass Mikael eine Tochter hat. Und die ist es sogar, die ihm den entscheidenden Hinweis liefert. Fazit: wer die “Millennium”-Trilogie mag, der sollte sich Finchers visuelles Upgrade auf die Geschichte nicht entgehen lassen.

Seite 6

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 16. Januar 2012 Hemmungslos Wenn uns am Wochenbeginn bereits heisse Sexszenen gezeigt werden, kann man auf den Fortgang der Woche gespannt sein... SHAME (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Shame Verleih: Prokino (Fox) Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2011 Regie: Steve McQueen Darsteller: Michael Fassbender, Lucy Walters, Mari-Ange Ramirez Kinostart: 01.03.2012 Der schnelle Sex mit einer Unbekannten unter der Autobahnbrücke. Masturbation auf der Herrentoilette im Büro. Heisser Sex mit einer jungen Nutte zuhause. Grenzenlos erotisches Vergnügen per Klick im Internet. Brandon, Mitte 30, gut aussehend und smart, ist sexsüchtig. Gefühlen erteilt er eine Absage und denkt nur von einer Nummer zur nächsten. Als sich jedoch seine jüngere Schwester überraschend bei ihm einnistet, bekommt sein mühsam aufgebauter Gefühlswall die ersten Risse. Auch das Date mit seiner dunkelhäutigen Kollegin, die echte Gefühle für ihn hegt, geht plötzlich mächtig schief: es kommt nicht zum Sex. Erst am nächsten Tag landen die beiden in einem Hotelbett. Und Brandon versagt die Manneskraft. Michael Fassbender liefert mit seiner Darstellung des Brandon das eindringliche Porträt eines Mannes ab, der seine Einsamkeit mit einem ausschweifenden Sexleben im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes “wegvögelt”. Das aber gelingt ihm nur solange er freie Bahn hat. Der Einzug seiner Hilfe suchenden Schwester (sehr überzeugend dargestellt von Carey Mulligan) in sein karg eingerichtetes Apartment hindert ihn ebenso daran, seinem Trieb ungehemmt nachzugehen wie das Konfiszieren seines PCs am Arbeitsplatz, dessen Festplatte mit übelster Pornographie vollgepackt ist. Die kalten Bilder (Kamera: Sean Bobbitt) reflektieren hervorragend den inneren Zustand des Protagonisten, ebenso die tragisch angehauchte Filmmusik. Ein Manko des Films ist jene Szene, in der Brandon seine Kollegin in ein feines Restaurant ausführt, ist etwas zu lange geraten.

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012 Musiktherapie Wieder nur ein einziger Film in der Presse heute...ich bekomme Entzugserscheinungen. THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: The Music Never Stopped Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Regie: Jim Kohlberg Darsteller: J.K. Simmons, Lou Taylor Pucci, Cara Seymour, Julia Ormand Kinostart: 29.03.2012 1986: Die Nachricht bricht wie ein Schock über sie herein. Die Eltern von Gabriel sind fassungslos. Nachdem sie viele Jahre lang nichts mehr von ihm gehört haben, liegt ihr Sohn im städtischen Krankenhaus. Die Diagnose: Hirntumor. Die Operation ist zwar erfolgreich, bleibt aber nicht ohne Nebenwirkungen. Gabriel hat kein Kurzzeitgedächtnis mehr. Obgleich die Ärzte jede Hoffnung auf Besserung bereits aufgegeben haben, lässt der Vater nicht locker. Mit Hilfe einer Musiktherapeutin will er seinem Sohn helfen. Bald schon stellen sich die ersten Erfolge ein... Basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte erzählt Jim Kohlbergs berührendes Drama von der therapeutischen Wirkung von Musik. J.K. Simmons brilliert in der Rolle des Vaters – eines Vaters, der vor langer Zeit seinen Sohn im Streit verloren hat und der sich nichts sehnlicher wünscht als die Aussöhnung mit ihm. Im Laufe der Therapie muss er auch über seinen eigenen Schatten springen und lernen, dass es nicht nur “seine” Musik (die der fünfziger Jahre) gibt, sondern auch die Musik, die sein Sohn mit ganz bestimmten Erlebnissen verknüpft. Es ist die Musik der sechziger und siebziger Jahre, zu der Musiker wie Bob Dylan oder The Grateful Dead gehören. Musik, die die gesamte Hippie-Zeit geprägt hat und damit auch das politische Verständnis von Gabriel geformt hat. Jim Kohlbergs Film ist in gewisser Weise auch eine Zeitreise durch eine große und wichtige Epoche der Rockund Pop-Musik, was sich in der Tonspur des Film widerspiegelt. THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED ist Kino der leisen Töne, das bewegt und Hoffnung schöpfen lässt.

Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012 Die vielen Gesichter der Trauer Heute gab es leider keine Pressevorführung. Macht aber nichts – es gibt ja noch den Stapel von Screenern, die angeschaut werden möchten. TAGE, DIE BLEIBEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: alpha medienkontor Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Regie: Pia Strietmann Darsteller: Götz Schubert, Max Riemelt, Mathilde Bundschuh Kinostart: 26.01.2012 Ein tragisches Unglück bricht über Familie Dewenter ein: Mutter Andrea verunglückt tödlich bei einem Autounfall. Von einer Minute auf die andere verändert sich das Leben von Ehemann Christian, Sohn Lars und Tochter Elaine. Dass der Vater eine Affäre mit einer anderen Frau hat und auch die Mutter kein unbeschriebenes Blatt war, sind nur zwei von vielen Problemen, mit denen die drei Familienmitglieder während den Vorbereitungen zur Bestattung fertig werden müssen... In ihrem Debütfilm beschreibt Drehbuchautorin und Regisseurin den Prozess der Trauerbewältigung, der sich erst ganz allmählich in Bewegung setzt und dafür sorgt, dass die auseinandergelebte Familie wieder zusammenfindet. Jedes der Familienmitglieder geht dabei mit dem Schmerz anders um. Während die 15jährige Elaine mit ihrer Freundin Jungs provoziert und sich ein Tattoo stechen lässt, geht der Vater zu seiner Geliebten und will mit ihr nach Amsterdam verschwinden. Lars hingegen, nach langer Zeit erstmals wieder im Heimatdorf, legt sich mit allen an und versucht seine Flucht mit der spießigen Umgebung zu rechtfertigen. Der Debütfilm zeugt insbesondere bei der souveränen Kameraarbeit von Stephan Vorbrugg und der gut platzierten Filmmusik von Martin Stock von großem handwerklichen Können. Pia Strietmann versteht sich aber auch gut darauf, aus ihrem Darstellerensemble das Maximale herauszuholen. Ihren Figuren haften zwar noch ein paar Klischees an, die deutlich machen, dass wir es mit einem Spielfilm zu tun haben, doch sind dieses kleinen Mankos durchaus tolerierbar. TAGE, DIE BLEIBEN ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür, dass ein Film die Hürde vom Fernseh- zum Kinofilm überwinden kann.

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet:


Seite 7

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Animation Die Abenteuer von Tim und Struppi The Adventures Of Tintin: Secret Of The Unicorn Dir. Steven Spielberg Featurettes

Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2011 103min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044812

Die Abenteuer von Tim und Struppi (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Bluray) The Adventures Of Tintin: Secret Of The Unicorn Dir. Steven Spielberg Featurettes

Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2011 107min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044838

Die Abenteuer von Tim und Struppi (Blu-ray) The Adventures Of Tintin: Secret Of The Unicorn Dir. Steven Spielberg Featurettes

Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2011 107min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044837

Alakazam - König der Tiere Saiyu-Ki Dir. Taiji Yabushita Japanische Langfassung, Trailer

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1960 80min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) 23.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044793

Als die Tiere den Wald verließen - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) The Animals Of Farthing Wood Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993 320min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044857

Zeichentrick 2003-2004 92min. Black Hill Pictures 02.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045162

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044977

Barbie und das Geheimnis von Oceana 2 (inkl. Digital Copy)

Lauras Stern und die Traummonster

Barbie In: A Mermaid Tale 2 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 72min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044927

Dir. Thilo Rothkirch Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044745

Beyblade Metal Master - Volume 7 (Folgen 27-30) Metaru Faito Beibureedo Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Edel Germany(Panini) 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045152

Beyblade Metal Master - Volume 8 (Folgen 31-34) Metaru Faito Beibureedo Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Edel Germany(Panini) 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045155

Miffy And Friends Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 260min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) 10.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044941

Chuggington 14 Chuggington Dir. Sarah Ball Trickfilm 50min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044932

Dora - Dora und die drei kleinen Schweinchen Dora The Explorer Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Bonus-Episode, Trailer

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 92min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045019

Generator Rex Dir. Rick Morales, Chris Graham Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 110min. Warner Home Video Germany 16.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044748

Angelo! Vol. 3 - Einer für alle und alle für einen

Generator Rex Dir. Rick Morales, Chris Graham Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 110min. Warner Home Video Germany 16.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044749


Dir. Thilo Rothkirch (Cartoon Film / Produzent) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044756

Chuggington Dir. Sarah Ball Trickfilm 50min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044931

Generator Rex - Vol. 03

Jakers! The Adventures Of Piggley Winks Dir. John Over

Lauras Stern und die Traummonster (Blu-ray)

Miffy Classics - Die komplette Serie (52 Folgen) (2 Discs)

Anastasia Dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman Zeichentrick 1997 94min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 20.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044844

Au Schwarte! - Die Schatzsuche

Dir. Thilo Rothkirch (Cartoon Film / Produzent) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044757

Chuggington 13

Anastasia (Blu-ray)

Angelo Rules Dir. Chloé Miller Zeichentrick 2010 96min. Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) 10.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044881

Lauras Stern und die Traummonster (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray)

Generator Rex - Vol. 04

Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Bluray) Despicable Me Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 94min.

Die Moffels Dir. Ute Krause, Sabrina Wanie Trickfilm min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045189

Oben (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Up Dir. Peter Docter, Bob Peterson Kurzfilme „Teilweise wolkig“ und „Dugs Sondereinsatz“, Alternative Szenen, Featurettes, Cine Explore Kommentar, Spiel

Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2009 96min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Disney Pixar) 08.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045186

Pero der Held - "Der gestiefelte Kater" Edition (4 Discs) Nagagutsu O Haita Neko / Nagagutsu Sanjûshi / Hachijû Nichikan Sekai Isshû Dir. Hiroshi Shidara Peros Kurzfilm, Vorspann, Hörspiel, Hörbücher, DVD-ROM-Part, Ausmalbilder

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1969-1972 402min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Ostalgica) 03.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044955

Prinzessin Lillifee und das kleine Einhorn Dir. Hubert Weiland, Ansgar Niebuhr Musikvideo, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 69min. Universum Film 09.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045148

Prinzessin Lillifee und das kleine Einhorn (Blu-ray)

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Dir. Hubert Weiland, Ansgar Niebuhr Musikvideo, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 72min. Universum Film 09.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045185

Space Dogs Belka I Strelka. Zvezdnye Sobaki Dir. Swjatoslaw Uschakow, Inna Ewlannikowa Making of, Musikvideo, Storyboard-Film-Vergleich, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 84min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044796

Space Dogs (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Belka I Strelka. Zvezdnye Sobaki Dir. Swjatoslaw Uschakow, Inna Ewlannikowa Making of, Musikvideo, Storyboard-Film-Vergleich, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 88min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044801

Space Dogs (Blu-ray) Belka I Strelka. Zvezdnye Sobaki Dir. Swjatoslaw Uschakow, Inna Ewlannikowa Making of, Musikvideo, Storyboard-Film-Vergleich, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 88min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044800

Tom und das Erdbeermarmeladebrot mit Honig, Nr. 3 Dir. Andreas Hykade Zeichentrick 2004 65min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045012

Vampire Knight - Gesamtausgabe (4 Discs) Vanpaia Naito Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2008 325min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.01.2012 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044809

Vampire Knight Guilty - Gesamtausgabe (4 Discs) Vanpaia Naito: Girutî Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2008 325min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.01.2012 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044810

Yakari - Best of Kleiner Donner Yakari Dir. Xavier Giacometti Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Edel:Kids 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045163

Yakari - Kleiner Dachs läuft davon Yakari Dir. Xavier Giacometti Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Edel:Kids 02.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045161

Yakari - Yakari bei den Bären Yakari


Dir. Xavier Giacometti Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Edel:Kids 02.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045160

Film Die 36 Kammern der Shaolin Trilogie (Blu-ray) Shao Lin San Shih Liu Fang / Shao Lin Da Peng Da Shi / Pi Li Shi Jie Liu Chia-hui, Wang Lung-wei Featurettes

Eastern 301min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Medeinvertrieb Laubenstein) 24.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044886

4 weitere Jahre - Wahlkampf mal anders (OmU) Fyra Ar Till Björn Kjellman, Eric Ericson, Tova Magnusson-Norling, André Wickström, Sten Ljunggren - Dir. Tova Magnusson-Norling Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interview

Drama/Komödie 2010 90min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 27.01.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045151

Action Box, Vol. 3 (2 Discs) Der Tank / Steel Dawn / Vorhof zum Paradies James Garner, Shirley Jones, C. Thomas Howell, Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi, Christopher Neame, Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante, Lee Canalito - Dir. Marvin J. Chomsky, Lance Hool, Sylvester Stallone Bildergalerie, Trailer, Making of, Artworks

Action 1978-1987 291min. MIG Film 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045171

Action Total Doppel Box - Twin Daggers / The Way (Blu-ray) Twin Daggers / Put Dir. Chen Keun-Hou, Vladimir Pasichnik Action 2008 201min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044797

American Graffiti (Jahr100-Edition) American Graffiti Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Charles Martin Smith, Harrison Ford, Cindy Williams, Candy Clark, Wolfman Jack, Bo Hopkins, Manuel Padilla jr., Jim Bohan, Kathleen Quinlan - Dir. George Lucas Drama/Komödie 1973 107min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044914

American Graffiti (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) American Graffiti Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Charles Martin Smith, Harrison Ford, Cindy Williams, Candy Clark, Wolfman Jack, Bo Hopkins, Manuel Padilla jr., Jim Bohan, Kathleen Quinlan - Dir. George Lucas

Drama/Komödie 1973 112min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044978

American Marines - Die Elite Einheit (k.J.) American Soldiers Curtis Morgan, Zan Calabretta, Jordan Brown, Eddie Della Siepe, Ben Gilbank, Shaun Garrett - Dir. Sidney J. Furie Trailer, Bildergalerie

Kriegsfilm/Action 2005 99min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 02.01.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044823

American Pie - Jetzt wird geheiratet (Blu-ray) American Wedding Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, January Jones, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Seann William Scott, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Fred Willard, Eugene Levy, Molly Cheek, Deborah Rush, Angela Paton, Eric Allan Kramer, Amanda Swisten, Nikki Schieler Ziering, Jennifer Coolidge - Dir. Jesse Dylan Komödie 2003 103min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 14.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044976

American Pie 2 (Blu-ray) American Pie 2 Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Natasha Lyonne, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Seann William Scott, Mena Suvari, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Eugene Levy, Chris Owen, Molly Cheek, Denise Faye, Lisa Arturo, John Cho, Justin Isfeld, Eli Marienthal, Casey Affleck Dir. James B. Rogers Komödie 2001 110min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 14.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044975

An einem Samstag V Subbotu Anton Shagin, Svetlana SmirnovaMartsinkievich, Stanislav Rjadinskij, Wasilij Gusow, Aleksej Demidow, Vjacheslav Petkun, Sergej Gromow, Uljana Fomitschewa, Alexej Schljamin, Aleksej Galuschko, Georgij Volynskij, Dmitrij Makeev, Irina Karpenko - Dir. Alexander Mindadze Trailer

Drama 2011 95min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 08.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045167

Die Anonymen Romantiker Les Emotifs Anonymes Isabelle Carré, Benoît Poelvoorde, Lorella Cravotta, Lise Lamétrie, Swann Arlaud, Pierre Niney, Stephan Wojtowicz, Jacques Boudet, Céline Duhamel, Grégoire Ludig, Philippe Fretun, Alice Pol, Philippe Gaulé, Joëlle Sechaud (Joëlle), Isabelle Gruault, Claude Aufaure, Marie-Christine Demarest, Philippe Laudenbach - Dir. Jean-Pierre Améris Interviews, Making of

Komödie 2010 75min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi)

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044827

Die Anonymen Romantiker (Bluray) Les Emotifs Anonymes Isabelle Carré, Benoît Poelvoorde, Lorella Cravotta, Lise Lamétrie, Swann Arlaud, Pierre Niney, Stephan Wojtowicz, Jacques Boudet, Céline Duhamel, Grégoire Ludig, Philippe Fretun, Alice Pol, Philippe Gaulé, Joëlle Sechaud (Joëlle), Isabelle Gruault, Claude Aufaure, Marie-Christine Demarest, Philippe Laudenbach - Dir. Jean-Pierre Améris Interviews, Making of

Komödie 2010 78min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi) 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044845

Apollo 13 (Jahr100-Edition) Apollo 13 Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, Kathleen Quinlan, David Andrews, Xander Berkeley, Christian Clemenson, Brett Cullen, Loren Dean, Clint Howard, Ben Marley, Marc McClure, Tracy Reiner, Chris Ellis - Dir. Ron Howard Action/Drama 1995 134min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044915

Apollo 13 (Jahr100-Edition) (Bluray) Apollo 13 Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, Kathleen Quinlan, David Andrews, Xander Berkeley, Christian Clemenson, Brett Cullen, Loren Dean, Clint Howard, Ben Marley, Marc McClure, Tracy Reiner, Chris Ellis - Dir. Ron Howard Action/Drama 1995 139min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044979

Arschkalt Herbert Knaup, Johannes Allmayer, Elke Winkens, Peter Franke, Thorsten Merten, Marion Breckwoldt, Philipp Hochmair, Mira Partecke, Johanna Katharina Geißler, Kirsten Block, Johannes Rotter, Wolfgang Suchner, Heinz Lieven, Nomena Struss, Mathias Junge, Jochen Stern, Dorothea Walda, Dagmar Sachse, Wolfgang Riehm, Christian Vennefrohne - Dir. André Erkau Komödie 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044746

Aschenputtel Rita Nowotny, Renée Stobrawa, Änne Bruck, Renate Fischer, Rüdiger Lichti, Fritz Genschow, Werner Stock, Maria Axt, Herbert Weissbach - Dir. Fritz Genschow Trailer

Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1955 78min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045123

Atemlos - Gefährliche Wahrheit Abduction Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins, Alfred Molina,


Jason Isaacs, Maria Bello, Sigourney Weaver, Michael Nyqvist, Denzel Whitaker, William Peltz, Antonique Smith, Allen Williamson, Nickola Shreli - Dir. John Singleton Making of, Outtakes, Featurettes, Trailer

Thriller 2011 102min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045145

Atemlos - Gefährliche Wahrheit (Blu-ray) Abduction Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins, Alfred Molina, Jason Isaacs, Maria Bello, Sigourney Weaver, Michael Nyqvist, Denzel Whitaker, William Peltz, Antonique Smith, Allen Williamson, Nickola Shreli - Dir. John Singleton Thriller 2011 106min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045183

Attack the Block Attack The Block John Boyega, Jodie Whittaker, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Leeon Jones, Simon Howard, Luke Treadaway, Nick Frost, Jumayn Hunter, Adam Leese, Joey Ansah, Chris Wilson, Flaminia Cinque, Terry Notary, Paige Meade, Lee Nicholas Harris, Maggie McCarthy, Jacey Sallés, Karl Collins, Stephanie Street, Danielle Vitalis, Sammy Williams - Dir. Joe Cornish Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer

Action/Komödie 2011 84min. Capelight Pictures 24.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044957

Attack the Block (Blu-ray) Attack The Block John Boyega, Jodie Whittaker, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Leeon Jones, Simon Howard, Luke Treadaway, Nick Frost, Jumayn Hunter, Adam Leese, Joey Ansah, Chris Wilson, Flaminia Cinque, Terry Notary, Paige Meade, Lee Nicholas Harris, Maggie McCarthy, Jacey Sallés, Karl Collins, Stephanie Street, Danielle Vitalis, Sammy Williams - Dir. Joe Cornish Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer

Action/Komödie 2011 87min. Capelight Pictures 24.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044999

Audition (k.J.) Odishon Ryo Ishibashi, Eihi Shiina, Miyuki Matsuda, Renji Ishibashi - Dir. Takashi Miike Interview, Trailer

Thriller/Drama 1999 110min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044967

Ein ausgekochtes Schlitzohr (Jahr100-Edition) Smokey And The Bandit Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed - Dir. Hal Needham Action/Komödie 1977 92min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044916

Ein ausgekochtes Schlitzohr (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Smokey And The Bandit Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed - Dir. Hal Needham Action/Komödie 1977 96min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044980

Aushilfsgangster Tower Heist Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Casey Affleck, Alan Alda, Matthew Broderick, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Judd Hirsch, Téa Leoni, Michael Peña, Gabourey Sidibe, Nina Arianda, Marcia Jean Kurtz, Juan Carlos Hernandez, Harry O’Reilly, Peter van Wagner, Eljko Ivanek, Annika Pergament, Clem Cheung, Robert Downey Sr. - Dir. Brett Ratner Action/Komödie 2011 101min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 08.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044925

Aushilfsgangster (Blu-ray) Tower Heist Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Casey Affleck, Alan Alda, Matthew Broderick, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Judd Hirsch, Téa Leoni, Michael Peña, Gabourey Sidibe, Nina Arianda, Marcia Jean Kurtz, Juan Carlos Hernandez, Harry O’Reilly, Peter van Wagner, Eljko Ivanek, Annika Pergament, Clem Cheung, Robert Downey Sr. - Dir. Brett Ratner Action/Komödie 2011 105min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 08.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044971

Backdraft (Jahr100-Edition) Backdraft Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Scott Glenn, Rebecca De Mornay, Jason Gedrick, J. T. Walsh, Tony Mockus Sr., Cedric Young, Juan Ramírez, Kevin Casey, Jack McGee, Mark Wheeler, Richard Lexsee - Dir. Ron Howard Action/Drama 1991 132min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044917

Backdraft (Jahr100-Edition) (Bluray) Backdraft Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Scott Glenn, Rebecca De Mornay, Jason Gedrick, J. T. Walsh, Tony Mockus Sr., Cedric Young, Juan Ramírez, Kevin Casey, Jack McGee, Mark Wheeler, Richard Lexsee - Dir. Ron Howard Action/Drama 1991 137min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044981

Battle Force - Todeskommando Aufklärung Battle Recon

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Scott A. Martin, Clint Glenn Hummel, Tony Pauletto, Robert Shannon, Adrian Bouchet, Harold Gasnier, Paul Kelleher, Pale Noland, William Hartley, Les Loveday, Beeney Royston - Dir. Robert Shannon Action/Kriegsfilm 2011 101min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044828

Battle Force - Todeskommando Aufklärung (Blu-ray) Battle Recon Scott A. Martin, Clint Glenn Hummel, Tony Pauletto, Robert Shannon, Adrian Bouchet, Harold Gasnier, Paul Kelleher, Pale Noland, William Hartley, Les Loveday, Beeney Royston - Dir. Robert Shannon Action/Kriegsfilm 2011 105min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044846

Bei uns zu Haus Heinz Frölich, Karin Hardt, Sascha Hehn, Beles Adam, Uwe Witt - Dir. Herbert B. Fredersdorf Komödie 1963 325min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044830

Bellflower Bellflower Evan Glodell, Jessie Wiseman, Tyler Dawson III, Rebekah Brandes, Vincent Grashaw, Zack Kraus, Keghan Hurst, Alexandra Boylan, Bradshaw Pruitt, Brian Thomas Evans - Dir. Evan Glodell Booklet

Drama/Thriller 2011 103min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 30.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045193

Bellflower (Blu-ray) Bellflower Evan Glodell, Jessie Wiseman, Tyler Dawson III, Rebekah Brandes, Vincent Grashaw, Zack Kraus, Keghan Hurst, Alexandra Boylan, Bradshaw Pruitt, Brian Thomas Evans - Dir. Evan Glodell Drama/Thriller 2011 107min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045201

Berlin Alexanderplatz (Berlin Edition) Heinrich George, Maria Bard, Bernhard Minetti, Margarete Schlegel, Gerhard Bienert, Albert Florath, Käthe Haack - Dir. Piel Jutzi Dokumentation, Hintergrundinfo, Bildergalerie, Biografie

Drama 1931 84min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045079

Berlin Edition - Gesamtedition (Berlin Edition, 10 Discs) Berlin Alexanderplatz / Deutschland im Jahre Null / Der Hauptmann von Kopenick / Die Halbstarken / Eins, Zwei, Drei / Der Himmel über Berlin / Linie 1 / Sonnenallee / Good Bye, Lenin! / Unknown Identity Diverse

Drama/Komödie 1931-2011 min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012


119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045090

Beyond - Die rätselhafte Entführung der Amy Noble Beyond Jon Voight, Teri Polo, Ben Crowley, Julian Morris, Brett Baker, Sandra Luesse, Skyler Shaye, Jason Collins - Dir. Josef Rusnak Thriller/Mystery 2011 87min. Splendid Film 30.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045142

Beyond - Die rätselhafte Entführung der Amy Noble (Blu-ray) Beyond Jon Voight, Teri Polo, Ben Crowley, Julian Morris, Brett Baker, Sandra Luesse, Skyler Shaye, Jason Collins - Dir. Josef Rusnak Thriller/Mystery 2011 91min. Splendid Film 30.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045180

The Big Lebowski (Jahr100-Edition) The Big Lebowski Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, David Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Flea, Leon Russom, Sam Elliott, Tara Reid, John Turturro, David Thewlis, Ben Gazzara - Dir. Joel Coen Komödie/Thriller 1997 112min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044918

The Big Lebowski (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) The Big Lebowski Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, David Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Flea, Leon Russom, Sam Elliott, Tara Reid, John Turturro, David Thewlis, Ben Gazzara - Dir. Joel Coen Komödie/Thriller 1997 118min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044982

Billy Elliot - I Will Dance (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Billy Elliot Jamie Bell, Julie Walters, Jamie Driven, Gary Lewis, Jean Heywood, Stuart Wells, Nicola Blackwell - Dir. Stephen Daldry Drama/Komödie 2000 110min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044983

Billy Elliot - I Will Dance (Special-Edition, Jahr100-Edition) Billy Elliot Jamie Bell, Julie Walters, Jamie Driven, Gary Lewis, Jean Heywood, Stuart Wells, Nicola Blackwell - Dir. Stephen Daldry Drama/Komödie 2000 106min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044919

Bis zum letzten Atemzug (Bluray)

Poor Boy’s Game / Reflections / Retrograde - Krieg auf dem Eisplaneten Action 2004-2008 270min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044912

Blood Savage (k.J.) Mad Jake John Saxon, Ray Walston, Danny Nelson Dir. Tucker Johnston Trailer, Bildergalerie

Horror/Komödie 1989-1990 93min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 02.01.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044819

BloodRayne - Die Trilogie (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bloodrayne / Bloodrayne: Deliverance / Bloodrayne: The Third Reich Sir Ben Kingsley, Kristanna Loken, Natassia Malthe, Michael Paré, Clint Howard - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Audiokommentar

Action/Fantasy 2005-2010 269min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045077

BloodRayne - Die Trilogie (3 Discs) (k.J.) Bloodrayne / Bloodrayne: Deliverance / Bloodrayne: The Third Reich Sir Ben Kingsley, Kristanna Loken, Natassia Malthe, Michael Paré, Clint Howard - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Audiokommentar

Action/Fantasy 2005-2010 260min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045059

Blumen der Nacht Flowers In The Attic Victoria Tennant, Kristy Swanson, Jeb Stuart Adams, Ben Ganger, Louise Fletcher, Lindsay Parker, Marshall Colt, Alex Koba Dir. Jeffrey Bloom Trailer

Drama/Thriller 1987 87min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 10.02.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044877

Blut und Sand Blood And Sand Rudolph Valentino, Lila Lee, Nita Naldi (Doña Sol), Rosa Rosanova, Leo White, Rosita Marstini - Dir. Fred Niblo Drama 1922 80min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044867

Blutzbrüdaz Sido, B-Tight, Milton Welsh, Claudia Eisinger, Tim Wilde, Alwara Höfels, Alpa Gun, Florian Renner, Tony D., Liquit Walker, Haschim Elobied - Dir. Özgür Yildirim Musikfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045191

Blutzbrüdaz (Blu-ray) Sido, B-Tight, Milton Welsh, Claudia Eisinger, Tim Wilde, Alwara Höfels, Alpa Gun, Florian Renner, Tony D., Liquit Walker,

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Haschim Elobied - Dir. Özgür Yildirim Musikfilm/Komödie 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045200

Bonanza - Die komplette 2. Staffel (8 Discs) Bonanza Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blokker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Western 1959-1973 1617min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 16.02.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044774

Die Bourne Identität (Jahr100Edition) The Bourne Identity Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, Brian Cox, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Gabriel Mann, Walton Goggins, Josh Hamilton, Julia Stiles, Orso Maria Guerrini, Tim Dutton, Dennis Braccini, Nicky Naude, David Selburg - Dir. Doug Liman Action/Thriller 2002 114min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044921

Die Bourne Identität (Jahr100Edition) (Blu-ray) The Bourne Identity Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, Brian Cox, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Gabriel Mann, Walton Goggins, Josh Hamilton, Julia Stiles, Orso Maria Guerrini, Tim Dutton, Dennis Braccini, Nicky Naude, David Selburg - Dir. Doug Liman Action/Thriller 2002 118min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044984

Bowling for Columbine Bowling For Columbine Dir. Michael Moore Intro, Interview, Michael Moores OSCAR®-Rede

Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2002 114min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045165

The Breakfast Club (Jahr100-Edition) The Breakfast Club Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason, Ally Sheedy - Dir. John Hughes Drama 1984 93min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044923

The Breakfast Club (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) The Breakfast Club Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason, Ally Sheedy - Dir. John Hughes Drama 1984 97min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012


20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044985

30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045021

Breaking Bad - Die komplette erste Season (2 Discs) (Blu-ray)

Bridget Jones - Schokolade zum Frühstück (Jahr100-Edition)

Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, RJ Mitte, Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Steven Michael Quezada, Charles Baker, Matt L. Jones, Carmen Serano, David House Komödie/Drama 2008 240min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044835

Bridget Jones’s Diary Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Embeth Davidtz, Shirley Henderson, Sally Phillips, James Callis, Honor Blackman, Celia Imrie Dir. Sharon Maguire Komödie 2001 93min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044924

Breaking Bad - Die komplette zweite Season (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, RJ Mitte, Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Raymond Cruz, Steven Michael Quezada, Tess Harper, Michael Shamus Wiles - Dir. Adam Bernstein, Bryan Cranston, Terry McDonough Komödie/Drama 2009 min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044836

Breaking Dawn - Bis(s) zum Ende der Nacht, Teil 1 (2-Disc Fan Edition) The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene, Chaske Spencer, Julia Jones, Booboo Stewart, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon, Bronson Pelletier, Tyson Connor Houseman, Gil Birmingham, Alex Rice, Tinsel Korey, MyAnna Buring, Casey LaBow, Mía Maestro, Christian Camargo, Maggie Grace, Michael Sheen, Charlie Bewley, Daniel Cudmore, Jamie Campbell Bower, Christopher Heyerdahl, Anna Kendrick, Michael Welch, Christian Serratos, Justin Chon, Sarah Clarke - Dir. Bill Condon Fantasy/Horror 2011 104min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Cine Collection) 29.03.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045004

Breaking Dawn - Bis(s) zum Ende der Nacht, Teil 1 (Deluxe Fan Edition) (Blu-ray) The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene, Chaske Spencer, Julia Jones, Booboo Stewart, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon, Bronson Pelletier, Tyson Connor Houseman, Gil Birmingham, Alex Rice, Tinsel Korey, MyAnna Buring, Casey LaBow, Mía Maestro, Christian Camargo, Maggie Grace, Michael Sheen, Charlie Bewley, Daniel Cudmore, Jamie Campbell Bower, Christopher Heyerdahl, Anna Kendrick, Michael Welch, Christian Serratos, Justin Chon, Sarah Clarke - Dir. Bill Condon Fantasy/Horror 2011 108min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Cine Collection) 29.03.2012

Bridget Jones - Schokolade zum Frühstück (Jahr100-Edition) (Bluray) Bridget Jones’s Diary Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Embeth Davidtz, Shirley Henderson, Sally Phillips, James Callis, Honor Blackman, Celia Imrie Dir. Sharon Maguire Komödie 2001 97min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044986

Casino (Jahr100-Edition) Casino Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods, Don Rickles, Alan King, Kevin Pollak, L. Q. Jones, Dick Smothers, Frank Vincent, John Bloom, Pasquale Cajano, Melissa Prophet, Bill Allison, Vinny Vella, Oscar Goodman, Catherine Scorsese, Phillip Suriano, Erika von Tagen, Frankie Avalon, Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Jerry Vale - Dir. Martin Scorsese Thriller 1995 171min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044926

Casino (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Casino Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods, Don Rickles, Alan King, Kevin Pollak, L. Q. Jones, Dick Smothers, Frank Vincent, John Bloom, Pasquale Cajano, Melissa Prophet, Bill Allison, Vinny Vella, Oscar Goodman, Catherine Scorsese, Phillip Suriano, Erika von Tagen, Frankie Avalon, Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Jerry Vale - Dir. Martin Scorsese Thriller 1995 178min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044988

Charlie Chaplin - Charlie Chaplin XXL (2 Discs) Sir Charles Chaplin Komödie 1914-1918 400min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044902

Charlie Chaplin - Slapstick Collection Vol. 1 Sir Charles Chaplin

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Trailer, Fotos, Hintergründe über die Filme von Charlie Chaplin

Komödie 110min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(aberlemedia) 01.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045134

Chiko Denis Moschitto, Volkan Özcan, Moritz Bleibtreu, Fahri Yardim, Reyhan Sahin, Lilay Huser, Philipp Baltus, Hans Löw, Lucas Gregorowicz, Pheline Roggan - Dir. Özgür Yildirim

Antoniak Kurzfilm „Bijlmer Odyssee“, Interviews, Alternatives Ende, Trailer, Booklet

Drama 2011 78min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Kino Kontrovers) 05.04.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045198

Crime Doppel Box (Blu-ray) A Nyomozó / Nobel Son Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2007-2008 217min. MIG Film 01.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045175


Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 88min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Falcom) 28.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044816

Chiko (Blu-ray) Denis Moschitto, Volkan Özcan, Moritz Bleibtreu, Fahri Yardim, Reyhan Sahin, Lilay Huser, Philipp Baltus, Hans Löw, Lucas Gregorowicz, Pheline Roggan - Dir. Özgür Yildirim Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Impro-Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, Kurzfilm, Audiokommentar

Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 92min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Falcom) 28.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044842

Cirkus Columbia Cirkus Columbia Miki Manojlovic, Mira Furlan, Boris Ler, Jelena Stupljanin, Milan Strljic, Mario Knezovic, Svetislav Goncic, Almir Mehic, Miralem Zubcevic - Dir. Danis Tanovic Drama 113min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 20.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045063

City of Violence (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jjak-Pae Ryoo Seung-wan, Jung Doo-hong, Lee Beom-su, Jeong Seok-yong, Ahn Gil-gang, Lee Joo-shil - Dir. Ryoo Seung-wan Interviews, Making of, Featurettes

Action/Thriller 2006 94min. Splendid Film(Amazia Premium) 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044863

Clash - Die Söldner (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bay Rong Johnny Nguyen, Thanh Van Ngo, Hieu Hien, Hoang Phuc Nguyen, Lam Minh Thang - Dir. Thanh Son Le Action 2009 101min. MIG Film 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045178

Clash - Die Söldner (k.J.) Bay Rong Johnny Nguyen, Thanh Van Ngo, Hieu Hien, Hoang Phuc Nguyen, Lam Minh Thang - Dir. Thanh Son Le Action 2009 97min. MIG Film 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045140

Code Blue (+ Blu-ray) (k.J.) Code Blue Bien de Moor, Lars Eidinger, Annemarie Prins, Sophie van Winden, Christine Bijvanck, Hans Kesting - Dir. Urszula


The Crow - Die Rache der Krähe (Director’s Cut) The Crow: City Of Angels Vincent Perez, Mia Kirshner, Richard Brooks, Iggy Pop, Thomas Jane, Vincent Castellanos, Thuy Trang, Eric Acosta, Ian Dury, Tracey Ellis, Beverley Mitchell - Dir. Tim Pope Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Wendecover

Action/Fantasy 1996 87min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Miramax) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044783

The Crow - Die Rache der Krähe (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) The Crow: City Of Angels Vincent Perez, Mia Kirshner, Richard Brooks, Iggy Pop, Thomas Jane, Vincent Castellanos, Thuy Trang, Eric Acosta, Ian Dury, Tracey Ellis, Beverley Mitchell - Dir. Tim Pope Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Wendecover

Action/Fantasy 1996 91min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Miramax) 16.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044788

Dir. Roger Donaldson Action 1996 104min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044929

Dead Eyes Open Dead Eyes Open Tanek Seranek, Malte Gutkowski, Rocco Finamore, Michael Möllenhoff, Tanja Waldmann, Sidney Pauer, George A. Romero Dir. Ralf Möllenhoff Bildergalerie, Making of, Interview

Horror 2006 85min. ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Monster R.I.P.) 03.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045130

Derailed (The Expendables Selection) Derailed Jean-Claude van Damme, Tomas Arana, Laura Harring, Susan Gibney, Jimmy JeanLouis, Kristopher van Damme - Dir. Bob Misiorowski Hinter den Kulissen, Trailer

Action/Thriller 2002 85min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044858

Derailed (The Expendables Selection) (Blu-ray) Derailed Jean-Claude van Damme, Tomas Arana, Laura Harring, Susan Gibney, Jimmy JeanLouis, Kristopher van Damme - Dir. Bob Misiorowski Hinter den Kulissen, Trailer

Action/Thriller 2002 88min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044864

Da Block Party 3 - Jetzt geht’s richtig ab!

Desperate Housewives - Die komplette siebte Staffel (6 Discs)

Da Block Party 3 Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., Clifton Powell, Essence Lee, Chauvon Higgens, George Boyd, Dan Garcia, Dave Garcia - Dir. Dan Garcia, Dave Garcia

Desperate Housewives Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria, Ricardo Chavira, Brenda Strong, James Denton, Doug Savant, Andrea Bowen, Vanessa Williams, Darcy Rose Byrnes, Shawn Pyfrom - Dir. Larry Shaw, David Grossman, David Warren, Lonny Price, Andrew Doerfer Komödie/Drama 2010-2011 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ABC Studios) 12.04.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045005


Komödie 2008 75min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045047

Dante’s Peak (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Dante’s Peak Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton, Charles Hallahan, Grant Heslov, Elizabeth Hoffman, Jamie Renee Smith, Jeremy Foley, Arabella Field, Tzi Ma, Brian Reddy, Kirk Trutner Dir. Roger Donaldson Action 1996 108min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044989

Deutschland im Jahre Null (Berlin Edition) Germania, Anno Zero Edmund Meschke, Ernst Pittschau, Ingetraud Hinze, Erich Gühne - Dir. Roberto Rossellini Drama 1947-1948 min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045080

Dante’s Peak (Special Edition, Jahr100-Edition)

The Devil’s Rock (Blu-ray) (k.J.)

Dante’s Peak Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton, Charles Hallahan, Grant Heslov, Elizabeth Hoffman, Jamie Renee Smith, Jeremy Foley, Arabella Field, Tzi Ma, Brian Reddy, Kirk Trutner -

Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Musik-Video

The Devil’s Rock Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Varela - Dir. Paul Campion Horror 2011 101min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044903

The Devil’s Rock (k.J.) The Devil’s Rock Craig Hall, Matthew Sunderland, Gina Varela - Dir. Paul Campion Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Musik-Video

Horror 2011 97min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044894

Dexter - Die vierte Season (4 Discs) (k.J.) Dexter Interview, Featurette, Audiokommentar

Kriminalfilm/Thriller 607min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045016

Diamantenparty John van Dreelen, Fritz Muliar, Ralf Wolter, Barbara Rütting, Heidelinde Weis, Wolfgang Preiss, Maria Sebaldt - Dir. Joachim Hess Kriminalfilm 1973 88min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044920

Dinosaurier Action (Blu-ray) The Land That Time Forgot / Princess of Mars / 100 Million BC Abenteuer/Action 2008-2009 260min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044911

Dornröschen Karin Hardt, Angela von Leitner, Elfe Schneider, Gert Reinholm, Renée Stobrawa, Fritz Genschow - Dir. Fritz Genschow Trailer

Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1955 77min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045128

Dreiviertelmond Elmar Wepper, Mercan-Fatima Türköglu, Ivan Anderson, Katja Rupé, Marie Leuenberger, Özay Fecht, Bernd Regenauer, Stefan Kügel, Ercan Karacayli, Albert Kitzl, Andreas Leopold Schadt, Gabi Geist - Dir. Christian Zübert Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Komödie/Drama 2011 90min. Majestic Filmverleih 16.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045036

Dreiviertelmond (Blu-ray) Elmar Wepper, Mercan-Fatima Türköglu, Ivan Anderson, Katja Rupé, Marie Leuenberger, Özay Fecht, Bernd Regenauer, Stefan Kügel, Ercan Karacayli, Albert Kitzl, Andreas Leopold Schadt, Gabi Geist - Dir. Christian Zübert Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Komödie/Drama 2011 94min. Majestic Filmverleih 16.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045042

Der Duft der Frauen (Jahr100-Edition) Scent Of A Woman Al Pacino, Chris O’Donnell, James Rebhorn, Gabrielle Anwar, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Venture - Dir. Martin Brest


Komödie 1992 150min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044933

Der Duft der Frauen (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Scent Of A Woman Al Pacino, Chris O’Donnell, James Rebhorn, Gabrielle Anwar, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Venture - Dir. Martin Brest Komödie 1992 157min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044990

Durch die gelbe Hölle Destination Gobi Richard Widmark, Don Taylor, Max Showalter, Murvyn Vye, Darryl Hickman, Martin Milner, Ross Bagdasarian - Dir. Robert Wise Kriegsfilm 1953 86min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044852

Eins, Zwei, Drei (Berlin Edition) One, Two, Three James Cagney, Horst Buchholz, Liselotte Pulver, Arlene Francis, Ralf Wolter, Pamela Tiffin, Hanns Lothar, Karl Lieffen, Hubert von Meyerinck, Howard St. John, Friedrich Hollaender - Dir. Billy Wilder Komödie 1961 104min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045081

Elizabeth (Jahr100-Edition) Elizabeth Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, Lord Richard Attenborough, Fanny Ardant, Kathy Burke, Eric Cantona, James Frain, Vincent Cassel, Daniel Craig, Sir John Gielgud, Angus Deayton, Edward Hardwicke, Terence Rigby, Amanda Ryan, Kelly Macdonald, Emily Mortimer - Dir. Shekhar Kapur Historienfilm/Drama 1998 118min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044935

Elizabeth (Jahr100-Edition) (Bluray) Elizabeth Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, Lord Richard Attenborough, Fanny Ardant, Kathy Burke, Eric Cantona, James Frain, Vincent Cassel, Daniel Craig, Sir John Gielgud, Angus Deayton, Edward Hardwicke, Terence Rigby, Amanda Ryan, Kelly Macdonald, Emily Mortimer - Dir. Shekhar Kapur Historienfilm/Drama 1998 123min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044991

Der Engel mit den dunklen Flügeln The Vintner’s Luck Jérémie Renier, Gaspard Ulliel, Vera

Farmiga, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Patrice Valota, Vania Vilers, Eric Godon, Lizzie Brocheré - Dir. Niki Caro Drama 2009 121min. Capelight Pictures 16.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044866

Der Engel mit den dunklen Flügeln (Blu-ray) The Vintner’s Luck Jérémie Renier, Gaspard Ulliel, Vera Farmiga, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Patrice Valota, Vania Vilers, Eric Godon, Lizzie Brocheré - Dir. Niki Caro Drama 2009 126min. Capelight Pictures 16.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044885

Enthüllung (Blu-ray) Disclosure Michael Douglas, Demi Moore, Donald Sutherland, Caroline Goodall, Dylan Baker, Roma Maffia, Dennis Miller, Allan Rich, Nicholas Sadler, Rosemary Forsyth, Suzie Plakson, Jacqueline Kim, Joseph Urla - Dir. Barry Levinson Thriller 1994 min. Warner Home Video Germany 09.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044758

Eraserhead (OmU) Eraserhead Jack Nance, Charlotte Stewart, Allen Joseph, Jeanne Bates, Jack Fisk, Laurel Near, Jean Lange - Dir. David Lynch Featurette, Trailer

Horror/Thriller 1977 85min. Capelight Pictures 17.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045095

Eraserhead (OmU) (Blu-ray) Eraserhead Jack Nance, Charlotte Stewart, Allen Joseph, Jeanne Bates, Jack Fisk, Laurel Near, Jean Lange - Dir. David Lynch Featurette, Trailer

Horror/Thriller 1977 89min. Capelight Pictures 17.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045100

Die verborgene Festung - Hidden Fortress (Blu-ray) Kakushi Toride No San Akunin Jun Matsumoto, Daisuke Miyagawa, Kippei Shiina, Masami Nagasawa, Hiroshi Abe, Takaya Kamikawa, Arata Furuta, Kreva, Masahiro Komoto, Jun Kunimura, Pierre Taki, Masahiro Takashima, Peter Banks, Katsuhisa Namase, Manami Kurose - Dir. Shinji Higuchi Trailer

Abenteuer/Action 2008 118min. Musketier Media 24.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044887

Es war einmal ein Krieg Der Var Engang En Krig Ole Busck, Yvonne Ingdal, Kjeld Jacobsen, Astrid Villaume, Katja Miehe-Renard - Dir. Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt Drama 1966 89min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045066

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Eva küsst nur Direktoren Chariklia Baxevanos, Joachim Fuchsberger, Hannelore Bollmann, Margarete Haagen, Oskar Sima, Karl Lieffen, Erik Frey, Jane Tilden, Alma Seidler, Marianne Gerzner, Gretl Fröhlich - Dir. Rudolf Jugert Bildergalerie, Trailer

Komödie 1957 94min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045129

The Event (6 Discs) The Event Jason Ritter, Sarah Roemer, Ian Anthony Dale, Zeljko Ivanek, Blair Underwood, Laura Innes, Taylor Cole, Scott Patterson, Bill Smitrovich, Lisa Vidal, Clifton Collins Jr., Blue Deckert, Sean Carrigan, Roger Bart, Hal Holbrook, José Zúñiga, Heather McComb, Samuel Ball, Anna Clark, D.B. Sweeney, Ashleigh Sumner, Necar Zadegan, Scott Michael Campbell, Gonzalo Menendez, Alexandra Chun, Angel Desai, Virginia Madsen, Dondré T. Whitfield, Paula Malcomson, Clea DuVall, Ned Vaughn, John Prosky, Rick Peters, Deborah van Valkenburgh, Wynn Everett, Charles Halford, Kathleen Quinlan, Salvator Xuereb, Lee Thompson Young, Peter Murnik, Josh Randall, Gabrielle Carteris, Julia Campbell, Tony Todd, Geoffrey Blake, William Russ, Angela Gots, David Andriole, Michael Whaley, Chet Grissom, Omid Abtahi - Dir. Jeffrey Reiner, Norberto Barba, Milan Cheylov, Jonas Pate, Michael Waxman Science Fiction/Mystery 2010 892min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044934

Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box 7 (Collector’s Edition, 5 Discs)

Splendid Film 24.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044865

Feuer frei auf Frankie Joachim Fuchsberger, Erica Blanc, Rik Battaglia, Rosalba Neri, Karin Field, Walter Barnes, Luis de Tejada, Mariano Vidal Molina, Charles Fawcett, Eddi Arent - Dir. José Antonio de la Loma

Incendies Lubna Azabal, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Maxim Gaudette, Rémy Girard, Abdelghafour Elaaziz, Allen Altman, Mohamed Majd, Nabil Sawalha, Baya Belal Dir. Denis Villeneuve Drama 2010 133min. good!movies(Arsenal) 24.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044825

Fireproof Fireproof Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea, Ken Bevel, Stephen Dervan, Jason McLeod, Alex Kendrick - Dir. Alex Kendrick Trailer, Bildergalerie

Drama 2008 117min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044895

Fireproof (Blu-ray) Fireproof Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea, Ken Bevel, Stephen Dervan, Jason McLeod, Alex Kendrick - Dir. Alex Kendrick Trailer, Bildergalerie

Drama 2008 122min. dtp entertainment AG 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044905

The Firm - Das Original The Firm Gary Oldman, Lesley Manville, Philip Davis, Andrew Wilde, Charles Lawson, William Vanderpuye, Jay Simpson - Dir. Alan Clarke Drama 1988 67min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045192

Mind Body And Soul Ginger Lynn Allen, Wings Hauser, Jay Richardson, Tami Bakke, Michael McMillen Dir. Rick Sloane

Far Cry (Blu-ray 3D, Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Far Cry Til Schweiger, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Natalia Avelon, Udo Kier, Chris Coppola, Ralf Moeller, Craig Fairbrass, Michael Paré, Don S. Davis, Suzanne Ristic, Jay Brazeau Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes

Action/Abenteuer 2008 94min.


Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1954 77min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045127

Die Frau, die singt (OmU)

Fallen Idol - Kleines Herz in Not

Thriller 1948 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044784


Thriller 1967 99min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044780

Flesh of the Living Dead


Renée Stobrawa, Rita Nowotny, Erika Petrick, Werner Stock, Rudi Geske, Eberhard Fechner - Dir. Fritz Genschow


Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jürgen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Products) 27.01.2012 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044893

The Fallen Idol Sir Ralph Richardson, Michèle Morgan, Bobby Henrey, Sonja Dresdel, Denis O’Dea, Walter Fitzgerald, Karel Stepanek - Dir. Sir Carol Reed

Frau Holle

The Wickeds Justin Alvarez, Anna Bridgforth, Danny Darder, Gabrielle Dennis, Bryan Donoghue, Ron Jeremy - Dir. John Poague Trailer

Horror 2005 86min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 10.02.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044876

Der Folterkeller des Satans (k.J.)

Trailer, Bildergalerie

Horror 1991 93min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 02.01.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044818

For Colored Girls - Die Tränen des Regenbogens For Colored Girls Kimberly Elise, Janet Jackson, Loretta Devine, Thandie Newton, Anika Noni Rose, Kerry Washington, Tessa Thompson, Phylicia Rashad, Whoopi Goldberg - Dir. Tyler Perry Drama 2010 129min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045009

Fred Vargas: Bei Einbruch der Nacht L’ Homme A L’Envers Jean-Hugues Anglade, Hélène Fillières, Tobias Moretti, Jacques Spiesser, Maurice Garrel, Charles Henri Anagonou, Corinne Masiero, Christine Murillo, Alain Fromager Dir. Josée Dayan Kriminalfilm 2009 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045044

Fred Vargas: Der vierzehnte Stein Sous Les Vents De Neptune Jean-Hugues Anglade, Jacques Spiesser, Hélène Fillières, Jeanne Moreau, Myriam Boyer, Corinne Masiero, Sandra Speichert (Noëlla), Rémy Girard, Bernard Freyd, Eric Cabana, Patrick Drolet (Inspecteur Noël), Nicolas Canuel, Alexander Bisping, LucMartial Dagenais, Fanny Mallette, Germain Houde, Alex Ivanovici, Pierre Lebeau - Dir. Josée Dayan Kriminalfilm 2009 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045045

Fred Vargas: Es geht noch ein Zug von der Gare du Nord L’ Homme Aux Cercles Bleus Jean-Hugues Anglade, Hélène Fillières, Jacques Spiesser, Charlotte Rampling, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Stanislas Merhar, Corinne Masiero, Didier Terron - Dir. Josée Dayan Kriminalfilm 2009 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045043

Freeway Killer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Freeway Killer Scott Anthony Leet, Michael Rooker, Dusty Sorg, Tyler Neitzel, Thomas Curtis, Cole Williams - Dir. John Murlowski Trailer, Bildergalerie

Thriller/Horror 2009 85min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044907

Freeway Killer (k.J.)

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Freeway Killer Scott Anthony Leet, Michael Rooker, Dusty Sorg, Tyler Neitzel, Thomas Curtis, Cole Williams - Dir. John Murlowski Trailer, Bildergalerie

Thriller/Horror 2009 81min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044897

Fuzzy - Der Held des Westens Oath Of Vengeance Buster Crabbe, Al St. John - Dir. Sam Newfield Trailer, Fotoshow

Western 1944 65min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Filmpalast) 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044789

Fuzzy - Tal der Vergeltung Fugitive Of The Plains Al St. John, Buster Crabbe - Dir. Sam Newfield Trailer, Fotoshow

Western 1943 65min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Filmpalast) 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044794

Game of Thrones - Die komplette erste Staffel (5 Discs) Game Of Thrones Sean Bean, Mark Addy, Nikolaj CosterWaldau, Michelle Fairley, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Iain Glen, Harry Lloyd, Kit Harington, Sophie Turner IV, Maisie Williams - Dir. Timothy Van Patten, Brian Kirk, Daniel Minahan, Alan Taylor Fantasy/Drama 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044747

Game of Thrones - Die komplette erste Staffel (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Game Of Thrones Sean Bean, Mark Addy, Nikolaj CosterWaldau, Michelle Fairley, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Iain Glen, Harry Lloyd, Kit Harington, Sophie Turner IV, Maisie Williams - Dir. Timothy Van Patten, Brian Kirk, Daniel Minahan, Alan Taylor Fantasy/Drama 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044760

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044928

Der ganz normale Wahnsinn (Bluray) I Don’t Know How She Does It Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Christina Hendricks, Kelsey Grammer, Seth Meyers, Olivia Munn, Jane Curtin, Busy Philipps, Sarah Shahi, Mark Blum, Jessica Szohr, Emma Rayne Lyle, Julius Goldberg, Theodore Goldberg, James Murtaugh - Dir. Douglas McGrath Komödie 2011 89min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044972

Geboren am 4. Juli (Jahr100-Edition) Born On The Fourth Of July Tom Cruise, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Kava, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Larkin, Frank Whaley, Tom Berenger, Stephen Baldwin, Oliver Stone, John Getz, Jamie Talisman, Sean Stone, Seth Allen, Josh Evans, Anne Bobby, Jenna von Oy, Samantha Larkin, Kevin Harvey Morse - Dir. Oliver Stone Drama/Kriegsfilm 1989 138min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044937

Geboren am 4. Juli (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Born On The Fourth Of July Tom Cruise, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Kava, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Larkin, Frank Whaley, Tom Berenger, Stephen Baldwin, Oliver Stone, John Getz, Jamie Talisman, Sean Stone, Seth Allen, Josh Evans, Anne Bobby, Jenna von Oy, Samantha Larkin, Kevin Harvey Morse - Dir. Oliver Stone Drama/Kriegsfilm 1989 144min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044992

Die geheimnisvolle Insel Mysterious Island Dir. Mark Sheppard Wendecover

Die Gänsemagd Rita Nowotny, Fritz Genschow, Renée Stobrawa, Renate Fischer-Fuller, Günter Hertel, Alexander Welbat, Wolfgang Draeger - Dir. Fritz Genschow Trailer

Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1957 74min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045125

Der ganz normale Wahnsinn I Don’t Know How She Does It Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Christina Hendricks, Kelsey Grammer, Seth Meyers, Olivia Munn, Jane Curtin, Busy Philipps, Sarah Shahi, Mark Blum, Jessica Szohr, Emma Rayne Lyle, Julius Goldberg, Theodore Goldberg, James Murtaugh - Dir. Douglas McGrath Komödie 2011 85min.


Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2010 91min. MIG Film 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045164

Die geheimnisvolle Insel (Blu-ray) Mysterious Island Dir. Mark Sheppard

Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurette, Behind the Scenes

Komödie 2011 82min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045093

Glee on Tour - Der Film (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, + DVD inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith, Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Chord Overstreet, Heather Morris, Kevin McHale, Amber Riley, Naya Rivera, Mark Salling, Jenna Ushkowitz, Harry Shum jr., Ashley Fink - Dir. Kevin Tancharoen Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurette, Behind the Scenes

Komödie 2011 85min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 30.03.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045099

Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Hunchback Of Notre Dame Lon Chaney, Patsy Ruth Miller, Ernest Torrence, Norman Kerry, Nigel de Brulier, Brandon Hurst, Tully Marshall - Dir. Wallace Worsley Drama 1923 117min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044901

Good Bye, Lenin! (Berlin Edition) Daniel Brühl, Katrin Saß, Chulpan Khamatova, Maria Simon, Florian Lukas, Alexander Beyer, Burghart Klaußner, Franziska Troegner, Michael Gwisdek - Dir. Wolfgang Becker Komödie 2003 116min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045082

The Good Wife - Season 2.1 (3 Discs) The Good Wife Drama/Komödie 2011 500min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045028

The Good Wife - Season 2.2 (3 Discs) The Good Wife Drama/Komödie 2011 501min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045029

Gossip Girl - Die komplette vierte Staffel

Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2010 91min. MIG Film 08.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045187

Gossip Girl Komödie/Drama 2010-2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 16.03.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044750

Glee on Tour - Der Film

Der Gott des Gemetzels

Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith, Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Chord Overstreet, Heather Morris, Kevin McHale, Amber Riley, Naya Rivera, Mark Salling, Jenna Ushkowitz, Harry Shum jr., Ashley Fink - Dir. Kevin Tancharoen

Carnage Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz, John C. Reilly - Dir. Roman Polanski Komödie/Drama 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045190


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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Der Gott des Gemetzels (Blu-ray) Carnage Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz, John C. Reilly - Dir. Roman Polanski Komödie/Drama 2011 min. Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045199

Grabgeflüster - Liebe versetzt Särge Plots With A View Brenda Blethyn, Lee Evans, Alfred Molina, Naomi Watts, Ena Cohen, Howell Evans, Maggs Harries, Beverly Hotsprings, Dafydd Hywel, Padrig Owen Jones, Robert Pugh, Christopher Walken, Miriam Margolyes - Dir. Nick Hurran Biografien, Interviews, Trailer, Impressionen von Wales, „Tanz den Foxtrott“

Komödie 2002 93min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044814

Grey’s Anatomy: Die jungen Ärzte - Die komplette 7. Staffel (6 Discs) Grey’s Anatomy Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson, James Pickens Jr., Jessica Capshaw, Kevin McKidd (Dr. Owen Hunt, Chyler Leigh, Eric Dane, Sara Ramirez, Patrick Dempsey - Dir. Rob Corn, Tom Verica, Edward Ornelas, Tony Phelan, Chandra Wilson, Debbie Allen, Steve Robin Drama 2010-2011 min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ABC Studios) 12.04.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045006

Die große Illusion (Blu-ray) La Grande Illusion Erich von Stroheim, Jean Gabin, Pierre Fresnay, Julien Carette, Marcel Dalio, Dita Parlo - Dir. Jean Renoir

Stanislav Ledinek, Friedrich Joloff - Dir. Georg Tressler Drama 1956 93min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045083

Hand aufs Herz, Folgen 121-150 (3 Discs) Vanessa Jung, Andreas Jancke, Oliver Petszokat, Caroline Maria Frier, Christopher Kohn, Verena Mundhenke, Sebastian Hölz, Marie Schneider, Franziska Traub, Selina Müller, Rocco Stark, Sonja Bertram, Franciska Friede, Dennis Schigiol, Kasia Borek, Amelie Plaas-Link, Barbara Sotelsek, Ulrich Drewes - Dir. Kai Meyer-Ricks Drama 660min. Black Hill Pictures 03.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044773

Harus Reise (OmU) Haru Tono Tabi Tatsuya Nakadai, Eri Tokunaga, Hideji Otaki, Kin Sugai, Yuko Tanaka, Chikage Awashima, Akira Emoto, Jun Miho, Teruyuki Kagawa, Naho Toda, Kaoru Kobayashi Dir. Masahiro Kobayashi Wendecover, Making of, Trailer

Drama 2010 129min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045056

Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (Berlin Edition) Heinz Rühmann, Hannelore Schroth, Martin Held, Erich Schellow, Willy A. Kleinau, Leonard Steckel, Walter Giller, Otto Wernicke, Wolfgang Neuss, Ilse Fürstenberg Dir. Helmut Käutner Dokumentation, Trailer

Komödie/Drama 1956 89min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045084

Intro, Kurzfilm, Interviews, Trailer, Booklet

Drama 1937 113min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044786

Der große Japaner - Dainipponjin Dai-Nipponjin Hitoshi Matsumoto, Riki Takeuchi, Ua, Ryunosuke Kamiki, Haruka Unabara, Itsuji Itao - Dir. Hitoshi Matsumoto Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Kinotrailer

Komödie/Fantasy 2007 105min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044969

The Guardians (k.J.) Guardians Shannon Watson, Hemi Marcum, Sally Huynh, Nick Driessen, Bryce Lord, Chris Bell IX, Ben Budd, Tylan Canady - Dir. Drew Maxwell Trailer

Horror/Action 2009 105min. KNM Home Entertainment(Apollon Films) 16.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045050

Die Halbstarken (Berlin Edition) Horst Buchholz, Karin Baal, Christian Doermer, Jo Herbst, Viktoria von Ballasko,


Haus der dunklen Seelen Seven Below Val Kilmer, Ving Rhames, Luke Goss, Bonnie Somerville, Matt Barr, Christian Baha, Brianna Lee Johnson, Rebecca Da Costa, Silvio Wolf Busch, Kaleigh Howland, Kylie Pfingsten, Corey Reilly - Dir. Kevin Carraway Trailer

Horror 2011 92min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 20.04.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045058

Haus der dunklen Seelen (Bluray) Seven Below Val Kilmer, Ving Rhames, Luke Goss, Bonnie Somerville, Matt Barr, Christian Baha, Brianna Lee Johnson, Rebecca Da Costa, Silvio Wolf Busch, Kaleigh Howland, Kylie Pfingsten, Corey Reilly - Dir. Kevin Carraway Trailer

Horror 2011 96min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 20.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045075

Helicops - Einsatz über Berlin: Die komplette erste Staffel inkl. Pilotfilm (4 Discs) Christoph M. Ohrt, Doreen Jacobi, Matthias Matz, Peter Simonischek - Dir. Peter Ristau, Thomas Jacob, Peter Claridge, Norbert Skrovanek Action 1998 740min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 27.01.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044770

The Help The Help Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Ahna O’Reilly, Allison Janney, Sissy Spacek, Chris Lowell, Mike Vogel, Aunjanue Ellis, Cicely Tyson, Anna Camp, Mary Steenburgen - Dir. Tate Taylor Drama 2011 140min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045008

The Help (Blu-ray) The Help Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Ahna O’Reilly, Allison Janney, Sissy Spacek, Chris Lowell, Mike Vogel, Aunjanue Ellis, Cicely Tyson, Anna Camp, Mary Steenburgen - Dir. Tate Taylor Drama 2011 146min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045022

Herbstgefühle (OmU) 80 Egunean Itziar Aizpuru, Mariasun Pagoaga, Jose Ramon Argoitia, Zorion Egileor, Ana Gabarain, Patricia López, María Josefa Etxabe, Luisa María Ariztondo - Dir. Jon Garaño, José María Goenaga Kurzfilme „Hoy Maya“ und „Im Fluss“, Trailer

Drama 2010 106min. Salzgeber & Co. Medien 25.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045158

High Chaparral - 4. Staffel (5 Discs) The High Chaparral Trailer

Western 1970-1971 872min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 16.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044777

Der Himmel über Berlin (Berlin Edition) Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Solveig Dommartin, Peter Falk, Curt Bois, Hans-Martin Stier, Elmar Wilms, Sigurd Rachman, Beatrice Manowski, Lajos Kovács - Dir. Goldene Palme, Europäischer Filmpreis, Bayerischer Filmpreis. Quelle Studiocanal Audiokommentare

Drama/Fantasy 1987 122min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045085

Das Hirtenlied vom Kaisertal Hannelore Bollmann, Erich Auer, Franziska

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Kinz, Willy Rösner, Paul Esser, Franz Fröhlich, Michael Ande, Franz Muxeneder, Brigitte Antonius, Elfie Beer, Ralph Boddenhauser, Walter Regelsberger, Raoul Retzer - Dir. Max Michel Bildergalerie, Trailer

Drama/Heimatfilm 1956 82min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045132

Homies - Greif nach den Sternen Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Sabrina Wilstermann, Ismail Deniz, Ali Murtaza, Selina Müller, Günther Kaufmann, Detlef „D!“ Soost, Tai Jason, Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Teresa Stockem, Leonard Hohm, Eren Duy, Lucas Senzel, Moritz Pliquet, Alexander Bettendorff, Torben Föllmer, Kathrin-Marén Enders, Zulfiqar Ali Chaudhry, Adnan G. Köse - Dir. Adnan G. Köse Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover

Drama/Musikfilm 2010 91min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045092

Homies - Greif nach den Sternen (Blu-ray) Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Sabrina Wilstermann, Ismail Deniz, Ali Murtaza, Selina Müller, Günther Kaufmann, Detlef „D!“ Soost, Tai Jason, Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Teresa Stockem, Leonard Hohm, Eren Duy, Lucas Senzel, Moritz Pliquet, Alexander Bettendorff, Torben Föllmer, Kathrin-Marén Enders, Zulfiqar Ali Chaudhry, Adnan G. Köse - Dir. Adnan G. Köse Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover

Drama/Musikfilm 2010 95min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045098

Hostel 3 (Geänderte Fassung) (k.J.) Hostel: Part III Thomas Kretschmann, Kip Pardue, Brian Hallisay, John Hensley, Gordon Michaels, Barry Livingston, Sarah Habel, Danny Jacobs - Dir. Scott Spiegel Thriller/Horror 2011 79min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045170

How to Seduce Difficult Women How To Seduce Difficult Women Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Stephanie Szostak, Rachel Roberts - Dir. Richard Temtchine

13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044906

I Want to Get Married (OmU) I Want To Get Married Matthew Montgomery, Ashleigh Sumner, Emrhys Cooper, Jane Wiedlin, Lisa Franks, Patrick M.J. Finerty, Peter Stickles, Jessica Gardner, Kristian Steel, Matthew Martin, William Clift, Ward Edmondson, Elizabeth Clift, Vincent De Paul, Jodi Carol Harrison, Ethan Karson, Dylan Vox, Brad Bell, Curt Bonnem, Gregory Guy Gorden - Dir. William Clift Komödie/Lovestory 2011 108min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045153

iCarly: iCarly im All Icarly Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Nathan Kress, Jerry Trainor Komödie/Familie 142min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045020

Ice - Wenn die Welt erfriert Ice Richard Roxburgh - Dir. Nick Copus Thriller/Science Fiction 2011 175min. Concorde Home Entertainment 06.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045096

I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK Saibogujiman Kwenchana Lim Su-jeong, Rain, Lee Yong-nyeo, Oh Dal-su, You Ho-Jeong - Dir. Park Chanwook Making-Of, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Berlinale-Special, Trailer

Drama/Komödie 2006 103min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044965

Im Geheimdienst Cloak And Dagger Gary Cooper, Lilli Palmer, Robert Alda, Vladimir Sokoloff, J. Edward Bromberg, Marjorie Hoshelle, Ludwig Stössel, Helene Thimig, Dan Seymour, Marc Lawrence - Dir. Fritz Lang Wendecover

Thriller 1946 97min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044778

Im Namen Gottes: stirb!

Komödie 2009 90min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044896

Fate Michael Paré, Lee Majors, Philip Michael Thomas, Tamie Sheffield, Ace Cruz, Angelique Mechel, Jermaine Jackson, Dwayne Boyd - Dir. Ace Cruz Thriller/Drama 2003 94min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044871

How to Seduce Difficult Women (Blu-ray)

Im Westen nichts Neues (Collector’s Edition) (Blu-ray)

How To Seduce Difficult Women Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Stephanie Szostak, Rachel Roberts - Dir. Richard Temtchine

All Quiet On The Western Front Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, Slim Summerville, Arnold Lucy, Russell Gleason, Raymond Griffith, Ben Alexander, Beryl Mercer, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. Lewis Milestone

Trailer, Bildergalerie

Trailer, Bildergalerie

Komödie 2009 94min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012


Intro, Trailer, Featurettes, Booklet

Kriegsfilm 1930 133min.

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044843

Inglourious Basterds (Jahr100Edition) Inglourious Basterds Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth, Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger, Daniel Brühl, Til Schweiger, Gedeon Burkhard, Jacky Ido, B.J. Novak, Omar Doom, August Diehl, Sylvester Groth, Martin Wuttke, Mike Myers, Julie Dreyfus, Samm Levine, Paul Rust, Michael Bacall, Christian Berkel, Jana Pallaske - Dir. Quentin Tarantino Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 148min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044938

Inglourious Basterds (Jahr100Edition) (Blu-ray) Inglourious Basterds Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth, Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger, Daniel Brühl, Til Schweiger, Gedeon Burkhard, Jacky Ido, B.J. Novak, Omar Doom, August Diehl, Sylvester Groth, Martin Wuttke, Mike Myers, Julie Dreyfus, Samm Levine, Paul Rust, Michael Bacall, Christian Berkel, Jana Pallaske - Dir. Quentin Tarantino Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 154min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044993

Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 14 (4 Discs) Midsomer Murders John Nettles Fotogalerie

Kriminalfilm 1999-2010 389min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 20.01.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044771

Invisible Target (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Nan Er Ben Se Nicholas Tse, Jaycee Chan, Shawn Yue, Jacky Wu, Lisa Lu, Andy On - Dir. Benny Chan Making of, Featurettes

Action/Thriller 2007 131min. Splendid Film(Amazia Premium) 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044888

Jackie Brown (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Jackie Brown Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Forster, Bridget Fonda, Michael Keaton, Robert De Niro, Michael Bowen, Chris Tucker, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., Hattie Winston, Aimee Graham Dir. Quentin Tarantino Postkarten, Featurettes, Interview, Bildergalerien, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Trivia Track, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover

Thriller 1997 154min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Miramax) 02.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044765

JAG: Im Auftrag der Ehre -

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Season 10, Vol. 1 (3 Discs) JAG David James Elliott, Catherine Bell, Patrick Labyorteaux, Chuck Carrington, John M. Jackson, Zoe McLellan, Karri Turner, Randy Vasquez, Trevor Goddard, Scott Lawrence, Steven Culp, Nanci Chambers, Paul Collins, Michael Bellisario, Cindy Ambuehl, Harrison Page, Tracey Needham, Jennifer Savidge, Isabella Hofmann, Anne Marie Johnson, Hallee Hirsh, David Andrews, Rif Hutton, John D’Aquino, Dean Stockwell, Terry O’Quinn, Jade Carter, Jake Milkovich, Andrea Thompson, Sibel Ergener, Jeff MacKay, Susan Haskell, Mae Whitman, Corbin Bernsen, John Walcutt, Cynthia Sikes, Tamlyn Tomita, Trisha Yearwood, Peter Murnik, Larry Poindexter, Scott Paulin, John Roselius, Rex Linn, Glenn Morshower, Bernard White, Claudette Nevins, Francesco Quinn, Gary Graham, Sean Murray, A. J. Tannen, Richard McGonagle, Bill Bolender, Daphne Ashbrook, Dan Lauria, Laura Putney, Shashawnee Hall, Cliff De Young, Ned Vaughn - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario, Joe Napolitano, Doug Lefler, Les Landau, Duwayne Dunham, Jim Johnston, John McPherson, Thomas Del Ruth, Michael Zinberg, Ray Austin, Greg Beeman, Jerry Jameson, Tony Wharmby, Alan J. Levi, Michael Schultz, Paul Schneider, Winrich Kolbe, Scott Brazil Action/Kriminalfilm 1995-2005 335min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045025

JAG: Im Auftrag der Ehre Season 10, Vol. 2 (2 Discs) JAG David James Elliott, Catherine Bell, Patrick Labyorteaux, Chuck Carrington, John M. Jackson, Zoe McLellan, Karri Turner, Randy Vasquez, Trevor Goddard, Scott Lawrence, Steven Culp, Nanci Chambers, Paul Collins, Michael Bellisario, Cindy Ambuehl, Harrison Page, Tracey Needham, Jennifer Savidge, Isabella Hofmann, Anne Marie Johnson, Hallee Hirsh, David Andrews, Rif Hutton, John D’Aquino, Dean Stockwell, Terry O’Quinn, Jade Carter, Jake Milkovich, Andrea Thompson, Sibel Ergener, Jeff MacKay, Susan Haskell, Mae Whitman, Corbin Bernsen, John Walcutt, Cynthia Sikes, Tamlyn Tomita, Trisha Yearwood, Peter Murnik, Larry Poindexter, Scott Paulin, John Roselius, Rex Linn, Glenn Morshower, Bernard White, Claudette Nevins, Francesco Quinn, Gary Graham, Sean Murray, A. J. Tannen, Richard McGonagle, Bill Bolender, Daphne Ashbrook, Dan Lauria, Laura Putney, Shashawnee Hall, Cliff De Young, Ned Vaughn - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario, Joe Napolitano, Doug Lefler, Les Landau, Duwayne Dunham, Jim Johnston, John McPherson, Thomas Del Ruth, Michael Zinberg, Ray Austin, Greg Beeman, Jerry Jameson, Tony Wharmby, Alan J. Levi, Michael Schultz, Paul Schneider, Winrich Kolbe, Scott Brazil Action/Kriminalfilm 1995-2005 min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045026


Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern (+ DVD) (Blu-ray) Martin Sperr, Angela Winkler, Else Quecke, Michael Strixner, Maria Stadler, Gunja Seiser, Johann Brunner, Hanna Schygulla Dir. Peter Fleischmann Interview, Booklet, Trailer

Drama/Kriminalfilm 1969 85min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(KinoKontrovers) 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044848

Jenseits von Afrika (Jahr100-Edition) Out Of Africa Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Michael Kitchen, Malick Bowens, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Bugara, Joseph Thiaka, Michael Gough - Dir. Sydney Pollack Abenteuer/Drama 1985 154min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044939

Jenseits von Afrika (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Out Of Africa Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Michael Kitchen, Malick Bowens, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Bugara, Joseph Thiaka, Michael Gough - Dir. Sydney Pollack Abenteuer/Drama 1985 161min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 14.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044970

Jurassic Park - Trilogy (Limited Edition, 3 Discs, + 3 Digital Copies, + Dino) (Blu-ray) Jurassic Park Trilogy Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore - Dir. Steven Spielberg, Joe Johnston Abenteuer/Fantasy 1993-2001 346min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.01.2012 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044904

Der kalte Himmel Senta Dorothea Kirschner - Dir. Johannes Fabrick Drama 2010 178min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044859

Kein Fall für FBI - Vol. 2 (4 Discs) The Detectives Robert Taylor, Mark Goddard, Tige Andrews, Russell Thorson, Lee Farr - Dir. Ted Post, Don Medford, Joseph H. Lewis Kriminalfilm 1959-1962 730min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.03.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045133

Kesslers Knigge - Die komplette Serie (2 Discs) Michael Kessler, Christine Sommer - Dir. Joseph Orr Best of, 2x Best of „Switch Reloaded“

Komödie 2009 230min. Turbine Medien 03.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044922

Kill Massacre (k.J.) Alive Or Dead Ann Henson, Angelica May, Gretchen Busenitz, Thomas Crnkovich, Diego De Vargas, L. Flint Esquerra, Masao Kitamura Dir. Stephen Goetsch Thriller/Horror 2008 80min. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) 10.02.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044875

Kill the Boss Horrible Bosses Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Colin Farrell, Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland, Jamie Foxx, Julie Bowen, P.J. Byrne, Steve Wiebe, Lindsay Sloane, Michael Albala, Meghan Markle, Celia Finkenstein, John Francis Daley, Scott Rosendall, Dave Sheridan, Ioan Gruffudd, Isaiah Mustafa, Wendell Pierce, Bob Newhart, Seth Gordon - Dir. Seth Gordon Deleted Scenes

Komödie 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 94min. Warner Home Video Germany 05.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044850

King Kong (Extended Version, Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) King Kong Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody, Jack Black, Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Andy Serkis, Jamie Bell, Evan Dexter Parke, Lobo Chan, Kyle Chandler, John Sumner, Craig Hall - Dir. Peter Jackson Abenteuer/Fantasy 2005 200min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044994

King Kong (Limited Edition, 2 DVDs, Jahr100-Edition) King Kong Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody, Jack Black, Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Andy Serkis, Jamie Bell, Evan Dexter Parke, Lobo Chan, Kyle Chandler, John Sumner, Craig Hall - Dir. Peter Jackson Abenteuer/Fantasy 2005 180min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044940

Knight Rider - Season 1 Knight Rider David Hasselhoff, Edward Mulhare, Patricia McPherson, Rebecca Holden, Peter Parros, Pamela Susan Shoop, Shawn Southwick, Ann Turkel, Jack Gill, Brian Cutler - Dir. Daniel Haller, Paul Stanley Audiokommentare, Featurettes

Action 1982-1986 1160min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045119

Knight Rider - Season 2 (6 DVDs) Knight Rider David Hasselhoff, Edward Mulhare, Patricia McPherson, Rebecca Holden, Peter Parros, Pamela Susan Shoop, Shawn Southwick, Ann Turkel, Jack Gill, Brian Cutler - Dir.

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Daniel Haller, Paul Stanley

Tan’e McClure, Monique Parent, Steven Tietsort, Robert Arron, Richard Conti, Bill Trillo, James E. Martin, Gary Dean Orona Dir. Gary Dean Orona Erotik 1995 95min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044870

Pniewski, Monica Acosta, Dean J. West, Katia Gomez, Geraldine Singer - Dir. Matthew Chapman

Pinselheinrich David Hasselhoff, Edward Mulhare, Patricia McPherson, Rebecca Holden, Peter Parros, Pamela Susan Shoop, Shawn Southwick, Ann Turkel, Jack Gill, Brian Cutler - Dir. Daniel Haller, Paul Stanley Action 1982-1986 990min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045122

Lady Blood (Blu-ray) (k.J.)

Leitfaden für Seitensprünge

Lady Blood Emmanuelle Escourrou, Philippe Nahon, Serge Riaboukine, Shirley Bosquet, Luc Shiltz, Richard Sammel, Abel Jafry - Dir. Jean-Marc Vincent

A Guide For The Married Man Walter Matthau, Robert Morse, Inger Stevens, Sue Anne Langdon, Jackie Russell, Claire Kelly, Linda Harrison, Jason Wingreen - Dir. Gene Kelly Komödie 1967 85min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044853

Knight Rider - Season 4 (6 DVDs)

Lady Blood (k.J.)

Knight Rider David Hasselhoff, Edward Mulhare, Patricia McPherson, Rebecca Holden, Peter Parros, Pamela Susan Shoop, Shawn Southwick, Ann Turkel, Jack Gill, Brian Cutler - Dir. Daniel Haller, Paul Stanley Action 1982-1986 990min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045124

Lady Blood Emmanuelle Escourrou, Philippe Nahon, Serge Riaboukine, Shirley Bosquet, Luc Shiltz, Richard Sammel, Abel Jafry - Dir. Jean-Marc Vincent

König Salomons Schatz

Lassie Dir. William Beaudine, William Beaudine jr. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1954-1974 100min. KNM Home Entertainment(Spirit Media) 16.02.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045049


Action 1982-1986 1114min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045120

Knight Rider - Season 3 (6 DVDs)

King Solomon’s Treasure John Colicos, David McCallum, Patrick Macnee, Britt Ekland, John Quentin, Yvon Dufour - Dir. Alvin Rakoff Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1978 87min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044900

Königreich der Gladiatoren Kingdom Of Gladiators Leroy Kincaid, Annie Social, Matt Polinsky, Maurizio Corigliano, Sharon Fryer, Suzi Lorraine, Bryan Murphy - Dir. Stefano Milla Abenteuer/Action 2011 81min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044831

Königreich der Gladiatoren (Bluray) Kingdom Of Gladiators Leroy Kincaid, Annie Social, Matt Polinsky, Maurizio Corigliano, Sharon Fryer, Suzi Lorraine, Bryan Murphy - Dir. Stefano Milla Abenteuer/Action 2011 84min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044849

Die Kreuzritter 2 - Soldaten Gottes (Blu-ray) Soldier Of God Tim Abell, William Mendieta, Mapi Galán, Nicholas Kadi, Scott Cleverdon, Michael Desante, Morgan Sheppard, Patrick Bauchau, Antonio Moncada - Dir. William David Hogan Wendecover

Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2005 94min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044861

Der Kuss des Raben (k.J.) The Raven’s Kiss


Trailer, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Wendecover

Horror 2008 83min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044860

Trailer, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Wendecover

Horror 2008 80min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044851

Lassies neue Freunde

Last Warrior - Der Kämpfer einer verlorenen Welt (k.J.) Il Guerriero Del Mondo Perduto Robert Ginty, Persis Khambatta, Donald Pleasence, Harrison Muller, Fred Williamson - Dir. David Worth Action 1983 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(Imperial Pictures) 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045065

Laurel & Hardy - Slapstick Collection Vol. 1 Komödie 1917-1932 100min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(aberlemedia) 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044791

The Ledge - Am Abgrund The Ledge Patrick Wilson, Charlie Hunnam, Liv Tyler, Christopher Gorham, Terrence Howard, Jaqueline Fleming, Jillian Batherson, Mike Pniewski, Monica Acosta, Dean J. West, Katia Gomez, Geraldine Singer - Dir. Matthew Chapman Interviews, Trailer

Thriller/Drama 2011 112min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 20.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045011

The Ledge - Am Abgrund (Bluray) The Ledge Patrick Wilson, Charlie Hunnam, Liv Tyler, Christopher Gorham, Terrence Howard, Jaqueline Fleming, Jillian Batherson, Mike

Interviews, Trailer

Thriller/Drama 2011 116min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 20.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045024

Der Letzte der harten Männer (k.J.) The Last Hard Men Charlton Heston, James Coburn, Barbara Hershey, Jorge Rivero, Christopher Mitchum, Michael Parks, Larry Wilcox, Morgan Paull, Thalmus Rasulala, Robert Donner, John Quade - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Englischer Trailer

Western 1976 93min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044854

Der letzte Lovecraft The Last Lovecraft: Relic Of Cthulhu Kyle Davis, Devin McGinn, Sujata Day, Richard Riehle, Oren Skoog, Honor Bliss, Martin Starr, Alexi Wasser, Ethan Wilde, Todd Duffey, Marty Fortney, Edmund Lupinski - Dir. Henry Saine Komödie/Horror 2009 80min. MIG Film 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045141

Der letzte Lovecraft (Blu-ray) The Last Lovecraft: Relic Of Cthulhu Kyle Davis, Devin McGinn, Sujata Day, Richard Riehle, Oren Skoog, Honor Bliss, Martin Starr, Alexi Wasser, Ethan Wilde, Todd Duffey, Marty Fortney, Edmund Lupinski - Dir. Henry Saine Komödie/Horror 2009 83min. MIG Film 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045179

Liebe braucht keine Ferien (Jahr100-Edition) Holiday Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Jude Law, Eli Wallach, Edward Burns, Rufus Sewell, Emma Pritchard, Miffy Englefield - Dir. Nancy Meyers Komödie 2006 130min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044942

Liebe braucht keine Ferien (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Holiday Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Jude Law, Eli Wallach, Edward Burns, Rufus Sewell, Emma Pritchard, Miffy Englefield - Dir. Nancy Meyers Komödie 2006 136min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal)

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044995

Liebe in der Stadt Amore In Città Dir. Francesco Maselli, Cesare Zavattini, Dino Risi, Federico Fellini, Alberto Lattuada, Michelangelo Antonioni, Carlo Lizzani Wendecover

Drama 1953 105min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044779

Liebeserklärung an Berlin (3 Discs) Liebeserklärung an Berlin / Claire Berolina / Du und icke in Berlin / Hallo, du altes Spreeathen! / Trailer, Dokumentation

Drama/Komödie 1967-1986 436min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045121

Life Surf: One Life. One Decision. Cutback Cutback Justin Schwan - Dir. Lance Bachelder, Johnny Remo Wendecover

Drama 2010 87min. Evolution Entertainment AG(Evolution) 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044956

Henry Rollins, Gene Ross, Scott Coffey, Gary Busey, Lisa Boyle, John Roselius, Lou Eppolito, Lucy Butler - Dir. David Lynch Making of, Interview, Trailer

Thriller 1996 135min. Concorde Home Entertainment 16.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045037


Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 886min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045106

LoveStorming (Blu-ray)

Magnum - Season 2 (6 DVDs)

No Controles Unax Ugalde, Alexandra Jiménez, Julián López, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Secun de la Rosa, Mariam Hernández, Marivi Bilbao, Ramón Barea, Alfredo Silva III - Dir. Borja Cobeaga Komödie/Lovestory 2010 99min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 22.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045176

Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 1018min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045107

Luther - Staffel 1 (2 Discs)

Inka Groetschel, Ilona Schulz, Dieter Landuris, Rainer Strecker, Claus-Peter Damitz, Thomas Ahrens, Dietrich Lehmann, Christiane Reiff, Else Nabu - Dir. Reinhard Hauff Interview, Bildergalerie, Presseheft und Biografien als PDF


Komödie/Musical 1987 95min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045086

Kriminalfilm 2010 300min. polyband Medien GmbH 27.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045034

The Living and the Dead (Uncut Version) (k.J.) The Living And The Dead Roger Lloyd Pack, Leo Bill, Kate Fatry, Sarah Ball - Dir. Simon Rumley Trailer, Slideshow

Horror/Drama 2006 80min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 02.01.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044822

Lord of Illusions

Luther - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Bluray) Luther Idris Elba, Warren Brown, Indira Varma, Paul McGann, Dermot Crowley, Ruth Wilson, Michael Smiley, Steven Mackintosh, Saskia Reeves, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Kierston Wareing, Aimee-Ffion Edwards, David Dawson, Pam Ferris, Steven Robertson, Anton Saunders, Lee Ingleby, Matthew Marsh, Alan Williams, Nicola Walker - Dir. Sam Miller, Brian Kirk, Stefan Schwartz Interviews

Lord Of Illusions Scott Bakula, Kevin J. O’Connor, Famke Janssen, Vincent Schiavelli, Barry Del Sherman, Sheila Tousey, Joel Swetow, Joseph Latimore, Susan Traylor, Daniel von Bargen - Dir. Clive Barker Horror 1995 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(MGM/UA) 16.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045094

Kriminalfilm 2010 300min. polyband Medien GmbH 27.02.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045041

Lost Highway (Blu-ray)

Die Mädchen von Tanner Hall

Lost Highway Bill Pullman, Patricia Arquette, Balthazar Getty, Robert Blake, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Richard Pryor, Robert Loggia, Michael Massee, Jack Nance, Jack Kehler,

Tanner Hall Rooney Mara, Georgia King, Brie Larson, Amy Ferguson, Tom Everett Scott, Chris Kattan, Lowry Marshall, Patrick Mel Hayes, Sandy Misner, Alaina Lauren Steinberg,


Magnum - Season 1

No Controles Unax Ugalde, Alexandra Jiménez, Julián López, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Secun de la Rosa, Mariam Hernández, Marivi Bilbao, Ramón Barea, Alfredo Silva III - Dir. Borja Cobeaga Komödie/Lovestory 2010 95min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 22.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045138

Luther Idris Elba, Warren Brown, Indira Varma, Paul McGann, Dermot Crowley, Ruth Wilson, Michael Smiley, Steven Mackintosh, Saskia Reeves, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Kierston Wareing, Aimee-Ffion Edwards, David Dawson, Pam Ferris, Steven Robertson, Anton Saunders, Lee Ingleby, Matthew Marsh, Alan Williams, Nicola Walker - Dir. Sam Miller, Brian Kirk, Stefan Schwartz

Linie 1 (Berlin Edition)

Annika Peterson, Shawn Pyfrom - Dir. Francesca Gregorini, Tatiana von Furstenberg Drama 2009 92min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045146

Mad Men - Season Three (4 Discs) Mad Men Drama min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 29.03.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044936

Magnum - Season 3 (6 DVDs) Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 1035min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045108

Magnum - Season 4 Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 966min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045109

Magnum - Season 5 (6 DVDs) Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 990min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045110

Magnum - Season 6 (5 DVDs) Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 945min.

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045111

Magnum - Season 7 (6 DVDs)

Gurkan Gucuksenturk, Elvira Out, Frans Bakker, Jasper van Beusekom, Ali Sultan, Taco Schenkhuizen - Dir. Maartje Seyferth, Victor Nieuwenhuijs Trailer, Bildergalerie

Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar

Drama/Erotik 2010 84min. Donau Film 30.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045197

Crossover Episode, Featurette

Harvey James Stewart, Josephine Hull, Peggy Dow, Charles Drake, Cecil Kellaway, Victoria Horn, Jesse White - Dir. Henry Koster Komödie 1950 102min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044943

Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 1064min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045112

Magnum - Season 8 (3 DVDs) Magnum, P.I. Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, Gillian Dobb, Kwan Hi Lim, Jeff MacKay, Kathleen Lloyd, Glenn Cannon - Dir. Ray Austin, Ivan Dixon, Alan J. Levi, Russell Mayberry, Mike Vejar Featurettes

Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1980-1988 582min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045113

Ein Mann in den besten Jahren Ten, North Frederick Gary Cooper, Diane Varsi, Suzy Parker, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Tom Tully - Dir. Philip Dunne Drama 1958 98min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045172

Männerherzen ... und die ganz ganz große Liebe Florian David Fitz, Maxim Mehmet, Til Schweiger, Nadja Uhl, Christian Ulmen, Jana Pallaske, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Justus von Dohnanyi, Liane Forestieri, Mina Tander, Pasquale Aleardi - Dir. Simon Verhoeven Komödie 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044744

Männerherzen ... und die ganz ganz große Liebe (Blu-ray) Florian David Fitz, Maxim Mehmet, Til Schweiger, Nadja Uhl, Christian Ulmen, Jana Pallaske, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Justus von Dohnanyi, Liane Forestieri, Mina Tander, Pasquale Aleardi - Dir. Simon Verhoeven Komödie 2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 30.03.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044755

Der Marquis de Sade (k.J.) Marquis De Sade Nick Mancuso, Janet Gunn, John RhysDavies, Charlotte Nielsen, Irina Malysheva, Igor Yasulovich, Irina Nizina, Tatyana Mitrushina - Dir. Gwyneth Gibby Erotik/Drama 1996 92min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044873

Meat - Lust auf Fleisch (k.J.) Vlees Titus Muizelaar, Nellie Benner, Hugo Metsers III, Wilma Bakker, Kitty Courbois,


Mein Freund Harvey (Jahr100Edition)

Mein Freund Harvey (Jahr100Edition) (Blu-ray) Harvey James Stewart, Josephine Hull, Peggy Dow, Charles Drake, Cecil Kellaway, Victoria Horn, Jesse White - Dir. Henry Koster Komödie 1950 min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044996

Merlin - Die neuen Abenteuer, Vol. 1 (3 DVDs) Merlin Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Richard Wilson, Anthony Head, Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Eve Myles, Michelle Ryan, Emilia Fox, Tom Ellis - Dir. Ed Fraiman, James Hawes, Jeremy Webb, Dave Moore, Stuart Orme Interviews, Making of

Fantasy/Abenteuer 264min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045114

Merlin - Die neuen Abenteuer, Vol. 2 (3 DVDs) Merlin Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Richard Wilson, Anthony Head, Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Eve Myles, Michelle Ryan, Emilia Fox, Tom Ellis - Dir. Ed Fraiman, James Hawes, Jeremy Webb, Dave Moore, Stuart Orme Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Featurette

Fantasy/Abenteuer 305min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045115

35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044880

Meteor Apocalypse Meteor Apocalypse Joe Lando, Claudia Christian, Cooper Harris, Madison McLaughlin, T.J. Lepage, Micho Rutare, Jon Gale, Gregory Paul Smith - Dir. Micho Rutare Making of, Outtakes, Bildergalerie

Action/Drama 2010 88min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044868

Miami Vice - Season 1 (6 DVDs) Miami Vice Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Edward James Olmos, Saundra Santiago, Olivia Brown, Michael Talbott, John Diehl, Martin Ferrero, Sheena Easton, Charlie Barnett, Julio Mechoso, Mario Ernesto Sanchez, Parris Buckner, Shane Le Mar Dir. Thomas Carter, Paul Michael Glaser The Vibe of Vice - Dokumentation: Wie Miami Vice das Fernsehen veränderte, Building the perfect Vice - Hinter den Kulissen: Von der Entstehung bis zur Ausstrahlung, The Style of Vice - Wie Miami Vice mit der trendigen Mode die Popkultur beeinflusste, The Music of Vice - Wie Miami Vice die größten Musikstars seinerzeit zur Serie holte, Miami after Vice

Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1989 1068min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045101

Miami Vice - Season 2 (6 DVDs) Miami Vice Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Edward James Olmos, Saundra Santiago, Olivia Brown, Michael Talbott, John Diehl, Martin Ferrero, Sheena Easton, Charlie Barnett, Julio Mechoso, Mario Ernesto Sanchez, Parris Buckner, Shane Le Mar Dir. Thomas Carter, Paul Michael Glaser Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1989 990min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045102

Miami Vice - Season 3 (6 DVDs) Miami Vice Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Edward James Olmos, Saundra Santiago, Olivia Brown, Michael Talbott, John Diehl, Martin Ferrero, Sheena Easton, Charlie Barnett, Julio Mechoso, Mario Ernesto Sanchez, Parris Buckner, Shane Le Mar Dir. Thomas Carter, Paul Michael Glaser Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1989 1035min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045103

Miami Vice - Season 4 (6 DVDs)

Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes

Miami Vice Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Edward James Olmos, Saundra Santiago, Olivia Brown, Michael Talbott, John Diehl, Martin Ferrero, Sheena Easton, Charlie Barnett, Julio Mechoso, Mario Ernesto Sanchez, Parris Buckner, Shane Le Mar Dir. Thomas Carter, Paul Michael Glaser Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1989 945min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045104

Fantasy/Abenteuer 315min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.02.2012

Miami Vice - Season 5 (6 DVDs)

Merlin - Die neuen Abenteuer, Vol. 7 (3 Discs) Merlin Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Richard Wilson, Anthony Head, Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Eve Myles, Michelle Ryan, Emilia Fox, Tom Ellis - Dir. Ed Fraiman, James Hawes, Jeremy Webb, Dave Moore, Stuart Orme

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Miami Vice Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Edward James Olmos, Saundra Santiago, Olivia Brown, Michael Talbott, John Diehl, Martin Ferrero, Sheena Easton, Charlie Barnett, Julio Mechoso, Mario Ernesto Sanchez, Parris Buckner, Shane Le Mar Dir. Thomas Carter, Paul Michael Glaser Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1989 949min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045105

Miami Vice (Jahr100-Edition) Miami Vice Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrell, Gong Li, Naomie Harris, Ciarán Hinds, Justin Theroux, Barry Henley, Luis Tosar, John Ortiz, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Domenick Lombardozzi, Eddie Marsan, Isaach De Bankolé, John Hawkes, Tom Towles, Mario Ernesto Sanchez - Dir. Michael Mann Action/Thriller 2006 126min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044944

Miami Vice (Jahr100-Edition) (Bluray) Miami Vice Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrell, Gong Li, Naomie Harris, Ciarán Hinds, Justin Theroux, Barry Henley, Luis Tosar, John Ortiz, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Domenick Lombardozzi, Eddie Marsan, Isaach De Bankolé, John Hawkes, Tom Towles, Mario Ernesto Sanchez - Dir. Michael Mann Action/Thriller 2006 132min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044997

Misfits - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Bluray) (k.J.) Misfits Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Making of

Komödie/Drama 2009 270min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044889

Misfits - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (k.J.) Misfits Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Making of

Komödie/Drama 2009 270min. polyband Medien GmbH 24.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044882

Monty Python - Die Ritter der Kokosnuss (Blu-ray) Monty Python And The Holy Grail Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, Carol Cleveland - Dir. Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam Komödie 1975 92min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 22.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044833

Morgentau (OmU) Te z a Aaron Arafe, Abeye Tedla, Takelech Beyene, Teje Tesfahun, Nebiyu Baye,


Wuhib Bayu, Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Veronika Avraham - Dir. Haile Gerima Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer

Drama 2008 87min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 03.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044804

Nachbarn - Neighbours - Box 1: Wie alles begann (4 Discs) Neighbours Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan 2 komplette Best-of-Folgen

Komödie/Drama 506min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 17.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044959

Nachbarn - Neighbours - Box 2: Wie alles begann (4 Discs) Neighbours Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan 2 komplette Best-of-Folgen

Komödie/Drama 506min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 17.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044960

Night of the Werewolf (k.J.) Big Bad Wolf Trevor Duke, Kimberly J. Brown, Richard Tyson, Sarah Aldrich, Christopher Shyer, Andrew Bowen - Dir. Lance W. Dreesen Horror 2006 93min. KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Pictures) 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045053

Notting Hill (Jahr100-Edition) Notting Hill Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Hugh Bonneville, Emma Chambers, James Dreyfus, Rhys Ifans, Tim McInnerny, Gina McKee, Richard McCabe, Mischa Barton, Dylan Moran, Roger Frost, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Lorelei King, John Shrapnel, Clarke Peters, Arturo Venegas, Henry Goodman, Melissa Wilson, Emma Bernard, Samuel West, Ann Beach Dir. Roger Michell Komödie 1999 119min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044945

Notting Hill (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Notting Hill Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Hugh Bonneville, Emma Chambers, James Dreyfus, Rhys Ifans, Tim McInnerny, Gina McKee, Richard McCabe, Mischa Barton, Dylan Moran, Roger Frost, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Lorelei King, John Shrapnel, Clarke Peters, Arturo Venegas, Henry Goodman, Melissa Wilson, Emma Bernard, Samuel West, Ann Beach Dir. Roger Michell Komödie 1999 123min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044998

Nur der letzte kam durch L’ Amante Dell’Orsa Maggiore Giuliano Gemma, Bruno Cremer, Senta Berger, Alessandro Haber, Peter Capell Dir. Valentino Orsini

Abenteuer/Drama 1972 106min. KNM Home Entertainment(Donau Film) 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045054

Nur für Personal! Les Femmes Du 6ème Etage Fabrice Luchini, Sandrine Kiberlain, Natalia Verbeke, Carmen Maura, Lola Dueñas, Berta Ojea, Nuria Solé, Concha Galán, Marie-Armelle Deguy, Muriel Solvay, Audrey Fleurot, Annie Mercier, Michèle Gleizer, Camille Gigot, Jean-Charles Deval, Philippe Duquesne, Christine Vezinet, Jeupeu, Vincent Nemeth, Philippe du Janerand, Patrick Bonnel, Laurent Claret, Thierry Nenez, Jose Etchelus, Jean-Claude Jay, Joan Massotkleiner, Ivan Martin Salan - Dir. Philippe Le Guay Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer

Komödie 2011 103min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 05.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045010

Nur für Personal! (Blu-ray) Les Femmes Du 6ème Etage Fabrice Luchini, Sandrine Kiberlain, Natalia Verbeke, Carmen Maura, Lola Dueñas, Berta Ojea, Nuria Solé, Concha Galán, Marie-Armelle Deguy, Muriel Solvay, Audrey Fleurot, Annie Mercier, Michèle Gleizer, Camille Gigot, Jean-Charles Deval, Philippe Duquesne, Christine Vezinet, Jeupeu, Vincent Nemeth, Philippe du Janerand, Patrick Bonnel, Laurent Claret, Thierry Nenez, Jose Etchelus, Jean-Claude Jay, Joan Massotkleiner, Ivan Martin Salan - Dir. Philippe Le Guay Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer

Komödie 2011 107min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 05.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045023

Nur über Deine Leiche Over Her Dead Body Judge Reinhold, Elizabeth Perkins, Jeffrey Jones, Maureen Mueller, Rhea Perlman, Brion James, Charles Tyner, Henry Jones, Michael J. Pollard - Dir. Maurice Phillips Wendecover

Komödie 1989 94min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044855

Der Obersteiger Josefin Kipper, Hans Holt, Grethe Weiser, Wolf Albach-Retty, Waltraut Haas - Dir. Franz Antel Bildergalerie, Trailer

Musikfilm/Komödie 1952 94min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045131

The One - Meine wahre Liebe (OmU) The One Jon Prescott, Ian Novick, Margaret Anne Florence, Natalja Rudakowa, Aimee Denaro, Lauren Francesca, Rosie Gunther, Kelly Coffield Park, Michael Emery, Collin Biddle, David Albiero, Michael Billy - Dir. Caytha Jentis Featurette, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, Trailer

Komödie/Lovestory 2011 90min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD PRO-FUN MEDIA 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045154

Die Passion der Jungfrau von Orléans (2 Discs) La Passion De Jeanne D’Arc Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, Maurice Schutz, Michel Simon, Antonin Artaud, Louis Ravet, Andre Berley, Jean D’Yd - Dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer Dokumentationen, Interview, Booklet

Drama 1928 97min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus Premium) 16.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044781

Payback - Heute ist Zahltag (Bluray) (k.J.) True Justice: Payback Steven Seagal, Alex Mallari Jr., J. Anthony Pena, William Stewart, Kyle Cassie, Sarah Lind, Michael Eklund, Marina Eva - Dir. Lauro Chartrand Action/Thriller 2011 45min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045039

Payback - Heute ist Zahltag (k.J.) True Justice: Payback Steven Seagal, Alex Mallari Jr., J. Anthony Pena, William Stewart, Kyle Cassie, Sarah Lind, Michael Eklund, Marina Eva - Dir. Lauro Chartrand Action/Thriller 2011 43min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045030

Penance - Sie zahlen für ihre Sünden (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Penance Marieh Delfino, Michael Rooker, Graham McTavish, Alice Amter, Valorie Hubbard, Allison Lange, Tony Todd, James Duval, Eve Mauro, Katherine Randolph, Lochlyn Munro, Jason Connery - Dir. Jake Kennedy Thriller/Horror 2009 87min. MIG Film 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045177

Penance - Sie zahlen für ihre Sünden (k.J.) Penance Marieh Delfino, Michael Rooker, Graham McTavish, Alice Amter, Valorie Hubbard, Allison Lange, Tony Todd, James Duval, Eve Mauro, Katherine Randolph, Lochlyn Munro, Jason Connery - Dir. Jake Kennedy Thriller/Horror 2009 83min. MIG Film 22.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045139

The Pit and the Pendelum (k.J.) The Pit And The Pendulum Lance Henriksen, Rona de Ricci, Jonathan Fuller - Dir. Stuart Gordon Wendecover, Making of

Horror 1990 93min. MIG Film 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045166

Pläsier Le Plaisir Claude Dauphin, Gaby Morlay, Jean Galland, Gaby Bruyere, Madeleine Renaud, Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, Danielle


Darrieux - Dir. Max Ophüls Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover

Drama 1951 96min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044782

Prison Break - Die komplette Season 1 (6 Discs) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, Paul Adelstein, Rockmond Dunbar, Robin Tunney, Stacy Keach, Phillip van Lear, Peter Stormare, Muse Watson, Frank Grillo, Christian Stolte, Patricia Wettig, John Heard, John Billingsley, Daniel J. Travanti - Dir. Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks, Dwight H. Little Audiokommentare, Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen, Easter Egg, Making of, Featurettes, TV-Spots, Musikvideos

Action/Drama 2005-2006 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 03.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045069

Prison Break - Die komplette Season 2 (6 Discs) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, William Fichtner, Paul Adelstein, Marshall Allman, Rockmond Dunbar, Robin Tunney, Stacy Keach, Phillip van Lear, Peter Stormare, Leon Russom, Christian Stolte, Patricia Wettig, Barbara Eve Harris, Reggie Lee, Jason Davis, Anthony John Denison, Jeff Perry - Dir. Dwight H. Little, Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Bonus-Episode „24“

Action/Drama 2006-2007 924min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 03.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045070

Prison Break - Die komplette Season 3 (4 Discs) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, William Fichtner, Marshall Allman, Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, Barbara Eve Harris, Robert Wisdom, Chris Vance Dir. Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks, Michael Switzer Making of, Featurette, Webisodes

Action/Drama 2007-2008 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 03.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045071

Prison Break - Die komplette Season 4 (6 Discs) Prison Break Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Amaury Nolasco, Robert Knepper, Wade Williams, Sarah Wayne Callies, Marshall Allman, Leon Russom, Jason Davis, Michael Rapaport - Dir. Bobby Roth, Kevin Hooks, Dwight H. Little, Michael Switzer Finale Episode, Featurettes, Audiokommentar

Action/Drama 2008 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 03.02.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045072

Private Eye - Ein tödlicher Auftrag Vares - Yksityisetsivä Juha Veijonen, Laura Malmivaara, Jari Halonen, Markku Peltola, Jorma Tommila, Minna Turunen, Samuli Edelmann, Pekka Valkeejärvi, Kari Hietalahti, Jasper Pääkönen, Santeri Kinnunen, Heli Sutela Dir. Aleksi Mäkelä Action/Thriller 2004 91min. KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Pictures) 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045052

Private Romeo (OmU) Private Romeo Hale Appleman, Matt Doyle, Seth Numrich, Charlie Barnett, Bobby Moreno, Sean Hudock, Chris Bresky, Adam Barrie - Dir. Alan Brown Drama 2011 94min. Salzgeber & Co. Medien 25.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045159

Privatunterricht Élève Libre Jonas Bloquet, Jonathan Zaccaï, Claire Bodson, Yannick Rénier, Pauline Etienne, Anne Coesens, Johan Leysen - Dir. Joachim Lafosse Casting, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie

Drama 2008 106min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 27.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045156

Pulp Fiction (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Pulp Fiction John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, Harvey Keitel, Christopher Walken, Rosanna Arquette, Quentin Tarantino, Ving Rhames, Eric Stoltz - Dir. Quentin Tarantino Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Interview, Trailer, TV-Spots, Bildergalerien, Trivia Track

Thriller/Komödie 1994 154min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Miramax) 02.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044766

Pusher - Die Trilogie (Limited Black Steel Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Pusher 1-3 Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Thriller/Drama 1996-2005 329min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment 02.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044974

Quadrophenia (Jahr100-Edition) Quadrophenia Phil Daniels, Leslie Ash, Mark Wingett, Philip Davis, Toyah Willcox, Sting - Dir. Franc Roddam Musikfilm 1979 114min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044946

Quadrophenia (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Quadrophenia Phil Daniels, Leslie Ash, Mark Wingett, Phil-

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ip Davis, Toyah Willcox, Sting - Dir. Franc Roddam Musikfilm 1979 120min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045000

Quintett - Ein Mann gegen die ganze Welt Quintet Paul Newman, Vittorio Gassman, Fernando Rey, Bibi Andersson, Brigitte Fossey, Nina van Pallandt, David Langton, Monique Mercure, Françoise Berd - Dir. Robert Altman Science Fiction 1979 113min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045173

Die Rache der Wanderhure Alexandra Neldel, Bert Tischendorf, Götz Otto, Esther Schweins, Helmut Berger, Xenia Georgia Assenza - Dir. Hansjörg Thurn Making of, Musikvideo

Historienfilm 120min. Universum Film 29.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044856

Die Rache der Wanderhure (Bluray) Alexandra Neldel, Bert Tischendorf, Götz Otto, Esther Schweins, Helmut Berger, Xenia Georgia Assenza - Dir. Hansjörg Thurn Making of, Musikvideo

Historienfilm 120min. Universum Film 29.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044862

Rain Fall Rain Fall Kippei Shiina, Gary Oldman, Kyoko Hasegawa, Misa Shimizu, Dirk Hunter, Akira Emoto, Takumi Bando, Greg Ellis, Albert Gu, Akira Hamada - Dir. Max Mannix Trailer

Thriller/Action 2009 100min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044813

Rain Fall (Blu-ray) Rain Fall Kippei Shiina, Gary Oldman, Kyoko Hasegawa, Misa Shimizu, Dirk Hunter, Akira Emoto, Takumi Bando, Greg Ellis, Albert Gu, Akira Hamada - Dir. Max Mannix Trailer

Thriller/Action 2009 104min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044839

Der Rasenmähermörder kommt zurück - Da wackelt die Bude Wacko Joe Don Baker, Stella Stevens, George Kennedy, Julia Duffy, Scott McGinnis - Dir. Greydon Clark Komödie/Horror 1981 83min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044872

Ray (Jahr100-Edition) Ray Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Clifton Powell, Harry J. Lennix, Terrence Howard,


Larenz Tate, Richard Schiff, Aunjanue Ellis, Bokeem Woodbine, Sharon Warren, Curtis Armstrong, Regina King, C.J. Sanders, David Krumholtz, Wendell Pierce, Chris Thomas King, Thomas Jefferson Byrd, Rick Gomez, Denise Dowse, Warwick Davis, Patrick Bauchau, Robert Wisdom, Kurt Fuller - Dir. Taylor Hackford Drama/Musikfilm 2004 146min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044947

Ray (Jahr100-Edition) (Blu-ray) Ray Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Clifton Powell, Harry J. Lennix, Terrence Howard, Larenz Tate, Richard Schiff, Aunjanue Ellis, Bokeem Woodbine, Sharon Warren, Curtis Armstrong, Regina King, C.J. Sanders, David Krumholtz, Wendell Pierce, Chris Thomas King, Thomas Jefferson Byrd, Rick Gomez, Denise Dowse, Warwick Davis, Patrick Bauchau, Robert Wisdom, Kurt Fuller - Dir. Taylor Hackford Drama/Musikfilm 2004 152min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045001

Real Steel Real Steel Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, Kevin Durand, Anthony Mackie, Hope Davis, James Rebhorn, Karl Yune, Olga Fonda - Dir. Shawn Levy Action/Drama 2011 122min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045073

Real Steel (Blu-ray) Real Steel Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, Kevin Durand, Anthony Mackie, Hope Davis, James Rebhorn, Karl Yune, Olga Fonda - Dir. Shawn Levy Action/Drama 2011 126min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045078

Die Rebellion der Gehenkten (3 Discs) La Rebelión De Los Colgados Günther Maria Halmer, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Jean-François Stévenin, Manuel Ojeda, Fernando Balzaretti - Dir. Juan Luis Buñuel Abenteuer 1987 220min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044826

Red Scorpion (The Expendables Selection) (k.J.) Red Scorpion Dolph Lundgren, M. Emmet Walsh, Al White, T. P. McKenna, Carmen Argenziano, Alex Colon - Dir. Joseph Zito Action 1988 101min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044884

Red Scorpion (The Expendables Selection, Steelbook) (Blu-ray)

(k.J.) Red Scorpion Dolph Lundgren, M. Emmet Walsh, Al White, T. P. McKenna, Carmen Argenziano, Alex Colon - Dir. Joseph Zito Action 1988 105min. Splendid Film 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044891

Red State (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Red State Michael Parks, Melissa Leo, John Goodman, Michael Angarano, Jennifer Schwalbach, James Parks, Haley Ramm, Deborah Aquila, Nicholas Braun, Kevin Pollak, Ronnie Connell, Kyle Gallner, Kaylee DeFer, Anna Gunn, John Lacy, Alexa Nikolas, Stephen Root, Betty Aberlin, Kerry Bishé, Ralph Garman, Molly Livingston, Cooper Thornton, Matt L. Jones, Kevin Alejandro, Patrick Fischler, Marc Blucas, David Marciano, Damian Young, Elizabeth Tripp Dir. Kevin Smith Trailer

Thriller/Horror 2011 92min. Planet Media Home Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044840

Reich und schön - Box 3: Wie alles begann (5 Discs) Fashion Affairs Featurettes

Drama/Komödie 630min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 17.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044958

Requiem for a Killer Requiem Pour Une Tueuse Mélanie Laurent, Clovis Cornillac, Tchéky Karyo, Xavier Gallais, Christopher Stills, Corrado Invernizzi, Michel Fau, Frédérique Tirmont, Johan Leysen, Julie Fuchs, Geoffrey Bateman, Philippe Morier-Genoud, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Julien Israël, Bruno Flender, Michel Bouis, Clara Ruscon - Dir. Jérôme Le Gris Making of, Trailer, Wendecover

Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 91min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045091

Requiem for a Killer (Blu-ray) Requiem Pour Une Tueuse Mélanie Laurent, Clovis Cornillac, Tchéky Karyo, Xavier Gallais, Christopher Stills, Corrado Invernizzi, Michel Fau, Frédérique Tirmont, Johan Leysen, Julie Fuchs, Geoffrey Bateman, Philippe Morier-Genoud, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Julien Israël, Bruno Flender, Michel Bouis, Clara Ruscon - Dir. Jérôme Le Gris Making of, Trailer, Wendecover

Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 95min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045097

Die Rote Meile - Aus dem Leben einer Kiez-Familie (1. Staffel) (7 Discs) Leon Boden, Ann-Cathrin Sudhoff, Fabian

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Harloff, Silvana Bayer, Renate Geißler, Sylvia Leifheit, Yasmina Filali, Cornelia Corba, Uli Krohm, Christiane Hagemann, Markus Majowski, Thomas Born, Dirk Galuba, Wolf Roth, Helmut Berger, Judith Reinartz, Peter von Strombeck, Pia Ampaw, Thomas Lawinky, Marco Girnth, Heinrich Schafmeister, Katrin Ritt, Fleur S. Marsh, Ludwig Schütze, Jessica Stockmann, Jeanne Tremsal, Karo Guthke, Michael Christian, Jim Boeven, Martin Gruber, Gabrielle Odinis, Nina Proll, Joachim Raaf, Sasha Heymans, Udo Suchan, Elisabeth Volkmann, Lance Girard - Dir. Michel Bielawa, Wolfgang Münstermann, Axel Bock, Ed Ehrenberg Drama 1999-2000 1221min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 27.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044769

Rotkäppchen Daniela Maris, Renée Stobrawa, Fritz Genschow, Werner Stock, Theodor Vogeler, Rita-Maria Nowottnick - Dir. Fritz Genschow Trailer

Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1953 33min. ICESTORM Entertainment 06.02.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045126

Rules of Engagement - Die zweite Season (2 Discs) Rules Of Engagement Komödie 2007 311min. Paramount Home Entertainment 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045027

Russisch Roulette Katharina Böhm, Heinz Hoenig, Wolf Roth, Hansjürgen Hürrig, Merab Ninidze, HorstGünter Marx, Roman Knizka, Klaus Ofczarek, Laura Osswald, Emil Kafitz, Lucia Gailová, Milan Knedlik, Valentina Thielová - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Thriller 2011 180min. POLAR Film + Medien 31.01.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045035

Sakuran - Wilde Kirschblüte Sakuran Anna Tsuchiya, Masanobu Ando, Kippei Shiina, Yoshino Kimura, Hiroki Narimiya, Miho Kanno, Masatoshi Nagase, Renji Ishibashi, Mari Natsuki - Dir. Mika Ninagawa Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer

Drama 2006 106min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044966

Sand Sharks Sand Sharks Corin Nemec, Gina Holden, Brooke Hogan, Vanessa Lee Evigan, Julie Berman, Nicole Zeoli, Robert Pike Daniel, Hilary Cruz, Christina Corigliano, Delpano Wills, Eric Scott Woods, Cameron Larson - Dir. Mark Atkins Horror/Action 2011 91min. Splendid Film 30.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045144

Sand Sharks (Blu-ray) Sand Sharks Corin Nemec, Gina Holden, Brooke Hogan, Vanessa Lee Evigan, Julie Berman, Nicole Zeoli, Robert Pike Daniel, Hilary Cruz, Christina Corigliano, Delpano Wills, Eric Scott


Woods, Cameron Larson - Dir. Mark Atkins Horror/Action 2011 95min. Splendid Film 30.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045182

Der Sattelclub, Vol. 1.1, Episode 01-06 The Saddle Club Marny Kennedy, Connor Jessup, Kia Luby, Keenan Mcwilliam, Sophie Bennett, Lara Jean Marshall, Janelle Corlass-Brown, Heli Simpson, Catherine Wilkin, Glenn Meldrum Dir. Arnie Custo, Mark Defriest, Colin Budds, Peter Sharp Abenteuer 2001 176min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 23.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044950

Der Sattelclub, Vol. 1.2, Episode 07-13 The Saddle Club Marny Kennedy, Connor Jessup, Kia Luby, Keenan Mcwilliam, Sophie Bennett, Lara Jean Marshall, Janelle Corlass-Brown, Heli Simpson, Catherine Wilkin, Glenn Meldrum Dir. Arnie Custo, Mark Defriest, Colin Budds, Peter Sharp Abenteuer 2001 146min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 23.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044951

Scary Movie 3 Scary Movie 3 Anna Faris, Charlie Sheen, Leslie Nielsen, Simon Rex, Anthony Anderson, Pamela Anderson, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, George Carlin, Elaine Klimaszewski, Diane Klimaszewski, Macy Gray, Eddie Griffin, Regina Hall, Darrell Hammond, Kevin Hart, D. L. Hughley, Queen Latifah, Camryn Manheim, Jenny McCarthy, Drew Mikuska, Jeremy Piven, Denise Richards - Dir. David Zucker Audiokommentar, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Making ofs, Outtakes, Alternatives Ende, Trailer, Wendecover

Komödie/Horror 2003 81min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Miramax) 02.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044753

Scary Movie 3 (Blu-ray) Scary Movie 3 Anna Faris, Charlie Sheen, Leslie Nielsen, Simon Rex, Anthony Anderson, Pamela Anderson, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, George Carlin, Elaine Klimaszewski, Diane Klimaszewski, Macy Gray, Eddie Griffin, Regina Hall, Darrell Hammond, Kevin Hart, D. L. Hughley, Queen Latifah, Camryn Manheim, Jenny McCarthy, Drew Mikuska, Jeremy Piven, Denise Richards - Dir. David Zucker Audiokommentar, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Making ofs, Outtakes, Alternatives Ende, Trailer, Wendecover

Komödie/Horror 2003 84min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Miramax) 02.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044767

Raw Deal / Red Heat / Total Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold, Sam Wanamaker, James Belushi, Peter Boyle, Sharon Stone, Michael Ironside - Dir. John Irvin, Walter Hill, Paul Verhoeven Featurettes, Trailer

Action 1986-1990 324min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 16.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044768

The Scorpion King - Aufstieg eines Kriegers (Blu-ray) The Scorpion King: Rise Of A Warrior Michael Copon, Karen David, Simon Quarterman, Tom Wu, Andreas Wisniewski, Natalie Becker, Randy Couture, Amira Quinlan, Clodagh Quinlan, Pierre Marais Dir. Russell Mulcahy Abenteuer/Fantasy 2008 108min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044763

The Scorpion King / The Scorpion King - Aufstieg eines Kriegers / Scorpion King 3 Kampf ... The Scorpion King / The Scorpion King: Rise Of A Warrior / Scorpion King: Book Of The Dead Dwayne Johnson, Michael Clarke Duncan, Steven Brand, Michael Copon, Karen David, Simon Quarterman, Victor Webster, Ron Perlman, Billy Zane - Dir. Charles „Chuck“ Russell, Russell Mulcahy, Roel Reiné Abenteuer/Action 2002-2011 293min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 16.02.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044751

The Scorpion King / The Scorpion King - Aufstieg eines Kriegers / Scorpion King 3 Kampf ... (Blu-ray) The Scorpion King / The Scorpion King: Rise Of A Warrior / Scorpion King: Book Of The Dead Dwayne Johnson, Michael Clarke Duncan, Steven Brand, Michael Copon, Karen David, Simon Quarterman, Victor Webster, Ron Perlman, Billy Zane - Dir. Charles „Chuck“ Russell, Russell Mulcahy, Roel Reiné Abenteuer/Action 2002-2011 305min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 16.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044762

Scrubs: Die Anfänger - Die komplette und finale neunte Staffel (2 Discs) Scrubs Zach Braff, Donald Faison, John C. McGinley, Eliza Coupe, Kerry Bishé, Robert Maschio, Dave Franco, Sarah Chalke - Dir. Michael Spiller, Michael McDonald, Gail Mancuso, Ken Whittingham, John Putch, Chris Koch, Peter Lauer, Eren Celeboglu, Rick Blue Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Outtakes

Schwarzenegger - Total Recall / Der City Hai / Red Heat (Steelbox, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.)

Komödie 2009-2010 393min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(ABC Studios) 15.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045007

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Seattle Superstorm Seattle Superstorm Dominika Juillet, Esai Morales, Ona Grauer, Michelle Harrison - Dir. Jason Bourque Trailer, Making Of

Science Fiction/Action 2011 94min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044898

Seattle Superstorm (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Seattle Superstorm Dominika Juillet, Esai Morales, Ona Grauer, Michelle Harrison - Dir. Jason Bourque Trailer, Making Of

Science Fiction/Action 2011 98min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044909

Seattle Superstorm (Blu-ray) Seattle Superstorm Dominika Juillet, Esai Morales, Ona Grauer, Michelle Harrison - Dir. Jason Bourque Trailer, Making Of

Science Fiction/Action 2011 98min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044908

Sein oder Nichtsein (Blu-ray) To Be Or Not To Be Jack Benny, Carole Lombard, Robert Stack, Felix Bressart, Stanley Ridges, Lionel Atwill, Tom Dugan, Charles Halton - Dir. Ernst Lubitsch Booklet

Komödie/Drama 1942 min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044787

Set Up Set Up 50 Cent, Ryan Phillippe, Bruce Willis, Jenna Dewan, Randy Couture, James Remar, Susie Abromeit, Ambyr Childers, Will Yun Lee, Shaun Toub, Jay Karnes, Jordan Trovillion - Dir. Mike Gunther Trailer

Thriller 2011 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044808

Set Up (Blu-ray) Set Up 50 Cent, Ryan Phillippe, Bruce Willis, Jenna Dewan, Randy Couture, James Remar, Susie Abromeit, Ambyr Childers, Will Yun Lee, Shaun Toub, Jay Karnes, Jordan Trovillion - Dir. Mike Gunther Thriller 2011 94min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044832

Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Andy Serkis, Luke Evans, Bill Milner, Andrew Knott, James Jagger, Tom Hughes, Clifford Samuel, Charlotte Beaumont - Dir. Mat Whitecross Drama 2010 110min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045147


Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll (Bluray) Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Andy Serkis, Luke Evans, Bill Milner, Andrew Knott, James Jagger, Tom Hughes, Clifford Samuel, Charlotte Beaumont - Dir. Mat Whitecross Drama 2010 115min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045184

Shadows of the Soul - Der Feind im Dunkeln (k.J.) Dark Corners Thora Birch, Toby Stephens, Christien Anholt, Joanna Hole, Lorraine Bruce, Ray Charleson, Michael J. Reynolds, Oliver Price, Glenn Beck - Dir. Ray Gower Making of, Trailer

Horror/Thriller 2006 89min. KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Pictures) 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045051

Shakespeare in Love (Jahr100Edition) Shakespeare In Love Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow, Geoffrey Rush, Ben Affleck, Dame Judi Dench, Colin Firth, Sir Simon Callow, Imelda Staunton, Tom Wilkinson, Jim Carter, Martin Clunes - Dir. John Madden Komödie 1998 119min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044948

Shakespeare in Love (Jahr100Edition) (Blu-ray) Shakespeare In Love Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow, Geoffrey Rush, Ben Affleck, Dame Judi Dench, Colin Firth, Sir Simon Callow, Imelda Staunton, Tom Wilkinson, Jim Carter, Martin Clunes - Dir. John Madden Komödie 1998 123min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045002

Shark Night Shark Night 3D Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Carmack, Katharine McPhee, Chris Zylka, Alyssa Diaz, Joel Moore, Sinqua Walls, Donal Logue, Joshua Leonhard, Jimmy Lee jr. - Dir. David R. Ellis Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer

Horror 2011 87min. Universum Film 27.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045196

Shark Night (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Shark Night 3D Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Carmack, Katharine McPhee, Chris Zylka, Alyssa Diaz, Joel Moore, Sinqua Walls, Donal Logue, Joshua Leonhard, Jimmy Lee jr. - Dir. David R. Ellis Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer

Horror 2011 91min. Universum Film 27.04.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045205

Shark Night 3D Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Carmack, Katharine McPhee, Chris Zylka, Alyssa Diaz, Joel Moore, Sinqua Walls, Donal Logue, Joshua Leonhard, Jimmy Lee jr. - Dir. David R. Ellis Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer

Horror 2011 91min. Universum Film 27.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045204

Siska (Folge 81-91) (3 Discs) Wolfgang Maria Bauer Kriminalfilm 2004-2008 625min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 27.01.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044772

Sleepers (Jahr100-Edition) Sleepers Kevin Bacon, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Patric, Brad Pitt, Minnie Driver, Vittorio Gassman, Billy Crudup, Ron Eldard, Terry Kinney, Joe Perrino, Brad Renfro, Jonathan Tucker, Geoffrey Wigdor, Bruno Kirby, Frank Medrano, Aida Turturro - Dir. Barry Levinson Drama 1996 141min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044949

Sleepers (Jahr100-Edition) (Bluray) Sleepers Kevin Bacon, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Patric, Brad Pitt, Minnie Driver, Vittorio Gassman, Billy Crudup, Ron Eldard, Terry Kinney, Joe Perrino, Brad Renfro, Jonathan Tucker, Geoffrey Wigdor, Bruno Kirby, Frank Medrano, Aida Turturro - Dir. Barry Levinson Drama 1996 147min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045003

Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty Emily Browning, Michael Dorman, Mirrah Foulkes, Rachael Blake, Hugh KeaysByrne, Joel Tobeck, Tammy McIntosh, Henry Nixon - Dir. Julia Leigh Interviews, Trailer

Drama/Erotik 2011 104min. Capelight Pictures 09.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044952

Sleeping Beauty (Blu-ray) Sleeping Beauty Emily Browning, Michael Dorman, Mirrah Foulkes, Rachael Blake, Hugh KeaysByrne, Joel Tobeck, Tammy McIntosh, Henry Nixon - Dir. Julia Leigh Interviews, Trailer

Drama/Erotik 2011 108min. Capelight Pictures 09.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044987

Sonatine (OmU) (k.J.) Sonatine Takeshi Kitano, Tetsu Watanabe, Susumu Terajima, Masanobu Katsumura, Aya Kikumai, Ren Osugi, Tonbo Zushi - Dir. Takeshi Kitano Trailer

Shark Night (Blu-ray)

Action/Drama 1993 94min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044968

Sonnenallee (Berlin Edition) Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer, Katharina Thalbach, Henry Hübchen, Detlev Buck, Teresa Weißbach, Elena Meißner, Robert Stadlober, David Müller, Martin Moeller, Patrick Güldenberg, Annika Kuhl, Ignaz Kirchner, Benno Frevert, Andreas Pietschmann, Margit Carstensen, Traute Hoess, Thorsten Ranft, Winfried Glatzeder - Dir. Leander Haußmann Komödie 1999 87min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045087

Sound of Noise (+ Audio-CD) Sound Of Noise Bengt Nilsson, Sanna Persson, Magnus Börjeson, Marcus Boij, Fredrik Myhr, Anders Vestergard, Johannes Björk, Sven Ahlström - Dir. Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, Ola Simonsson Audio-CD, Making of, Bildergalerie, Featurettes

Komödie 2010 102min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045064

South South Matthew Mark Meyer, Claudia Vick, Sal Giorno, Tim Kirkpatrick, Jimena Hoyos, Nina Hader, Billy Crosby, Bryan Hanna, Christopher Batyr, Gil Silverbird, Julian Coutts, Jeremy Xido, Pierre O’Farrell, Ron McClary, Alexander Goebel, Rupert Henning, Uli Brée (Swat Officer # 1), Charly Rabanser (Swat Officer # 2), Mercedes Echerer (Swat Officer # 3), Monique Vukovic - Dir. Gerhard Fillei, Joachim Krenn Thriller/Mystery 2009 92min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(W-Film) 20.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045061

Spiderhole - Jemand muss bezahlen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Spiderhole Amy Noble, Emma Griffiths Malin, ReubenHenry Biggs, George Maguire, John Regan, Moya Farrelly - Dir. Daniel Simpson Thriller/Horror 2010 82min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045040

Spiderhole - Jemand muss bezahlen (k.J.) Spiderhole Amy Noble, Emma Griffiths Malin, ReubenHenry Biggs, George Maguire, John Regan, Moya Farrelly - Dir. Daniel Simpson Thriller/Horror 2010 78min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045031

Striptease (Blu-ray) Striptease Demi Moore, Armand Assante, Ving Rhames, Robert Patrick, Burt Reynolds, Paul Guilfoyle, Jerry Grayson, Rumer Willis, Robert Stanton, William Hill, Stuart Pankin, Dina Spybey, Pasean Wilson, Pandora Peaks, Barbara Alyn Woods, Kimberly


Flynn, Rena Riffel - Dir. Andrew Bergman Komödie 1996 min. Warner Home Video Germany 09.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044759

Subspecies - In the Twilight (2 Discs) (k.J.) Subspecies / Subspecies II: Bloodstone / Subspecies III: Bloodlust / Subspecies IV: Bloodstorm Dir. Ted Nicolaou Horror 1990-1998 340min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 10.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044874

Super Tanker 2012 Super Tanker Ben Cross, Callum Blue, David Schofield, Velizar Binev, Sarah Brown, Jon Mack, Mike Straub, Jesse Steele, Atanas Srebrev - Dir. Jeffery Scott Lando Trailer

22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044910

The Terminators (k.J.) The Terminators Jeremy London, A Martinez, Paul Logan Dir. Xavier S. Puslowski Trailer, Bildergalerie

Science Fiction/Action 2009 85min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 22.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044899

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Ultimate Collector’s Edition, + DVD, + 2 Bonus-DVDs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Marilyn Burns, Paul A. Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow - Dir. Tobe Hooper Digitally Remastered, Uncut, Intro, Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer, TV- und Radio-Spots, Bildergalerie, Interview, Booklet

Action/Science Fiction 2011 90min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) 24.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045046

Horror 1974 84min. Turbine Medien 16.03.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044761

Super Tanker 2012 (Blu-ray)

The Thing Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Ulrich Thomsen, Eric Christian Olsen, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Paul Braunstein, Trond Espen Seim, Kim Bubbs, Jørgen Langhelle, Jan Gunnar Røise, Stig Henrik Hoff, Kristofer Hivju, Jo Adrian Haavind, Carsten Bjørnlund, Jonathan Walker, Ole Martin Aune Nilsen, Michael Brown - Dir. Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. Horror/Science Fiction 2011 99min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044930

Super Tanker Ben Cross, Callum Blue, David Schofield, Velizar Binev, Sarah Brown, Jon Mack, Mike Straub, Jesse Steele, Atanas Srebrev - Dir. Jeffery Scott Lando Trailer

Action/Science Fiction 2011 94min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) 24.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045074

Supernatural - Die komplette fünfte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Supernatural Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, Samantha Smith, Alona Tal, Katie Cassidy, Chad Lindberg, Nicki Aycox, Fredric Lehne - Dir. Kim Manners, Robert Singer, Philip Sgriccia, Michael Rohl, Charles Beeson, Peter Ellis, David Nutter Horror/Fantasy 2005-2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 09.03.2012 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044764

Supernatural - Die komplette fünfte Staffel (7 Discs) Supernatural Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jim Beaver, Samantha Ferris, Samantha Smith, Alona Tal, Katie Cassidy, Chad Lindberg, Nicki Aycox, Fredric Lehne - Dir. Kim Manners, Robert Singer, Philip Sgriccia, Michael Rohl, Charles Beeson, Peter Ellis, David Nutter Horror/Fantasy 2005-2011 min. Warner Home Video Germany 09.03.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044752

The Terminators (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Terminators Jeremy London, A Martinez, Paul Logan Dir. Xavier S. Puslowski

The Thing

The Thing (Steelbook, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) The Thing Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Ulrich Thomsen, Eric Christian Olsen, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Paul Braunstein, Trond Espen Seim, Kim Bubbs, Jørgen Langhelle, Jan Gunnar Røise, Stig Henrik Hoff, Kristofer Hivju, Jo Adrian Haavind, Carsten Bjørnlund, Jonathan Walker, Ole Martin Aune Nilsen, Michael Brown - Dir. Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. Horror/Science Fiction 2011 103min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 22.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044973

Der Tod ritt dienstags I Giorni Dell’Ira Lee Van Cleef, Giuliano Gemma, Walter Rilla, Christa Linder, Yvonne Sanson, Lukas Ammann - Dir. Tonino Valerii Presseheft (PDF), Trailer, Wendecover

Western 1968 109min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044785

Trailer, Bildergalerie

Todeskommando Russland 2 (Bluray)

Science Fiction/Action 2009 88min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies)

Zvezda Igor Petrenko, Artem Semakin, Alexei Panin,

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Alexei Krawtschenko, Anatoli Guschtschin, Amadu Mamadakow, Juri Laguta, Andrei Jegorow, Yekaterina Wulitschenko - Dir. Nikolai Lebedev

The Trial - Das Urteil

Wendecover, Entfallene Szenen, Original Wochenschau Material, Bildergalerie


Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 97min. MIG Film 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045188

Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker (Blu-ray) The Hurt Locker Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, Brian Geraghty, David Morse, Evangeline Lilly - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow Trailer, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, B-Roll

Action/Kriegsfilm 2008 129min. Concorde Home Entertainment 16.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045038

Transfer Hans-Michael Rehberg, Ingrid Andree, BJ Britt, Regine Nehy, Jeanette Hain, Mehmet Kurtulus, Ulrich Voß - Dir. Damir Lukacevic Making of

Drama/Science Fiction 2010 93min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Kinostar) 20.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045057

Treasure Buddies - Die Schatzschnüffler in Ägypten Treasure Buddies Richard Riehle, Edward Herrmann, Mason Cook, Adam Alexi-Malle, Matt Gallini, Christopher Maleki, Ranya Jaber, Anna Primiani - Dir. Robert Vince

The Trial Matthew Modine, Bob Gunton - Dir. Gary Wheeler Drama 2010 101min. Evolution Entertainment AG(Evolution) 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044954

Two Eyes Staring - Der Tod ist kein Kinderspiel Zwart Water Barry Atsma, Hadewych Minis, Isabelle Stokkel, Charlotte Arnoldy - Dir. Elbert van Strien Horror/Mystery 2010 107min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044829

Two Eyes Staring - Der Tod ist kein Kinderspiel (Blu-ray) Zwart Water Barry Atsma, Hadewych Minis, Isabelle Stokkel, Charlotte Arnoldy - Dir. Elbert van Strien Horror/Mystery 2010 111min. MIG Film 09.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044847

Tyrannosaur - Eine Liebesgeschichte (+ Blu-ray) Tyrannosaur Peter Mullan, Olivia Colman, Eddie Marsan, Ned Dennehy, Sally Carman, Samuel Bottomley, Paul Popplewell, Sian Breckin Dir. Paddy Considine

Featurette, Musikvideo

Kurzfilm „Dog Altogether“, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Booklet

Komödie/Familie 2012 89min. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045149

Drama/Lovestory 2011 88min. Bavaria Media GmbH(Kino Kontrovers) 08.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045150

Treffpunkt Hongkong


Soldier Of Fortune Clark Gable, Susan Hayward, Michael Rennie, Gene Barry, Tom Tully, Alex D’Arcy, Anna Sten, Russell Collins - Dir. Edward Dmytryk Abenteuer 1955 92min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045174

Kathrin Angerer, Maren Kroymann, Caroline Peters, Anne Ratte-Polle, Esther Röhrborn, Bettina Stucky - Dir. Gesine Danckwart Drama 2008 89min. KNM Home Entertainment 16.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045048

Trespass Trespass Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Ben Mendelsohn, Liana Liberato, Cam Gigandet, Jordana Spiro, Dash Mihok, Emily Meade, Nico Tortorella - Dir. Joel Schumacher Trailer

Thriller 2011 91min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044815

Trespass (Blu-ray) Trespass Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Ben Mendelsohn, Liana Liberato, Cam Gigandet, Jordana Spiro, Dash Mihok, Emily Meade, Nico Tortorella - Dir. Joel Schumacher Trailer

Thriller 2011 95min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.02.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044841


Underwater Love - A Pink Musical (+ Audio-CD, OmU) Onna No Kappa Sawa Masaki, Yoshirô Umezawa, Ai Narita, Mutsuo Yoshioka, Emi Nishimura, Fumio Moriya, Hiroshi Satô, Yutaka Ônishi - Dir. Shinji Imaoka Interviews, Musikvideos, Trailer, Booklet

Musical/Erotik 2011 84min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 02.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045055

Unknown Identity (Berlin Edition) Unknown Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Aidan Quinn, Frank Langella, Bruno Ganz, Karl Markovics, Sebastian Koch, Olivier Schneider, Stipe Erceg, Eva Löbau, Mido Hamada, Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Rainer Bock - Dir. Jaume Collet-Serra Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interviews

Thriller/Mystery 2011 108min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment

Germany 15.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045088

Unsere kleine Farm - 01. Staffel (7 DVDs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1213min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044913

Unsere kleine Farm - 02. Staffel (6 DVDs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1040min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044961

Unsere kleine Farm - 03. Staffel (6 DVDs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1034min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044962

Unsere kleine Farm - 04. Staffel (6 DVDs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1037min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044963

Unsere kleine Farm - 05. Staffel (6 DVDs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Interviews, Quiz

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1099min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044964

MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Audiokommentar, Interview, Hintergrundinfo, Quiz

Unsere kleine Farm - 06. Staffel (6 DVDs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Interviews, Audiokommentar, Quiz

Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1050min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045013

Unsere kleine Farm - 07. Staffel (6 Discs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Interviews, Quiz

Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 937min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045014

Unsere kleine Farm - 08. Staffel (6 Discs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Interviews, Featurettes, Quiz

Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 1017min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045015

Unsere kleine Farm - 09. Staffel (6 Discs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French Interviews, Quiz, Featurettes

Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 998min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045017

Unsere kleine Farm - 10. Staffel (3 Discs) Little House On The Prairie Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie


Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 273min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045018

Valerie Franka Potente, Stephanie Stumph, Maria Hartmann, Guido Föhrweißer - Dir. Josef Rusnak Drama 2010 87min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 20.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045062

Die verborgene Festung - Hidden Fortress Kakushi Toride No San Akunin Jun Matsumoto, Daisuke Miyagawa, Kippei Shiina, Masami Nagasawa, Hiroshi Abe, Takaya Kamikawa, Arata Furuta, Kreva, Masahiro Komoto, Jun Kunimura, Pierre Taki, Masahiro Takashima, Peter Banks, Katsuhisa Namase, Manami Kurose - Dir. Shinji Higuchi

Cesar Romero, John Hoyt, Hugh Beaumont - Dir. Sam Newfield Science Fiction 1951 82min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) 01.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045136

Vier Leben Le Quattro Volte Giuseppe Fuda, Bruno Timpano, Nazareno Timpano - Dir. Michelangelo Frammartino Making of, Dokumentation

Drama 2010 84min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(NFP) 08.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045168

Vier Männer und eine Hochzeit (OmU) A Wedding Most Strange Chris Finch, Adam Hunter, Valary Sanders, Stephen McLeod, Louise Houghton, Danny Garcia, Rupert Charmak, Stephen Walker, Chris Barritt, Eve Pearson, Stephen Von Schreiber, Kaye Quinley, Catherine Mobley, Sukie Ghajminger, James Ashton, Clive Andrews - Dir. Trevor Garlick Komödie/Lovestory 2011 89min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 24.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045157


Abenteuer/Action 2008 118min. Musketier Media 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044879

Verliebt in Berlin - Folgen 61-90 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) Detlef Behr - Dir. Hans-Henning Borgelt, Joris Hermans, Marcus Ulbricht, Peter Zimmermann, Ralph Bridle, Andreas Morell, Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela Zschiechow, Cornelia Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Winfried Bonengel Booklet

Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Black Hill Pictures 27.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044775

Verliebt in Berlin - Folgen 91-120 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) Detlef Behr - Dir. Hans-Henning Borgelt, Joris Hermans, Marcus Ulbricht, Peter Zimmermann, Ralph Bridle, Andreas Morell, Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela Zschiechow, Cornelia Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Winfried Bonengel Booklet

Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Black Hill Pictures 27.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044776

Jules Verne - Die Reise zum Prähistorischen Planeten Voyage To The Prehistoric Planet Basil Rathbone, Faith Domergue - Dir. Curtis Harrington Science Fiction 1965 min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) 01.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045135

Jules Verne - Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Insel Lost Continent

Vietnam Box (2 Discs) A Case of Honor / Eye of the Eagle II: Inside the Enemy / Die Hölle von Korea / When Eagles Strike Dir. Carl Franklin, Eddie Romero, Samuel Fuller, Cirio H. Santiago Drama/Kriegsfilm 1951-2003 334min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) 22.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045137

Villa Captive (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Villa Captive Liza Del Sierra, Dario Lado, Shalim Ortiz, David Perez-Ribada, Derek Evans, John Corby II, Ashley Price VI, Patricia Rosales, Xavier Tchili - Dir. Emmanuel Silvestre Thriller 2011 83min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045202

Villa Captive (k.J.) Villa Captive Liza Del Sierra, Dario Lado, Shalim Ortiz, David Perez-Ribada, Derek Evans, John Corby II, Ashley Price VI, Patricia Rosales, Xavier Tchili - Dir. Emmanuel Silvestre Thriller 2011 79min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 30.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045194

Von Hitlers Schergen gehetzt The Aryan Couple Martin Landau, Judy Parfitt, Kenny Doughty, Caroline Carver, Danny Webb, Steven McKintosh, Christopher Fulford, Nolan Hemmings, Jake Wood, Austen Palmer, Gretchen Becker - Dir. John Daly Trailer

Drama/Kriegsfilm 2004 120min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 13.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045060

Von Hitlers Schergen gehetzt

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD (Blu-ray)

cho (Blu-ray)

The Aryan Couple Martin Landau, Judy Parfitt, Kenny Doughty, Caroline Carver, Danny Webb, Steven McKintosh, Christopher Fulford, Nolan Hemmings, Jake Wood, Austen Palmer, Gretchen Becker - Dir. John Daly

The Burrowers / Far Side Of Jericho Dir. J.T. Petty, Tim Hunter Western/Horror 194min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 23.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044798


Drama/Kriegsfilm 2004 125min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 14.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045076

War of the Arrows Choi-Jong-Byeong-Gi Hwal Park Hae-il, Seung-yong Ryoo, Chae-Won Moon, Mu-Yeol Kim, Lee Han-wi, Lee Kyeong-yeoung, Park Gi-woong, Rye Hei Otani, Gu-teak Kim, Eunjin Kang, Lee Seung-joon, Lee Jae-goo - Dir. Kim Han-min Action/Abenteuer 2011 121min. Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045143

War of the Arrows (Blu-ray) Choi-Jong-Byeong-Gi Hwal Park Hae-il, Seung-yong Ryoo, Chae-Won Moon, Mu-Yeol Kim, Lee Han-wi, Lee Kyeong-yeoung, Park Gi-woong, Rye Hei Otani, Gu-teak Kim, Eunjin Kang, Lee Seung-joon, Lee Jae-goo - Dir. Kim Han-min Action/Abenteuer 2011 126min. Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045181

John Wayne Classic Edition Feuerwasser und frische Blüten Paradise Canyon John Wayne, Marion Burns, Reed Howes, Gino Corrado, Yakima Canutt, Henry Hall Dir. Carl Pierson Trailer, Fotoshow, Faturette

Western 1935 60min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(aberlemedia) 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044792

Weg ohne Umkehr Ivan Desny, Ruth Niehaus, René Deltgen, Karl John, Lila Kedrova - Dir. Victor Vicas Drama 1953 95min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045067

Wim Wenders - Arthaus Close-Up, Vol. 1 (3 Discs) Alice in den Städten / Paris, Texas / Der Himmel über Berlin Harry Dean Stanton, Nastassja Kinski, Dean Stockwell, Rüdiger Vogler, Lisa Kreuzer, Yella Rottländer, Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Solveig Dommartin - Dir. Wim Wenders

White Collar - Die komplette erste Season (4 Discs) White Collar Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, Willie Garson, Tiffani Thiessen, Sharif Atkins, Marsha Thomason, Hilarie Burton, Diahann Carroll, Natalie Morales, James Rebhorn, Gloria Votsis, Alexandra Daddario, Ross McCall, Noah Emmerich, Jayce Bartok, Joseph R. Gannascoli, Paul Blackthorne, Anna Chlumsky, Andrew McCarthy, Kevin Kilner, Joseph Sikora, Billy Dee Williams, Ira Hawkins, Deanna Russo, John Ventimiglia, Kirk Acevedo, Stephen Singer - Dir. John T. Kretchmer, Michael Smith, Dennie Gordon, Kevin Bray, Paul Holahan, Sanford Bookstaver, Tricia Brock, David Straiton, Russell Lee Fine Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes

Kriminalfilm 2009 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 16.03.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045089

Will & Grace - Season 1 (4 DVDs) Will & Grace Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Patrick Hayes, Shelley Morrison, Michael Angarano, Gary Grubbs Dir. James Burrows Featurettes, Interviews

Komödie 1998-2006 513min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045116

Will & Grace - Season 2 (4 DVDs) Will & Grace Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Patrick Hayes, Shelley Morrison, Michael Angarano, Gary Grubbs Dir. James Burrows Featurettes

Komödie 1998-2006 505min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045117

Will & Grace - Season 3 (4 DVDs) Will & Grace Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally, Sean Patrick Hayes, Shelley Morrison, Michael Angarano, Gary Grubbs Dir. James Burrows Outtakes, Featurettes

Komödie 1998-2006 516min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045118

Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Audiokommentar, Biografie, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, 3 Wendecover

Womb Raider / Jewel Raider (2 Discs)

Drama 1974-1987 379min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 02.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044754

Womb Raider / Jewel Raider

Western Doppelbox - The Burrowers / Todesritt nach Jeri-


Trailer, Making Of

Erotik/Action 155min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) 10.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044878

Zorro Double Feature - Der blutrote Adler / Zorro im wilden Westen Dir. Ray Taylor, Mack V. Wright Western 152min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Filmpalast) 09.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044790

Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 1, Folge 0105 Peter Steiner Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 123min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045032

Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 2, Folge 0610 Peter Steiner Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 124min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 24.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045033

Zwei an einem Tag One Day Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Patricia Clarkson, Ken Stott, Rafe Spall, Georgia King, Romola Garai, Tom Mison, Jodie Whittaker, Jamie Sives, Amanda FairbankHynes, Matthew Beard - Dir. Lone Scherfig Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Drama/Lovestory 2011 104min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 05.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045195

Zwei an einem Tag (Blu-ray) One Day Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Patricia Clarkson, Ken Stott, Rafe Spall, Georgia King, Romola Garai, Tom Mison, Jodie Whittaker, Jamie Sives, Amanda FairbankHynes, Matthew Beard - Dir. Lone Scherfig Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Bildergalerie, Trailer

Drama/Lovestory 2011 108min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 05.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045203

Zwei in einem Stiefel Il Federale Ugo Tognazzi, Georges Wilson, Gianrico Tedeschi - Dir. Luciano Salce Kriegsfilm/Komödie 1961 100min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) 24.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045068

Zwischenwelten - Closet Space (k.J.) Closet Space Melanie Donihoo, Jovan Jackson, James LaMarr, Morgan McCarthy, Evan Scott, Peyton Wetzel - Dir. Mel House Trailer, Bildergalerie

Horror/Fantasy 2007 105min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 02.01.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044820

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD Special Interest 9 Leben Dir. Maria Speth Trailer

Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2010 105min. Filmgalerie 451 03.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044817

Jackie Chan Edition: Seine spektakulärsten Kämpfe Jackie Chan Dokumentation 60min. da music(Great Movies) 13.01.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044869

Noise and Resistance (OmU) Dir. Julia Ostertag, Francesca Araiza Andrade Interviews, Entfallene Szenen

Dokumentarfilm 2011 87min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 27.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044824

Olympiade 72 München Visions Of Eight Dir. Milos Forman, Kon Ichikawa, Claude Lelouch, Juri Oserow, Arthur Penn, Michael Pfleghar, John Schlesinger, Mai Zetterling Dokumentarfilm/Sport 1973 110min. Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 17.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044953

Paul Watson - Bekenntnisse eines Öko-Terroristen Confessions Of An Eco-Terrorist Paul Watson, Peter Jay Brown, Robert Hunter - Dir. Peter Jay Brown Trailer

Dokumentarfilm 2010 86min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044795

Paul Watson - Bekenntnisse eines Öko-Terroristen (Blu-ray) Confessions Of An Eco-Terrorist Paul Watson, Peter Jay Brown, Robert Hunter - Dir. Peter Jay Brown Trailer

Dokumentarfilm 2010 89min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044799

Whores’ Glory - Ein Triptychon (OmU) Dir. Michael Glawogger Interviews, Making of

Dokumentarfilm 2011 113min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi) 08.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045169


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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA night, while riding with his gang, his friend Tetsuo suddenly encounters a strange boy - the product of human experimentation - and is injured in the ensuing crash. Shortly thereafter, a military squadron appears on the scene to take the boy and Tetsuo away to an army research lab. Determined to free Tetsuo from captivity, Kaneda sneaks into the lab. However, a regimen of extreme experimental procedures has awakened a new power in his friend, and he is now consumed by madness...

Animation 4 Film Favorites: The Jetsons Collection Comedy, Family, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107256

4 Kid Favorites: Ben 10 - Alien Force Action, Adventure, Aliens, Cartoon Network, Fantasy, Science Fiction min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107253

Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, War 1988 DD 5.1 124min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107331

Angelina Ballerina: Ballerina Princess

4 Kid Favorites: The Flintstones Collection

Join Angelina Ballerina and her friends for enchanting adventures filled with princesses, princes, kings and queens. Dancing their way through Chipping Cheddar, Angelina encounters an evil witch, uncovers a Cinderella-like mystery, treats the king and queen to a regal performance, and brings an epic tale to life with her friends! With secrets, spells, dance and celebrations, the stage is set for a royally good time!

Comedy, Dinosaurs, Family, Prehistoric Times min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107255

Ballet, Family, Fantasy, Music, Animated Animals 2011 S 61min. Lionsgate 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106985

4 Kid Favorites: The Hall Of Fame Collection

Angelina Ballerina: Ballet Dreams

Animated Animals, Cartoon Network, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction 616min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107254

Join Angelina Ballerina, Camembert Academy’s shining star, as she finds her way in her new school, puts together her own show and tries to land a leading role in the Mouskinov Ballet. Angelina continues to blossom as a maturing young mouseling as she adjusts to her new teacher’s style and learns the importance of being a patient big sister. Prepare to pirouette along with everyone’s favorite ballerina in these sparkling stories!

Adventures In Lalaloopsy Land: The Search For Pillow The First-Ever Lalaloopsy Movie!. Peanut Big Top has a really big surprise to share with all her Lalaloopsy friends, but Pillow Featherbed has gone missing. So the Lalaloopsy girls set out on an adventure, along with their pets, to find their friend. With lots of unexpected surprises and challenges, including an impending thunderstorm, the girls use creativity and their special talents, but nothing seems to work. Will they be able to find Pillow in time to see Peanut’s exciting surprise? After trying almost everything, the girls realize that working together may be the only way to find their lost friend. This magical adventure is full of fun and friendship and it’s just sew cute!

Family, Adventure 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 70min. Lionsgate 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107594

The Adventures Of Tintin: Season Two David Fox One of the most popular classic comic strips of all time tells stories of the heroic escapades of youthful reporter Tintin and his loyal canine companion Snowy. From a comic that first appeared in 1929 by Belgian artist Hergé, these delightful adventures were spun into books, magazines, TV and radio programs and theater productions. The television series The Adventures Of Tintin (1991-1993) follows Tintin and Snowy in solving mysteries closely related to the much-loved original stories. A colorful cast of characters is along for the ride, including the salty Captain Haddock, handy Professor Calculus and clumsy Thomson & Thompson.

Based On A Comic Strip, Crime, Family, Mystery, Adventure, Animated Feature Films min. Shout Factory 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106965

Akira Tessho Genda, Nozomu Sasaki, Yuriko Fuchizaki, Mami Koyama, Mitsuo Iwata, Michihiro Ikemizu World War III breaks loose. Then in 2019, in megalopolis Tokyo... As the leader of a group of young robusts delinquents, Kaneda spent his nights tearing through the urban wastes, racing his motorbike against rival groups. One


Ballet, Family, Fantasy, Music, Animated Animals 2011 S 61min. Lionsgate 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106875

Angelina Ballerina: Ultimate Dance Collection It’s showtime! Step into a magical world of dance with Angelina and her friends as they steal the show in this entertaining DVD collection. With new routines and star performances, Angelina Ballerina takes center stage as she follows her heart and learns some important lessons about creativity and friendship along the way. Angelina Ballerina: Pop Star Girls. Get ready to get your groove on because it’s showtime with Angelina and the Pop Star Girls! While all the dancers learn to work together, Angelina realizes she loves hip-hop, rock bands, fiddles and more! Move and groove along with Angelina as she directs a hip-hop musical and discovers she was born to be a star. The whole family will be star-struck with delight as Angelina steps it up in her best performance yet! Angelina Ballerina: Shining Star Trophy. Angelina shines brighter than ever in this exciting movie adventure! Ms. Mimi announces that there’s going to be a big talent show at Camembert Academy - and the winner will walk away with a Shining Star Trophy. When Angelina goes out of her way to help her friends find their special talents, she ha

Music, Ballet, Dancing, Family, Fantasy, Animated Animals 2012 FF S 175min. Lionsgate 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107616

Barbie in A Mermaid Tale 2 Fantasy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106707

Barney: Clean Up, Clean Up! Barney shows how to make cleaning fun, from painting the caboose, to washing windows, to putting away toys! See Riff learn new tricks when his litterbot leaves him in a heap of a mess. All the friends help BJ out of a big spill, and they work together to host a fancy tea party. Everything’s better with friends, and when teamwork helps with clean-work, the world sparkles and shines!

Dinosaurs, Educational, Preschool 2011 FF S 53min.

Lionsgate 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106987

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - The Ultimate Ending The final DVD of the Ben 10: Ultimate Alien series is finally here in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - The Ultimate Ending. This DVD is packed with 10 episodes on 2 discs and includes an Ultimate Alien Database special feature. Ben must face his biggest enemy, Vilgax, who re-emerges in his most powerful form ever. Can Ben stop him and avoid the ultimate end?

Action, Adventure, Aliens, Cartoon Network, Fantasy min. Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106969

Blue’s Clues: Blue’s Big Band & Bluestock (Double Feature) Enjoy over 3 hrs of musical fun that you can sing and dance along to in this Blue’s Clues Double Feature!

Animated Animals, Double Features, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 186min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106643

The Cat In The Hat: A Breeze From The Trees Family, Preschool min. NCircle Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107068

CatDog: Season One - Part Two Jim Cummings, Tom Kenny, Carlos Alazraqui Conjoined brothers Cat and Dog are back for more adventures in Season 1 Part 2 of the hit Nickelodeon show CatDog! This 2-DVD set contains the final 10 episodes of Season 1, for 20 adventures in all!

Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon, Animated Animals 300min. Shout Factory 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106963

Code Geass: Lelouch Of The Rebellion R2 On August 10th of the year 2010 the Holy Empire of Britannia began a campaign of conquest, its sights set on Japan. In the span of one month the island nation was conquered. As a dominion of the Empire the newly acquired territory was renamed Area 11. The rights of its citizens were severely limited and an economic depression followed for the Japanese, now known as Elevens. Just as things seemed at their bleakest one man chose to stand up and fight, the masked crusader Zero. Leading his Order of Black Knights, Zero instigated a full scale revolution against Britannia culminating in one final battle, the Black Rebellion. Heavy casualties were seen by both sides but ultimately Britannia stood the victor resulting in Zero’s execution. And thus was history written. The year is now 2018. With Zero dead and the remnants of the Black Knights being swept up by the Britannian forces, a forced state of peace settles over Area 11. The rights of the Elevens remain limited but with no one to lead them and the defeat during the Black Rebellion hanging over them, the Japanese people remain under the boot of Britannian

Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 2008 625min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107385

Conan The Adventurer: Season Two - Part Two Produced by Sunbow, the animation group that brought you Transformers and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Conan The Adventurer follows Conan and his friends on their quest to rescue Conan’s family from an evil spell, cast by the Serpent Man wizard Wrath-Amon. These episodes find Conan helping out a mysterious city led by an evil ruler, falling under an evil spell, and learning how to read! Conan The Adventurer originally aired in Saturday morning syndication beginning in 1992 transitioning to a daily airing throughout 1993 in the second season. Hasbro also launched a branded toy line in 1992. The comic book line has been in print 40 years.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy 300min. Shout Factory 17.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107629

Danny Phantom: Season Two Part One Danny Phantom returns with a second season full of phantasmic adventures! With the extraordinary ability to turn himself into a super heroic apparition, Danny Fenton—along with his best friends Tucker and Sam—must track down and defeat ghastly ghouls! And now, you can join in the fun with the first 10 episodes from Danny Phantom.

Action, Adventure, Family, Ghosts, Nickelodeon 230min. Shout Factory 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107631

Despicable Me (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Vying for the title of „World’s Greatest Villain,“ Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) - along with his hilarious crew of mischievous minions - plots to pull off the craziest crime of the century: steal the moon! But when Gru enlists the help of three little girls, they see something in him nobody else has ever seen: the perfect dad. From executive producer Chris Meledandri (Horton Hears a Who!, Ice Age) and featuring the voices of an all-star comedic cast, including Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and Julie Andrews, Despicable Me is „rousingly funny, heartfelt and imaginative“ (Peter Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine).

Science Fiction, Animated Feature Films, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107424

Despicable Me (DVD + Digital Copy) Vying for the title of „World’s Greatest Villain,“ Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) - along with his hilarious crew of mischievous minions - plots to pull off the craziest crime of the century: steal the moon! But when Gru enlists the help of three little girls, they see something in him nobody else has ever seen: the perfect dad. From executive producer Chris Meledandri (Horton Hears a Who!, Ice Age) and featuring the voices of an all-star comedic cast, including Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and Julie Andrews, Despicable Me is „rousingly funny, heartfelt and imaginative“ (Peter Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine).

Science Fiction, Animated Feature Films, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107347

Dino Dan: Ready? Set? Dino! Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, Family, Nickelodeon min. Nickelodeon 20.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107070

Dora The Explorer: Cowgirl Dora Kathleen Herles, Harrison Chad Howdy, vaqueros! Saddle up with Cowgirl Dora and Boots for a rootin’ tootin’ Wild West adventure! Ride the Pony Express and help Dora deliver some very special mail! Neither rain nor snow nor Swiper the fox can stop them. Ready to ride, partner? Vamonos! Giddyap! Cowgirl Dora and Cowboy Boots are ridin’ Pinto the Pony Express to deliver a package of cowboy cookies to Benny the bull. But they’ll have to wrangle up some help from you cause there’s another cowboy out on the range who wants those cowboy cookies - Swiper the fox! Saddle up for a wild ride with Cowgirl Dora! Yee-hawww! Nothing can stop them, they will not fail. Dora and Boots must deliver the mail! They need to bring letters to Benny, Isa, Tico and even Swiper the fox... and fast! Help them outrun chickens, zip past falling nuts, and fight their way through a snowstorm to finally deliver Swiper’s letter at Blueberry Hill.

Family, Nickelodeon, Adventure 2003 100min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106711

Dora The Explorer: Dora Saves The Crystal Kingdom Dora and Boots are in her backyard looking up at the stars.


They see a dragon, a castle, and some beautiful crystal constellations. „They look just like your crystal, Dora,“ says Boots. Suddenly, the crystal constellations Dora’s necklace, and even her storybook begin to glow. The storybook’s pages turn, magically stopping on the Crystal Kingdom story. What will happen next?

Adventure, Nickelodeon, Preschool 2009 92min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106718

Dora The Explorer: Dora Saves The Mermaids On this special seafaring adventure Dora and Boots need your help to save Mermaid Kingdom from a mean, garbagedumping Octopus by bringing a magical mermaid crown back to Mariana the Mermaid! But how will Dora get to Mermaid Kingdom? She’ll have to travel over land and sea... and become a mermaid herself! Help Dora and Boots bring Baby Red Fish past the Big Clams and Swiper to get him back to his underwater home at Red Rock! Dora and Boots are in search of Pirate Pig’s treasure chest, but to get to Treasure Island, they’ll need your help!

Adventure, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 2007 92min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106713

Dora The Explorer: Dora Saves The Snow Princess It’s Dora The Explorer in her biggest DVD release of 2008! Dora Saves The Snow Princess is an all-new, movie- length adventure, available only on DVD! In this adventure, Dora, Boots and the Snowflake Fairy are off to save La Princessa Sabrina and her snowy forest from a mean witch who has locked her in a tower and taken away her magic snow crystal. Dora’s going to need your help because time is running out and the snowy forest is almost melted!

Adventure, Nickelodeon, Preschool 2008 93min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106720

Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Fairytale Adventure Once upon a time, Dora and Boots went exploring in Fairytale Land. But when Boots falls under a mean witch’s spell, Dora must set out on her toughest adventure yet - she must become a true princess to awaken Sleeping Boots! Will you help her become la Princess Dora?

Adventure, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 2004 94min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106716

Dragon’s Lair: The Complete Series Fred Travalena, Michael Mish, Arthur Burghardt Based On Video Game, Fantasy, ABC 1984 min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.11.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106665

Dream Eater Merry: The Complete Collection Hiroyuki Yoshino, Ayane Sakurada, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Joji Nakata Sometimes daydreaming can get you into trouble, but what do you do when it’s „other“ people’s dreams that you have to watch out for? Yumeji Fujiwara’s has the unique ability to predict what kind of dreams other people will have. But lately, his own dreams have taken a bizarre turn in which he’s being pursued by armies of cats. Stranger yet, Yumeji learns that the leader of the dream cats needs his body to access the Real World. And finally, the strange becomes downright weird when a beautiful girl suddenly drops on top of him and announces that she’s a Dream Demon looking for a way back to the Dream World! The fabric that separates reality and fantasy is torn to shreds, and Yumeji has a lot of sleepless nights ahead of him as he has to deal with both the dream stalking and a dream walking in Dream Eater Merry!

Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Action 2011 Ltbx 16x9

S 325min. Section23 Films 27.03.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107000

Dream Eater Merry: The Complete Collection (Blu-ray) Hiroyuki Yoshino, Ayane Sakurada, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Joji Nakata Sometimes daydreaming can get you into trouble, but what do you do when it’s „other“ people’s dreams that you have to watch out for? Yumeji Fujiwara’s has the unique ability to predict what kind of dreams other people will have. But lately, his own dreams have taken a bizarre turn in which he’s being pursued by armies of cats. Stranger yet, Yumeji learns that the leader of the dream cats needs his body to access the Real World. And finally, the strange becomes downright weird when a beautiful girl suddenly drops on top of him and announces that she’s a Dream Demon looking for a way back to the Dream World! The fabric that separates reality and fantasy is torn to shreds, and Yumeji has a lot of sleepless nights ahead of him as he has to deal with both the dream stalking and a dream walking in Dream Eater Merry!

Anime, Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 325min. Section23 Films 27.03.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107039

Ef - A Tale Of Melodies: The Complete Collection Keiji Hamada, Tohru Furusawa Shuichi Kuze’s been spending time with Mizuki Hayama and as they’ve been getting to know each other, they’ve been growing closer. Sadly, Kuze discovers that he’s contracted a fatal illness and decides to break all romantic ties for the little time left to him. Before he can break things off, however, Mizuki tells him that she loves him. Will her declaration change Kuze’s mind? In another city, in the not so distant past, Yuu Himura meets a girl who seems to know him, but he doesn’t know her. Soon enough, however, he remembers Yuko Amamiya, a girl he met long ago, and begins to rediscover the depth of their feelings for each other. Will Yuko’s love reach across time to find her true love once and for all? Kuze and Mizuki, Yu and Yuko... intertwining fate, tragic, bittersweet and beautiful - Ef - A Tale Of Melodies.

Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Romance 2008 Ltbx 16x9 S 300min. Section23 Films 20.03.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106999

Ef - A Tale Of Melodies: The Complete Collection (Blu-ray) Keiji Hamada, Tohru Furusawa Shuichi Kuze’s been spending time with Mizuki Hayama and as they’ve been getting to know each other, they’ve been growing closer. Sadly, Kuze discovers that he’s contracted a fatal illness and decides to break all romantic ties for the little time left to him. Before he can break things off, however, Mizuki tells him that she loves him. Will her declaration change Kuze’s mind? In another city, in the not so distant past, Yuu Himura meets a girl who seems to know him, but he doesn’t know her. Soon enough, however, he remembers Yuko Amamiya, a girl he met long ago, and begins to rediscover the depth of their feelings for each other. Will Yuko’s love reach across time to find her true love once and for all? Kuze and Mizuki, Yu and Yuko... Intertwining fate, tragic, bittersweet and beautiful - Ef - A Tale Of Melodies

Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Romance 2008 Ltbx 16x9 S 300min. Section23 Films 20.03.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107038

Fireman Sam: Rescue On The Water Sound the alarm! Fireman Sam and his heroic team are always prepared for rescues. Whether it’s a flood in Pontypandy, dangerous shifting tides or trouble at sea for Norman and James there’s no challenge too big for Fireman Sam! Join the squad and save the day with this collection of daring seaworthy rescues. Stranded The One that Got Away Pirates of Pontypandy Norman’s Ark Sailor Steele Dinosaur Hunt

Adventure, Computer Animation, Family, Firefighters 2008 FF S 55min. Lionsgate 03.04.2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 34

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107624

The Flight Of Dragons James Earl Jones, John Ritter, James Gregory, Harry Morgan, Victor Buono Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Time Travel 1982 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106836

A Flintstone Christmas Collection ABC, Christmas, Comedy, Dinosaurs, Family, Holidays, Prehistoric Times min. Warner Bros. MOD 27.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106837

Frankenstein, Jr. And The Impossibles: The Complete Series Paul Frees, Don Messick, Hal Smith, John Stephenson, Ted Cassidy, Dick Beals CBS, Family, Frankenstein, Music, Superheroes, Action min. Warner Bros. MOD 10.06.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106868

The Funky Phantom: The Complete Series Micky Dolenz, Daws Butler, Don Messick, Jerry Dexter, Tommy Cook ABC, Family, Fantasy, Ghosts 1971 min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106876

Go Diego Go!: Wolf Pup Rescue / Dora The Explorer: Animal Adventure (Double Feature) Enjoy this Double Feature where Dora & Diego appear together in the episodes!

Adventure, Animated Animals, Comedy, Double Features, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 192min. Nickelodeon 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106661

Goober And The Ghost Chasers: The Complete Series Jo Ann Harris, Ronnie Schell, Jerry Dexter, Danny Bonaduce, Paul Winchell Comedy, Ghosts, Mystery min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106944

The Good Bad And The Huckleberry Hound Charles Adler Western, Family, Animated Animals 1988 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106945

things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns of his father’s „guts and grit“ as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures - from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals - to put things right.

War, World War II, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Japanese 1988 Ltbx 16x9 S 89min. Section23 Films 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106995

Comedy, Computer Animation, Dancing, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2011 100min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107642

Handy Manny: Big Construction Job Put on your hard hats and team up with Handy Manny for an action-packed, full-length adventure! Join Manny and his Tools as they head out of town to work on an exciting construction project in Concrete Falls. Meanwhile, back in Sheet Rock Hills, Mr. Lopart tries to fill in for Manny — with hilarious results! Can Kelly convince Manny to come home and save the day? Introducing supercharged power tools „Jack“ and „Spinner,“ 3 great new songs and a wonderful message about the rewards of taking on new challenges of every size, Big Construction Job is fully loaded with tons of fun for everyone!

Computer Animation, Family, Preschool 2012 67min. Disney / Buena Vista 16.11.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107496

Happiness Is... Peanuts: Team Snoopy Batter up with Peanuts and celebrate their greatest sports moments in this all-new collection. For Charlie Brown, a new baseball season equals new hopes of winning. Unfortunately, one player just isn’t measuring up, which makes the team decide that Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown. Then suit up for a triple-header of laughs with The Charlie Brown And Snoopy Show. In The Pelicans, Charlie Brown gets stuck with mascot duties while Peppermint Patty is on the road to victory with her baseball team. Great Pumpkin finds the Peanuts gang visiting the bowling alley in hopes of teaching Charlie Brown a new sport with hilarious results, and it’s game on as the neighborhood cat meets his match when Snoopy’s older brother Spike trots into town. It’s time to catch the winning spirit and share these tales with your teammates, since happiness is what Team Snoopy is all about!

Animated Animals, Baseball, Based On A Comic Strip, Family, Sports min. Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107451

Happy Feet Two Matt Damon, Elijah Wood, Anthony LaPaglia, Common, Sofia Vergara, Magda Szubanski, Alecia Moore, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Hugo Weaving, Richard Carter The sequel to Happy Feet, the Academy Award®-winning animated smash hit, Happy Feet Two returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antarctica. Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son, Erik, is choreophobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns of his father’s „guts and grit“ as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures - from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals - to put things right.

Comedy, Computer Animation, Dancing, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2011 100min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107623

Happy Feet Two (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray)

Grave Of The Fireflies: Remastered Edition As the Empire of the Sun crumbles upon itself and a rain of firebombs falls upon Japan, the final death march of a nation is echoed in millions of smaller tragedies. This is the story of Seita and his younger sister Setsuko, two children born at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and now cast adrift in a world that lacks not the care to shelter them, but simply the resources. Forced to fend for themselves in the aftermath of fires that swept entire cities from the face of the earth, their doomed struggle is both a tribute to the human spirit and the stuff of nightmares. Beautiful, yet at times brutal and horrifying. Based on the retellings of survivor Nosaka Akiyuki and directed by Iaso Takahata (co-founder, with Hayao


Miyazaki, of Japan’s legendary Studio Ghibli,) Grave Of The Fireflies has been universally hailed as an artistic and emotional tour de force. Now digitally remastered and restored, it is one of the rare films that truly deserves to be called a masterpiece.

Matt Damon, Elijah Wood, Anthony LaPaglia, Common, Sofia Vergara, Magda Szubanski, Alecia Moore, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Hugo Weaving, Richard Carter The sequel to Happy Feet, the Academy Award®-winning animated smash hit, Happy Feet Two returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antarctica. Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son, Erik, is choreophobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But

Happy Feet Two 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Matt Damon, Elijah Wood, Anthony LaPaglia, Common, Sofia Vergara, Magda Szubanski, Alecia Moore, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Hugo Weaving, Richard Carter The sequel to Happy Feet, the Academy Award®-winning animated smash hit, Happy Feet Two returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antarctica. Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son, Erik, is choreophobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns of his father’s „guts and grit“ as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures - from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals - to put things right.

Comedy, Computer Animation, Dancing, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films 2011 100min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107643

Heaven’s Lost Property: Complete Season 2 - Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Bluray) Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Robots / Androids 300min. Funimation 20.03.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107262

The Herculoids: The Complete Series Virginia Gregg, Don Messick Action min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107009

Hey Arnold!: Season Two - Part One The adventures continue in this Season 2 collection of Hey Arnold! Spend more time in the hood with Arnold and his best buddy Gerald, as they endure playground bullies, secret crushes, and everything else that comes with big-city life. So don your cap, your unbuttoned flannel, and head for the TV, cause you’ve got the only DVD collection that answers the age-old question, how many people does it take to save a runaway pig from becoming bacon?

Adventure, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Family, Nickelodeon min. Shout Factory 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106966

Hop From the makers of Despicable Me comes an all-new comedy about candy, chicks and rock ‘n’ roll! He was destined to be the Easter Bunny, but all he wanted to do was rock! When teenage E.B. (voiced by Russell Brand) leaves for Hollywood in pursuit of his dream to become a rockstar drummer, he meets Fred (James Marsden), an out-of-work slacker with his own lofty goals. Together the two encounter a series of hilarious mishaps and misadventures and in the end help each other recognize the importance of family. „The laughs don’t stop in this movie treat for all ages!“ Pete Hammond, Boxoffice

Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min. Universal Studios 23.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107289

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 35

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Rogue - The Complete Collection

Hop (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) From the makers of Despicable Me comes an all-new comedy about candy, chicks and rock ‘n’ roll! He was destined to be the Easter Bunny, but all he wanted to do was rock! When teenage E.B. (voiced by Russell Brand) leaves for Hollywood in pursuit of his dream to become a rockstar drummer, he meets Fred (James Marsden), an out-of-work slacker with his own lofty goals. Together the two encounter a series of hilarious mishaps and misadventures and in the end help each other recognize the importance of family. „The laughs don’t stop in this movie treat for all ages!“ Pete Hammond, Boxoffice

Animated Animals, Comedy, Family min. Universal Studios 23.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107328

Jabberjaw Frank Welker Comedy, High Seas, Music, Mystery, Sharks, ABC, Animated Animals 1976 min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107107

The Jetsons Meet The Flintstones Penny Singleton, Mel Blanc, Henry Corden Time Travel, TV Movies, Comedy, Dinosaurs, Family, Prehistoric Times, Science Fiction 1987 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107111

The Jetsons: Season Two Volume Two Comedy, Family, Science Fiction 1985 min. Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107112

Jonny Quest Vs. The Cyber Insects Anndi McAffe, Rob Paulsen, Don Messick Family, Science Fiction, Action 1995 120min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107117

Jonny’s Golden Quest Whit Hertford, George Hearn, Will Estes, Ed Gilbert Family, Mystery, Adventure, TV Movies 1993 120min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107118

Josie And The Pussycats In Outer Space: The Complete Series Casey Kasem, Jerry Dexter Based On Comic Book, CBS, Family, girl power, Music, Pop Music 1972 min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.10.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107120

Kimikiss: Pure Rogue - The Complete Collection Haruna Ikesawa Kouichi always thought of Mao as his little sister, but when she returns after living in France for several years, she’s definitely not his little sister anymore! Which makes the fact that Koichi’s mom has invited Mao to stay at their house while she attends the same high school a path that will be fraught with peril. Especially since Kouichi’s been trying to build a relationship with Yuumi, and the revelation that the cute new house guest is a non-related girl may become a full blown disaster by the time his best friend Kazuki, her sister Nana, her best friend Narumi, Asuka, Eriko, Mitsuki, Megumi, Eiji and all the other kids at school get overly involved. Little girls grow up in the most unexpected ways as young love, teenage angst and a little higher education all collide in Kimikiss: Pure


Anime, Based On Video Game, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, High School, International TV, Japanese, Romance 2007 Ltbx 16x9 S 625min. Section23 Films 06.03.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106996

The Life And Adventures Of Santa Claus / Nestor: The LongEared Christmas Donkey (Double Feature) Brenda Vacarro, Earl Hammond, Larry Kenney, Roger Miller CBS, Christmas, Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Musical, Rankin / Bass, Religion/Spirituality, Stop Motion Animation 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107178

The Lion King 1 1/2: Special Edition Whoopi Goldberg, Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, Jerry Stiller, Jim Cummings, Ernie Sabella, Edward Hibbert, Matt Weinberg Hilarity reigns in the motion picture comedy-adventure that takes you waaay back to the beginning before Simba’s tale began...and beyond! From their uniquely hysterical perspective, Timon and his windy pal Pumbaa — the greatest unsung heroes of the savanna! — reveal where they came from, how they helped Simba save the Serengeti and what really happened behind the scenes of The Lion King’s biggest events. This essential chapter of The Lion King trilogy features the orginal all-star voice cast as your favorite characters and music by Elton John and Tim Rice. You will feel the love for every outrageously funny moment!

Comedy, Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Special Editions 2004 min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106972

The Lion King 1 1/2: Special Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Bluray) Whoopi Goldberg, Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, Jerry Stiller, Jim Cummings, Ernie Sabella, Edward Hibbert, Matt Weinberg Hilarity reigns in the motion picture comedy-adventure that takes you waaay back to the beginning before Simba’s tale began...and beyond! From their uniquely hysterical perspective, Timon and his windy pal Pumbaa — the greatest unsung heroes of the savanna! — reveal where they came from, how they helped Simba save the Serengeti and what really happened behind the scenes of The Lion King’s biggest events. This essential chapter of The Lion King trilogy features the orginal all-star voice cast as your favorite characters and music by Elton John and Tim Rice. You will feel the love for every outrageously funny moment!

Comedy, Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Special Editions 2004 76min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107034

unsung heroes of the savanna! — reveal where they came from, how they helped Simba save the Serengeti and what really happened behind the scenes of The Lion King’s biggest events. This essential chapter of The Lion King trilogy features the orginal all-star voice cast as your favorite characters and music by Elton John and Tim Rice. You will feel the love for every outrageously funny moment!

Comedy, Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Special Editions 2004 76min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107033

The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride Special Edition James Earl Jones, Robert Guillaume, Neve Campbell, Suzanne Pleshette, Matthew Broderick, Andy Dick, Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Jason Marsden Experience the power of „Upendi“ — which means „love“ — as Kiara, Simba’s strong-willed daughter, seeks adventure away from her father’s watchful gaze. Timon and Pumbaa can do only so much to protect her, especially when she encounters an intriguing rival, Kovu, a cub who is being groomed to lead Scar’s pride. As Kiara and Kovu search for their proper places in the great „Circle Of Life,“ they discover that it may be their destiny to reunite their prides and bring peace to the Pride Lands. Featuring the original all-star voice cast, breathtaking animation and enchanting songs, Kiara and Kovu?s adventure thrills audiences of all ages as the glorious „Circle Of Life“ continues for a new generation.

Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Musical, Romance, Special Editions 2004 81min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106978

The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride Special Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) James Earl Jones, Robert Guillaume, Neve Campbell, Suzanne Pleshette, Matthew Broderick, Andy Dick, Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Jason Marsden Experience the power of „Upendi“ — which means „love“ — as Kiara, Simba’s strong-willed daughter, seeks adventure away from her father’s watchful gaze. Timon and Pumbaa can do only so much to protect her, especially when she encounters an intriguing rival, Kovu, a cub who is being groomed to lead Scar’s pride. As Kiara and Kovu search for their proper places in the great „Circle Of Life,“ they discover that it may be their destiny to reunite their prides and bring peace to the Pride Lands. Featuring the original all-star voice cast, breathtaking animation and enchanting songs, Kiara and Kovu?s adventure thrills audiences of all ages as the glorious „Circle Of Life“ continues for a new generation.

Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Musical, Romance, Special Editions 2004 81min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107035

The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride Special Edition (DVD + Blu-ray Combo) (Blu-ray) James Earl Jones, Robert Guillaume, Neve Campbell, Suzanne Pleshette, Matthew Broderick, Andy Dick, Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Jason Marsden

Whoopi Goldberg, Matthew Broderick, Nathan Lane, Jerry Stiller, Jim Cummings, Ernie Sabella, Edward Hibbert, Matt Weinberg

Experience the power of „Upendi“ — which means „love“ — as Kiara, Simba’s strong-willed daughter, seeks adventure away from her father’s watchful gaze. Timon and Pumbaa can do only so much to protect her, especially when she encounters an intriguing rival, Kovu, a cub who is being groomed to lead Scar’s pride. As Kiara and Kovu search for their proper places in the great „Circle Of Life,“ they discover that it may be their destiny to reunite their prides and bring peace to the Pride Lands. Featuring the original all-star voice cast, breathtaking animation and enchanting songs, Kiara and Kovu?s adventure thrills audiences of all ages as the glorious „Circle Of Life“ continues for a new generation.

Hilarity reigns in the motion picture comedy-adventure that takes you waaay back to the beginning before Simba’s tale began...and beyond! From their uniquely hysterical perspective, Timon and his windy pal Pumbaa — the greatest

Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Musical, Romance, Special Editions 2004 81min.

The Lion King 1 1/2: Special Edition (DVD + Blu-ray Combo) (Bluray)

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 36

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Disney / Buena Vista 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107036

Marvel Knights: Astonishing XMen - Dangerous

The Looney Tunes Show (3 Pack) Kristen Wiig, Fred Armisen, Bob Bergen, Jeff Bergman This half-hour animated comedy series starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck is no longer confined to 7-minute shorts. Bugs and Daffy are out of the woods and living in the suburbs among such colorful neighbors as Yosemite Sam, Granny, Tweety and Sylvester. In addition to each episode’s main story, The Looney Tunes Show also features „cartoons within a cartoon.“ The Tasmanian Devil, Speedy Gonzales, Marvin the Martian and other classic characters sing original songs in two-minute music videos called Merrie Melodies. The legendary Looney Tunes cartoons are getting a 21st century relaunch and a CGI overhaul for a new generation. This collection includes the first 12 episodes of the series.

Cartoon Network, Comedy, Animated Animals min. Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107514

Based On Comic Book, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action 80min. Shout Factory 10.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107614


Looney Tunes: Best Of Bugs Bunny his is a compilation of fun-filled episodes starring everyone’s favorite bunny...Bugs! The Million-Hare Napoleon Bunny-Part Knighty Knight Bugs

Animated Animals, Classics, Comedy, Family 66min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107517

Gen’s family has a secret that everyone would like to know — the key to immortality — although it’s somehow connected to a strange curse linked to the untimely deaths of many of his relatives, including his mother. As a manifestation of this strange heritage, Gen’s...err...’vital liquid’ is a brilliant gold color. An American grad student has been studying him and his family, and is determined on getting a sample of that golden liquid any way she can. But Gen has a mystery of his own to solve: who is the mysterious beauty haunting his dreams? And why has he suddenly started losing control of his desires?

Anime, Comedy, Erotica, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Mystery 120min. Media Blasters 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107273

Meet The Posse

Looney Tunes: Unleashed This is a compilation of fun-filled episodes featuring some of the wackiest Looney Tunes gang moments! Apes Of Wrath Stork Naked Bad Ol’ Putty Tat

Animated Animals, Classics, Comedy, Family 66min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107518

Adventure, Animated Animals, Dinosaurs, Superheroes min. NCircle Entertainment 14.02.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107065

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: ChooChoo Express

Mardock Scramble: Director’s Cut To stop the unstoppable you need the irresistible. To kill the un-killable, you need someone for whom death no longer has a meaning. And to catch the perfect serial killer, you need the one person who knows his methods the best... his last victim. Murdered and now reborn, the female cyborg named Balot exists for only one reason-to track down the man who killed her and bring him to justice. But can even the ultimate hybrid between ghost and machine take down a monster who wipes his own memory? Or will a shadowy cabal of gruesome mutants who want her body parts for their own perverse purposes get to her first? This new, special edition director’s cut of Mardock Scramble deepens the mystery of this hit anime, providing even more insight into the dark psyche of the cyborg assassin and her dangerous assignment!

Anime, Foreign, Ghosts, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Serial Killers 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 125min. Section23 Films 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106997

Mardock Scramble: Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) To stop the unstoppable you need the irresistible. To kill the un-killable, you need someone for whom death no longer has a meaning. And to catch the perfect serial killer, you need the one person who knows his methods the best... his last victim. Murdered and now reborn, the female cyborg named Balot exists for only one reason-to track down the man who killed her and bring him to justice. But can even the ultimate hybrid between ghost and machine take down a monster who wipes his own memory? Or will a shadowy cabal of gruesome mutants who want her body parts for their own perverse purposes get to her first? This new, special edition director’s cut of Mardock Scramble deepens the mystery of this hit anime, providing even more insight into the dark psyche of the cyborg assassin and her dangerous assignment!

Anime, Foreign, Ghosts, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Serial Killers 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 125min. Section23 Films 13.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107037


Dream-team creators Joss Whedon (TV’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and John Cassaday (Planetary, Captain America) unleash the astonishing follow up to Astonishing X-Men: Gifted. The tragic death of a student at the Xavier Institute reveals that a powerful enemy is working from inside the mansion to destroy the X-Men. It’s an enemy who knows all their weaknesses and can predict their every move. This new foe doesn’t want wealth, power or world domination - it only wants them dead. As the X-Men fight for their lives, they learn they’ve been deceived by one of their own. Even if they survive, the team will never be the same.

Join Mickey, Toodles and the gang for this magical full-length adventure you’ll enjoy year-round! Ride the amazing Clubhouse Train to the top of the mountain, and help load the train cars full of incredible, never-melting, „Easy-Freezy“ snow! Share in the excitement when you arrive back at the Clubhouse to ski and make snow summer! Hop back on board and race to each station to pick up guests in time for the coolest snow party ever! It’s always the season of fun when you ride on Mickey’s Choo-Choo Express!

Adventure, Animated Animals, Computer Animation, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Preschool 2009 47min. Disney / Buena Vista 01.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107497

Mobile Suit Gundam 00: The Complete First Season The year is 2307 A.D. While the Earth’s reserves of fossil fuels have been depleted, humanity has obtained a new nearly infinite source of energy to replace them, in the form of largescale solar powered generation systems based on three huge orbital elevators. However, the benefits of this system are available only to a handful of major powers and their allies. These orbital elevators belong to three superpower blocs: the Union, a coalition of free nations led by the United States of America; the Human Reform League, a socialist group led by China, Russia and India; and the AEU, a parliamentary organization led by the nations of continental Europe. These confederations continue to play a grand zero-sum game for the sake of their own prestige and prosperity. Thus, even in the 24th Century, humanity has yet to unite as one. In this world of unceasing conflict, a private armed organization steps forward, declaring their intention to the eliminate war through martial force. Using the power of their mobile suits combatively, a series of four high-performance machines each dubbed „Gundam“, the paramilitary o

Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action 2007 S 625min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107379

Mobile Suit Gundam 00: The

Complete Second Season The year is 2312 A.D.; four years after the United Nation forces destroyed Celestial Being. Thanks to the actions of the now-missing Gundam Meisters, most of the world’s nations have been unified under the Earth Sphere Federation. But this world is still full of conflict, and an autonomous peacekeeping force known as the A-LAWS employs brutal tactics such as the use of murderous automatons in order to suppress all resistance to the Federation government. It is time for the Gundam Meisters to make their second advent, and their new objective is to crush this formidable force of global oppression. Setsuna reappears with his battered Gundam and joins forces with Tieria, who has been working with the remnants of Celestial Being to create a new series of Gundams using their precious solar reactors. As they try to recruit a new member and rescue an old comrade, a revolutionary new machine known as the 00 Gundam is about to awaken. The newest incarnation of the legendary Gundam saga moves into its second season, with an even bigger bang of futuristic action and powered-up animation! Now in one complete set!

Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action 2008 S 625min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107382

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: Part 2 Tetsuya Kakihara, Ichiro Nagai, Ayumi Fujimara, Rikiya Koyama, Daisuke Namikawa Universal Century 0096 Amid the chaos of guerilla warfare, college student Banagher Links was chosen by his dying father as the pilot of the Unicorn Gundam. This advanced weapon is also said to be the key to Laplace’s Box, which holds a secret that could cause the overthrow of the Earth Federation government. In order to save Mineva Zabi, the young woman who is the figurehead of Neo Zeon, Banagher launched in the Unicorn Gundam and fought against the leader of the Neo Zeon forces - Full Frontal, the so-called „second coming of Char Aznable.“ The novice pilot was captured, and became a prisoner at the mining asteroid Palau. Having lost the Gundam, the Federation warship Nahel Argama is now carrying out a desperate operation to recover the secret weapon upon which the destiny of the entire Earth Sphere hangs. The complete episodes 3 and 4, each a full hour long, are included in this feature-length second volume of the DVD series.

Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action 2010 120min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107376

Mobile Suit Gundam: Complete Collection 2 Shinichi Ikeda, Michael Dobson, Brian Drummond From the legendary Director Yoshiyuki Tomino and acclaimed as the classic series that started a new robot genre comes Mobile Suit Gundam! The White Base is the target of constant attacks by Zeon, and Amuro and the others have officially become soldiers of the Earth Federation Forces. They return to space to fight in the final campaign, and here Amuro meets the mysterious and beautiful Lalah Sune. As the war builds to its conclusion, the final battle pits Federation against Zeon, brother against sister, and Newtype against Newtype. The Federation is weakened! Zeon is in turmoil! Will the Zeon fortress of A Baoa Qu stand or fall? It all ends here! Watch the conclusion of the series that started it all, now on DVD with original Japanese audio for the first time ever!

Anime, Drama, Foreign, Giant Robots, International TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 1979 500min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107332

Moby Dick And The Mighty Mightor: The Complete Series Patsy Garrett, Norma MacMillan, Don Messick, Bobby Diamond CBS, Dinosaurs, High Seas, Prehistoric Times, Science Fiction 378min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107378

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 37

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Naruto Shippuden: Volume 10 Sasuke’s future hangs in the balance as Orochimaru prepares for reanimation. It’s been three years since Sasuke left the Leaf Village seeking the power Orochimaru promised him. Now it’s time to face his mentor. Who will master whom in the battle for their very existence? Plus, take a step back in time to a turning point in the young Kakashi’s life, as he fights alongside his teammates under the guidance of the Fourth Hokage!

Thrillers, Anime, Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 300min. Viz Entertainment 10.04.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106894

Peanuts: Motion Comics Collection Animated Animals, Based On A Comic Strip, Family 70min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107615

The Pirates Of Dark Water: The Complete Series Tim Curry, Jodi Benson, Frank Welker, Hector Elizondo, George Newbern Fantasy, High Seas, Magic, Pirates, Swashbucklers, Action, Adventure 1991 min. Warner Bros. MOD 31.08.2010 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107635

Pocoyo; Fun & Games Computer Animation, Preschool min. NCircle Entertainment 20.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107071

Pokemon The Movie: Black Victini And Rshiram / White Victini And Zekrom (Double Feature) A Hero Must Choose: The Power of Ideals... or the Courage of Truth? When Ash and his friends enter a battle competition in Eindoak Town, they meet the Mythical Pokemon Victini, who becomes their newest friend. But disaster strikes when the misguided wanderer Damon seizes Victini for his own plans! Can Ash prove himself a hero and earn the help of the Legendary Reshiram-or Zekrom-to rescue Victini and save Eindoak Town? Two legends...and two versions of the story! Follow them both in Pokemon The Movie: Black-Victini And Reshiram and Pokemon The Movie: White-Victini And Zekrom! It’s twice the Pokemon adventure!

Animated Feature Films, Anime, Based On Video Game, Double Features, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese min. Viz Entertainment 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106970

Pound Puppies: Homeward Pound Family, Preschool, Adventure, Animated Animals 110min. Shout Factory 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106900

The Princess And The Frog (Bluray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) John Goodman, Anika Noni Rose, Keith David, Bruno Campos Disney celebrates a modern-day classic from the directors of The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. Discover what really happened after the princess kissed the frog in an inspired twist on the world’s most famous kiss. This hilarious adventure leaps off the screen with stunning animation, irresistible music and an unforgettable cast of characters. Enter Princess Tiana’s world of talking frogs, singing alligators and lovesick fireflies as she embarks on an incredible journey through the mystical bayous of Louisiana.


Spurred on by a little bit of courage and a great big dream, these new friends come to realize what’s truly important in, family and friendship. Overflowing with humor and heart, The Princess And The Frog is an incredible motion picture experience your whole family will want to enjoy again and again!

Disney, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Animated Animals, Musical, Romance 2009 98min. Disney / Buena Vista 08.02.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107423

61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106967

Puss In Boots 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Billy Bob Thornton, Salma Hayek, Amy Sedaris, Antonio Banderas, Zach Galifianakis

You loved him in Shrek-now see where the one-and-only swashbuckling feline found his fame - and a very big pair of boots - in the „hilariously funny“ (Associated Press) animated epic! Lover, fighter and outlaw Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas) is off on the adventure of his nine lives as he teams up with Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek) and Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) for the ultimate showdown with the notorious Jack and Jill (Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris). Here’s the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend - Puss In Boots!

You loved him in Shrek-now see where the one-and-only swashbuckling feline found his fame - and a very big pair of boots - in the „hilariously funny“ (Associated Press) animated epic! Lover, fighter and outlaw Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas) is off on the adventure of his nine lives as he teams up with Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek) and Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) for the ultimate showdown with the notorious Jack and Jill (Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris). Here’s the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend - Puss In Boots! As the dust from his latest adventure begins to settle, Puss in Boots finds himself at a crossroads between two destinies - hero and outlaw. When a desperate princess hires Puss to recover her stolen ruby, he is reluctantly partnered with the three little kittens. Adorable. Fuzzy. Deadly. The minute the mittens are off, these Three Diablos wreak havoc on Puss’ mission to recover the stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, The Whisperer. Can Puss tame these three little devils in time to recover the ruby?

Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Animals, Swashbucklers 2011 90min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 24.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106968

Swashbucklers, Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Animals 2011 90min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 24.02.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107031

Puss In Boots (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital copy) (Blu-ray)

Scooby-Doo And The Safari Creatures

Billy Bob Thornton, Salma Hayek, Amy Sedaris, Antonio Banderas, Zach Galifianakis

Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Mystery 63min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107519

Puss In Boots Billy Bob Thornton, Salma Hayek, Amy Sedaris, Antonio Banderas, Zach Galifianakis

You loved him in Shrek-now see where the one-and-only swashbuckling feline found his fame - and a very big pair of boots - in the „hilariously funny“ (Associated Press) animated epic! Lover, fighter and outlaw Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas) is off on the adventure of his nine lives as he teams up with Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek) and Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) for the ultimate showdown with the notorious Jack and Jill (Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris). Here’s the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend - Puss In Boots! As the dust from his latest adventure begins to settle, Puss in Boots finds himself at a crossroads between two destinies - hero and outlaw. When a desperate princess hires Puss to recover her stolen ruby, he is reluctantly partnered with the three little kittens. Adorable. Fuzzy. Deadly. The minute the mittens are off, these Three Diablos wreak havoc on Puss’ mission to recover the stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, The Whisperer. Can Puss tame these three little devils in time to recover the ruby?

Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Animals, Swashbucklers 2011 90min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 24.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107032

Scooby-Doo And The Sea Monsters Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, High Seas, Monsters, Mystery 63min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107520

South Park: The Complete Fifteenth Season Trey Parker, Matt Stone All fourteen episodes from South Park’s fifteenth season are now available in this exclusive three- disc set. Join the boys as they take on revolutionary product development, start new business ventures, cope with the struggles of getting older and join the U.S. Border Patrol. For them, it’s all part of growing up in South Park!

Puss In Boots (Double DVD Pack)

Comedy, Comedy Central 2011 308min. Comedy Central 27.03.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107444

Billy Bob Thornton, Salma Hayek, Amy Sedaris, Antonio Banderas, Zach Galifianakis

South Park: The Complete Fifteenth Season (Blu-ray)

You loved him in Shrek-now see where the one-and-only swashbuckling feline found his fame - and a very big pair of boots - in the „hilariously funny“ (Associated Press) animated epic! Lover, fighter and outlaw Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas) is off on the adventure of his nine lives as he teams up with Kitty Softpaws (Salma Hayek) and Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) for the ultimate showdown with the notorious Jack and Jill (Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris). Here’s the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend - Puss In Boots! As the dust from his latest adventure begins to settle, Puss in Boots finds himself at a crossroads between two destinies - hero and outlaw. When a desperate princess hires Puss to recover her stolen ruby, he is reluctantly partnered with the three little kittens. Adorable. Fuzzy. Deadly. The minute the mittens are off, these Three Diablos wreak havoc on Puss’ mission to recover the stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, The Whisperer. Can Puss tame these three little devils in time to recover the ruby?

Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, 2 Packs, Adventure, Animated Animals, Swashbucklers 2011 102min. DreamWorks Home Ent. 24.02.2012

Trey Parker, Matt Stone All fourteen episodes from South Park’s fifteenth season are now available in this exclusive three- disc set. Join the boys as they take on revolutionary product development, start new business ventures, cope with the struggles of getting older and join the U.S. Border Patrol. For them, it’s all part of growing up in South Park!

Comedy, Comedy Central 2011 308min. Comedy Central 27.03.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107490

SpongeBob SquarePants: Truth Or Square / Who Bob What Pants / Whale Of A Birthday (Triple Feature) Enjoy three of your favorite SpongeBob DVDs in a 3-Disc Amaray!

Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon 266min. Nickelodeon 13.03.2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 38

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106666

Stellaluna Take flight with a heartwarming tale for the whole family! Based on the beloved children’s book, this fun-filled animated feature follows a spirited young fruit bat who finds friendship, love and acceptance in the most unexpected places! Brimming with music, laughter, warmth and excitement, Stellaluna is sure to capture your heart! When the adorable fruit bat Stellaluna is separated from her mother, she is adopted by a family of birds, but soon finds that she just can’t fit in. Her playmates like to sleep at night; she wants to fly. They whistle and sing; she doesn’t even have a beak! But just when it seems like she’ll always be an outsider, Stellaluna makes an amazing discovery. Now she’ll learn to cherish the things that make her different from everyone else. And she’ll see that an open mind and an open heart can lead to the greatest gifts of all.

Family, Animated Animals 41min. Scholastic 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106686

Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Adventure 2008 150min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107374

Thomas & Friends: Up, Up & Away! Jules Dejongh, Martin Sherman

Step Milf Tomonori is thrown into confusion when his mother suddenly passes on and his father marries the sexy and mysterious Hanae right away. Tomonori is able to discover his new stepmother’s secret: she had been having an affair with his father for many years. Not wanting the secret to get out, Hanae and her daughter from a previous marriage will do anything to keep Tomonori quiet: including bribe him with their bodies!

Anime, Erotica, Foreign, International TV, Japanese 2010 60min. Media Blasters 13.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107272

Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Brick Road Strawberry Shortcake and her friends journey over the rainbow in a berry enchanting retelling of The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz! When a cyclone blows Strawberry to Oz, she runs afoul of a Wicked Witch and must journey to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard for help getting home. With her faithful dog Pupcake by her side, Strawberry meets Ginger Snap as the Scarecrow, Peppermint Fizz as the Tin Woodsgirl, and Orange Blossom as the Cowardly Lion. After making a big impression down the Berry Brick Road, the Munchkin-like Berrykins call on Strawberry and her friends to save the Gem-Berries whose glow lights the whole land of Oz. The Berrykins have been wasting what few Gem-Berries are left, and the Wicked Witch is out to destroy them entirely. It’s up to Strawberry and her pals to save the day!

2011 FF DD 2.0 46min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106747

Strawberry Shortcake: Bloomin’ Berry Garden It’s time for garden growing fun with Strawberry and her friends as they prepare for the Spring Flower Festival! But when magical sparkles make the Berrykins grow tall and the girls shrink down small, they discover that even when they’re tiny, they can make a big difference. It’s gardens, giggles and girl power in these berry exciting adventures!

2011 Ltbx DD 2.0 66min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106745

Tales Of The Abyss: Part 3 Yukana Nogami, Chihiro Suzuki Luke is merely a replica of Asch, the real son of Duke Fabre, and Natalia is not a daughter born to the king. They escaped from their home city as they were accused of being imposters. Meanwhile they find out the Outer Lands are about to collapse obliterating the entire humankind unless someone stops the vibration of the planet’s core. They first need to overcome their own past before saving the world while Van Grants and his six God-Generals are going to stand in their way. Great adventures continue through this alternate-reality world of swords and sorcery on the planet Auldrant.

Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Adventure 2008 150min. Bandai Entertainment 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107371

Tales Of The Abyss: Part 4 Yukana Nogami, Chihiro Suzuki For now, Luke and his comrades have saved the world.


However, Van Grants and his six God-Generals are far from being dead yet. Van has absorbed Lorelei into his own body, and it causes the poisonous Miasma to start spreading all over the planet. The humanity is on the verge of being obliterated again. The only hope is Luke’s hyperresonance, but it’s hardly powerful enough as it is. In this final chapter, Luke is destined to have it out with his own original Asch as well as his once-beloved teacher Van Grants. The greatest showdown shutters the alternate-reality world of the planet Auldrant.

The sky’s the limit for fun with Thomas and his friends! Thomas and Percy have a special Special as they try and try again to bring balloons to Mr. Bubbles’ Big Balloon Show. At the Children’s Steam Fair, Emily learns there are great rewards - and laughs - in helping others, Kevin tries his hook at Hide and Peep, and Thomas has a wonky whistle! Up, up and away for exciting adventures with Thomas & Friends!

Family, Stop Motion Animation, Transportation 2011 FF S 49min. Lionsgate 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106990

Tom And Jerry: World Champions Animated Animals, Comedy, Family min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107523

Tom And Jerry’s Summer Holiday Animated Animals, Comedy, Family min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107524

Transformers Prime: Complete First Season Transformers Prime deepens the epic mythology of both the Autobots and Decepticons, while starting fresh for a new generation of fans. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and many others are back to „roll out“ against Megatron’s latest attempt to conquer Earth. And Megatron proves to be more powerful than ever, having acquired a rare element that allows him mastery over life itself. ‘Team Prime’ may be few against the Decepticon hordes, but they find increased strength via bonds forged with three human teenagers. Make no mistake, Transformers Prime.

Action, Family, Giant Robots, Science Fiction, Superheroes min. Shout Factory 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106901

race across the beach to the ocean before they are captured by a seagull or crab. Thus begins Sammy’s incredible fiftyyear ocean journey. Along the way he meets his best friend, a fellow turtle named Ray, and overcomes obstacles both natural and man-made while trying to fulfill his dream of travelling around the world. Throughout his voyage, Sammy never forgets about Shelly - the turtle he saved on his first day and loves passionately from afar. Based on the actual trajectory of a sea turtle’s life, the film illustrates the dangers humans pose to the species’ survival. From deep water trawling to oil spills and garbage dumped at sea, the film combines entertainment with an important environmental message.

Family, Adventure, Animated Animals 88min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107641

Viper GTS Carrera, Rati and Mercedes are three succubae demons who will grant any wish in exchange for a soul. Ogawa uses a summoning spell to gain vengeance, but when he sees the sexy Carrera, he gets a better idea for a wish.

Anime, Erotica, Foreign, International TV, Japanese 2002 90min. Media Blasters 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107270

Wizards: 35th Anniversary Edition (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Richard Romanus Legendary and groundbreaking animator Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards is the tale of a war between supernatural siblings set in a post-apocalyptic Earth populated by elves, fairies and mutants. Combining traditional cell animation with Bakshi’s unique conversion of live film footage into striking, highcontrast animation, Wizards is both whimsical and sinister. This cult favorite from the director of Fritz the Cat (1972) and The Lord of the Rings (1978) celebrates 35 years since it first enchanted animation fans. Starring the voices of Mark Hamill, Susan Tyrrell and Richard Romanus.

Action, Adventure 1977 Ltbx M 81min. 20th Century Fox 13.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107562

Yo Gabba Gabba Live! Family, Puppets min. NCircle Entertainment 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107069

Young Justice (3 Pack) Bruce Greenwood, Jesse McCartney, Khary Payton, Danica McKellar, Stephanie Lemelin, Nolan North Based On Comic Book, Cartoon Network, Superheroes, Action, Adventure min. Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106971

A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventure Born on a Baja, California beach in 1959, new hatchling Sammy must do what his fellow newborn sea turtles are doing: race across the beach to the ocean before they are captured by a seagull or crab. Thus begins Sammy’s incredible fiftyyear ocean journey. Along the way he meets his best friend, a fellow turtle named Ray, and overcomes obstacles both natural and man-made while trying to fulfill his dream of travelling around the world. Throughout his voyage, Sammy never forgets about Shelly - the turtle he saved on his first day and loves passionately from afar. Based on the actual trajectory of a sea turtle’s life, the film illustrates the dangers humans pose to the species’ survival. From deep water trawling to oil spills and garbage dumped at sea, the film combines entertainment with an important environmental message.

Adventure, Animated Animals, Family 88min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107567

A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventure (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Born on a Baja, California beach in 1959, new hatchling Sammy must do what his fellow newborn sea turtles are doing:

Film ¡Alambrista!: The Criterion Collection In ¡Alambrista!, a farmworker sneaks across the border from Mexico into California in an effort to make money to send to his family back home. It is a story that happens every day, told here in an uncompromising, groundbreaking work of realism from American independent filmmaker Robert M . Young. Vivid and spare where other films about illegal immigration might sentimentalize, Young’s take on the subject is equal parts intimate character study and gripping road movie, a political work that never loses sight of the complex man at its center. ¡Alambrista!, winner of the Cannes Film Festival’s inaugural Camera d’Or in 1978, remains one of the best films ever made on this perennially relevant topic.

Road Trips, Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 1977 96min. Criterion 17.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107532

¡Alambrista!: The Criterion

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 39

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Collection (Blu-ray) In ¡Alambrista!, a farmworker sneaks across the border from Mexico into California in an effort to make money to send to his family back home. It is a story that happens every day, told here in an uncompromising, groundbreaking work of realism from American independent filmmaker Robert M . Young. Vivid and spare where other films about illegal immigration might sentimentalize, Young’s take on the subject is equal parts intimate character study and gripping road movie, a political work that never loses sight of the complex man at its center. ¡Alambrista!, winner of the Cannes Film Festival’s inaugural Camera d’Or in 1978, remains one of the best films ever made on this perennially relevant topic.

Road Trips, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Art House 1977 96min. Criterion 17.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107554

12 To The Moon Ken Clark, Tom Conway, John Wengraf, Tony Dexter This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A group of twelve international scientists are the first to land on the moon. In their exploration of the surface, they run into all kinds of trouble, including threatening messages from alien life forms residing on the moon. Just a short nine years before the historic moon landing, this film’s understanding of the science of space exploration is fantastically simplistic, but this well-made science fiction film holds interest with a strong cast and intriguingly strange events, photographed with great style by John Alton. Ken Clark, Michi Kobi, Tom Conway, John Wengraf, and Robert Montgomery Jr. portray the intrepid scientists. Newly remastered.

Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers, Action, Aliens, Classics 1959 Ltbx 16x9 M 75min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106830

1313: Bermuda Triangle Michelle Bauer Treasure hunter Sean has stumbled across a trove of important and priceless artifacts off the coast of a littlevisited Caribbean island. To help him wit his project, he has assembled a team of experts to authenticate his finds, only to discover that one of the „experts“ has quite another agenda in mind.

Science Fiction, Adventure, Horror, Horror Series 2012 75min. Music Video Distribution 01.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107440

54 (Blu-ray) Mike Myers, Salma Hayek, Neve Campbell, Ryan Phillippe, Breckin Meyer, Sela Ward, Sherry Stringfield, Noam Jenkins The stars shine bright when Mike Myers (Austin Powers), Neve Campbell (Scream), and Salma Hayek (Ugly Betty) give a provocative peek behind the glimmering lights of the hottest nightclub ever! When the mastermind behind New York’s infamous Studio 54 disco plucks young Shane (Ryan Phillippe, The Lincoln Lawyer) from the sea of faces clamoring to get inside his club, Shane not only gets his foot in the door, but lands a coveted job behind the bar - and a front-row ticket to the most legendary party on the planet! Featuring the hottest music of the disco era and an even hotter list of stars, this is 54!!

Disco, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Music 1998 DTS 93min. Lionsgate 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106885

80s Comedies Spotlight Collection (The Breakfast Club / Sixteen Candles / Fast Times at Ridgemont High) National Film Registry, Romance, Stoners, Troubled Youth, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Friendships, High School min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107293

Action Adventure Spotlight


Collection (The Bourne Identity / The Fast and the Furious / The Mummy)

Almighty, junior congressman Evan Baxter (Carell) finds his life going from overnight success to almighty mess when God requests that he build an ark. Featuring Jennifer Aniston, Jonah Hill, John Goodman and Wanda Sykes, it’s two times the fun in these hilarious heaven-sent hits!

Mummies, Racing, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Car Modification, Chases, Crime, Drama, Fantasy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107295

Religion/Spirituality, Comedy, Fantasy min. Universal Studios 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107286

Adam-12: Season Seven Martin Milner, Kent McCord Los Angeles, 1972-1973 Officers Pete Malloy (Martin Milner) and Jim Reed (Kent McCord) are on the streets fighting crime on the mean streets of Los Angeles.Adam-12 was a spin-off of the popular NBC TV series Dragnet and similarly portrayed incidents and situations that were based on real LAPD cases. In this final season of the television series Office Reed spends time working as a detective and temporarily joins the narcotics squad while Malloy fills for Sgt. MacDonald for a brief stint. The series ends with a bang as the offices are involved in a dangerous shootout!

Action, Cops, Drama, NBC min. Shout Factory 10.04.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107627

Alien Opponent Jeremy London, Roddy Piper When a spacecraft lands into her barn the owner of a smalltown junkyard offers a $100,000 reward to whoever can kill her uninvited, space-suited alien guest. Every wacko within 100 miles turns out to hunt the extraterrestrial being and it doesn’t take long before the junkyard is transformed into a war zone of man vs. man vs. machine vs. alien. Filmed in 2010.

Science Fiction, Action, Aliens 2010 min. Shout Factory 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107569

All Things Fall Apart Mario Van Peebles, Lynn Whitfield, Ray Liotta, 50 Cent He won the game. Now he must fight the battle.. Curtis „50 Cent“ Jackson is a college running back with a fierce combination of blazing speed and stunning power. At the pinnacle of his college football career and gearing up to start a successful NFL one, life unexpectedly takes a turn and what was once easy and natural becomes unattainable. With his football career in serious jeopardy, Deon begins to realize a startling truth...he is not the man he thought he was. Equipped with this newfound information, Deon sets out to better himself by reuniting his family and picking up the pieces of his life. All Things Fall Apart is a triumphant and touching story about a man who loses everything, but gains the world. Also starring Lynn Whitfield, Mario Van Peebles and Ray Liotta.

The Amazing Bulk Shevaun Kastl , Randal Malone Don’t get made. Get purple!. Henry „Hank“ Howard, an ambitious but frustrated young scientist, struggles to develop a super human serum designed to improve muscle mass and prolong life expectancy. His boss, the grumpy General Darwin, will not allow Hank to marry his daughter, Hannah, until the experiment is a success. Against Darwin’s wishes, Hank attempts to propose to Hannah, but his life is shattered by a mugger who steals his engagement ring. Feeling dejected, Hank injects himself with the experimental serum and is transformed into his alter ego, „The Amazing Bulk.“ The Bulk goes on a rampage through the city destroying everything in his path. Hank is caught by a relentless detective, imprisoned by Darwin and forced to battle the sadistic Dr. Kantlove, who threatens to blow up the moon with his arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action 2010 76min. Tempe DVD 17.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107244

Answers To Nothing Barbara Hershey, Julie Benz, Elizabeth Mitchell, Dane Cook, Miranda Bailey, Kali Hawk, Erik Palladino, Zach Gilford, Joel Michaely, Mark Kelly When an 11-year-old girl goes missing in Los Angeles, a chain of events is unleashed that will affect several strangers all struggling to find their own paths to redemption. Dane Cook, Barbara Hershey and Julie Benz, star in this tale of lost souls who will together find the Answers To Nothing.

Mystery, Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, Kidnapping 2011 DD 5.1 123min. Lionsgate 28.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107007

The George Arliss Collection George Arliss, Mary Astor, Doris Lloyd, Evalyn Knapp Royalty, Triple Feature, Comedy, Drama 218min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106887

Sports, Drama, Football 2011 110min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107510

Bad Actress

All Things Fall Apart (Blu-ray)

Alyssa Rampart-Pillage is a washed up TV queen whose career has been reduced to starring in commercials for her husband Bernie’s appliance empire. When their tree-hugging daughter Topanga dies in a tragic golf ball accident, Bernie goes off the spiritual deep end and tries to give away their fortune . . . with disastrous results. But what starts off as tragedy quickly turns into career re-invention for Alyssa. And as the body count rises, so does her star. Bad Actress is a guilty pleasure of a film that gleefully mocks the world of Hollywood and Fame, reminding us that Justice has nothing on Celebrity.

Mario Van Peebles, Lynn Whitfield, Ray Liotta, 50 Cent He won the game. Now he must fight the battle.. Curtis „50 Cent“ Jackson is a college running back with a fierce combination of blazing speed and stunning power. At the pinnacle of his college football career and gearing up to start a successful NFL one, life unexpectedly takes a turn and what was once easy and natural becomes unattainable. With his football career in serious jeopardy, Deon begins to realize a startling truth...he is not the man he thought he was. Equipped with this newfound information, Deon sets out to better himself by reuniting his family and picking up the pieces of his life. All Things Fall Apart is a triumphant and touching story about a man who loses everything, but gains the world. Also starring Lynn Whitfield, Mario Van Peebles and Ray Liotta.

Drama, Football, Sports 2011 110min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107528

The Almighty Comedy Collection Funnymen Jim Carrey and Steve Carell each showcase their comedic skills in The Almighty Comedy Collection. In Bruce Almighty, a down-on-his-luck TV reporter (Carrey) gets the ultimate promotion taking over for the Big Guy upstairs (Morgan Freeman) to see if he can do a better job. In Evan

Beth Broderick, Keri Lynn Pratt, Corbin Bernsen, Chris Mulkey, Ryan Hansen, Vincent Ventresca

Comedy, Dark Comedy, Film About Film 2011 85min. Strand Releasing 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106722

Bad Georgia Road Gary Lockwood, Carol Lynley, Royal Dano, John Broderick, John Broderick A New York socialite quits her position at a prominent fashion magazine to accept her inheritance from a long forgotten uncle in the deep south. Expecting to find a fortune she discovers her true inheritance - a moonshiner operation.

Crime, Drama 1977 88min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107201

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Seite 40

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Battle Royale Bad Girls: Extended Cut Andie MacDowell, Madeleine Stowe, Mary Stuart Masterson, Drew Barrymore Madeleine Stowe, Andie MacDowell, Drew Barrymore and Mary Stuart Masterson star in the Wild West story of four fallen women on the run. Branded as outlaws, pursued by a posse and tracked by Pinkerton detectives, the four must ride together to stay alive. But when they’re double-crossed by a gang of ruthless desperados, the women decide it’s time to stop running, and start fighting.

Outlaw Country, Western, Action 1994 Ltbx 100min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106706

Bad Girls: Extended Cut (Blu-ray) Andie MacDowell, Madeleine Stowe, Mary Stuart Masterson, Drew Barrymore Madeleine Stowe, Andie MacDowell, Drew Barrymore and Mary Stuart Masterson star in the Wild West story of four fallen women on the run. Branded as outlaws, pursued by a posse and tracked by Pinkerton detectives, the four must ride together to stay alive. But when they’re double-crossed by a gang of ruthless desperados, the women decide it’s time to stop running, and start fighting.

Outlaw Country, Western, Action 1994 Ltbx 100min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106783

Bag Of Bones Pierce Brosnan, Annabeth Gish, Melissa George, Anika Noni Rose, Jason Priestley, Matt Frewer, William Schallert, Peter MacNeil Bestselling novelist Mike Noonan, unable to cope after his wife’s sudden death, returns to the couple’s lakeside retreat in Maine, where he becomes involved in a custody battle between a young widow and her child’s enormously wealthy grandfather. Mike inexplicably receives mysterious ghostly visitations, escalating nightmares and the realization that his late wife still has something to tell him.

Drama, Ghosts, Horror, Stephen King 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 167min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107429

The Lucille Ball RKO Comedy Collection: Volume 1

Battle Royale (Blu-ray) 42 Students. Only one way to survive.. In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary Battle Royale act. 42 Students, three days, one survivor, no rules.

Science Fiction, Thrillers, Foreign, Japanese, Action 2000 120min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107494

Battle Royale: The Complete Collection 42 Students. Only one way to survive.. In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary Battle Royale act. 42 Students, three days, one survivor, no rules. Includes: Battle Royale. Battle Royal. Battle Royale II. Battle Royale.

Science Fiction, Action, Boxed Sets, Foreign, Japanese 2000 min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.03.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107475

Beneath The Darkness Dennis Quaid, Brett Cullen, Aimee Teegarden, Devon Werkheiser Now I lay you down to sleep. The villain (Dennis Quaid) is a well-respected mortician in a town where he was once a legendary high school football star. But among the kids he is legendary for a more sinister reason - rumors that his house is haunted. The truth is more evil and much more dangerous the town leader murdered his wife and her lover when he caught them having an affair, and now has secretly set up house with his wife’s embalmed corpse. The local hero is a flesh-and-blood monster who buries his victims alive, a sociopath who befriends adults and police while openly flaunting his murderous intentions to the teens. He will kill anyone who threatens to expose him or his now-perfect marriage.

Beneath The Darkness (Blu-ray) Dennis Quaid, Brett Cullen, Aimee Teegarden, Devon Werkheiser

The Lucille Ball Specials: Lucy Moves To NBC Bob Hope, Gene Kelly, Johnny Carson, Lucille Ball, Ruta Lee, Gloria DeHaven, Jack Klugman, Robert Alda, Gary Coleman After three decades of starring in a quartet of top-rated comedy series hits (I Love Lucy, The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, The Lucy Show and Here’s Lucy) on CBS-TV, Emmy awarded comedienne Lucille Ball comes out of retirement and teams with NBC. She’s greeted by the network’s biggest stars such as her old friend Bob Hope, The Tonight Show host Johnny Carson, Quincy star Jack Klugman and Diff’rent Strokes actor Gary Coleman, who portrays the network president. Film great Gene Kelly and Lucy’s longtime TV boss Gale Gordon round out the cast. Dancing legend Donald O’Connor and actress Gloria DeHaven are seen in the special’s final segment, a separate musical-comedy presentation intended as a TV series pilot. Fans will also enjoy appearances by longtime Lucy friends and colleagues Robert Alda, Ruta Lee and Doris Singleton.


Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Foreign, Japanese 2000 120min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107474

Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2011 96min. Image Ent. 28.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107141

Lucille Ball Actor / Actress Box Sets, Collections, Comedy 214min. Warner Bros. MOD 13.09.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107275

Comedy, Film About Film, Music 1980 120min. MPI 20.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106924

42 Students. Only one way to survive.. In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary Battle Royale act. 42 Students, three days, one survivor, no rules.

Now I lay you down to sleep. The villain (Dennis Quaid) is a well-respected mortician in a town where he was once a legendary high school football star. But among the kids he is legendary for a more sinister reason - rumors that his house is haunted. The truth is more evil and much more dangerous the town leader murdered his wife and her lover when he caught them having an affair, and now has secretly set up house with his wife’s embalmed corpse. The local hero is a flesh-and-blood monster who buries his victims alive, a sociopath who befriends adults and police while openly flaunting his murderous intentions to the teens. He will kill anyone who threatens to expose him or his now-perfect marriage.

Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2011 96min. Image Ent. 28.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107147

Bereavement / Malevolence (Double Feature) John Savage, Peyton List, Valentina de Angelis, Courtney Bertolone, Samantha Dark, Heather Magee, Michael Biehn, Nolan Gerard Funk, Keith Chambers, Brandon Johnson No one gets out alive, no one. / There are some evils... So unspeakable... They scar you forever!. In 1989, a 6-year-old boy is lured into the vehicle of a stranger. The stranger is a

serial killer with a tendency for butchering teenage girls. In the basement of a rural Pennsylvania slaughterhouse, he will teach the boy everything he knows. Five years later, teen Allison (Alexandra Daddario of Hall Pass, Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief) comes to live with her uncle (Michael Biehn of The Terminator) following her parents’ death. In time she will discover the boy and his madman mentor and they will all be plugged into an unimaginable evil from which there may be no escape. Nolan Gerard Funk (Deadgirl), Brett Rickaby (The Crazies), Valentina de Angelis (Gossip Girl) and John Savage (The Deer Hunter) co-star in this graphic acclaimed shocker from writer/director Stevan Mena about family, torment, and the nightmare absolution that is Bereavement. It’s ten years after the kidnapping of Martin Bristol. Taken from a backyard swing at his home at the age of six, he is forced to witness t

Slasher, Thrillers, Double Features, Horror, Kidnapping 2010 192min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107362

Best Picture Winners Spotlight Collection (Out of Africa / A Beautiful Mind / All Quiet on the Western Front / Going My Way) National Film Registry, Romance, War, World War I, Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Classics, Drama, Epics, Military, Mountain Climbing min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107296

Bless The Beasts And The Children Bob Kramer, Bill Mumy, Jesse White, Ken Swofford, Miles Chapin, Dave Ketchum This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Director Stanley Kramer brings us the touching tale of six wealthy - but socially awkward - teens who, while attending a summer riding camp, band together to free a herd of penned-in buffalo from a rifle club’s slaughter. The boys have all been shunted aside as losers, as the buffalo, who they seek to protect, have been written off by the greater world as well. Stars Billy Mumy (TV’s Lost In Space), Barry Robins (TV’s The Paul Muni Story), Miles Chapin (Man on the Moon), Darel Glaser (An Enemy of the People) and Bob Kramer (TV’s Mr. Merlin). Newly remastered.

Adventure, Drama, Family, Hunting 1971 Ltbx 16x9 M 102min. SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106919

The Blues Brothers (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Comedy icons John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star in the outrageously funny musical comedy The Blues Brothers. After the release of Jake Blues (Belushi) from prison, he and brother Elwood (Aykroyd) take their blues band back on the road in an attempt to raise money for the orphanage where they were raised. Havoc ensues as the brothers seek redemption on their „mission from God“. Directed by John Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House), the soul-stirring comedy classic features musical performances by blues legends Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Cab Calloway.

Music, Musical, Road Trips, Blues, Buddy Pictures, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107422

The Blues Brothers (DVD + Digital Copy) Comedy icons John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star in the outrageously funny musical comedy The Blues Brothers. After the release of Jake Blues (Belushi) from prison, he and brother Elwood (Aykroyd) take their blues band back on the road in an attempt to raise money for the orphanage where they were raised. Havoc ensues as the brothers seek redemption on their „mission from God“. Directed by John Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House), the soul-stirring comedy classic features musical performances by blues legends Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Cab Calloway.

Music, Musical, Road Trips, Blues, Buddy

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Seite 41

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Pictures, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107341

Breakout Kings: The Complete First Season Brooke Nevin, Domenick Lombardozzi, Malcolm Goodwin

Bob: The Complete Series Lisa Kudrow, Betty White, Cynthia Stevenson, Jere Burns, Carlene Watkins, Bob Newhart Newhart portrays Bob McKay, the creator of the 1950s comic book superhero „Mad-Dog“. When a Senate sub-committee decided such reading material could corrupt young readers, Mad-Dog faded into oblivion. Bob became a greeting card artist, and years later Mad-Dog is revived when the American-Canadian Trans-Continental Communications Company buys the rights to the series. Complications ensued when AmCanTranConComCo head Harlan Stone (John Cygan) insists Mad-Dog should be a bloodthirsty vigilante rather than the hero Bob originally created. Bob initially turns down Harlan’s offer to revive the series with the publisher, but after his wife, Kaye (Carlene Watkins) reminded Bob that Mad-Dog would never give up dreams in the face of defeat, he decides to compromise with Harlan on creative direction, and the two became a team

CBS, Comedy, Family 781min. Paramount Pictures 03.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107445

The Boneyard Collection Digging up the crème-de-la-crème of monsters and giving your funny bone a good scare, The Boneyard Collection is a quirky anthology of four spine-tingling short films. Murderers, witches, vampires, zombies, mummies, vixens and (most eerie of all) a lawyer/Hollywood agent ... erotic, dark comedy you don’t want to miss!

Mummies, Murder Mysteries, Short Film Collections, Thrillers, Vampires, Zombies, Dark Comedy, Horror min. Green Apple Entertainment 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106939

Breakfast At Tiffany’s Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Mickey Rooney, Martin Balsam Winner of two Oscars®, here’s the romantic comedy that sparkles like diamonds! From the opening strains of Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer’s haunting, Oscar®-winning song „Moon River,“ you’ll once again be under the alluring spell of that madcap, carefree New York playgirl known as Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) in this 24-carat romantic comedy based on Truman Capote’s best-selling novella. George Peppard is the struggling and „sponsored“ young writer who finds himself swept into Holly’s dizzying, delightfully unstructured lifestyle as she determinedly scours Manhattan for a suitable millionaire to marry. The sparkling special features on this Anniversary Edition DVD only add to the luster of director Blake Edwards’ timeless film classic. Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam and Mickey Rooney co-star; Mancini won an additional Academy Award® for his enthralling musical score.

Romance, Shakespeare, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Fashion 1961 114min. Paramount Pictures 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106710

Breaking Wind: Unrated Director’s Cut

It takes a con to catch a con.. Suspenseful storylines and fascinating characters drive this riveting new series from the creators of Prison Break. To help capture dangerous fugitives, two veteran federal marshals, Duchamp and his volatile partner Zancanelli, recruit three convicts who are master escape artists themselves. Lloyd leads the way as the genius with a wickedly sarcastic sense of humor and a talent for predicting behavior. Joined by street-smart „entrepreneur“ Shea, and sexy, expert tracker Erica, these Breakout Kings are out to prove it takes a con to catch a con.

Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 572min. 20th Century Fox 13.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107540

The Bromantic: 3-Movie Unrated Comedy Collection The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has gone 40 years without „doing it.“ Now his pals are making it their mission to help him score... fast! Knocked Up. They say that opposites attract. Well, for slacker Ben (Seth Rogen) and career girl Alison (Katherine Heigl), that’s certainly the case - at least for one intoxicated evening. Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Peter (Jason Segel) is a struggling musician who finds his world turned upside down when his TV celebrity girlfriend, Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), dumps him for a tragically hip rock star (Russell Brand).

Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy min. Universal Studios 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107282

Brooklyn’s Finest / Traitor / Stone (Triple Feature) Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Guy Pearce, Milla Jovovich, Robert De Niro, Don Cheadle, Wesley Snipes, Edward Norton Brooklyn’s Finest. Experience the volatile and deadly world of one of New York’s most dangerous precincts through the eyes of the men and women pledged to protect and serve. Starring Golden Globe winner Richard Gere, Oscar nominee Don Cheadle, Oscar nominee Ethan Hawk, and Wesley Snipes, Brooklyn’s Finest „grabs you and doesn’t let go until the final frame“ (Mike Sargent, WBAI Radio). When NYPD’s Operation Clean Up targets the notoriously drug-ridden BK housing project, three conflicted New York City police officers find themselves swept away by the violence and corruption of Brooklyn’s gritty 65th precinct and its most treacherous criminals. Each man finds himself spiraling toward the same fatal crime scene and shattering collision with destiny, in this action-packed crime drama directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day). Stone. Academy Award winner Robert De Niro and Oscar nominee Edward Norton deliver powerful performances as a seasoned corrections official and a scheming inmate whose lives become dangerously intertwined in this „gritty and engrossing thriller“ (Steve O’Brien, WCBS-FM). Jack Mabry (De

Prison, Terrorism, Thrillers, Triple Feature, Action, Art House, Cops, Crime, Drama, FBI 2010 351min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107471

The Burning Moon

Taylor Graham, Flip Schultz, Jessica Kinsella, Danny Trejo, John Stevenson, Eric Callero Love Stinks!. From the director who brought you The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About It comes the new wildly funny spoof of the latest films from the Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse. Raunchy hilarity ensures when Bella’s life becomes threatened by the vengeful Victoria and her gang of blood sucking newborns and Edward and Jacob must put aside their differences in order to save her life? From the director who brought you The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About It comes the new wildly funny spoof of the latest films from the Twilight Saga.

Vampires, Werewolves, Comedy 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 82min. Lionsgate 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107598

Ain’t It Cool News, „They make a f___ing horror movie!“ In 1997, writer/director/special effects master Olaf Ittenbach changed the face of video horror, force-fed its ripped-out eyeballs to screaming audiences, then used a drill, machete and shotgun on its still-twitching torso: Ittenbach himself stars as a degenerate junkie who babysits his young sister with two bedtime stories of the damned. First, an escaped serial killer turns date night into a graphic family massacre. Then a country priest on a rape and murder spree leads to a disturbingly explicit descent into Hell. It became the VHS that shocked America. It has been banned in its Motherland for nearly 20 years. And it remains perhaps the most violent and depraved shot-on-video saga in history. This is The Burning Moon..

Serial Killers, German, Horror min. CAV 14.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107443

Camel Spiders

They really get under your skin.. Based on actual creatures that, for years, have tormented our armed forces in the Middle East, Camel Spiders have now invaded the southwestern deserts of the United States, freely hunting for prey and unafraid of any predator - including man. No place is safe, no one is beyond their paralyzing sting. In the end, a small band of hearty fighters are forced to make one last stand against the creatures.

Science Fiction, Horror, Killer Animals 2011 84min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107515

Camel Spiders (Blu-ray) C. Thomas Howell, Brian Krause They really get under your skin.. Based on actual creatures that, for years, have tormented our armed forces in the Middle East, Camel Spiders have now invaded the southwestern deserts of the United States, freely hunting for prey and unafraid of any predator - including man. No place is safe, no one is beyond their paralyzing sting. In the end, a small band of hearty fighters are forced to make one last stand against the creatures.

Science Fiction, Horror, Killer Animals 2011 84min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107530

Camelot (Blu-ray) Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero, David Hemmings, Laurence Naismith, Richard Harris, Lionel Jeffries The legend of King Arthur has enchanted generation after generation. His pure, perfect kingdom was shattered because of the tragic passion between Queen Guenevere and the Round Table’s bravest knight Lancelot. Camelot is the Lerner/ Lowe Broadway musical brought to the screen by Joshua Logan and stars Richard Harris as King Arthur, Vanessa Redgrave, France Nero and David Hemmings. This tale of love and betrayal has a beautiful musical score to enhance the classic story.

Classics, Medieval Times, Musical, Romance 1967 179min. Warner Bros. 24.04.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107506

Car Wash (DVD + Digital Copy) Everybody is cleaning up and getting down in this classic comedy - the first „disco slacker“ movie from the decade that brought you the tube top, the polyester suit and lots of good times. It’s just a typical day in the lives of the employees, customers and passersby of a Los Angeles car wash - but what a day! There’s a would-be robbery... an assembly line of the weirdest, baddest, shadiest characters you’ve ever met... and lots of booty-bumping music to pass the hours till quitting time. Featuring outrageously hilarious performances by George Carlin, „Professor“ Irwin Corey, The Pointer Sisters, and Richard Pryor as Daddy Rich, a flamboyant Reverend who preaches the goodness of the dollar, Car Wash is a timeless classic celebrating an era devoted to living life in the fast lane.

On The Job, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107342

Jackie Chan 8 Movie Pack Michelle Khan, Jackie Chan Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Martial Arts 741min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106807

Lon Chaney: The Warner Archive Classics Collection Lon Chaney The Monster The Unholy Three Mockery Mr. Wu The Unholy 3

Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Classics, Crime, Drama, Hollywood Legends, Horror min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107188

C. Thomas Howell, Brian Krause


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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA by her cruel stepmother (Missi Pyle) and steps

Charade Hollywood legends Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn light up the screen in the stylish thriller Charade. Regina (Hepburn) finds herself pursued through the streets of Paris by several men in search of the fortune that her murdered husband stole from them. As her world becomes entangled with suspense, murder and plots twists, she finds herself leaning on a suave, charming stranger (Grant) whose motives are unclear. Beautifully directed by Stanley Donen and co-starring James Coburn, George Kennedy and Walter Matthau, this timeless classic will keep you guessing until the very end. Expect the unexpected!

Mystery, Romance, Thieves, Thrillers, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107334

Chiller Night Favorites Lock every door. Turn off all the lights. Prepare yourself for a night of terrifying thrills with the Chiller Night Favorites collection. Featuring The Last House on the Left, My Soul to Take and A Perfect Getaway, these shocking movies will keep you on the edge of your seat and up all night. The Last House on the Left Renowned filmmaker Wes Craven returns to the scene of one the most notorious thrillers of all time in this darkly disturbing reimagining of his horror classic. After kidnapping and ruthlessly assaulting two teen girls, a sadistic killer and his gang unknowingly find shelter from a storm at the home of one of the victims’ parents. My Soul to Take On the day the Riverton Ripper vanished without a trace, seven children were born. Today, they’re all turning 16...and turning up dead. From director Wes Craven, this suspense-thriller filled with twists, turns and a dark secret will send your soul searching for cover. A Perfect Getaway During a hike to a remote Hawaiian beach, Cliff (Steve Zahn) and Cydney (Milla Jovovich) hear that police have uncovered a grisly murder scene and the suspected ki

Musical, Romance, Triple Feature, Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107498

Citizen Kane (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Orson Welles, Dorothy Comingore, Agnes Moorehead, Joseph Cotten, Ray Collins, George Coulouris Orson Welles’ masterwork (#1 in the American Film Institute’s list of Best American Movies) dazzles anew in a superb 70th-anniversary digital transfer. It’s grand entertainment, sharply acted (starting many of Welles’ Mercury Players on the road to thriving film careers) and directed with inspired visual flair. Chronicling the stormy life of an influential publishing tycoon, this Best Original Screenplay Academy Award winner (1941) is rooted in themes of power, corruption, vanity - the American Dream lost in the mystery of a dying man’s last word: „Rosebud.“

Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Rocky Relationships 1941 119min. Warner Bros. 17.01.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107507

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Alpha Special Forces, Action, Based On Video Game 30min. New Video DVD 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107625

Mystery, Revenge, Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers, Torture, Video Nasties, Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Horror min. Universal Studios 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107271

Classic Monsters Spotlight Collection (Dracula / Frankenstein / The Bride of Frankenstein / Creature from the Black Lagoon)

Chinatown (Blu-ray)

National Film Registry, Vampires, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Dracula, Frankenstein, Horror, Monsters min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107298

John Huston, Faye Dunaway, Jack Nicholson, Perry Lopez, Bill Young Landmark movie in the film noir tradition, Roman Polanski’s Chinatown stands as a true screen classic. Jack Nicholson is private eye Jake Gittes, living off the murky moral climate of sunbaked, pre-war Southern California. Hired by a beautiful socialite (Faye Dunaway) to investigate her husband’s extramarital affair, Gittes is swept into a maelstrom of double dealings and deadly deceits, uncovering a web of personal and political scandals that come crashing together for one, unforgettable night in...Chinatown. Co-starring film legend John Huston and featuring an Academy Award®-winning script by Robert Towne, Chinatown captures a lost era in a masterfully woven movie that remains a timeless gem.

Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Mystery, National Film Registry 1974 131min. Paramount Pictures 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107492

A Cinderella Story / Another Cinderalla Story / A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song (Triple Feature) Hilary Duff, Drew Seeley, Jane Lynch, Selena Gomez, Lucy Hale, Chad Michael Murray Sam (Hilary Duff) scrubs floors at a diner, copes with her wicked stepfamily and dreams of Princeton (the perfect college to find her prince). But maybe she already has a Prince Charming: her anonymous e-mail buddy (Chad Michael Murray). Sam panics to learn he’s the coolest guy on campus. Can he love a girl not part of the in crowd? Only if Sam has the courage to make her fairy tale come true. It’s musical. It’s magical. It’s Another Cinderella Story, the dancing-ever-after fairy tale. In this joyous update, Selena Gomez (The Wizards Of Waverly Place) is Mary, a modern Cinderella complete with dancing shoes instead of a glass slipper. Drew Seeley (High School Musical) is Joey, a Prince Charming and dreamy new-guy-in-school looking for a girl to love. Could Mary be that girl? With your kind of music and dance, your kind of romance and all kinds of surprises, you’ll find that Another Cinderella Story is a perfect fit. A musical twist on an enduring classic! Katie (Lucy Hale of Pretty Little Liars) dreams of being a recording artist but is continually thwarted


Columbus Circle Abigail Clayton (Selma Blair) lives alone. Very alone. In fact, the heiress has not left her Manhattan apartment for almost two decades. When the death of her elderly neighbor prompts NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello (Giovanni Ribisi) to launch an investigation, the agoraphobic Abigail is distressed to find him outside her door, questioning her. Having tried to acquire the now vacant apartment to ensure her privacy, Abigail is further upset when new tenants Lillian (Amy Smart) and Charlie (Jason Lee) move in. Abigail anxiously monitors her new neighbors from the safety of her front door’s peephole, but her well-ordered world begins to unravel when she finally encounters Lillian and Charlie faceto-face and her sheltered existence becomes threatened in unexpected and terrifying ways.

Thrillers, Drama min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107153

Columbus Circle (Blu-ray) Abigail Clayton (Selma Blair) lives alone. Very alone. In fact, the heiress has not left her Manhattan apartment for almost two decades. When the death of her elderly neighbor prompts NYPD Homicide Detective Frank Giardello (Giovanni Ribisi) to launch an investigation, the agoraphobic Abigail is distressed to find him outside her door, questioning her. Having tried to acquire the now vacant apartment to ensure her privacy, Abigail is further upset when new tenants Lillian (Amy Smart) and Charlie (Jason Lee) move in. Abigail anxiously monitors her new neighbors from the safety of her front door’s peephole, but her well-ordered world begins to unravel when she finally encounters Lillian and Charlie faceto-face and her sheltered existence becomes threatened in unexpected and terrifying ways.

Thrillers, Drama min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107207

Collection (National Lampoon’s Animal House / The Blues Brothers / The Jerk / Car Wash) Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Road Trips, AFI Top 100, Blues, Buddy Pictures, Classics, College Life, Comedy, Cult Film / TV min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107299

The Corsican Brothers Akim Tamiroff, Gloria Holden, Ruth Warrick, Henry Wilcoxon There’s plenty of swordplay and swashbuckling adventure in Alexandre Dumas’ tale of identical twins, separated as infants, and raised unaware of each other existence. One becomes a Parisian gentleman, the other a country bandit. When they are reunited as adults, they seek revenge on the evil Baron who plundered their homestead and robbed them of their birthright. Complications arise when both fall in love with the same beautiful Countess, and the rivalry threatens to derail their vendetta.

Swashbucklers, Action, Adventure, Classics 1941 112min. Hen’s Tooth 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107396

Cyrus / Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf / Meskada / Vlog (4 Film Horror Collection) Cyrus. Ambitious television reporter Maria Sanchez (Danielle Harris of Rob Zombie’s Halloween, Hatchet 2) is investigating the disappearance of over 200 Midwestern University students when a local man (Lance Henriksen of Aliens) contacts her with information that reveals details of the serial killer and his crimes: His name is Cyrus (a chilling performance by Brian Krause of Charmed) and the murders themselves were brutal. What happened next was horrific but the worst is still to come. Based on shocking true events, this bloody and brutal story of The County Line Cannibal will leave a taste in your mouth that you’ll never forget. Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf. He is called ‘The Wolf’, a spikejawed serial killer responsible for the ‘Red Riding Hood’ murders of 15 young girls. Arrested by Detectives Elliott Carbon (John Rhys-Davies of The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy) and Johnny Morgan (writer/director Andrew Cymek), he has been declared criminally insane and sentenced to the sanitarium of Dr. Parker (William B. Davis of The X-Files). But now a massive power failure at the maximum-security facility has

Mystery, Revenge, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Cannibalism, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror 2011 359min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107469

The Dalton Gang Julie Adams, Robert Lowery, Byron Foulger, Don Barry Deputy Marshal West (Don Barry) arrives in Rincon to investigate the murders of several ranchers. Blackie Mullet (Robert Lowery), the leader of a gang working for the local land-and-water company; tries to convince Marshal West that Indians are responsible for the killings, while West’s old friend newspaper editor Amos Boling (Byron Foulger) and his assistant Polly Medford (Julie Adams) tell him they suspect that Blackie is actually head of the infamous Dalton gang.

Native Americans, Western, Cowboy 1949 58min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107202

Dark Spirits In the tense, heart-stopping supernatural-thriller Dark Spirits, blonde beauty Eva foresees the brutal murder of her sister, Tereza, in a dream. Refusing to heed Eva’s warnings, Tereza shortly thereafter dies under gruesome and mysterious circumstances. In search of an explanation, Eva realizes that the evil behind her sister’s death is now pursing her!

Thrillers, Horror min. Green Apple Entertainment 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106938

Comedy Greats Spotlight The Deer Hunter

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and one of AFI’s Top 100 Films of All Time, The Deer Hunter follows a group of Pennsylvania steelworkers from their bluecollar lives, hunting in the woods of the Alleghenies, to the hells of Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. Academy Award winners Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken star in this unforgettable saga of friendship and courage. Experience the brutality of war and the depths of emotional strain on the human spirit in this all-new special edition.

National Film Registry, Vietnam War, War, Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Classics, Drama, Friendships, Military min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107344

The Deer Hunter (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) John Savage, Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, John Cazale This powerful motion picture tracks a group of steelworker pals from a Pennsylvania blast furnace to the cool hunting grounds of the Alleghenies to the lethal cauldron of Vietnam. Robert DeNiro gives an outstanding performance as Michael, the natural leader of the group. The Deer Hunter is a searing drama of friendship and courage, and what happens to these qualities under hardship; it is a shattering emotional experience you will never forget.

Classics, Drama, Friendships, Military, Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Vietnam War, War min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107418

Della Diane Baker, Joan Crawford, Charles Bickford, Paul Burke

Don’t Go Near The Water Earl Holliman, Anne Francis, Gia Scala, Keenan Wynn, Glenn Ford Navy, Romance, War, World War II, Comedy, High Seas 1957 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106656

Don’t Make Waves Robert Webber, Claudia Cardinale, Joanna Barnes, Sharon Tate, Tony Curtis Surf, Comedy 1967 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106657

The Double Man Anton Diffring, Moira Lister, Yul Brynner, Clive Revill, Britt Ekland Mystery, Thrillers, British, Foreign 1967 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106660

Doughboys Sally Eilers, Buster Keaton, Edward Brophy, Cliff Edwards Romance, War, Army, Comedy 1930 79min. Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106663

Dragonheart (Blu-ray)

An attorney is retained to negotiate the purchase of land for a new factory from a wealthy woman who has remained in seclusion with her daughter for 15 years. His probing into their lives brings tragedy to one and liberation to the other.

Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1964 70min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107203

Designing Women: The Complete Sixth Season Jean Smart, Annie Potts, Dixie Carter, Delta Burke Without a doubt, Designing Women was a show about female empowerment, politics, human rights, ethics and, oh yeah - big laughs! Created by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason (Evening Shade, Hearts Affire), Designing Women ran on CBS from 1986-1993 for seven hysterical seasons becoming a premier landmark sitcom in television history.

CBS, Comedy, Independent Women min. Shout Factory 03.04.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107633

Destry Rides Again (DVD + Digital Copy) As Destry, a mild-mannered deputy who doesn’t like guns, Stewart is called to restore order to the hopelessly corrupt frontier town of Bottleneck. Though reluctant to undertake such an enormous task, he’s soon roped into action after meeting the seductive Frenchy (Dietrich), an alluring saloon girl who belts out unforgettable show-stoppers like „The Boys in the Back Room,“ while winning the hero’s heart. Packed with unforgettable performances, snappy dialogue and rousing tunes, Destry Rides Again is a true fan favorite which set the standard for all western comedies to come.

Western, Classics, Comedy 1939 min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107349

Long ago, when majestic fire-breathers soared through the skies, there lived a knight who would come face-to-face and heart-to-heart with the most remarkable creature that ever existed. Dennis Quaid stars with the voice of Sean Connery in this heroic adventure that blazes with fantasy, humor, and the most amazing special effects since Jurassic Park! This epic adventure will move and thrill the entire family.

Science Fiction, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Action min. Universal Studios 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107639

Dream Lover Paul Shenar, Kristy McNichol, John McMartin, Ben Masters, Justin Deas Thrillers, Drama, Mental Illness 1986 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106667

A Dream Of Kings Anthony Quinn, Val Avery, Irene Papas, Sam Levene, Inger Stevens Drama 1969 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106669

Dream Wife Cary Grant, Walter Pidgeon, Betta St. John, Deborah Kerr, Eduard Franz Romance, Comedy 1953 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106672


Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark Jim Hutton, Kim Darby, Barbara Anderson, William Demarest, Pedro Armendariz Jr. TV Movies, ABC, Haunted Houses, Horror, Monsters 1973 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 23.08.2011


33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106653

Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 1990 119min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.10.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106674

Drive Me Crazy Melissa Joan Hart, Adrian Grenier

The last guy she wants is the only guy she needs.. Opposites attract with irresistable force in this fresh, funny, feel-good comedy about two mismatched teens who scheme to make their exes jealous. Melissa Joan Hart is „picture perfect“ (CBS-TV, Forth Worth) as a peppy preppy who performs the ultimate makeover on her scruffy next-door neighbor (Adrien Grenier) and discovers this former „frog“ was really a prince all along! Featuring the hit singles „Crazy“ (Britney Spears) and „I Want It That Way (Backstreet Boys), Drive Me Crazy is „worth celebrating!“ - Detroit Free Press.

Romance, Comedy, Drama, High School 1999 Ltbx 91min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106708

Drive Me Crazy (Blu-ray) Melissa Joan Hart, Adrian Grenier The last guy she wants is the only guy she needs.. Opposites attract with irresistable force in this fresh, funny, feel-good comedy about two mismatched teens who scheme to make their exes jealous. Melissa Joan Hart is „picture perfect“ (CBSTV, Forth Worth) as a peppy preppy who performs the ultimate makeover on her scruffy next-door neighbor (Adrien Grenier) and discovers this former „frog“ was really a prince all along! Featuring the hit singles „Crazy“ (Britney Spears) and „I Want It That Way (Backstreet Boys), Drive Me Crazy is „worth celebrating!“ - Detroit Free Press.

Romance, Comedy, Drama, High School 1999 Ltbx 91min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106784

Drums Of Africa Mariette Hartley, Frankie Avalon, Michael Pate, Lloyd Bochner, Peter Mamakos Adventure, Historical / Period Piece 1963 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106676

Duchess Of Idaho Van Johnson, Paula Raymond, Esther Williams, Clinton Sundberg, John Lund Musical, Romance, Comedy, Dancing 1950 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106677

Duck Soup (DVD + Digital Copy) Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo Marx are at their very best in the political satire Duck Soup which is often regarded as the comedy legends’ funniest and most popular film. After being appointed dictator of Freedonia, Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho) proceeds to bring the mythical nation to a halt by showing up late and insulting everyone at his inauguration. Hoping to oust the unfit new leader, two spies (Harpo and Chico) are sent from the neighboring Sylvania. Soon enough, war is declared between the two nations with outrageous results. Recognized on the AFI’s 100 Years...100 Laughs list and selected for the National Film Registry, this comedy classic features some of the most hilarious sequences ever filmed, including the famous mirror sequence and final battle scene, and remains as entertaining and relevant today as it did when it was first released in 1933.

Musical, National Film Registry, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107350

The Dude Goes West Gilbert Roland, Binnie Barnes, Eddie Albert, James Gleason, Barton MacLane, Gale Storm Western, Cowboy 1948 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106679

Dummy Brian Dennehy, Rose Gregorio, Paul Sorvino, LeVar Burton, Gregg Henry TV Movies, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1979 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.06.2011

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA neighbor (Louise Allbritton) do not make it easy! There is never a dull moment in this heart-warming comedy that also introduced the beloved characters of Ma and Pa Kettle (Marjorie Main and Percy Killbride).

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106681

Dusty And Sweets McGee

Romance, Classics, Drama min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107335

Substance Abuse, Crime, Drama 1971 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106691

Eight Is Enough: The Complete First Season

Dutch (Blu-ray) Ethan Embry, Christopher McDonald, JoBeth Williams They’re the best of friends...and they have the scars to prove it!. Ed O’Neill of Modern Family stars as Dutch Dooley, a working-class good guy who’s the new boyfriend of a wealthy big shot’s ex -wife. But when the woman’s spoiled son (Ethan Embry of Can’t Hardly Wait and Sweet Home Alabama in one of his first film roles) refuses to come home from his Southern prep school for Thanksgiving, Dutch volunteers to pick the bratty boy up for a road trip back to Chicago that quickly goes hilariously wrong. From fireworks fiascos to hitch-hiking with hookers, can a man who’s really just a grown-up kid find a way to bring out the child in a little jerk? Christopher McDonald (Happy Gilmore, E.G. Daily (Valley Girl) and JoBeth Williams (The Big Chill) co-star in this comedy hit written and produced by John Huges (Home Alone, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation) and directed by Peter Faiman (Crocodile Dundee) about two stranger

Comedy, Drama, Adventure 1991 Ltbx 107min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106785

Dying Room Only Cloris Leachman, Dana Elcar, Louise Latham, Ned Beatty, Ross Martin Thrillers, TV Movies, Horror, Mystery 1973 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106692

Earth II Gary Lockwood, Mariette Hartley, Anthony Franciosa, Hari Rhodes, Scott Hylands TV Movies, Science Fiction, Space 1971 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106693

The Easiest Way Marjorie Rambeau, Constance Bennett, Anita Page, Adolphe Menjou, Robert Montgomery Romance, Drama 1931 73min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106694

The Eddie Cantor Story Arthur Franz, Alex Gerry, Keefe Brasselle, Aline MacMahon Music, Biopics, Drama 1953 115min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106695

Edison The Man Rita Johnson, Lynne Overman, Spencer Tracy, Gene Lockhart, Charles Coburn Biopics, Drama 1940 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106696

The Egg and I Screen legends Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray star as newlyweds whose love is put to the test on their wedding day in the classic comedy The Egg and I. Just after she has said „I do,“ Betty (Colbert) learns that her new husband, Bob (MacMurray), has left his white-collar job with plans to raise chickens on a rustic farm located miles away from civilization. Betty tries to make the best of her situation in their ramshackle house but never-ending repairs, a malevolent wood-burning stove, rain, ornery livestock and a seductive


Betty Buckley, Diana Hyland, Laurie Walters, Dianne Kay, Dick Van Patten, Willie Aames, Adam Rich, Grant Goodeve For fans of the family-based dramas of the ’70s such as Family and The Waltons, here is the first season of this toprated dramedy on a 2-disc DVD! Based on the book by Thomas Braden, the series chronicled the lives of a columnist Tom Bradford, his wife and their eight children, and their sometimes-comic, sometimes-dramatic exploits.

ABC, Comedy, Drama, Family 1977 432min. Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107499

El Condor Marianna Hill, Lee Van Cleef, Jim Brown, Iron Eyes Cody Native Americans, Romance, Western 1970 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106697

El Monstro Del Mar Three gorgeous but deadly hired killers, Beretta, Blondie and Snowball, hole up in a small beachside community to keep a low profile. But this town has a dark secret. The local old sea baron, Joseph, tries desperately to warn them to never go into the water. But these crazy vixens listen to no one. So the Kraken awakes! Now, along with Joseph and his beautiful granddaughter, Hannah, they must fight for their lives against this furious creature of the deep as the sea rises in a tidal wave of blood.

Action, Comedy, Horror, Killer Beauties 74min. Breaking Glass Pictures 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106886

Eleven Men And A Girl Joan Bennett, Laura Lee, Joe E. Brown, George Irving, James Hall Romance, Sports, College Life, Comedy, Football 1930 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106698

The Eleventh Hour Rufus Sewell, Marley Shelton CBS, Drama, Science Fiction 2008 min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106699

Elite Squad: The Enemy Within Wagner Moura From acclaimed director José Padilha (Bus 174) and the Academy Award®-nominated writer of City Of God comes South America’s box-office sensation. The sprawling slum that surrounds Rio de Janeiro is one of the most dangerous places on earth, so as the head of Rio’s Special Police Operations Battalion, Captain Nascimento has seen his share of intense situations. When a mission to stop a jail riot ends in the violent death of a gang leader, Nascimento finds himself accused of a massacre...but the citizens of Rio, tired of the crime and drugs that plague their city, embrace him as a national hero. Instead of being fired he finds himself promoted. In his powerful new position, Nascimento brings the gangs that rule the slum to their knees, but quickly discovers that he’s only made things even easier for the dirty cops and corrupt politicians that are truly running the game. Now, Nascimento must confront his true enemies, who are much more dangerous... and sitting just down the hall.

Politics, Prison, Special Forces, Thrillers, Action, Brazilian, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Foreign 2010 116min. New Video DVD 14.02.2012

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106771

Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Wagner Moura From acclaimed director José Padilha (Bus 174) and the Academy Award®-nominated writer of City Of God comes South America’s box-office sensation. The sprawling slum that surrounds Rio de Janeiro is one of the most dangerous places on earth, so as the head of Rio’s Special Police Operations Battalion, Captain Nascimento has seen his share of intense situations. When a mission to stop a jail riot ends in the violent death of a gang leader, Nascimento finds himself accused of a massacre...but the citizens of Rio, tired of the crime and drugs that plague their city, embrace him as a national hero. Instead of being fired he finds himself promoted. In his powerful new position, Nascimento brings the gangs that rule the slum to their knees, but quickly discovers that he’s only made things even easier for the dirty cops and corrupt politicians that are truly running the game. Now, Nascimento must confront his true enemies, who are much more dangerous... and sitting just down the hall.

Brazilian, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Foreign, Action, Politics, Prison, Special Forces, Thrillers 2010 116min. New Video DVD 14.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106793

Elvis Four-Movie Collection: Volume 2 Elvis Presley Elvis Presley is in paradise, playing an ex-G.I. who comes home to Blue Hawaii. On his last day in the Navy, frogman Elvis discovers a sunken treasure ship. On his first day as a civilian, Elvis starts his new job-self-employed treasure hunter! Elvis Presley delivers one of his finest early performances in King Creole. Elvis plays a teenager named Danny Fisher, who is forced to drop out of school to help support his ineffective father (Dean Jagger). Elvis takes to the skies over the island paradise of Kauai. He’s a partner in a helicopter charter service.

Music, Musical, Romance, Adventure, Classics, Comedy, Drama 402min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106803

Emma Richard Cromwell, Myrna Loy, Jean Hersholt, Marie Dressler, John Miljan Romance, Comedy, Drama 1932 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106712

The Enchanted Cottage Robert Young, Herbert Marshall, Dorothy McGuire, Mildred Natwick, Spring Byington Romance, Drama 1945 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106714

Endangered Species JoBeth Williams, Paul Dooley, Peter Coyote, Robert Urich, Hoyt Axton Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Drama 1982 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106715

An Enemy Of The People Charles Durning, Steve McQueen, Richard Dysart, Bibi Andersson, Michael Cristofer Drama, Environmental 1978 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106717

Ensign Pulver Walter Matthau, Tommy Sands, Millie Perkins, Kay Medford, Burl Ives Navy, War, Comedy, Drama, Military 1964 104min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106719

Enter Nowhere Sara Paxton, Katherine Waterston, Christopher Denham, Shaun Sipos Three strangers arrive one by one to a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere after enduring separate life-altering predicaments. Searching for a way out of the woods, frustrated, hungry and battling to stay warm, they discover their mysterious connection and realize what they have to do in order to get out of the woods alive.

The Ex-Mrs. Bradford


William Powell, Jean Arthur, Robert Armstrong, James Gleason, Eric Blore Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Comedy 1936 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106734

Ron Howard, Marion Ross, Erin Moran, Henry Winkler, Tom Bosley, Scott Baio, Anson Williams, Donny Most

Experiment Alcatraz

The fans have spoken! Here come eight great Happy Days episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

Classics, Comedy, Family, Nostalgia 201min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106636

Mystery, Thrillers, Wilderness, Drama, Horror 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min. Lionsgate 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107622

Lynne Carter, John Howard, Robert Shayne, Walter Kingsford Mystery, Crime 1950 57min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106737


Experiment Perilous

Conrad Veidt, Norma Shearer, Alla Nazimova, Robert Taylor, Felix Bressart War, World War II, Drama, Holocaust 1940 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106724

Hedy Lamarr, Albert Dekker, George Brent, Paul Lukas, Carl Esmond Romance, Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Mental Illness 1944 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106740

Every Girl Should Be Married

Eye Of The Devil

Cary Grant, Alan Mowbray, Diana Lynn, Betsy Drake, Franchot Tone Romance, Comedy 1948 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106726

David Niven, Flora Robson, Deborah Kerr, Donald Pleasence, Edward Mulhare Mystery, Horror 1966 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106742

Everybody Loves Raymond: The Complete Seasons 1 & 2 (2 Pack)

Falcon Crest: The Complete Second Season

Doris Roberts, Patricia Heaton, Madylin Sweeten, Peter Boyle, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Sawyer Sweeten, Sullivan Sweeten

Jane Wyman, Lorenzo Lamas, Earl Hamner Jr. CBS, Drama, Soap Opera 1982 min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.09.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106744

Fan Favorites: The Best Of The Honeymooners

The Falcon Mystery Movie Collection: Volume 1

Classics, Comedy, Family 207min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106639

Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Frank and Marie love to meddle in his life, while older brother Robert sometimes resents his success. Nevertheless, Ray manages to keep a bight outlook and a sense of humor as he balances his family and work lives. Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and parents, who happen to live across the street. Patricia Heaton (The Goodbye Girl), Peter Boyle (While You Were Sleeping), Doris Roberts (Remington Steele), and Brad Garrett (Gleason) round out the stellar cast. Ray manages to keep a bright outlook and a sense of humor as he balances his family and work life.

2 Packs, CBS, Comedy, Family, girl power 1997 500min. HBO Home Video 03.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106973

George Sanders, Tom Conway Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Detectives min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.10.2011 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106749

The Fallen Sparrow Patricia Morison, John Garfield, Walter Slezak Thrillers, Film Noir 1943 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106750

Everybody Sing Judy Garland, Billie Burke, Reginald Owen, Allan Jones Musical, Romance, Comedy 1938 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106728

Fan Favorites: The Best Of Cheers

Excuse My Dust

Classics, Comedy, NBC 216min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106634

Sally Forrest, Monica Lewis, William Demarest, Macdonald Carey, Red Skelton Musical, Comedy 1951 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106729

Woody Harrelson, Ted Danson, Kirstie Alley, Shelley Long The fans have spoken! Here come eight great Cheers episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

Fan Favorites: The Best Of Frasier Jane Leeves, Peri Gilpin, Kelsey Grammer, John Mahoney, David Hyde Pierce

Exit Smiling Beatrice Lillie, Doris Lloyd, Jack Pickford, Harry Myers Romance, Silent Film, Comedy 1926 77min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106732

The fans have spoken! Here come eight great Frasier episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

Comedy, NBC 180min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106635

Fan Favorites: The Best Of Happy


Fan Favorites: The Best Of Hogan’s Heroes Bob Crane, Ivan Dixon, John Banner, Werner Klemperer, Robert Clary, Richard Dawson, Larry Hovis, Kenneth Washington The fans have spoken! Here come eight great Hogan’s Heroes episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

War, World War II, CBS, Classics, Comedy, Military 203min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106637

Fan Favorites: The Best Of Macgyver Dana Elcar, Elyssa Davalos, Richard Dean Anderson The fans have spoken! Here come five great Macgyver episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

ABC, Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery 239min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106638

Jackie Gleason, Audrey Meadows, Joyce Randolph, Art Carney The fans have spoken! Here come eight great The Honeymooners episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

Fan Favorites: The Best Of The Odd Couple Tony Randall, Jack Klugman The fans have spoken! Here come eight great The Odd Couple episodes, selected by fans in a Facebook poll.

Comedy, Friendships, Odd Couples 205min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106641

Fashions Of 1934 Bette Davis, William Powell, Verree Teasdale, Frank McHugh, Hugh Herbert Musical, Comedy, Drama 1934 78min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106756

Fast Life Madge Evans, Conrad Nagel, Arthur Byron, Cliff Edwards, William Haines Navy, Romance, Sports, Comedy, Military 1932 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106758

Fast Walking James Woods, Kay Lenz, Robert Hooks, Tim McIntire, Charles Weldon Prison, Drama 1982 115min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106760

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Seite 46

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA The Fastest Guitar Alive Joan Freeman, Maggie Pierce, Lyle Bettger, Roy Orbison, Sammy Jackson War, Western, American Civil War, Comedy, Guitar 1967 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106762

The Fastest Gun Alive Allyn Joslyn, Jeanne Crain, Glenn Ford, Broderick Crawford, Russ Tamblyn Western, Cowboy 1956 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 09.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106764

The FBI: The First Season - Part One Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Philip Abbott ABC, Crime, Drama, FBI 1965 min. Warner Bros. MOD 12.07.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106765

Fire! Vera Miles, Patty Duke, Donna Mills, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Cord TV Movies, Action, Disasters, Drama, Firefighters 1977 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106818

The Fireball Ralph Dumke, Beverly Tyler, Mickey Rooney, Horace McCoy, Tay Garnett Romance, Sports, Drama 1950 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106820

The First Auto

The FBI: The First Season - Part Two Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Philip Abbott ABC, Crime, Drama, FBI 1965 min. Warner Bros. MOD 13.09.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106767

Frank Campeau, William Demarest, Anders Randolf, Gibson Gowland, Russell Simpson Racing, Auto Racing, Comedy 1927 75min. Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106822

The First Texan

Feds Rebecca De Mornay, Mary Gross, Fred Dalton Thompson, Ken Marshall, Larry Cedar Comedy, FBI, girl power 1988 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106768

The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu Helen Mirren, Peter Sellers, Sid Caesar, David Tomlinson, Simon Williams Thieves, Comedy, FBI 1980 101min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106809

Fifth Avenue Girl Ginger Rogers, Verree Teasdale, Tim Holt, Walter Connolly, James Ellison Romance, Comedy, Marriage Woes 1939 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106812

Fighter Squadron Robert Stack, Henry Hull, John Rodney War, World War II, Action, Aerial Action, Air Force 1948 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106813

Fingers Tisa Farrow, Marian Seldes, Harvey Keitel, Jim Brown, Michael Gazzo Music, Piano, Crime, Drama, Mental Illness 1978 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106815

Finishing School Ginger Rogers, Billie Burke, Frances Dee, Bruce Cabot, John Halliday Romance, Teachers, Drama 1934 73min.


Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106816

Jeff Morrow, Felicia Farr, Joel McCrea, Wallace Ford, Abraham Sofaer Revenge, Western 1956 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106824

First To Fight Gene Hackman, Dean Jagger, Claude Akins, Chad Everett, Bobby Troup War, World War II, Drama, Marines, Marriage Woes, Military 1967 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106826

The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh Jonathan Winters, Jack Kehoe, Julius Erving Sports, Basketball, Comedy 1979 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106828

Five Star Final Marian Marsh, Edward G. Robinson, H.B. Warner, George E. Stone, Anthony Bushell On The Job, Substance Abuse, Crime, Drama 1931 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106829

Flap Anthony Quinn, Shelley Winters, Victor Jory, Tony Bill, Claude Akins Native Americans, Western, Comedy, Drama 1970 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106831

Flesh Jean Hersholt, Ricardo Cortez, Karen Morley, Wallace Beery, John Miljan Romance, Sports, Crime, Drama 1932 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 08.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106832

Flight Command Walter Pidgeon, Ruth Hussey, Robert

Taylor, Paul Kelly, Shepperd Strudwick War, Aerial Action, Drama, Military 1940 116min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106834

Flirtation Walk Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Ross Alexander Musical, Romance, Dancing, Military 1934 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106839

Flood! Barbara Hershey, Carol Lynley, Richard Basehart, Robert Culp, Martin Miller TV Movies, Adventure, Disasters 1976 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106842

The Flying Fleet Anita Page, Ramon Novarro, Ralph Graves Navy, Romance, Silent Film, Adventure, Aerial Action, Drama 1929 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106844

Flying High Charles Winninger, Bert Lahr, Charlotte Greenwood, Charles Reisner Musical, Romance, Comedy, Dancing 1931 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106845

Fog Over Frisco Bette Davis, Margaret Lindsay, Lyle Talbot, Donald Woods, Hugh Herbert Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Kidnapping 1934 68min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106846

Follow Me Quietly Dorothy Patrick, Jeff Corey, William Lundigan, Nestor Paiva Mystery, Serial Killers, Cops, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1949 60min. Warner Bros. MOD 23.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106848

Follow The Boys Paula Prentiss, Janis Paige, Connie Francis, Dany Robin, Russ Tamblyn Navy, Romance, Comedy, Military 1963 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 23.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106850

Footloose Dennis Quaid, Andie MacDowell, Julianne Hough, Kenny Wormald The 1984 classic is now the modern hit that will make you stand up and cheer! Big city teen Ren McCormack (Kenny Wormald) moves to a quiet little town and discovers that the hard-line minister has outlawed loud music and dancing. But everything changes when Ren decides to challenge the ban, revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s rebellious daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough). Critics and audiences agree „Footloose has an infectious spirit“ so get ready to cut loose! Alynda Wheat, PEOPLE

Music, Musical, Romance, Comedy, Dancing, Drama 2011 113min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107439

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Seite 47

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Romance, Drama, girl power 1939 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106865

Fantasy 1933 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106877

Dennis Quaid, Andie MacDowell, Julianne Hough, Kenny Wormald

Four’s A Crowd

Gallant Bess

The 1984 classic is now the modern hit that will make you stand up and cheer! Big city teen Ren McCormack (Kenny Wormald) moves to a quiet little town and discovers that the hard-line minister has outlawed loud music and dancing. But everything changes when Ren decides to challenge the ban, revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s rebellious daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough). Critics and audiences agree „Footloose has an infectious spirit“ so get ready to cut loose! Alynda Wheat, PEOPLE

Olivia de Havilland, Rosalind Russell, Errol Flynn, Patric Knowles, Walter Connolly Romance, Comedy 1938 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106866

Marshall Thompson, George Tobias, Donald Curtis, Clem Bevans Navy, War, World War II, Drama 1946 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106878

The Fox

Comedy, Dancing, Drama, Music, Musical, Romance 2011 113min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107486

Keir Dullea, Sandy Dennis, Anne Heywood Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1967 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106867

Footsteps In The Dark

Francis the Talking Mule

Brenda Marshall, Lee Patrick, Alan Hale, Ralph Bellamy, Errol Flynn Mystery, Comedy, Crime, Detectives 1941 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106852

One of the most beloved family films of all time, Francis the Talking Mule stars Donald O’Connor as a bewildered soldier who befriends an old army mule...who happens to talk! Second Lieutenant Peter Stirling (O’Connor) repeatedly finds himself in a mental hospital after he tries to explain to his unbelieving superior officers that a talking animal rescued him from behind enemy lines. When his four-legged friend appears with plans of heroic action, the U.S. Army faces one of its biggest - and most stubborn - challenges.

A Force Of Arms

War, Classics, Comedy, Fantasy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107336

Footloose (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray)

Nancy Olson, William Holden, Gene Evans, Frank Lovejoy, Dick Wesson Romance, War, World War II, Drama 1951 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106855

Forsaking All Others Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Robert Montgomery Romance, Comedy, Drama 1934 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106857

Fort Dobbs Brian Keith, Clint Walker, Virginia Mayo, Richard Eyer, Russ Conway Native Americans, Western 1958 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106859

Four Daughters May Robson, Claude Rains, John Garfield, Frank McHugh, Jeffrey Lynn Music, Romance, Drama, girl power 1938 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106860

Four Daughters: Movie Series Collection Lola Lane, Priscilla Lane, Rosemary Lane, Claude Rains, Gale Page Romance, Comedy, Drama, girl power min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106863

Four Mothers Lola Lane, Priscilla Lane, Rosemary Lane, Claude Rains, Gale Page Romance, Drama 1941 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106864

Four Wives Lola Lane, Priscilla Lane, Rosemary Lane, Claude Rains, Gale Page


Gang Of Roses II: Next Generation Eurika Pratts, Kellita Smith They’re wanted by all.. Cassie, the last remaining member of the original Gang of Roses, is sitting in a small Mexican jail holding the written code to a US military sage. It’s here that she meets Collette (Eurika Pratts), a young gambler looking for her next con. Kate (Rocsi Diaz) attempts to break her out, and Cassie is killed. Upon their return, Kate and Collette meet up with outlaws Candi (Teyana Taylor) and Mimi (Claudia Jordan). After some lengthy planning, the four women head to the Mexican town of San Juevo and prepare for the robbery, which will take place in the town church. But unbeknownst to them, they are being followed by Lee (Gabriel Casseus) and his posse of bandits, looking to ambush the women before they can make their big score.

Western, Action, Drama 2012 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 77min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107542

Freebie & The Bean Loretta Swit, James Caan, Alan Arkin Action, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Detectives 1974 113min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106869

The Gangster Akim Tamiroff, Barry Sullivan Romance, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1947 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106879

Friendships, Secrets And Lies Paula Prentiss, Sondra Locke, Shelley Fabares, Tina Louise, Cathryn Damon TV Movies, College Life, Crime, Drama, girl power 1979 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106870

Garden Of The Moon Margaret Lindsay, John Payne Musical, Romance, Comedy 1938 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106880

Gaslight From Beyond The Grave Peter Cushing, Diana Dors, Margaret Leighton, Nyree Dawn Porter, Donald Pleasence, David Warner, Ian Bannen, Ian Ogilvy, Ian Carmichael Anthologies, British, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror 1974 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106871

From Headquarters Eugene Pallette, Margaret Lindsay, George Brent, Robert Barrat Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Detectives, Drama 1933 64min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106872

From Hell It Came Tod Andrews Revenge, Science Fiction, Horror, Monsters 1957 73min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106873

Gabriel Over The White House Karen Morley, Walter Huston, Franchot Tone, Dickie Moore, Arthur Byron Politics, Presidents, Romance, Drama,

Angela Lansbury, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Charles Boyer Mystery, Drama, Horror 1944 114min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106881

The Gazebo Carl Reiner, Debbie Reynolds, Glenn Ford, John McGiver Comedy, Crime 1959 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 13.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106882

Genesis II Mariette Hartley, Alex Cord, Ted Cassidy, Harvey Jason TV Movies, Science Fiction 1973 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106883

The George Raft Story Julie London, Barbara Nichols, Jayne Mansfield, Ray Danton, Barrie Chase Biography, Crime, Drama 1961 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106888

George White Scandals Jack Haley, Ethel Smith, Joan Davis, Phillip

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Seite 48

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Terry Music, Romance, Comedy 1945 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106904

Complete Series - Part Two Stefanie Powers, Leo G. Carroll, Noel Harrison Action, Adventure, NBC 1966 min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.10.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106915

Get Carter Michael Caine, Ian Hendry, Britt Ekland, John Osborne, Tony Beckley Murder Mysteries, Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Cult Film / TV 1971 112min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106905

Get To Know Your Rabbit Allen Garfield, John Astin, Tom Smothers Comedy, Dancing, Magic 1972 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106906

Get Yourself A College Girl Mary Ann Mobley, Nancy Sinatra, Chad Everett Music, Christmas, College Life, Comedy, Holidays 1964 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106907

The Giant Behemoth Leigh Madison, Gene Evans, Jack MacGowran, Andre Morell, John Turner Science Fiction, Dinosaurs, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Monsters 1959 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106908

The Girl Of The Night Anne Francis, Kay Medford, Lloyd Nolan, Arthur Storch Drama 1960 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106917

The Girl Said No Marie Dressler, Leila Hyams, William Haines, Ralph Bushman On The Job, Romance, Comedy 1930 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106918

The Girl Who Had Everything Elizabeth Taylor, James Whitmore, William Powell, Gig Young, Fernando Lamas Romance, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1953 69min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106923

Gilmore Girls: The Complete First And Second Seasons (2 Pack) Lauren Graham, Alexis Bledel, Melissa McCarthy

Give A Girl A Break

The WB, 2 Packs, Drama, girl power min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107512

The Girl From 10th Avenue Bette Davis, Ian Hunter, Alison Skipworth, John Eldredge, Colin Clive Romance, Drama 1935 69min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106912

The Girl From Missouri Jean Harlow, Patsy Kelly, Lionel Barrymore, Franchot Tone, Lewis Stone Romance, Comedy, Drama 1934 75min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106913

The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.: The Complete Series - Part One Stefanie Powers, Leo G. Carroll, Noel Harrison Action, Adventure, NBC 1966 min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.10.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106914

The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.: The


Gold Of The Seven Saints Clint Walker, Roger Moore, Leticia Roman, Chill Wills, Robert Middleton Western, Adventure 1961 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106941

The Golden Arrow Bette Davis, Eugene Pallette, Carol Hughes, George Brent, Dick Foran Comedy, Marriage Woes 1936 68min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106942

Golden Dawn Walter Woolf King Musical, War, World War I, Comedy, Drama 1930 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106943

The Good And The Gander Kay Francis, Claire Dodd, Genevieve Tobin, George Brent, John Eldredge Romance, Comedy, Drama 1936 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106949

Girlfriends Jane Anderson, Tanya Berezin, Bob Balaban Comedy, Drama, Friendships, girl power 1978 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106926

Welcome to quaint Stars Hollow, Connecticut. People often mistake Independence Inn’s manager, headstrong single mom Lorelai Gilmore, and her equally willful teenage daughter, Rory, for sisters. Lorelai and Rory cope with the same emotional ups and downs, including Lorelai’s overbearing, oldmoney parents and the joys and frustrations of the male gender. This heartfelt, humorous drama appeals to young and old alike with its blend of traditional family issues and hip, contemporary attitude.

Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106940

Debbie Reynolds, Bob Fosse, Marge Champion, Helen Wood, Gower Champion Musical, Romance, Comedy 1953 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106927

Give Me Your Heart Kay Francis, George Brent, Henry Stephensen, Patric Knowles, Roland Young Romance, Drama 1936 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106935

Go Into Your Dance Glenda Farrell, Patsy Kelly, Ruby Keeler, Barton MacLane, Al Jolson Musical, Romance, Crime, Drama 1935 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106934

God Is My Co-Pilot Andrea King, Alan Hale, Raymond Massey, Dane Clark, Dennis Morgan War, Action, Adventure, Aerial Action 1945 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106937

Going Wild Walter Pidgeon, Laura Lee, Ona Munson, Joe E. Brown Musical, Racing, Romance, Transportation, Aerial Action 1930 68min.

Good News Peter Lawford, June Allyson, Patricia Marshall, Joan McCracken, Ray McDonald Musical, Romance, Sports, Football 1947 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106946

Goodbye My Fancy Robert Young, Joan Crawford, Eve Arden, Janice Rule, Frank Lovejoy Romance, College Life, Comedy 1951 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106947

Goodbye My Lady Sidney Poitier, Walter Brennan, William Hopper, Phil Harris, Brandon De Wilde Odd Couples, Friendships 1956 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106948

The Gorgeous Hussy Melvyn Douglas, Joan Crawford, Robert Taylor, Lionel Barrymore, Franchot Tone Politics, Presidents, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1936 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106950

Grace Kelly Cheryl Ladd, Diane Ladd, Marta DuBois, Ian McShane, Lloyd Bridges, William Schallert, Alejandro Rey, Salome Jens, Brian Patrick Clarke This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Cheryl Ladd (TV’s Charlie’s Angels) takes on the role of the beautiful actress whose fairy tale story captured the world’s imagination. At the height of her career, Grace Kelly, with her cool beauty and glamorous poise, left the Hollywood screen behind for the real-life role which seemed to be her destiny. Marrying the Prince of Monaco (Ian McShane), Princess

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Seite 49

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Grace became true royalty. Charting her rise from shy but determined daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia family to her meteoric rise to Oscar®-winning actress, this made-fortelevision movie was released shortly after the tragic death of Princess Grace. Also features Lloyd Bridges, Alejandro Rey, and Diane Ladd. Newly remastered.

Royalty, Biography, Drama, TV Movies 1983 FF M 97min. SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106916

Grand Canyon Kevin Kline, Danny Glover, Steve Martin, Mary McDonnell From the director of The Big Chill. A story of friendship and other natural wonders.. When a lawyer’s (Kevin Kline) car breaks down in a dangerous Los Angeles neighborhood, a tow-truck driver (Danny Glover) arrives just in time to save his life. The two men begin a deep friendship that sets off a chain of unsettling and surprising events involving their families and friends for years to come. Lawrence Kasdan’s powerful, uplifting film about the harsh realities of contemporary urban life co-stars Steve Martin, Mary McDonnell, Mary-Louise Parker and Alfre Woodward.

Crime, Drama, Friendships 1991 Ltbx 135min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106721

more! Plus exclusive bonus material never before seen on the internet.

The Great Jesse James Raid

James Gregory, Rhonda Fleming, Chill Wills, Stewart Granger, Steve Rowland Western, Cowboy 1957 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106975

Barbara Payton, Willard Parker Retired under an assumed name in St Joseph, Missouri, Jesse James is pressured into joining Bob Ford and Sam Wells in a risky Colorado gold raid.

Western, Cowboy, Crime 1953 73min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107205

Green Fire Grace Kelly, Paul Douglas, Stewart Granger, Murvyn Vye, John Ericson Adventure, Drama 1954 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106955

Green Light

Grand Canyon (Blu-ray) Kevin Kline, Danny Glover, Steve Martin, Mary McDonnell From the director of The Big Chill. A story of friendship and other natural wonders.. When a lawyer’s (Kevin Kline) car breaks down in a dangerous Los Angeles neighborhood, a tow-truck driver (Danny Glover) arrives just in time to save his life. The two men begin a deep friendship that sets off a chain of unsettling and surprising events involving their families and friends for years to come. Lawrence Kasdan’s powerful, uplifting film about the harsh realities of contemporary urban life co-stars Steve Martin, Mary McDonnell, Mary-Louise Parker and Alfre Woodward.

Crime, Drama, Friendships 1991 Ltbx 135min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106786

Margaret Lindsay, Anita Louise, Errol Flynn, Walter Abel, Cedrick Hardwicke Romance, Drama 1937 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106956

Green Mansions Audrey Hepburn, Henry Silva, Anthony Perkins, Lee J. Cobb, Sessue Hayakawa Romance, Adventure, Drama 1959 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106957

The Green Slime

The Grasshopper Jacqueline Bisset, Joseph Cotten, Jim Brown, Christopher Stone, Corbett Monica Romance, Drama, girl power, Independent Women 1970 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106951

The Great Caruso Carl Benton Reid, Jarmila Novotna, Ann Blyth, Dorothy Kirsten, Mario Lanza Music, Opera, Biopics, Classical Music, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1951 109min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106952

The Great Divide Creighton Hale, Myrna Loy, Dorothy Mackaill, Ian Keith, Lucien Littlefield Western, Kidnapping 1929 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106953

Richard Jaeckal, Luciana Paluzzi, Robert Horton Science Fiction, Space, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Drama, Horror, Meteors / Asteroids, Monsters 1968 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106974

Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Bluray) Robert Picardo, Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates, Christopher Lee, Robert Prosky, John Glover Here They Grow Again…. Billy Peltzer and Kate Beringer move to New York City and meet up with their Mogwai friend, Gizmo, when a series of accidents creates a new generation of diverse gremlins. Billy, Kate, and Gizmo must once again use all their experience to prevent another catastrophe.

Comedy, Family, Horror 1990 106min. Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107508

The Guild: Season 5 Felicia Day, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton, Sandeep Parikh, Amy Okuda, Robin Thorsen, Nathan Fillion, Jeff Lewis, Vincent Caso

The Great Flamarion Dan Duryea, Mary Beth Hughes, Erich Von Stroheim Drama, Film Noir 1945 79min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107204

The Great Garrick Olivia de Havilland, Lionel Atwill, Edward


Everett Horton, Melville Cooper, Brian Aherne Revenge, Romance, Comedy, Historical / Period Piece 1937 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106954

For the first time, Season 5 takes the Guildies out from behind their computers and on a road trip to an epic fan convention, MegaGame-O-RamaCon! Codex (Felicia Day, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, Dragon Age: Redemption) tries to rally the Guildies to action when she overhears upsetting news about „The Game.“ Bladezz tries to make money with his Cheesybeard’s pirate alter-meme-ego, while Vork is starstruck by his boyhood crush, sci-fi heroine Madeleine Twain (Erin Gray, Buck Rogers In The 25th Century). Meanwhile, Clara tries to make friends with a snooty Steampunk trio, Tink hides from her past and Zaboo joins up with Halo’s Master Chiefs... wha?! This unrated DVD includes all 12 episodes from Season 5 featuring special guest stars Nathan Fillion, Wil Wheaton, Brent Spiner and

Comedy 2011 96min. New Video DVD 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106891

Gun Glory

Gunfight At Comanche Creek Jan Merlin, DeForest Kelley, Audie Murphy, Ben Cooper Thieves, Western, Detectives 1963 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106976

H.M. Pulham, Esq. Robert Young, Van Heflin, Ruth Hussey, Hedy Lamarr, Charles Coburn Romance, Drama 1941 120min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106977

The Half-Breed Robert Young, Janis Carter, Reed Hadley, Barton MacLane, Jack Buetel Native Americans, Western 1952 81min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106979

Hanging By A Thread Patty Duke, Joyce Bulifant, Bert Convy, Sam Groom Tragedies, TV Movies, Disasters, Drama 1979 190min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106980

Happily Divorced: Season One Rita Moreno, Fran Drescher, Tichina Arnold, John Michael Higgins, Valente Rodriguez Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Love Gone Bad 2011 220min. Comedy Central 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106668

Happiness Ahead Josephine Hutchinson, Dick Powell, Allen Jenkins, Frank McHugh, John Halliday Musical, Romance, Comedy, girl power, Independent Women 1934 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106981

The Happy Years Dean Stockwell, Darryl Hickman, Margalo Gillmore, Leon Ames, Scotty Beckett Romance, Sports, Teachers, Troubled Youth, Comedy 1950 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106982

Hard To Get Charles Winninger, Olivia de Havilland, Bonita Granville, Dick Powell, Allen Jenkins Revenge, Romance, Comedy 1938 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106984

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA The Hard Way Ida Lupino, Gladys George, Joan Leslie, Jack Carson, Dennis Morgan Musical, Romance, Drama 1943 109min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106986

Harvey (DVD + Digital Copy) James Stewart gives one of his finest performances in this lighthearted film, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play. Stewart stars as the good-natured Elwood P. Dowd, whose constant companion is Harvey, a six-foot tall rabbit that only he can see. To his sister, Veta Louise, Elwood’s obsession with Harvey has been a thorn in the side of her plans to marry off her daughter. But when Veta Louise decides to put Elwood in a mental hospital, a hilarious mix-up occurs and she finds herself committed instead. It’s up to Elwood to straighten out the mess with his kindly philosophy, and his „imaginary“ friend, in this popular classic that features a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award winning performance by Josephine Hull.

Hard, Fast And Beautiful! Claire Trevor, Carleton Young, Sally Forrest, Robert Clarke Romance, Sports, Tennis, Drama 1951 78min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106983

Jean Harlow Anniversary Collection Jean Harlow The Girl From Missouri Personal Property Reckless Riffraff Saratoga Suzy

Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Drama, Hollywood Legends min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107110

Harold And Maude: The Criterion Collection Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles, Ellen Geer, Cyril Cusack, Charles Tyner With the idiosyncratic American fable Harold and Maude, countercultural director Hal Ashby fashioned what would become the cult classic of its era. Working from a script by Colin Higgins, Ashby tells the story of the emotional and romantic bond between a death-obsessed young man from a wealthy family and a devil-may-care, bohemian octogenarian Maude dissolves the line between darkness and light, along with the ones that separate people by class, gender, and age, and it features indelible performances and a remarkable soundtrack by Cat Stevens.

National Film Registry, Odd Couples, Romance, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy 1971 91min. Criterion 17.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107533

Harold And Maude: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles, Ellen Geer, Cyril Cusack, Charles Tyner With the idiosyncratic American fable Harold and Maude, countercultural director Hal Ashby fashioned what would become the cult classic of its era. Working from a script by Colin Higgins, Ashby tells the story of the emotional and romantic bond between a death-obsessed young man from a wealthy family and a devil-may-care, bohemian octogenarian Maude dissolves the line between darkness and light, along with the ones that separate people by class, gender, and age, and it features indelible performances and a remarkable soundtrack by Cat Stevens.

Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Odd Couples, Romance 1971 91min. Criterion 17.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107555

Harvey (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) James Stewart gives one of his finest performances in this lighthearted film, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play. Stewart stars as the good-natured Elwood P. Dowd, whose constant companion is Harvey, a six-foot tall rabbit that only he can see. To his sister, Veta Louise, Elwood’s obsession with Harvey has been a thorn in the side of her plans to marry off her daughter. But when Veta Louise decides to put Elwood in a mental hospital, a hilarious mix-up occurs and she finds herself committed instead. It’s up to Elwood to straighten out the mess with his kindly philosophy, and his „imaginary“ friend, in this popular classic that features a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award winning performance by Josephine Hull.


Classics, Comedy, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100 min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107419

Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107353

Having A Wonderful Time Lee Bowman, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, Arthur Kober, Alfred Santell Romance, Comedy 1938 70min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106988

Hawaii Five-O: The First Season (Blu-ray) Grace Park, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Kim CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Action 2010 1029min. Paramount Pictures 07.02.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107525

Hawthorne: The Complete Third Season Suleka Mathew, Jada Pinkett Smith, Vanessa Lengies, Hannah Hodson, Marc Anthony, Michael Vartan, Adam Rayner After last season’s explosive and revealing finale, the stakes are higher than ever in the third season of Hawthorne. While her pregnancy and subsequent wedding to Dr. Tom Wakefield (Michael Vartan) seem like the start of a better future for Christina (Jada Pinkett Smith), tragedy strikes when a violent assault takes her unborn baby’s life. In the wake of the attack, Christina is asked to step down as James River’s head nurse just as the hospital’s future is being thrown into doubt. As Detective Nick Renata’s (Marc Anthony) vengeful response to the attack unleashes forces far beyond anyone’s control, Christina faces her own conflicted feelings about the two men she loves while watching in dismay as her teenage daughter is drawn into a relationship with a married man. And when an offer to return as the hospital’s COO tests her relationships at work, the aftermath of the assault places Christina and those closest to her on a cataclysmic path that will change their lives forever.

Drama, Friendships, On The Job 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 422min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106931

Haywire Deborah Raffin, Dianne Hull, Jason Robards, Lee Remick, Hart Bochner TV Movies, Drama, Rocky Relationships, Substance Abuse 1980 200min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106989

He Who Gets Slapped Norma Shearer, Lon Chaney Silent Film, Thrillers, Drama 1924 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106998

Heart Beat Nick Nolte, John Heard, Sissy Spacek, Ann Dusenberry, Ray Sharkey Drama 1980 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107003

Hearts Of The West Andy Griffith, Blythe Danner, Jeff Bridges, Donald Pleasence, Alan Arkin Western, Comedy, Cowboy, Film About Film 1975 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107001

Heat / Goodfellas (Double Feature) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jon Voight, Val Kilmer, Ray Liotta, Paul Sorvino, Joe Pesci National Film Registry, Thieves, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Cops, Crime, Double Features min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107513

Heat Lightning Glenda Farrell, Ann Dvorak, Aline MacMahon, Lyle Talbot, Preston Foster Desert, Drama 1934 63min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107005

The Heavenly Body William Powell, Fay Bainter, Hedy Lamarr, James Craig Romance, Comedy, Marriage Woes 1944 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107006

Hellacious Acres John Glass wakes up in a desolated barn from a long cryogenic slumber to be informed that not only the planet has been devastated by a third world war, but reduced to little habitability by a subsequent alien invasion. He also learns that in order to reestablish a livable atmosphere for what’s left of humanity, he’ll have to go on a solitary mission to retrieve important codes dispersed in remote locations. Soon enough, he’ll encounter more than he bargained for: aliens, crazy survivors, inadequate equipment, lots of walking and a pretty unhealthy dose of bad luck.

Science Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Comedy, Horror 108min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 03.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107568

Hellgate Sterling Hayden, Joan Leslie, Ward Bond, James Arness This post-Civil War yarn was adapted from the story of Dr. Mudd, the physician who attended John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln. In 1867 Kansas, veterinarian Sterling Hayden treats an injured stranger who turns out to have been a guerrilla raider—and Hayden soon finds himself serving a term in one of the world’s most terrifying prisons under sadistic commandant Ward Bond.

Prison, Western 1952 87min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107210

Her Highness And The Bellboy June Allyson, Hedy Lamarr, Agnes Moorehead, Robert Walker, Carl Esmond Romance, Royalty, Comedy 1945 122min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107008

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Hide In Plain Sight Jill Eikenberry, James Caan, Joe Grifasi, Robert Viharo Thieves, Drama 1980 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107010

The Hideaways George Rose, Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Doran Comedy, Drama, Family 1973 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107011

(nostalgia), Critical Mass, and the enormous, unfinished Magellan cycle (cut short by his death at age forty-eight), Frampton repurposes cinema itself, making it into something by turns literary, mathematical, sculptural, and simply beautiful-and always captivating. This collection of works by the essential artist-the first home video release of its kindincludes twenty-four films, dating from 1966 to 1979.

Short Film Collections, Art House, Criterion Collection 264min. Criterion 10.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107534

Hollywood Legends Spotlight Collection (Harvey / Spartacus / Touch of Evil)

High Wall Herbert Marshall, Audrey Totter, Dorothy Patrick, Robert Taylor, H.B. Warner Crime, Drama, Mental Illness 1947 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107013

Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 100, Ancient Greece / Rome, Biography, Biopics, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107300

Hollywood Party

Highway 301 Robert Webber, Virginia Grey, Gaby Andre, Steve Cochran, Edmon Ryan Thieves, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1950 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107014

The Hit Man Pam Grier, Bernie Casey, Sam Laws Blaxploitation, Crime, Drama 1972 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107015

Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jimmy Durante, Jack Pearl Musical, Comedy 1934 68min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107018

Hollywood Revue Of 1929 Joan Crawford, Norma Shearer, Jack Benny, Conrad Nagel, John Gilbert Musical 1929 118min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107020

Home Before Dark

Hold On! Peter Noone Music, Musical, Comedy 1966 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107016

Jean Simmons, Rhonda Fleming, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. Drama, Mental Illness 1958 136min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107021

Holiday In Mexico


Roddy McDowall, Walter Pidgeon, Ilona Massey, Jose Iturbi Musical, Comedy 1946 128min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107017

Clark Gable, Anne Baxter, Lana Turner, John Hodiak Romance, World War II, Drama 1948 113min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107022

Hollis Frampton Odyssey, A: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Icon of the American avant-garde Hollis Frampton made rigorous, audacious, brainy, and downright thrilling films, leaving behind a body of work that remains unparalleled. In the 1960s, having started out as a poet and photographer, Frampton became fascinated with the possibilities of 16 mm filmmaking. In such radically playful, visually and sonically arresting works as Surface Tension, Zorns Lemma, (nostalgia), Critical Mass, and the enormous, unfinished Magellan cycle (cut short by his death at age forty-eight), Frampton repurposes cinema itself, making it into something by turns literary, mathematical, sculptural, and simply beautiful-and always captivating. This collection of works by the essential artist-the first home video release of its kindincludes twenty-four films, dating from 1966 to 1979.

Criterion Collection, Art House, Short Film Collections 264min. Criterion 10.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107556

A Hollis Frampton Odyssey: The Criterion Collection Icon of the American avant-garde Hollis Frampton made rigorous, audacious, brainy, and downright thrilling films, leaving behind a body of work that remains unparalleled. In the 1960s, having started out as a poet and photographer, Frampton became fascinated with the possibilities of 16 mm filmmaking. In such radically playful, visually and sonically arresting works as Surface Tension, Zorns Lemma,


The Honeymoon Machine Steve McQueen, Jim Hutton, Paula Prentiss, Brigid Bazlen, Dean Jagger Navy, Comedy 1961 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107023

Honky Tonk Clark Gable, Claire Trevor, Lana Turner, Marjorie Main, Frank Morgan Romance, Western, Comedy, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling 1941 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107024

Honolulu Robert Young, Gracie Allen, Rita Johnson, Eleanor Powell, George Burns Musical, Romance, Comedy 1939 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107025

The Horizontal Lieutenant

Jim Hutton, Paula Prentiss, Jim Backus, Charles McGraw, Jack Carter Romance, War, World War II, Comedy 1962 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107026

Hostage Flight John Karlen, Rene Enriquez, Barbara Bosson, Ned Beatty, Jack Gilford Terrorism, Thrillers, TV Movies, Aerial Action, Drama, Hostage Crisis 1985 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107027

Hot Millions Maggie Smith, Cesar Romero, Karl Malden, Peter Ustinov, Bob Newhart, Robert Morley Comedy, Crime, Hackers 1968 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107028

Hot News Ted De Corsia, Veda Ann Borg, Gloria Henry, Scotty Beckett, Stanley Clements Sports, Action, Boxing, Crime, Drama, Gambling 1953 61min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107029

Hot Rod Gloria Winters, Myron Healey, Jimmy Lydon, Gil Stratton, Art Baker Racing, Sports, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1950 61min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107030

Hot To Trot Bobcat Goldthwait, Virginia Madsen, Cindy Pickett, John Candy, Dabney Coleman Racing, Comedy, Fantasy, Horses 1988 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107041

Hotel Melvyn Douglas, Kevin McCarthy, Carmen Rae, Catherine Spaak, Karl Malden, Richard Conte, Michael Rennie, Rod Taylor, Roy Roberts, Merle Oberon, Alfred Ryder Drama 1967 124min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107042

The Hour Of 13 Peter Lawford, Dawn Addams, Roland Culver, Derek Bond Mystery, Serial Killers, Thieves, British, Crime, Foreign 1952 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107043

House Of Pleasures Jasmine Trinca, Hafsia Herzi A turn-of-the-century brothel becomes an unlikely bastion of loyalty in House Of Pleasures, an erotic feast about the uniquely intimate camaraderie that develops among the ladies of the luxurious French house L’Apollinde. Madam MarieFrance provides a glamorous life for some of the most alluring and desirable women in Paris, but also treats them as virtual slaves. Among the dozen employees is a cheerful girl with a regular adoring john, a regal beauty who disdains all the men fighting for her services, a long-legged stunner reaching the end of her career, and a sweet and trusting new girl who winds up in bed with a very rough customer. From the director

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA of The Pornographer, House Of Pleasures both exposes the dangers of the sex trade and manages to show how trust can be earned in the most unlikely of places.

Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Piece 2011 125min. MPI 13.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106752

House Of Women Shirley Knight, Barbara Nichols, Constance Ford, Margaret Hayes, Andrew Duggan Prison, Crime, Drama 1962 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 27.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107044

The House On 56th Street Margaret Lindsay, Ricardo Cortez, Kay Francis, Frank McHugh, John Halliday, Gene Raymond Drama, Gambling 1933 68min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107045

Housewife Bette Davis, Ann Dvorak, Ruth Donnelly, George Brent, John Halliday Drama 1934 69min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107046

How Sweet It Is! Debbie Reynolds, Terry Thomas, James Garner, Paul Lynde, Maurice Ronet Photography/Art, Comedy 1968 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107047

The Hucksters Clark Gable, Sydney Greenstreet, Deborah Kerr, Ava Gardons, Adolphe Menjou On The Job, Romance, Comedy, Drama 1947 115min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107048

Huddle Una Merkel, Madge Evans, Frank Albertson, Ramon Novarro, Ralph Graves Romance, Sports, College Life, Drama, Football 1932 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107049

The Human Comedy Fay Bainter, Marsha Hunt, Mickey Rooney, Frank Morgan, James Craig War, World War II, Comedy, Drama, Family 1943 117min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107050

The Hunley Donald Sutherland, Armand Assante, Chris Bauer, Alex Jennings TV Movies, War, Action, American Civil War, Drama, High Seas, Historical / Period Piece 1999 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107051

Hunt To Kill / The Stranger (Double Feature) Hunt To Kill. Steve Austin (The Expendables, The Stranger) stars as U.S. Border Patrol agent Jim Rhodes, a tough


divorcee mourning the loss of his murdered partner while struggling to raise his rebellious daughter in the mountains of Montana. But when a crew of trigger-happy fugitives takes Rhodes and the girl hostage, rugged wilderness will explode in all-terrain vengeance. Gil Bellows (The Shawshank Redemption), Emilie Ullerup („Sanctuary“), former kickboxing champion Gary Daniels (Tekken, The Expendables) and Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight, The Expendable) co-star in this bone-snapping, bullet-blasting, ass-kicking action/thriller where the only rule of survival is Hunt To Kill. The Stranger. Pro wrestling legend Steve Austin stars as a man with no name, no memory and absolutely nothing left to lose. But when he finds himself hunted by both the FBI and the Russian mob, this amnesiac decides to fight back. Pursuit cannot stop him. Torture will not break him. And with every beating, bullet and betrayal, he’ll remember another piece of the horror that took away his career, his famil

Thrillers, Action, Double Features, Kidnapping 2010 187min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107470

The Hypnotic Eye Allison Hayes, Jacques Bergerac, Merry Anders Horror 1960 79min. Warner Bros. MOD 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107052

Hysteria Robert Webber, Lelia Goldoni, Jennifer Jayne, Maurice Denham, Anthony Newlands Mystery, Thrillers, British, Foreign 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 28.10.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107053

I Died A Thousand Times Jack Palance, Lee Marvin, Lori Nelson, Shelley Winters, W.R. Burnett, Willis Goldbeck, Stuart Heisler Crime, Film Noir 1955 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107054

I Dood It Musical, Romance, Comedy 1943 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107055

I Killed Rasputin Gert Frobe, Geraldine Chaplin A recounting of the most extraordinary character of the beginning of this century and what actually happened. The story is told in flashback as an elderly Prince Yaussopoff in Paris, 1966, recalls St. Petersburg.

Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1967 98min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107211

I Know My First Name Is Steven

Tom Neal, Wally Vernon The true story of Billy the Kid from the perspective of Pat Garret, the notorious outlaw’s friend, and soon to be executioner.

Western 1950 57min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107212

I Take This Woman Kent Taylor, Hedy Lamarr, Laraine Day, Verree Teasdale, Spencer Tracy Drama 1940 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107058

I Was A Communist For The F.B.I. Dorothy Hart, Philip Carey, Frank Lovejoy, James Millican, Richard Webb Drama, FBI, Film Noir 1951 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107059

I Was An American Spy Ann Dvorak, Gene Evans, Douglas Kennedy, Richard Loo War, World War II, Biopics 1951 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107060

The Ice Follies Of 1939 Joan Crawford, James Stewart, Lewis Stone, Lew Ayres Musical, Sports, Drama 1939 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107061

Idiot’s Delight Clark Gable, Norma Shearer, Charles Coburn, Edward Arnold, Joseph Schildkraut Musical, War, World War II, Comedy, Drama 1939 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107062

If I Were Free Irene Dunne, Nils Asther, Clive Brook Romance, Drama 1933 66min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107064

If Looks Could Kill Robin Bartlett, Carole Davis, Gabrielle Anwar, Linda Hunt, Roger Daltrey, Roger Rees, Richard Grieco Action, Comedy 1991 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107066

Cindy Pickett, Corin Nemec, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Luke Edwards, John Ashton TV Movies, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, NBC 1989 180min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107056

If You Knew Susie

I Love Melvin


Debbie Reynolds, Allyn Joslyn, Una Merkel, Richard Anderson Musical, Photography/Art, Romance, Comedy 1953 77min. Warner Bros. MOD 27.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107057

Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto, Henry Cavill Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 110min. 20th Century Fox 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107537

I Shot Billy The Kid

Allyn Joslyn, Charles Dingle, Joan Davis, Eddie Cantor, Phil Brown Comedy 1948 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107073

Immortals (Blu-ray) Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto, Henry Cavill

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Drama, Fantasy, Action, Adventure 2011 Ltbx DTS 110min. 20th Century Fox 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107559

Immortals 3D (Blu-ray 3D) (Bluray) Mickey Rourke, Freida Pinto, Henry Cavill Drama, Fantasy, Action, Adventure 2011 Ltbx DTS 110min. 20th Century Fox 06.03.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107560

Music, Opera, Biopics, Drama 1955 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107080

Musical, Romance, Comedy 1929 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107094

Intruder In The Dust

It’s A Small World

Porter Hall, Elizabeth Patterson, David Brian, Juano Hernandez, Claude Jarman Jr. Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1949 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107082

Will Geer, Nina Koshetz, Steve Brodie Comedy 1950 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.08.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107096

Invasion Quartet

David Niven, Ozzie Nelson, Lola Albright, Cristina Ferrare, Chad Everett Comedy, Drama 1968 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107074

Gregoire Aslan, Bill Travers, Thorley Walters, Spike Milligan, John Le Mesurier War, World War II, British, Comedy, Foreign 1961 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107083

In Caliente


Glenda Farrell, Dolores Del Rio, Edward Everett Horton Musical, Romance, Comedy 1935 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107075

Van Johnson, Ruth Roman, Dorothy McGuire, Louis Calhern Tearjerkers, Drama, Marriage Woes 1952 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107085

The Impossible Years

In Name Only Cary Grant, Carole Lombard, Kay Francis, Helen Vinson, Charles Coburn Romance, Drama, Marriage Woes 1939 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107076

In The Mood Talia Balsam, Patrick Dempsey, Michael Constantine Romance, Comedy, Historical / Period Piece 1987 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107077

Inside Out James Mason, Telly Savalas, Robert Culp, Aldo Ray, Gunter Meisner Prison, Thrillers, British, Caper, Comedy, Foreign 1975 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 29.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107078

Inside The Walls Of Folsom Prison Ted De Corsia, Philip Carey, David Brian, Steve Cochran, Scott Forbes Prison, Crime, Drama 1951 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107079

Inspirational Favorites Spotlight Collection (Apollo 13 / Field of Dreams / Seabiscuit) Space, Sports, Tearjerkers, Academy Award Winners, Adventure, Americana, Baseball, Disasters, Drama, Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece, Horses min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107301

Interrupted Melody Roger Moore, Cecil Kellaway, Eleanor Parker, Glenn Ford, Peter Leeds


Invitation To The Dance Gene Kelly, Tamara Toumanova Musical, Dancing, Fantasy 1956 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 29.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107086

The Iron Mistress Virginia Mayo, Phyllis Kirk, Alan Ladd, Joseph Calleia, Alf Kjellin Swordfighting, Western, Adventure, Biopics, Drama 1952 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107087

Island Of Love Walter Matthau, Robert Preston, Giorgia Moll, Tony Randall Comedy 1963 min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107089

It Started With A Kiss Debbie Reynolds, Eva Gabor, Glenn Ford, Fred Clark, Gustavo Rojo Romance, Comedy 1959 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 13.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107090

It’s A Big Country Van Johnson, Keefe Brasselle, Nancy Davis, Ethel Barrymore, Gary Cooper Americana, Anthologies, Comedy, Drama 1951 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107091

It’s A Dog’s Life Jarma Lewis, Dean Jagger, Edmund Gwenn, Jeff Richards, Willard Sage Comedy, Drama 1955 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107093

It’s A Great Life Jed Prouty, Benny Rubin

It’s A Wonderful World Nat Pendleton, Frances Drake, Claudette Colbert, James Stewart, Edgar Kennedy, Guy Kibbee Romance, Crime, Detectives 1939 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107097

It’s Love I’m After Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Patric Knowles, Eric Blore Romance, Comedy 1937 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107098

J. Edgar Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Judi Dench, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas Leonardo DiCaprio (Inception, Blood Diamond) stars as J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly 50 years. Hoover was feared, admired, reviled and revered, a man who could distort the truth as easily as he upheld it. His methods were at once ruthless and heroic, with the admiration of the world his most coveted prize. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life. Oscar Winner Clint Eastwood (Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, Unforgiven) directs an allstar cast including Naomi Watts (21 Grams), Armie Hammer (The Social Network) and Oscar Winner Judi Dench (Shakespeare In Love) as Hoover’s overprotective mother.

Presidents, Biopics, Crime, Drama, FBI, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Kidnapping 2011 137min. Warner Bros. 21.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107208

J. Edgar (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Judi Dench, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas Leonardo DiCaprio (Inception, Blood Diamond) stars as J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly 50 years. Hoover was feared, admired, reviled and revered, a man who could distort the truth as easily as he upheld it. His methods were at once ruthless and heroic, with the admiration of the world his most coveted prize. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life. Oscar Winner Clint Eastwood (Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, Unforgiven) directs an allstar cast including Naomi Watts (21 Grams), Armie Hammer (The Social Network) and Oscar Winner Judi Dench (Shakespeare In Love) as Hoover’s overprotective mother.

Crime, Drama, FBI, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Kidnapping, Biopics, Presidents 2011 137min. Warner Bros. 21.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107246

Jack And Jill Adam Sandler, Al Pacino, Katie Holmes, Valerie Mahaffey, Nick Swardson, Allen Covert, Eugenio Derbez, Geoff Pierson His sister is coming for a visit... And it ain’t pretty.. Jack Sadelstein (Adam Sandler), a successful advertising executive in Los Angeles with a beautiful wife (Katie Holmes) and kids, dreads one event each year: the holiday visit of his identical twin sister Jill (also Adam Sandler). Jill’s neediness and passive-aggressiveness are maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down. Things spin even more out of control for Jack when Jill decides to extend her visitand he doesn’t think that she’ll ever leave!

Slapstick, Comedy, Family 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 91min.

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Seite 54

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107547

Music, Romance, Drama 1952 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107109

him down in front of his daughter, this Nobody decides to become Joe Somebody - and kick some butt! With hilariously helpful training from a kung-foolish martial arts pro (Jim Belushi), Joe just might score a knockout in this irresistible family comedy filled with „non-stop laughs!“

Jack And Jill (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray)

Jeremiah Johnson (Blu-ray)

Comedy, Drama, On The Job, Romance 2002 Ltbx 98min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106787

Adam Sandler, Al Pacino, Katie Holmes, Valerie Mahaffey, Nick Swardson, Allen Covert, Eugenio Derbez, Geoff Pierson His sister is coming for a visit... And it ain’t pretty.. Jack Sadelstein (Adam Sandler), a successful advertising executive in Los Angeles with a beautiful wife (Katie Holmes) and kids, dreads one event each year: the holiday visit of his identical twin sister Jill (also Adam Sandler). Jill’s neediness and passive-aggressiveness are maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down. Things spin even more out of control for Jack when Jill decides to extend her visitand he doesn’t think that she’ll ever leave!

Comedy, Family, Slapstick 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 91min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107565

Jack And Jill (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Adam Sandler, Al Pacino, Katie Holmes, Valerie Mahaffey, Nick Swardson, Allen Covert, Eugenio Derbez, Geoff Pierson His sister is coming for a visit... And it ain’t pretty.. Jack Sadelstein (Adam Sandler), a successful advertising executive in Los Angeles with a beautiful wife (Katie Holmes) and kids, dreads one event each year: the holiday visit of his identical twin sister Jill (also Adam Sandler). Jill’s neediness and passive-aggressiveness are maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down. Things spin even more out of control for Jack when Jill decides to extend her visitand he doesn’t think that she’ll ever leave!

Will Geer, Allyn Ann McLerie, Robert Redford, Danny Bonaduce, Stefan Gierasch, Charles Tyner, Josh Albee, Delle Bolton Some say he’s dead...some say he never will be.. Soured by civilization, Jeremiah Johnson sets out in the mid-1800s to be a mountain man, seeking solitude in a wilderness whose purity he never questioned. His first Rocky Mountain winter almost kills him. Starving and nearly frozen, he finds refuge with a wily old trapper (Will Geer) whose survival teaching includes going eyeball to eyeball with a grizzly.

Cult Film / TV, Drama, Hunting, Native Americans, Revenge, Western, Wilderness 1972 116min. Warner Bros. 01.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107247

The Jerk (DVD + Digital Copy) That wild and crazy guy Steve Martin, makes his film debut in this wild and crazy comedy hit The Jerk. Steve portrays Navin Johnson, adopted son of poor black sharecropper family, whose crazy inventions lead him from rags to riches and right back to rags. Along the way, he’s smitten with a lady motorcycle racer, survives a series of screwball attacks by deranged killer, becomes a millionaire by inventing the „Optigrab“ handle for eyeglasses—and shows why he’s the hottest comic performer in America today.

Slapstick, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107363

Jesse James’ Women

Comedy, Family, Slapstick 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 91min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107564

Lita Baron, Jack Buetel

Jack The Ripper

Jimmy The Gent

Jane Seymour, Michael Caine, Armand Assante, Ken Bones, Ray McAnally Crime, Detectives, Historical / Period Piece, Mystery, Serial Killers 1988 182min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107108

Bette Davis, Alice White, James Cagney, Allen Jenkins, Alan Dinehart Comedy, Crime, Drama 1934 67min. Warner Bros. MOD 28.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107113

Jesse’s attempts to use women for his personal gain.

Western 1954 86min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107213

Jitters Jackass 3.5: The Unrated Movie (Blu-ray) Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Chris Pontius, Preston Lacy, Ryan Dunn, Dave England Because too much is never enough! The boys of Jackass are at it again with an all-new unrated movie loaded with even more outrageous stunts, stupidity, and never-before-seenpranks and mayhem, including Steve-O’s up-close and personal encounter with a snapping turtle, Chris Pontius and his incredible wood pecker, and an electrifying game of limbo with the whole gang. Plus, get an inside view of paranoid life on the Jackass set and the successful behind-the-scenes prank that was finally pulled on Johnny Knoxville.

Comedy, MTV 2011 84min. Paramount Pictures 14.06.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107489

Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, High School 2010 93min. TLA Releasing 28.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107621

Joe McDoakes Comedies Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Comedy min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107114

Jane By Design: Volume 1 Comedy, Drama, Family, Fashion 2011 435min. Disney / Buena Vista 20.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107495

Joe Somebody (Blu-ray)

The Jazz Singer Allyn Joslyn, Alex Gerry, Peggy Lee, Mildred Dunnock, Tom Tully, Danny Thomas, Eduard Franz, Harold Gordon


An unexpected first kiss causes Gabriel to feel the electrifying „jitters“ of love and lust with the free-spirited Marcus; a perfect way to end a summer studying abroad. Realizing he is gay, Gabriel returns home and is immediately scrutinized by his family and friends who know he’s different. But as the school year launches with Gabriel distracted with parties and his friends’ own dramas, Marcus returns, reigniting the hot, thrilling emotions of one’s first crush. Jitters fires head-first into the topsy-turvy world of first love with an attractive cast and pulsating soundtrack, making it a smartly refreshing journey into the queer, teen experience.

Tim Allen, Kelly Lynch, Hayden Panettiere, Julie Bowen, James Belushi, Greg Germann Knockout fun for the whole family!. Joe Scheffer (funnyman Tim Allen - Galaxy Quest, The Santa Clause) is a mild mannered single dad who’s overworked and under appreciated at the office. But when the company bully knocks

John Loves Mary Ronald Reagan, Jack Carson, Wayne Morris Romance, Comedy 1949 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107115

Johnny Eager Lana Turner, Robert Taylor, Edward Arnold Romance, Crime, Film Noir 1941 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107116

Johnny English Reborn International funnyman Rowan Atkinson (Johnny English, Mr. Bean) returns as the accidental secret agent who doesn’t know fear or danger in this hilarious spy film spoof that’s outrageous fun for the whole family! In his latest mission, Johnny English must stop a group of international assassins before they eliminate a world leader and cause global chaos. With just one shot at redemption, he will use (or misuse) the latest high-tech gadgets and every trick in his playbook to protect us all. Critics cheer, „You’ll get a kick out of Johnny English Reborn!“ (Scott Bowles, USA Today)

Comedy min. Universal Studios 28.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106705

Johnny English Reborn (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) International funnyman Rowan Atkinson (Johnny English, Mr. Bean) returns as the accidental secret agent who doesn’t know fear or danger in this hilarious spy film spoof that’s outrageous fun for the whole family! In his latest mission, Johnny English must stop a group of international assassins before they eliminate a world leader and cause global chaos. With just one shot at redemption, he will use (or misuse) the latest high-tech gadgets and every trick in his playbook to protect us all. Critics cheer, „You’ll get a kick out of Johnny English Reborn!“ (Scott Bowles, USA Today)

Comedy min. Universal Studios 28.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106782

Journey For Margaret Robert Young, Fay Bainter, Laraine Day, Nigel Bruce War, World War II, Drama 1942 81min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107121

Joy Of Living Irene Dunne, Alice Brady, Jean Dixon, Guy Kibbee, Tay Garnett Musical, Romance, Comedy 1938 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107122

The Judge Steps Out Ann Sothern, Florence Bates, Frieda Inescort, Sharyn Moffett, George Tobias, Alexander Knox On The Job, Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1949 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107127

Juke Girl

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 55

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Ronald Reagan, Richard Whorf, Ann Sheridan, Gene Lockhart, George Tobias Mystery, Crime, Drama 1942 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107128

ters Pirates, Adventure, Classics, High Seas 1948 81min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107135

Julia Misbehaves

Killer By Nature

Elizabeth Taylor, Cesar Romero, Walter Pidgeon, Peter Lawford, Greer Garson Romance, Comedy 1948 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107129

Ron Perlman, Lin Shaye, Kaye Hudson, Richard Riehle, Armand Assante

Julie Doris Day, Barry Sullivan, Louis Jourdan, Frank Lovejoy, Jack Kelly Thrillers, Marriage Woes 1956 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 27.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107130

Just Tell Me What You Want Ali MacGraw, Myrna Loy, Keenan Wynn, Alan King, Tony Roberts Romance, Comedy 1980 112min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107131

Just The Way You Are Kristy McNichol, Kaki Hunter, Catherine Salveson, Robert Carradine, Michael Ontkean Romance, Comedy 1984 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107132

Kaleidoscope Susannah York, Warren Beatty, Eric Porter, Clive Revill, Murray Melvin Comedy, Crime, Gamblers, Gambling 1966 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107133

Keep Your Powder Dry Lana Turner, Laraine Day, Susan Peters, Agnes Moorehead, Bill Johnson War, World War II, Army, Drama, girl power, Independent Women, Military 1945 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107134

Kentucky Jubilee Jean Porter, James Ellison, Jerry Colonna A wild potpourri of hillbilly singers, dancers and specialty acts (including the Y-Knot Twirlers!); strung together by a crazy plot that involves a pop-eyed emcee (funnyman Jerry Colonna), a reporter (James Ellison), an actress (Jean Porter), a kidnapped movie director (Fritz Feld), a blackmailer and even an attempted bank robbery. First Time In Color.

Musical, Comedy 1951 72min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107214

Prison, Romance, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Horror 2010 DD 5.1 90min. MTI Home Video 14.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106961

A Killer In The Family Robert Mitchum, Eric Stoltz, James Spader, Salome Jens, Lance Kerwin Thrillers, TV Movies, Crime, Drama, Prison 1983 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107136

Killer McCoy Ann Blyth, Mickey Rooney, Brian Donlevy, Sam Levene, Tom Tully, James Dunn Sports, Boxing, Drama, Kidnapping 1947 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107137

Killer Nun (Blu-ray) Joe Dallesandro, Anita Ekberg, Alida Valli, Alice Gherardi, Paola Morra, Laura Nucci, Massimo Serato, Lou Castel From the Secret Files of the Vatican!. Legendary Swedish sex bomb Anita Ekberg (La Dolce Vita) stars as Sister Gertrude, a cruel nun who discovers depraved pleasure in a frenzy of drug addiction, sexual degradation and sadistic murder. Joe Dallesandro (Andy Warhol’s Frankstein), Lou Castel (A Bullet For The General), Alida Valli (Suspiria) and the luscious Paola Morra (Behind Convent Walls) co-star in this notorious ‘Nunspolitation’ sickie based on actual events that took place in a Central European country not many years ago! Branded as obscene around the world and banned outright in Britain, Killer Nun has been newly remastered from the original negative and is now presented with all its blasphemous sex and violence fully restored in sleazy High Definition!

Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Horror, Substance Abuse, Video Nasties 1979 88min. Blue Underground 24.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107149

Killer Party Paul Bartel, Martin Hewitt College Life, Comedy, Horror 1986 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107138

Killer’s Moon Alison Elliott, Jane Hayden, Georgina Kean, David Jackson, Anthony Forrest, Nigel Gregory, Tom Marshall

Kid From Gower Gultch Wanda Cantlon, Spade Cooley, Jack Baxley, Bob Gilbert Spade Cooley plays a singing-western movie star who can neither sing nor ride, but a rancher believing that Spade is the real deal, bets 500 cattle that he can win a rodeo contest!

Western, Cowboy 1946 53min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107215

Four mental patients, the products of illegal medical experiments, escape from an institution in Britain’s rural Lake District. Armed with a stolen axe, they kill a game warden and mutilate a dog before encountering a broken-down bus. The vehicle’s stranded female passengers search for a place to spend the night, unaware that the psychopaths are right behind them. Anthony Forrest and Tom Marshall star in this notorious 1970s cult classic slasher!

Slasher, British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Horror, Mental Illness 1978 Ltbx 16x9 M 90min. Redemption USA 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107095

Kidnapped Roddy McDowall, Jeff Corey, Roland Win-


Release your inner killer.. Horrific murders which once lived only in a young man’s nightmares suddenly begin occurring in chilling reality in his hometown.

Killer’s Moon (Blu-ray) Alison Elliott, Jane Hayden, Georgina Kean, David Jackson, Anthony Forrest, Nigel Gregory, Tom Marshall Four mental patients, the products of illegal medical experiments, escape from an institution in Britain’s rural Lake District. Armed with a stolen axe, they kill a game warden and mutilate a dog before encountering a broken-down bus. The vehicle’s stranded female passengers search for a place to spend the night, unaware that the psychopaths are right behind them. Anthony Forrest and Tom Marshall star in this notorious 1970s cult classic slasher!

British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Horror, Mental Illness, Slasher 1978 Ltbx 16x9 M 90min. Redemption USA 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107484

The Killing: The Complete First Season Who Killed Rosie Larsen?. Following a shocking murder, the lives of the police, suspects and victim’s family are intricately woven together in this „spellbinding“ (TV Guide) series starring Mirielle Enos and Joel Kinnamon. This engrossing series has earned huge acclaim, as well as a Golden Globe nomination and multiple Emmy nominations in its first season!

Crime, Drama, Mystery 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 587min. 20th Century Fox 13.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107539

The Killing: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray) Who Killed Rosie Larsen?. Following a shocking murder, the lives of the police, suspects and victim’s family are intricately woven together in this „spellbinding“ (TV Guide) series starring Mirielle Enos and Joel Kinnamon. This engrossing series has earned huge acclaim, as well as a Golden Globe nomination and multiple Emmy nominations in its first season!

Crime, Drama, Mystery 2011 Ltbx DTS 587min. 20th Century Fox 13.03.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107563

Killjoy Triple Feature Triple Feature, Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Horror, Horror Series 2000 203min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106802

King Of The Roaring 20’s David Janssen, Diana Dors, Dianne Foster, Jack Carson Biopics, Crime, Drama, Gambling, Historical / Period Piece 1961 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107139

King Of The Wild Stallions Emile Meyer, Diane Brewster, Edgar Buchanan, George Montgomery Western, Action, Cowboy, Horses 1959 76min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107142

King Of Triads Pinky Cheung, Bernice Liu, Amy Chum, Andy On As is tradition in the Hong Kong underworld, after the execution of a crime organization’s leader, a new boss is called. But after the new man in charge begins extorting the former crime head’s children for money to pay off debts, the family will stop at nothing to seek redemption and seize control of the triad.

Prison, Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Chinese, Crime, Foreign 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 95min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 56

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Lionsgate 28.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107004

Kismet Marlene Dietrich, Edward Arnold, Hugh Herbert, Ronald Colman, James Craig Adventure, Fantasy 1944 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107143

challenges of a top-level management position, in an office formerly held by an experienced and respected professional. Suddenly, life’s demands tax Ricardo and reward him with the ultimate letdown: erectile dysfunction! So begins the next phase of this lovely couple’s life together...navigating the ups and down of both the business world and married life.

On The Job, Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 98min. Lionsgate 14.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107002

The Kiss


Greta Garbo, Lew Ayres, Conrad Nagel, Anders Randolf, Holmes Herbert Romance, Silent Film, Drama, Marriage Woes 1929 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107155

Brooke Adams, Phoebe Cates, Bess Armstrong, Arielle Dombasle, Anthony Higgins TV Movies, Drama, Independent Women 1984 240min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107160

Kisses For My President Fred MacMurray, Polly Bergen, Arlene Dahl, Eli Wallach, Edward Andrews Politics, Presidents, Comedy 1964 113min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107156

Klown Kamp Massacre Fifteen years ago, Edwin went to clown camp to fulfill his lifelong dream of bringing laughter to the world... but nobody laughed. Humiliated on graduation night, Edwin viciously murdered the entire camp before vanishing into legend. Now, despite the warnings of the town drunk, old man Bonzo has reopened the ranch and a new class of clowns have unwittingly signed up. When their die-hard instructor Sgt. Funnybone (Miguel Martinez, The Donor Conspiracy) is found dead in a puddle of cream pie and blood, the curriculum changes from comedy to survival! Edwin slashes, stabs, strangles, and disembowels the clowns while laughing insanely at his own bad jokes.

Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 84min. Troma Team Video 10.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106932

A Lady Of Chance Norma Shearer, Gwen Lee, Johnny Mack Brown, Lowell Sherman, Eugenie Besserer Romance, Silent Film, Comedy, Drama 1928 78min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107161

Lady Of The Night Norma Shearer, Malcolm McGregor, Dale Fuller Odd Couples, Prison, Romance, Drama 1925 70min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107162

Lady Without A Passport

Kojak: Season Three Telly Savalas, Kevin Dobson Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery min. Shout Factory 20.03.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106964

Kona Coast Surf, Drama 1968 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107157

Hedy Lamarr, George Macready, John Hodiak, James Craig, Steven Geray Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1950 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107163

Lafayette Escardrille David Janssen, Paul Fix, Tab Hunter, Marcel Dalio Romance, War, World War I, Aerial Action 1958 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107164

The Last Dinosaur

Kongo Virginia Bruce, Lupe Velez, Walter Huston, Conrad Nagel, C. Henry Gordon Drama, Horror, Magic 1932 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107158

Joan Van Ark, Richard Boone, Steven Keats Science Fiction, Adventure, Dinosaurs, Hunting 1977 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 06.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107165

La Boheme

The Last Flight

Lillian Gish, Renee Adoree, John Gilbert, Fred De Gresac, King Vidor Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1926 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107159

Helen Chandler, Richard Barthelmess, Johnny Mack Brown, David Manners, Elliott Nugent, Walter Byron War, World War I, Aerial Action, Drama 1931 76min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107166

Labios Rojos Guillermo Ivan, Silvia Navarro, Diana Garcia, Jesus Ochoa, Jorge Salinas, Fernando Lujan

The Last Gangster

Ricardo and Blanca are a happily maried couple who are quite content with their life together. Ricardo’s career, however, is in a rut until a competitor woos him away to a coveted new position. What Ricardo doesn’t anticipate are the very real


James Stewart, Edward G. Robinson, Lionel Stander Revenge, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1937 81min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107167

The Last Of The Mobile Hot Shots Lynn Redgrave, James Coburn, Robert Hooks Drama 1970 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107168

The Last Posse Wanda Hendrix, Broderick Crawford, Charles Bickford, John Derek This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Broderick Crawford and John Derek are re-teamed for a third time following All The King’s Men (1949) and Scandal Sheet (1952) - two dark, modern dramas - under the direction of Alfred Werker (He Walked by Night, Three Hours to Kill) for an under-the-radar western photographed by noir-DP Burnett Guffey (In a Lonely Place, Human Desire). Crawford plays Frazier, the dissipated sheriff of a town he once ruled proudly. Derek plays Jed, the dominated step-son of Sampson Drune (Charles Bickford), who forms a posse to hunt down a pair of brothers that stole from him. Many of the townsfolk feel the brothers were justly entitled to the money, but Drune is out for revenge. The twists and turns in this story unfold in flashback. Newly remastered.

Outlaw Country, Revenge, Western, Action, Adventure 1953 FF M 82min. SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106925

The Last Rites Of Joe May Dennis Farina Short-money hustler Joe May (Dennis Farina, Snatch, Law & Order) always believed he had a glorious future ahead of him, despite all evidence to the contrary. Released from the hospital after a long battle with pneumonia, Joe is forced to confront the harsh reality of his legacy: Everyone he knew had assumed he was dead, and life had gone on around him without missing a beat. Returning to his old Chicago neighborhood, he finds his car gone, all his worldly possessions pawned by his landlord, and the apartment he’s lived in his entire adult life rented out to a single mother named Jenny and her eight-year-old daughter. Even as Joe doggedly pursues his comeback, he finds the odds stacked against him. So when things turn ugly between Jenny and her boyfriend-a crooked detective with a penchant for domestic violence-Joe is determined to take a stand for his unlikely new family, and perhaps take one last shot at redefining his legacy.

Drama 2011 107min. New Video DVD 17.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107626

The Last Run George C. Scott, Colleen Dewhurst, Trish Van Devere, Aldo Sambrell, Tony Musante Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 1971 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107169

The Last Temptation of Christ Willem Dafoe, Barbara Hershey, Paul Schrader, Harry Stanton, Harvey Keitel, David Bowie, Jay Cocks Powerful, passionate and thought-provoking, The Last Temptation of Christ is the extraordinary film that follows Jesus Christ’s journey as He accepts His divinity and ultimate fate. Academy Award winner Martin Scorsese directs an all-star cast of Willem Dafoe, Barbara Hershey and Harvey Keitel through this visually breathtaking re-imagining of faith and sacrifice, guilt and redemption, sin and atonement. Based on the acclaimed novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, it is a masterpiece of cinematic achievement that has endured as one of the must-see films of all time.

Religion/Spirituality, Art House, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece 1988 min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107337

The Last Time I Saw Paris Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson, Donna

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Reed, Walter Pidgeon, Eva Gabor Romance, Drama 1954 116min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107170

Let Us Be Gay Norma Shearer, Marie Dressler, Hedda Hopper, Gilbert Emery, Rod La Rocque Comedy, Drama 1930 79min. Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107175

Late Spring: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Setsuko Hara, Chishu Ryu

The Letter

One of the most powerful of Yasujiro Ozu’s family portraits, Late Spring (Banshun) tells the story of a widowed father who feels compelled to marry off his beloved only daughter. Loyal Ozu players Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara command this poignant tale of love and loss in postwar Japan, which remains as potent today as ever - almost by itself justifying Ozu’s inclusion in the pantheon of cinema’s greatest directors.

Herbert Marshall, Reginald Owen, O.P. Heggie Drama 1929 65min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107176

Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Art House 1949 108min. Criterion 17.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107557

Lexx: Complete Season 3 Eva Habermann, Brian Downey, Michael McManus Action, Adventure, Science Fiction 637min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106808

Laughing Sinners Clark Gable, Marjorie Rambeau, Joan Crawford, Guy Kibbee, Neil Hamilton Romance, Drama 1931 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107171

Lexx: Complete Season 4 Action, Adventure, Science Fiction 637min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106810

Laverne & Shirley: The Fifth Season Michael McKean, Penny Marshall, Cindy Williams, Betty Garrett, David L. Lander, Phil Foster Set in the 1950s, this half-hour situation comedy revolved around the friendship between bright-eyed, naive and demure Shirley Feeney and brassy, tough-talking, street smart Laverne De Fazio. Two bottle cappers for Shotz Brewery, the duo dated an array of questionable men, tolerated their dippy, loony neighbors Lenny and Squiggy, and forever pursued to „make all their dreams come true.“

Comedy, Friendships 1979 653min. Paramount Pictures 10.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107450

The Lazarus Papers In this supernaturally charged action-adventure, a band of violent mercenaries travels to the jungle of southeast Asia to kidnap native girls for the sex trade. Two strangers find love under these desperate circumstances and fight for their lives ... with a little help from the other side.

Action, Adventure min. Green Apple Entertainment 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107590

The Learning Tree Dana Elcar Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1969 107min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107172

Legends Of The Superheroes Howard Morris, Adam West, Frank Gorshin, Gabriel Dell, Burt Ward, Jeff Altman, Charlie Callas TV Movies, Action, Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Superheroes 1979 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107173

Lepke Anjanette Comer, Gianni Russo, Tony Curtis, Michael Callan, Warren Berlinger Biopics, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1975 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107174


Lexx: Season 3 & 4 Action, Adventure, Science Fiction min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 20.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106811

fabulously embarassing circumstances.

Comedy, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean, On The Job, Romance 2012 S 960min. Mountain Apple Company 10.01.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107019

Light In The Piazza Olivia de Havilland, Yvette Mimieux, Isabel Dean, George Hamilton, Rossano Brazzi Romance, Drama 1962 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107179

Lightning Strikes Twice Ruth Roman, Darryl Hickman, Mercedes McCambridge, Zachary Scott, Richard Todd Mystery, Drama 1951 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107180

Like Crazy Jennifer Lawrence, Anton Yelchin Like Crazy beautifully illustrates how your first real love is as thrilling and blissful as it is fragile. When a British college student (Felicity Jones, National Board of Review Best Actress) falls for her American classmate (Anton Yelchin, Star Trek), they embark on a passionate and life-changing journey only to be separated by circumstances beyond their control. „Crazily inventive & totally irresistible, Like Crazy explores how a couple faces the real challenges of being together and of being apart.“ Peter Travers, Rolling Stone.

Romance, College Life, Drama 2011 90min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107441

Like Crazy (Blu-ray) Libel

Jennifer Lawrence, Anton Yelchin

Olivia de Havilland, Robert Morley, Dirk Bogarde, Anatole De Grunwald, Anthony Asquith Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1959 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107177

Like Crazy beautifully illustrates how your first real love is as thrilling and blissful as it is fragile. When a British college student (Felicity Jones, National Board of Review Best Actress) falls for her American classmate (Anton Yelchin, Star Trek), they embark on a passionate and life-changing journey only to be separated by circumstances beyond their control. „Crazily inventive & totally irresistible, Like Crazy explores how a couple faces the real challenges of being together and of being apart.“ Peter Travers, Rolling Stone.

License To Drive (Blu-ray) Heather Graham, Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, Carol Kane, Richard Masur, Nina Siemaszko, Grant Goodeve Some guys get all the brakes.. For teenager Les Anderson (Corey Haim), the two most important things in life are getting his driver’s license and getting together with the hottest girl in high school (Heather Graham in one of her first film roles). But when Les fails the exam, he „borrows“ the family’s prized ’73 Cadillac for his big date. An innocent girl. A harmless drive. What could possibly go wrong? Try a fearless best friend (Corey Feldman) with an insane plan, a high school hottie with too much to drink, angry drag racers, crazed militants, a police roadblock, a crash course in car theft, a very angry father (Richard Masur), a very, very pregnant mother (Carol Kane) and much more! Nina Siemaszko and Grant Goodeve co-star in the awesome ’80s comedy hit now loaded with exclusive extras, including all-new interviews with Corey Haim and Corey Feldman!

Comedy, Road Trips 1988 Ltbx 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106788

Lie To Me Kang Ji Hwan, Kim Hye Ri, Chan Yuk Kwong A little lie leads to a whole lot of trouble in the Korean TV drama series Lie To Me. Korea’s favorite rom-com heroine Yoon Eun-Hye (Palace) turns on her charm in this sizzling romance of errors with Kang Ji Hwan (90 Days Of Love, Be Strong Geum-soon). Civil servant Gong Ah-jung (Yoon EunHye) is bright, sassy, and very single - a point that gets rubbed in her face by a „frenemy“ who is determined to put her down. To save her pride, Ah-jung blurts out that she too is happily married! It’s just a harmless lie until the rumor mill starts cranking and links Ah-jung with the hot-tempered hotel CEO Hyun Gi-joon (Kang Ji Hwan), whom she met under

College Life, Drama, Romance 2011 90min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107487

A Lion Is In The Streets John McIntire, Anne Francis, Barbara Hale, James Cagney, Warner Anderson Drama 1953 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107181

Lionheart Nicola Cowper, Gabriel Byrne, Eric Stoltz, Dexter Fletcher, Nicholas Clay Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Medieval Times 1987 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107182

Little Big Horn John Ireland, Lloyd Bridges A Cavalry patrol discovers a horde of Indians ready to ambush Custer ’s 7th Cavalry. They set out to warn Gen. Custer that he is about to embark on a mission of virtual suicide.

Native Americans, Western 1951 86min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107217

The Little Drummer Girl Diane Keaton, Klaus Kinski, Michael Cristofer, Sami Frey, Yorgo Voyagis

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Thrillers 1984 130min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107183

The Little Minister Katharine Hepburn, Donald Crisp, Alan Hale, John Beal, Lumsden Hare Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1934 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107184

Alison (Melissa George, TV’s Grey’s Anatomy, 30 Days of Night), the group leader, convinces her group to rescue her. But as they attempt to take the girl to safety, they become involved in an elaborate kidnapping plot and soon must fight for their lives as they’re pursued by both the girl’s kidnappers and a group of hired mercenaries sent to return the girl to her war criminal father. With danger all around them and mountainous terrain to navigate, Alison and her party are in for a grueling ordeal in order to save both the girl and themselves.

Crime, Kidnapping, Mountain Climbing, Adventure, Thrillers 2011 99min. MPI 20.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106960

Little Nellie Kelly

The Lonesome Trail

Judy Garland, Charles Winninger, George Murphy, Arthur Shields, Douglas McPhail Musical, Romance, Comedy 1940 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107185

John Agar, Wayne Morris

Living On Velvet Kay Francis, George Brent, Warren William Romance, Drama 1935 75min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107186

Loan Shark Dorothy Hart, George Raft Tough ex-con George Raft is hired by a factory owner and a union leader to help smash a loan-sharking mob preying on their employees.

Mystery, Crime, Film Noir, Kidnapping 1952 74min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107218

The Locket Robert Mitchum, Laraine Day, Sharyn Moffett, Reginald Denny, Brian Aherne, Gene Raymond Thieves, Crime, Drama, Femme Fatales, Film Noir 1946 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107187

Lone Star Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, Beulah Bondi, Lionel Barrymore, Broderick Crawford Presidents, Western 1952 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107189

A Lonely Place To Die Melissa George, Eamonn Walker, Ed Speleers A group of climbers make a grim discovery high up in the mountains: buried amongst the peaks is an eight-year-old girl, terrified, dehydrated and unable to speak a word of English. Alison (Melissa George, TV’s Grey’s Anatomy, 30 Days of Night), the group leader, convinces her group to rescue her. But as they attempt to take the girl to safety, they become involved in an elaborate kidnapping plot and soon must fight for their lives as they’re pursued by both the girl’s kidnappers and a group of hired mercenaries sent to return the girl to her war criminal father. With danger all around them and mountainous terrain to navigate, Alison and her party are in for a grueling ordeal in order to save both the girl and themselves.

Back from the Indian wars, a cowboy wages a single-handed war against a land baron and his henchmen. After his shooting hand is disabled, he masters the bow and arrow to take on the gang one arrow at a time!

Native Americans, Revenge, Western 1955 73min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107219

Look For The Silver Lining Gordon McRae, Rosemary DeCamp, June Haver, Ray Bolger, Charles Ruggles Musical, Romance, Drama 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107190

Larry Fine, Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard, Ted Healy Comedy, Documentary, Film About Film, Hollywood Legends, Slapstick 1990 55min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107194

Love Greta Garbo, Emily Fitzroy, John Gilbert, Brandon Hurst, George Fawcett Romance, Silent Film, Drama 1927 82min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107195

Love And Money


Love Child

Peter Facinelli, Vincent Gallo, Michael Madsen

Amy Madigan, Albert Salmi, Mackenzie Phillips, Beau Bridges Prison, Romance, Crime, Drama, Independent Women 1983 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107197

Love is not a crime. Bobby (Peter Facinelli, Twilight series) a New York City pickpocket who disguises himself as a stockbroker, tempts fate with the law when he lifts the badge of a NYC detective (Michael Madsen, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs). Becoming the target of a citywide search, Bobby goes on the run when he encounters Lucy (Jaime Alexander, Thor, TV’s Kyle XY) a woman he once had an affair with and who is now carrying his child. Faced with the responsibilities of parenthood, Bobby must revaluate his life of crime and decide if he can ever settle down. Meanwhile both the cops and Bobby’s irate fence Jax (Vincent Gallo, Tetro, Buffalo ’66), whose underground dealings Bobby has now drawn unwanted attention to, close in from all sides. Facinelli wrote and produced this caper that features a star-studded cast and shows how a good person gone bad can still find opportunities for redemption.

Romance, Comedy, Crime, Drama 2012 89min. MPI 13.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106754

Lord Byron Of Broadway Gwen Lee, Marion Shilling , Cliff Edwards Musical, Romance, Drama 1930 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107192

Lost Boundaries

A Lonely Place To Die (Blu-ray)

Lost Keaton: Sixteen Comedy Shorts 1934 - 37 (Blu-ray)


The Lost Stooges

Ornella Muti, Klaus Kinski, Armand Assante, King Vidor, Ray Sharkey Totalitarian Governments, Drama 1982 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107196

Beatrice Pearson, Mel Ferrer, Robert Dunn Drama 1949 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107193

A group of climbers make a grim discovery high up in the mountains: buried amongst the peaks is an eight-year-old girl, terrified, dehydrated and unable to speak a word of English.

Classics, Comedy, Short Film Collections, Silent Film 1934 FF M 306min. Kino Video 20.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107426

Jim Hutton, Barbara Nichols, Joby Baker, Susan Oliver, Connie Francis Musical, Romance 1964 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107191

Looking For Love

Thrillers, Adventure, Crime, Kidnapping, Mountain Climbing 99min. MPI 20.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106933

Melissa George, Eamonn Walker, Ed Speleers

1934, he signed a contract with Earle W. Hammons’s Educational Pictures which, despite its name, specialized in comedy short subjects („The Spice of the Program“). Keaton’s move to Educational was a return to his roots, crafting a stream of two reel comedies in rapid succession, as he had done in the early 1920’s, when he first refined his cinematic craft. The films Buster Keaton made with Educational Pictures (ALL sixteen of which are collected here) pay homage to his earlier work, but at the same time incorporated the element of sound, all while exploring new possibilities for his recurring comic persona, Elmer.

Buster Keaton For Buster Keaton, the era of the „talkies“ was a tumultuous time. As a result of signing with MGM, the quality, the quality of his ambitious, eclectic comedies began to decline and in

Love In The Rough J.C. Nugent, Penny Singleton, Robert Montgomery, Benny Rubin Musical, On The Job, Romance, Sports, Comedy, Golf 1930 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107198

Love Is Better Than Ever Elizabeth Taylor, Ann Doran, Josephine Hutchinson, Tom Tully, Larry Parks Romance, Comedy, Dancing 1952 81min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107199

Love On The Run Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Mona Barrie, Reginald Owen, Franchot Tone Romance, Comedy, Fantasy 1936 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107200

Lovelorn Orlando Seale Set between the parallel worlds of contemporary London, the deserted afterlife and a mysterious dreamscape, Lovelorn is a story of lost souls trying to save each other. Following a motorcycle accident that kills her boyfriend, Lorna is left in a coma. Her brother John, who has always been very protective of her promises to bring her back at whatever cost. Challenging Death himself, John journeys into the

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA dreamscape, putting his own life increasingly at risk in a desperate attempt to bring Lorna back to the waking world. But while John wants Lorna back she may have other ideas. Trapped in the afterlife she is able to search for her recently deceased boyfriend, determined to be reunited with him even if it kills her. Populated with mystical characters and twists at every turn, the afterlife weaves its web around John until he is faced with a final choice. This visually stunning fantasy explores the lengths we will go for someone we love and asks us if love is worth the ultimate sacrifice.

Romance, Tragedies, Drama, Fantasy 2010 84min. FilmWorks 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107216

Lovely To Look At Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson, Marge Champion, Red Skelton, Gower Champion Musical, Romance, Comedy 1952 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107274

Lucky Partners Ginger Rogers, Cecilia Loftus, Jack Carson, Spring Byington, Ronald Colman Romance, Comedy, Drama 1940 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107276

Luxury Liner Jane Powell, Marina Koshetz, Frances Gifford, George Brent Musical, Romance, Comedy, High Seas 1948 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107278

Macabre Jacqueline Scott, Susan Morrow, Jim Backus, William Prince, Philip Tonge Thrillers, Horror, Kidnapping 1958 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 12.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107279

The Mad Miss Manton Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck, Frances Mercer, Sam Levene, Stanley Ridges Mystery, Comedy, Crime, girl power 1938 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107280

Madame Satan Kay Johnson, Lillian Roth, Reginald Denny, Roland Young Musical, Romance, Comedy 1930 116min. Warner Bros. MOD 09.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107283

Made In Heaven Timothy Hutton, James Gammon, Kelly McGillis, Maureen Stapleton, Ann Wedgeworth Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy 1987 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107284

Made In Paris Richard Crenna, Edie Adams, Louis Jourdan, Chad Everett Romance, Comedy, Fashion 1966 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107287

The Madwoman Of Chaillot


John Gavin, Katharine Hepburn, Donald Pleasence, Yul Brynner, Richard Chamberlain, Paul Henreid, Oskar Homolka Comedy, Drama 1969 132min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107288

Belinda Montgomery, Patrick Duffy, Alan Fudge Adventure, High Seas, NBC, Science Fiction 1977 632min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.07.2011 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107309

The Magician

Man From Atlantis: The Complete TV Movies Collection

Paul Wegener Romance, Silent Film, Drama, Fantasy, Magic 1926 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107291

The Magnificent Yankee Ann Harding, Louis Calhern, Eduard Franz, Ian Wolfe, Philip Ober Biopics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1950 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107292

Mail Order Bride Keir Dullea, Barbara Luna, Buddy Ebsen, Warren Oates, Lois Nettleton Romance, Western, Comedy 1964 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107294

Malaya Gilbert Roland, Sydney Greenstreet, Valentina Cortese, James Stewart, Spencer Tracy, Lionel Barrymore, John Hodiak, Roland Winters War, World War II, Adventure, Drama 1949 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107304

The Male Animal Henry Fonda, Eugene Pallette, Olivia de Havilland, Joan Leslie, Jack Carson Romance, College Life, Comedy 1942 101min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107306


Belinda Montgomery, Patrick Duffy, Victor Buono, Art Lund TV Movies, Adventure, High Seas, NBC, Science Fiction 366min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.07.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107310

The Man From Cairo Gianna Maria Canale, George Raft Tough-guy Raft investigates the wartime theft of $100 million in gold hidden somewhere in the Algerian desert. Solid film noir with action, adventure and...Irene Papas in a tub!

Mystery, Action, Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1953 81min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107221

The Man From Galveston Jeffrey Hunter, Joanna Moore, James Coburn, Edward Andrews, Preston Foster Western, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1963 57min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107311

Man From God’s Country Romance, Western, Action, Adventure 1958 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107312

The Man From London Tilda Swinton A lonely railway worker’s inner life is suddenly thrown into chaos after he stumbles upon a deadly business transaction that leaves him with a money-stuffed suitcase and a guilty conscious for a crime he didn’t commit. Another existential dazzler from one of cinema’s most stunning and austere filmmakers, Béla Tarr’s desire for freedom and happiness. Stars the superb Academy Award-winning actress Tilda Swinton.

Louise Dresser, Lowell Sherman, Al Jolson Musical, Comedy 1930 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107307

Mystery, Transportation, Art House, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Foreign, French 2007 132min. Zeitgeist Films 10.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106779

A Man And A Woman: 20 Years Later

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: 8Movie Collection

Richard Berry, Evelyne Bouix, Anouk Aimee Romance, Drama, Foreign, French 1986 112min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107308

Robert Vaughn, David McCallum TV Movies, Action, Adventure, NBC 734min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.10.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107313

Man Bait Marguerite Chapman, George Brent Look Out . . .Diana Dors in the title role makes the title redundant! While working in a bookstore, our double-barreled femme fatale catches a man stealing a rare book. Report him to the police? Not on your life! She goes with him on a date - one that leads to blackmail!

Mystery, Crime, Femme Fatales 1952 78min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107220

Man From Atlantis: The Complete Television Series

The Man I Love Ida Lupino, Andrea King, Martha Vickers, Bruce Bennett, Robert Alda Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1947 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107314

Man Who Loved Cat Dancing Burt Reynolds, Sarah Miles, Jack Warden, Lee J. Cobb, Bo Hopkins Native Americans, Western, Bounty Hunters, Chases, Kidnapping 1973 114min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107315

The Man With A Cloak Barbara Stanwyck, Leslie Caron, Joseph Cotten, Louis Calhern, Joe De Santis Thrillers, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1951 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107316

The Man With Two Faces Mary Astor, Ricardo Cortez, Mae Clarke, Edward G. Robinson, Louis Calhern Crime, Drama 1934 72min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107317

Mannequin Alan Curtis, Joan Crawford, Mary Philips, Spencer Tracy, Ralph Morgan Drama, Marriage Woes 1937 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107318

Manpower Eve Arden, Marlene Dietrich, Edward G. Robinson, Alan Hale, George Raft On The Job, Drama 1941 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107319

Mara Maru Ruth Roman, Raymond Burr, Errol Flynn, Paul Picerni, Dan Seymour, Richard Webb Adventure, High Seas 1952 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107320

„an electrifying, star-is-born performance“ (Rolling Stone) in this gripping psychological thriller that is „far and away one of the year’s best“ (Associated Press)! After escaping from a dangerous cult and the watchful eye of its charismatic leader (Academy Award Nominee John Hawkes), a young woman named Martha (Olsen) tries to reclaim a normal life with her family. But the haunting memories from Martha’s past trigger a chilling paranoia - and nowhere seems safe as the fragile line between her reality and delusions begin to blur.

Drama, Art House, Thrillers 2011 Ltbx DTS 102min. 20th Century Fox 21.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106792

Mary, Mary Debbie Reynolds, Diane McBain, Michael Rennie, Barry Nelson Comedy, Marriage Woes 1963 126min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107323

The Master Race Nancy Gates, Osa Massen, George Coulouris, Carl Esmond, Stanley Ridges War, World War II, Drama 1944 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107324

Masters Of Terror Vol. 3 Tim Curry, Viggo Mortensen, Edward Furlong, Jennifer Grey, Virginia Madsen, Tara Reid, Christopher Walken, Craig Sheffer, David Boreanaz Spanish, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Based On A Comic Strip, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror 412min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106805

The Mating Game

Marie: A True Story Sissy Spacek, Morgan Freeman, Jeff Daniels, Fred Dalton Thompson, Keith Szarabajka Politics, Drama, Independent Women 1985 112min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107321

Marlowe Rita Moreno, Sharon Farrell, Gayle Hunnicutt, James Garner, Stirling Silliphant, Paul Bogart Crime, Detectives, Drama 1969 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 10.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107322

Martha Marcy May Marlene John Hawkes In her stunning feature film debut, Elizabeth Olsen delivers „an electrifying, star-is-born performance“ (Rolling Stone) in this gripping psychological thriller that is „far and away one of the year’s best“ (Associated Press)! After escaping from a dangerous cult and the watchful eye of its charismatic leader (Academy Award Nominee John Hawkes), a young woman named Martha (Olsen) tries to reclaim a normal life with her family. But the haunting memories from Martha’s past trigger a chilling paranoia - and nowhere seems safe as the fragile line between her reality and delusions begin to blur.

Thrillers, Art House, Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 102min. 20th Century Fox 21.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106743

Martha Marcy May Marlene (Bluray) John Hawkes

Debbie Reynolds, Una Merkel, Tony Randall, Fred Clark, Paul Douglas Romance, Comedy 1959 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107325

Mayday At 40,000 Feet! Ray Milland, David Janssen, Christopher George, Lynda Day George, Don Meredith Thrillers, TV Movies, Adventure, Aerial Action 1976 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107326

The McConnell Story James Whitmore, June Allyson, Alan Ladd, Robert Ellis, Frank Faylen War, Aerial Action, Drama, Korean War 1955 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107327

McMillan & Wife: Double Feature Rock Hudson Action, Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery 180min. Millennium Entertainment 24.04.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107224

Medical Center: The Complete First Season Chad Everett, James Daly, Chris Hutson CBS, Drama 1969 600min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.08.2011

91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107343

Meet Me In Las Vegas Cyd Charisse, Lili Darvas, Agnes Moorehead, Jim Backus, Dan Dailey Musical, Romance, Comedy, Cowboy, Gambling 1956 112min. Warner Bros. MOD 27.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107345

Meet The Parents Male nurse Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) is poised to propose to his girlfriend Pam (Teri Polo) during a weekend stay at her parents’ home. But here’s the catch... he needs to ask her father first. Alas, the fur flies as Jack Byrnes, Pam’s catcrazy, ex-CIA father, played hysterically by Academy Award winner Robert De Niro, takes an immediate dislike to her less-than-truthful beau. Greg’s quest for approval gets seriously sidetracked as Murphy’s Law takes over an d a hilarious string of mishaps turns him into a master of disaster and total pariah in the eyes of the entire family... all except his shell-shocked girlfriend, who can’t believe she still loves her one-man wrecking crew. Meet the Parents, from the director of Austin Powers, is an uproarious blockbuster hit that bombards you with one laugh after another, as true love tries to conquer all, against all odds.

Romance, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107359

Meet The Parents (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Male nurse Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) is all set to propose to his girlfriend, Pam (Teri Polo), during a weekend at her parents’ home. But there’s a catch: Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro), Pam’s intimidating, cat-loving, ex-CIA father, takes an immediate dislike to his daughter’s truth-bending beau. Soon, a hilarious string of outrageous mishaps turns Greg into master of relative disaster. Meet the Parents is an uproarious comedy smash about true love conquering all, against all odds!

Romance, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107425

Meet The People Bert Lahr, Rags Ragland, Lucille Ball, Dick Powell Musical, Romance, Comedy 1944 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107346

Meet The Stewarts Frances Dee, Marjorie Gateson, William Holden, Grant Mitchell, Roger Clark This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In order to get Mike Stewart (William Holden) to agree to marriage, socialite Candy Goodwin (Frances Dee) promises to live within his modest means - a condition that her wealthy parents vehemently oppose. But living on a budget proves impossible for Candy, who borrows her family’s cook to help with a dinner party, only to find that her new in-laws disapprove of her! When Mike realizes that Candy’s spending can’t be reigned in, he storms off and Candy’s left to figure out if she can manage without Mike. Both comic and sweet, this film depicts the modest lifestyles and innocence of the early 1940s. Newly remastered.

Romance, Classics, Comedy, Marriage Woes 1942 FF M 74min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106962

Meeting Spencer Jill Marie Jones, Caroline Aaron, Melinda McGraw, Yvonne Zima, Jeffrey Tambor, Jesse Plemons, Don Stark, W. Morgan Sheppard After a series of Hollywood flops, famed director Harris Chappell (Jeffrey Tambor) returns to New York to relaunch his Broadway career. But Chappell’s triumphant comeback begins to spiral out of control into a wild night of comic misadventure after meeting struggling actor Spencer (Jesse Plemons) and his old flame Didi (Melinda McGraw).

In her stunning feature film debut, Elizabeth Olsen delivers


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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Romance, Comedy, Drama, Film About Film 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 88min. Kino Video 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107081

Romance, Comedy 552min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.05.2011 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107364

MI-5: Volume 10 Meeting Spencer (Blu-ray) Jill Marie Jones, Caroline Aaron, Melinda McGraw, Yvonne Zima, Jeffrey Tambor, Jesse Plemons, Don Stark, W. Morgan Sheppard „Scathingly Hilarious!“ -Los Angeles Times. After a series of Hollywood flops, famed director Harris Chappell (Jeffrey Tambor) returns to New York to relaunch his Broadway career. But Chappell’s triumphant comeback begins to spiral out of control into a wild night of comic misadventure after meeting struggling actor Spencer (Jesse Plemons) and his old flame Didi (Melinda McGraw).

Comedy, Drama, Film About Film, Romance 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 88min. Kino Video 06.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107099

Meeting Venus Niels Arestrup, Rene Kollo, Glenn Close, Kiri Te Kanawa, Hakan Hagegard Music, Opera, Romance, Classical Music, Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1991 118min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107348

Men Don’t Leave Joan Cusack, Arliss Howard, Kathy Bates, Jessica Lange, Barbara Benedek, Jon Avnet, Paul Brickman Tragedies, Drama 1990 115min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107351

Men In White Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, Jean Hersholt, Elizabeth Allan, Otto Kruger Romance, Drama 1934 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107352

Mercenaries Billy Zane, Kirsty Mitchell, Geoff Bell, Vas Blackwood, Danny Sapani, Robert Fucilla Outgunned, Outnumbered, & Outside The Law. When the Serbian Prime Minister is assassinated, an elite special ops team is called in to pull Europe back from the brink of war and rescue the U.S. ambassador who is being held hostage.

War, Action, British, Drama, Foreign, Military 2011 DD 5.1 97min. Lionsgate 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107428

The Bafta-winning, international hit spy drama returns for a nail-biting tenth and final series. With the truth about Lucas North finally revealed, and following his rooftop showdown at the end of the last series, Harry is facing some complicated questions about the future of Section D as well as some skeletons from his own past. Relationships between the CIA and MI5 have never been more strained, but add the Russian secret service to the mix and Harry and his team have a power timebomb on their hands. Fast-paced, tense and exhilarating, the latest series sees the team tested to their limits as the pressure is on to stop whoever is attacking the fledgling relationship between Britain and Russia.

Thrillers, Action, BBC, British, Foreign, International TV 2010 360min. BBC Home Video 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107500

Midnight Alibi Ann Dvorak, Helen Chandler, Richard Barthelmess Romance, Comedy, Crime 1934 58min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107365

A Midwinter’s Tale Joan Collins, Richard Briers, Nicholas Farrell Shakespeare, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 1995 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107366

Mike’s Murder Paul Winfield, Debra Winger, Darrell Larson Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 1984 109min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107367

Min And Bill Marjorie Rambeau, Marie Dressler, Wallace Beery Comedy, Drama 1930 66min. Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107368

Mission To Moscow Ann Harding, Gene Lockhart, George Tobias, Walter Huston, Oskar Homolka War, World War II, Drama 1943 123min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107369

Mister Buddwing Merry Andrew Danny Kaye, Noel Purcell, Pier Angeli, Robert Coote Musical, Romance, Teachers, Comedy 1958 103min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.05.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107356

The Merry Widow Josephine Crowell, John Gilbert, George Fawcett Romance, Royalty, Silent Film, Drama 1925 137min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107361

The Mexican Spitfire Collection Lupe Velez, Leon Errol


Angela Lansbury, Jean Simmons, Katharine Ross, Suzanne Pleshette, James Garner Drama 1966 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 10.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107370

Mister Cinderella Jack Haley, Arthur Treacher, Betty Furness, Raymond Walburn Comedy 1936 75min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107372

Mr. District Attorney Marguerite Chapman, Adolph Menjou From Phillips H. Lord’s popular NBC radio series comes an intriguing „legal film noir“ filled with double-crosses and unusual twists—starting in the opening reel when a woman is slain in her apartment to an escaped killer, and the paper

prints that the alive-and-well girlfriend (Marguerite Chapman) of a local crime boss was the victim.

Mystery, Crime, Film Noir, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1947 81min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107222

Mr. Lucky Cary Grant, Gladys Cooper, Laraine Day, Charles Bickford, Alan Carney Romance, Comedy, Gambling 1943 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107393

Mister T: The Complete First Season Mr. T, Takayo Fischer NBC, Sports, Action 1983 315min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107377

Mr. Wu Louise Dresser, Renee Adoree, Lon Chaney, Ralph Forbes, Holmes Herbert Silent Film, Drama 1927 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107395

Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got A Lovely Daughter Stanley Holloway, Peter Noone Musical, Comedy 1968 110min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107397

Mrs. Parkington Walter Pidgeon, Cecil Kellaway, Agnes Moorehead, Edward Arnold, Greer Garson Romance, Drama 1944 123min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107399

Mockery Ricardo Cortez, Barbara Bedford, Emily Fitzroy, Lon Chaney, Mack Swain Silent Film, Drama 1927 75min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107380

The Money Trap Elke Sommer, Rita Hayworth, Joseph Cotten, Glenn Ford, Ricardo Montalban Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1965 91min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107381

Monkeybone Whoopi Goldberg, Brendan Fraser, Bridget Fonda, Chris Kattan Get Boned!. After a car crash sends repressed cartoonist Stu Miley (Fraser) into a coma, he and the mischievous Monkeybone, his hilarious horny alter-ego, wake up in a wacked-out waystation for lost souls. When Monkeybone takes over Stu’s body and escapes to wreak havoc on the real world, Stu has to find a way to stop him before his sister pulls the plug on reality forever! Saturday Night Live’s Chris Kattan, Bridget Fonda and Whoopi Goldberg co-star in this inventive blend of live action and stop-motion animation, loaded with must-see, eye-popping F/X and some of the crudest, laugh-out-loud humor since South Park.

Stop Motion Animation, Comedy, Fantasy 2001 Ltbx 93min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106731

Monkeybone (Blu-ray)

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Whoopi Goldberg, Brendan Fraser, Bridget Fonda, Chris Kattan Get Boned!. After a car crash sends repressed cartoonist Stu Miley (Fraser) into a coma, he and the mischievous Monkeybone, his hilarious horny alter-ego, wake up in a wacked-out waystation for lost souls. When Monkeybone takes over Stu’s body and escapes to wreak havoc on the real world, Stu has to find a way to stop him before his sister pulls the plug on reality forever! Saturday Night Live’s Chris Kattan, Bridget Fonda and Whoopi Goldberg co-star in this inventive blend of live action and stop-motion animation, loaded with must-see, eye-popping F/X and some of the crudest, laugh-out-loud humor since South Park.

Comedy, Fantasy, Stop Motion Animation 2001 Ltbx 93min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106789

Monogram Cowboy Collection: Volume 1 Jimmy Wakely, Johnny Mack Brown, Rod Cameron Western 511min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107383

The Monster Lon Chaney, Johnny Arthur Mystery, Science Fiction, Comedy, Horror 1925 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107384

Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life (DVD + Digital Copy) Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman Those six pandemonium-mad Pythons are back with their craziest adventure ever! John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin have returned to explain The Meaning of Life. These naughty Brits offer the usual tasteful sketches involving favorite body parts and bodily functions, the wonders of war, the miracle of birth and a special preview of what’s waiting for us in Heaven. Nothing is too sacred for the probing Python crew. You’ll never look at life in quite the same way again. Time pronounces it „an exhilarating experience!“ Newsweek agrees, calling it, „the best movie from England’s satirical sextet.“ Winner of the 1983 Cannes Film Festival Special Jury Award.

Musical, British, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Foreign min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107357

The Moon Is Blue David Niven, Dawn Addams, Maggie McNamara, William Holden, Tom Tully Romance, Comedy 1953 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107386

Adrienne Corri, Catherine Schell, James Olson, Warren Mitchell, Ori Levy Science Fiction, Western, Crime, Meteors / Asteroids 1969 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 13.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107387

Moonfleet Viveca Lindfors, Joan Greenwood, George Sanders, Stewart Granger, Jon Whiteley Adventure, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1955 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107388


Mortal Storm Robert Young, Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart, Robert Stack, Frank Morgan Drama 1940 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107390

My Joy Vlad Ivanov, Aleksey Vertkov A truck driver takes a wrong turn and finds himself lost in a bleak Russian underworld, struggling to survive amidst increasingly violent reminders of the country’s dark history. The first fiction film by acclaimed documentarian Sergei Loznitsa, My Joy is a mischievous, ultra-nihilistic parable of post-Communist Russia, shot by master cinematographer Oleg Mutu (The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days).

Politics, Russian, Art House, Drama, Foreign 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 127min. Kino Video 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107088

Mozart’s Sister David Moreau, Marc Barbe

My Kingdom

Europe, 1793: Maria Anna „Nannerl“ Mozart (Marie Feret) is an accomplished singer, harpsichordist and violinist and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s (David Moreau) elder sister by five years. Though she first held forth as the family’s infant prodigy and was originally the family’s feature performer, Nannerl has given way to Wolfgang as the main attraction, as their strict but loving father Leopold (Marc Barbe) tours his talented offspring in front of the royal courts of pre-French revolution Europe. As Nannerl approaches marriageable age, her father bows to social strictures „ For her own good“ and forbid her to continue with the violin or composition, while privately conceding her talent to his wife. No longer a precocious child, Nannerl chafes at the limitations imposed on her by gender. But a friend with the son and daughter of Louis XV offers her ways to challenge the established sexual and social order.

Barbie Hsu

Music, Art House, Biopics, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Piece 2011 120min. Music Box Films 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107509

Mozart’s Sister (Blu-ray) David Moreau, Marc Barbe Europe, 1793: Maria Anna „Nannerl“ Mozart (Marie Feret) is an accomplished singer, harpsichordist and violinist and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s (David Moreau) elder sister by five years. Though she first held forth as the family’s infant prodigy and was originally the family’s feature performer, Nannerl has given way to Wolfgang as the main attraction, as their strict but loving father Leopold (Marc Barbe) tours his talented offspring in front of the royal courts of pre-French revolution Europe. As Nannerl approaches marriageable age, her father bows to social strictures „ For her own good“ and forbid her to continue with the violin or composition, while privately conceding her talent to his wife. No longer a precocious child, Nannerl chafes at the limitations imposed on her by gender. But a friend with the son and daughter of Louis XV offers her ways to challenge the established sexual and social order.

Music, Foreign, French, Historical / Period Piece, Art House, Biopics 2011 120min. Music Box Films 14.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107526

Musicals Spotlight Collection (Mamma Mia! The Movie / Jesus Christ Superstar / Flower Drum Song)

Moon Zero Two

The Moonlighter

Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Ward Bond, William Ching, John Dierkes Revenge, Western 1953 77min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107389

A story of honor, love and revenge set against the backdrop of the Chinese opera during its heyday in 1920s Shanghai, My Kingdom centers on two sworn brothers and their quest to regain their master’s honor. After years spent training in martial arts, Guan Yilong (Wu Chun, 14 Blades) and Meng Erkui (Han Geng, Beginning Of The Great Revival) pursue revenge and quickly succeed, establishing themselves as the newest sensations of the Shanghai opera scene. They experience fame and love with a beautiful actress, Xi Mulan (Barbie Hsu, Future X-Cops), but soon their collective pasts catch up with them and all three are tangled in a complex web of love, lust, deceit and betrayal. Directed by Gao Xiaosong (Rainbow), with action scenes choreographed by Sammo Hung (IP Man 2), My Kingdom blends martial arts with a suspense-filled love story that „augments the genre’s typically thrill-packing action sequences by upgrading them to eyepopping ‘opera battles’“ (Slant Magazine).

Revenge, Romance, Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 2011 108min. New Video DVD 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106890

My Living Doll: The Official Collection - Volume One Julie Newmar, Doris Dowling, Robert Cummings, Jack Mullaney Newmar portrays Rhonda the robot, a top-secret project of the U.S. government’s space program, who is placed under the supervision of agency psychiatrist Dr. Bob McDonald, played by Robert Cummings (The Bob Cummings Show/Love That Bob). Bob moves the beautiful Rhonda into his apartment and begins the task of training her how to function in the human world while keeping her secret from being discovered, a situation complicated by his interfering sister (Doris Dowling) and his love-sick neighbor Peter (Jack Mullaney). This collection offers 11 complete episodes of My Living Doll which have not aired on television in decades and make their official DVD debut. A wealth of special features is also included.

Comedy, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 1964 360min. MPI 20.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106929

My Love Came Back

Music, Musical, National Film Registry, Romance, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107302

Charles Winninger, Olivia de Havilland, Jane Wyman, Eddie Albert, Jeffrey Lynn Music, Violin, Comedy, Drama 1940 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107403

My Blood Runs Cold

My Man And I

Jeanette Nolan, Joey Heatherton, Barry Sullivan, Troy Donahue, Nicolas Coster Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 1965 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107401

Claire Trevor, Shelley Winters, Ricardo Montalban, Wendell Corey, Robert Burton Romance, Drama 1952 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107404

My Brother Talks To Horses

My Man Godfrey

Peter Lawford, Beverly Tyler, Jackie Jenkins, Edward Arnold, Charles Ruggles Comedy, Horses 1947 92min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107402

A landmark screwball comedy from Hollywood’s golden age, My Man Godfrey follows the madcap antics of a ditzy debutante (Carole Lombard) who stumbles upon a „forgotten man“ (William Powell) at the city dump. Determined to help Godfrey out, she offers him work in her household and he soon becomes the perfect butler for her eccentric family. As the family’s antics grow increasingly more absurd, it is only a

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA matter of time before Godfrey’s secret past is revealed. Featuring brilliant comedic performances by Carole Lombard and William Powell along with Mischa Auer and Alice Brady, this timeless comedy classic was the first film ever to receive Academy Award nominations in all four acting categories.

Romance, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1936 min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107338

My Wild Irish Rose Arlene Dahl, Andrea King, Alan Hale, George Tobias, Dennis Morgan Musical, Biopics 1947 101min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107405

Napoleon And Josephine Jacqueline Bisset, Armand Assante War, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Romance 1987 285min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107406

Emily Rutherfurd, Clark Gregg, Hamish Linklater, Trevor Gagnon, Alex Kapp Horner CBS, Comedy, Independent Women 2008 470min. Warner Bros. MOD 27.07.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107411

The New Adventures Of Robin Hood: The Complete First Season

Night Of The Lepus

Robert Young, Myrna Loy, Laura Hope Crews, Lewis Stone Romance, Drama 1932 75min. Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107414

Janet Leigh, Paul Fix, Stuart Whitman, DeForest Kelley, Rory Calhoun Science Fiction, Thrillers, Horror, Killer Animals 1972 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107455

Naughty Marietta

Night And Day

Douglas Dumbrille, Jeannette MacDonald, Elsa Lanchester, Frank Morgan, Nelson Eddy Musical, Royalty, Drama 1935 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 12.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107407

A married painter flees Seoul for Paris to escape arrest for smoking pot. Crashing in a dingy hostel run by a fellow Korean and unable to speak a lick of French, he finds himself wandering aimlessly around Paris, trapped in both his art and life. Eventually he stumbles into the emotional lives of two very different but beautiful Korean expats with surprising results. Sharp and deeply funny, Night And Day. working at the height of his powers and creating his most entertainingly Rohmer-esque film to date.

Navy Blues

Art House, Drama, Foreign, Korean 2008 144min. Zeitgeist Films 10.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106778

Never Too Late Jim Hutton, Paul Ford, Jane Wyatt, Connie Stevens, Bud Yorkin Comedy 1965 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107410

The New Adventures Of Old Christine: The Complete Fourth Season Tricia Kelly, Emily Rutherfurd, Clark Gregg, Hamish Linklater, Trevor Gagnon, Alex Kapp Horner CBS, Comedy, Independent Women 2008 506min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107412

The New Adventures Of Old Christine: The Complete Third Season


Night Court: The Complete Fifth Season John Larroquette, Richard Moll, Harry Anderson, Charles Robinson Comedy, Lawyers / Legal Issues, NBC, On The Job 1987 528min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107417

Forrest Tucker, Eleanor Parker, Lucile Watson, Errol Flynn, S.Z. Sakall Romance, Comedy 1946 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107409

Night Must Fall

New Morals For Old

National Geographic 85min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107628

Never Say Goodbye

Anthologies, Horror, Science Fiction min. Universal Studios 10.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107154

Rosalind Russell, Dame May Whitty, Robert Montgomery, Alan Marshal Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 1937 116min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107454

James Whitmore, Nancy Davis, Gary Gray Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Fantasy 1950 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107415

J.C. Nugent, Anita Page, Edythe Chapman, William Haines, Karl Dane Navy, Comedy, Drama, Military 1929 77min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107408

Night Gallery: The Complete Third Season

Action, Adventure, Historical / Period Piece, Medieval Times, Swashbucklers 1997 900min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107413

The Next Voice You Hear

National Geographic: Benda Bilili!

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107453

Night Court: The Complete Fourth Season John Larroquette, Richard Moll, Harry Anderson, Charles Robinson Comedy, Lawyers / Legal Issues, NBC, On The Job 1986 660min. Warner Bros. MOD 28.09.2010 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107416

Night School Rachel Ward, Leonard Mann, Drew Snyder Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, College Life, Detectives, Horror 1981 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107456

The Night The Bridge Fell Down Barbara Rush, Eve Plumb, Leslie Nielsen, James MacArthur, Richard Gilliland TV Movies, Action, Disasters, Drama 1983 180min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107457

The Night The World Exploded Kathryn Grant, Raymond Greenleaf, Charles Evans, Marshall Reed, William Leslie This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. With his assistant, Laura Hutchinson (Kathryn Grant), Dr. David Conway (William Leslie) develops a device to advance the fledgling science of earthquake prediction. After forecasting a large temblor that will rock California within twenty-four hours, Conway cannot persuade the Governor to act. When the prediction proves true and further tests indicate that there are more quakes to come, Conway and Laura seek to perfect their device. Subsequent tests deep within Carlsbad Caverns discover an unknown element - E112 - that is responsible for the earthquakes and threatens to destroy the globe if it ever reaches the surface. The team determines that with only four weeks until Armageddon, the race is on to neutralize the killer element before it takes a devastating toll. Newly remastered.

Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Disasters, Drama, End Of The World 1957 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 64min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107040

The Night Digger

Night Unto Night

Patricia Neal, Pamela Brown, Jean Anderson, Nicholas Clay, Graham Crowden Thrillers, Drama 1971 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107452

Ronald Reagan, Viveca Lindfors, Rosemary DeCamp, Osa Massen, Broderick Crawford Romance, Drama 1949 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.02.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107458

The Night Full Of Rain Giancarlo Giannini, Candice Bergen, Michael Tucker Rocky Relationships, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1978 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010

Night Watch Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey, Billie Whitelaw, Tony Britton, Robert Lang Mystery, Thrillers, Mental Illness 1973 99min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Warner Bros. MOD 25.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107459

Complete Second Season

Nip/Tuck: The Complete First Season And Second Seasons (2 Pack) Julian McMahon, Dylan Walsh 2 Packs, Drama, FX min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107502

This seven time Emmy award winning series is a remarkable blend of quirky humor and heartwarming storytelling. With an ensemble cast including Rob Morrow (Quiz Show), John Corbett (Sex And The City), and Janine Turner (Cliffhanger), Season 2 of Northern Exposure takes you back to where it all began. Dr. Joel Fleischman is a fish-out-of-water assigned to a tiny Alaskan village where the offbeat locals would love him to stay forever. Relive the complete second season of the show TV Guide calls „ of television’s truly fine series.“ Includes all seven episodes of the second season.

Comedy min. Universal Studios 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107571

No Blade Of Grass Nigel Davenport, Lynne Frederick, Jean Wallace, John Hamill Science Fiction, Apocalyptic Future, Drama, Killer Viruses 1970 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107461

Northwest Passage Robert Young, Nat Pendleton, Ruth Hussey, Spencer Tracy, Walter Brennan Western, Wilderness, Action, Adventure, Drama 1940 126min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107467

No More Ladies Joan Crawford, Edna May Oliver, Franchot Tone, Robert Montgomery, Charles Ruggles Romance, Comedy 1935 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107462

Noah’s Ark Dolores Costello, Michael Curtiz Religion/Spirituality, War, World War I, Disasters, Drama, End Of The World 1928 135min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107463

Nobody’s Baby Patsy Kelly, Lynne Overman, Robert Armstrong, Don Alvarado Comedy 1937 68min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107464

None But The Lonely Heart Cary Grant, Jane Wyatt, Ethel Barrymore, June Duprez, Barry Fitzgerald Romance, Drama 1944 113min. Warner Bros. MOD 24.08.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107465

Nora Prentiss Ann Sheridan, Rosemary DeCamp, Bruce Bennett, Kent Smith, Robert Alda Music, Drama, Film Noir 1947 111min. Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107466

Northern Exposure: The Complete First Season This 7-time Emmy award-winning series is a remarkable blend of quirky humor and heartwarming storytelling. With an ensemble cast including Rob Morrow (Quiz Show), John Corbett (Sex and the City), and Janine Turner (Cliffhanger), Season 1 of Northern Exposure takes you back to where it all began. Fresh out of New York’s Columbia University, cocky young Dr. Joel Fleischman (Morrow) is looking forward to his comfortable position in Alaska’s largest city. Upon his arrival, Joel finds himself a fish-out-of-water as he’s instead assigned to a tiny Alaskan village where the offbeat locals would love him to stay forever. Relive the complete first season of the show TV Guide calls „ of television’s truly fine series.“

Comedy min. Universal Studios 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107570

Northern Exposure: The


Not With My Wife You Don’t George C. Scott, Virna Lisi, Tony Curtis, Richard Eastham Romance, War, Aerial Action, Comedy, Korean War 1966 119min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107541

Nothing In Common (Blu-ray) Jackie Gleason, Tom Hanks, Eva Marie Saint, Bess Armstrong, Barry Corbin, Hector Elizondo On his way up the corporate ladder, David Basner confronts his greatest challenge: his father.. Tom Hanks, Jackie Gleason and Eva Marie Saint are unforgettable in the story of a young, ambitious executive whose life is surprisingly affected by the break-up of his parents’ marriage. Co-starring Sela Ward, Bess Armstrong and Hector Elizondo. Because of his talent, charm and wisecracking sense of humor, David Basner (Hanks) is a self-made man on the fast track. He loves his job, his bank account is healthy, and women find him irresistible. Then his father Max (Gleason, in his final film performance) calls to give David the news that he and David’s mother Lorraine (Saint) are calling it quits after 35 years. Now, besides the pressures of his own busy life, David has the new responsibilities of taking care of his crotchety dad and emotionally supporting his mother. Through these experiences, David gains a new understanding and appreciation of his parents, with whom he thought he had nothing in common.

Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, On The Job 1986 118min. Image Ent. 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107123

Nude Nuns With Big Guns David Castro This sister is one bad mother!. After deciding to take her vows at a convent, Sister Sarah becomes enslaved and victimized by the drug-pushing predators within the church walls and, on the verge of death, receives a divine message to seek revenge! Packing heat and shedding her habit, this sister of no mercy embarks on a relentless rampage against these unholy men of the cloth and their partners in crime, a vicious biker gang known as Los Muertos. Packed with sex, violence, and wall-to-wall mayhem, this outrageous modern cult favorite in the tradition of the greatest drive-in action classics proves that hell hath no fury like a nude nun scorned!

Religion/Spirituality, Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Exploitation 2010 92min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107140

Nude Nuns With Big Guns (Bluray) David Castro This sister is one bad mother!. After deciding to take her vows at a convent, Sister Sarah becomes enslaved and victimized by the drug-pushing predators within the church walls and, on the verge of death, receives a divine message to seek revenge! Packing heat and shedding her habit, this

sister of no mercy embarks on a relentless rampage against these unholy men of the cloth and their partners in crime, a vicious biker gang known as Los Muertos. Packed with sex, violence, and wall-to-wall mayhem, this outrageous modern cult favorite in the tradition of the greatest drive-in action classics proves that hell hath no fury like a nude nun scorned!

Religion/Spirituality, Revenge, Thrillers, Exploitation, Action 2010 92min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107146

Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder Linda Kelsey, Lee Remick, Tate Donovan, John Glover, Frank Military Thrillers, Drama 1987 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107546

The Nutty Professor (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Eddie Murphy gives the „performances“ of his career playing no less than seven roles in this uproarious Jekyll-and-Hyde comedy from Imagine Entertainment. Murphy stars as Dr. Sherman Klump, a kind, „calorically challenged“ genetics professor who longs to shed his 400-pound frame in order to win the heart of beautiful Jada Pinkett. So, with one swig of his experimental fat-reducing serum, Sherman becomes „Buddy Love“, a fast-talking, pumped-up, plumped-down Don Juan. Can Sherman stop his buff alter ego before it’s too late, or will Buddy have the last laugh? Boasting incredible special effects, a super soundtrack, and co-starring James Coburn, Larry Miller, Dave Chappelle and John Ales, this hilarious hit is worth its weight in fun!

Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107420

The Nutty Professor (DVD + Digital Copy) Eddie Murphy gives the „performances“ of his career playing no less than seven roles in this uproarious Jekyll-and-Hyde comedy from Imagine Entertainment. Murphy stars as Dr. Sherman Klump, a kind, „calorically challenged“ genetics professor who longs to shed his 400-pound frame in order to win the heart of beautiful Jada Pinkett. So, with one swig of his experimental fat-reducing serum, Sherman becomes „Buddy Love“, a fast-talking, pumped-up, plumped-down Don Juan. Can Sherman stop his buff alter ego before it’s too late, or will Buddy have the last laugh? Boasting incredible special effects, a super soundtrack, and co-starring James Coburn, Larry Miller, Dave Chappelle and John Ales, this hilarious hit is worth its weight in fun!

Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107355

Odongo Rhonda Fleming, Francis De Wolff, Eleanor Summerfield, Macdonald Carey, Earl Cameron This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Starring Rhonda Fleming (Spellbound), Macdonald Carey (Shadow of a Doubt), Juma (Safari) and Earl Cameron (Thunderball), and directed by John Gilling. Steve Stratton (Carey) is a hardboiled hunter who catches and keeps wild animals in an African sanctuary in order to sell them to zoos and circuses. When he hires a new veterinarian named „P.J. Muir,“ he does not imagine that the „P“ stands for Pamela, played by the gorgeous Rhonda Fleming! When he is not trying to dissuade the new vet from staying on, he has to deal with the shenanigans of Odongo, a young orphan who works for Stratton and loves the animals. Although he pretends to not have feelings for either, their enthusiastic energies win Stratton over. After being fired by Stratton, an unscrupulous employee named Walla decides to take revenge. He starts a fire and frees the animals, leaving the blame on innocent Odongo. Because Stratton does not believe him, Odongo runs away. Stratton and Pamela find out who the true culprit is and

Action, Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign 1956 Ltbx 16x9 M 85min. SPHE MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106640

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Seite 65

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Oil For The Lamps Of China Josephine Hutchinson, Lyle Talbot, John Eldredge, Arthur Byron On The Job, Drama 1935 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107550

One Romantic Night Lillian Gish, Marie Dressler, Conrad Nagel, O.P. Heggie, Rod La Rocque Romance, Comedy 1930 73min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107579

The Oklahoman Barbara Hale, Gloria Talbott, Joel McCrea, Brad Dexter, Michael Pate Western 1957 80min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107551

One Sunday Afternoon Frances Fuller, Fay Wray, Gary Cooper, Neil Hamilton, Roscoe Karns Romance, Comedy 1933 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107580

Old San Francisco Dolores Costello, Warner Oland, Anders Randolf, Angelo Rossitto, Josef Swickard Romance, Silent Film, Drama 1927 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107552

One Trick Pony Rip Torn, Blair Brown, Joan Hackett, Paul Simon, Allen Garfield Music, Drama, Marriage Woes 1980 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107581

On Borrowed Time Una Merkel, Beulah Bondi, Lionel Barrymore, Bobs Watson, Cedrick Hardwicke Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 1939 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107553

One Way Passage

On With The Show

Operation C.I.A.

Betty Compson, Joe E. Brown, William Bakewell, Arthur Lake Musical, Comedy, Dancing, Drama 1929 104min. Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107573

Burt Reynolds, Kieu Chinh Thrillers, Drama 1965 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107583

William Powell, Kay Francis, Aline MacMahon, Frank McHugh, Warren Hymer Romance, Drama 1932 67min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107582

Operation Daybreak

Ursula Andress, Richard Jaeckal, John Derek, Ron Ely, Rod Lauren War, World War II, Drama 1966 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107574

Anton Diffring, Nicola Pagett, Joss Ackland, Timothy Bottoms, Martin Shaw, Anthony Andrews War, World War II, Adventure, Drama 1976 118min. Warner Bros. MOD 29.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107584

Once Upon A Honeymoon

Operation Heartbeat

Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Albert Dekker, Walter Slezak, Albert Bassermann Mystery, Romance, Comedy 1942 117min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107575

Kim Stanley, Edward G. Robinson, Maurice Evans, Richard Bradford, James Daly TV Movies, CBS, Drama 1969 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107585

Once You Kiss A Stranger

Operation Secret

Carol Lynley, Martha Hyer, Philip Carey, Paul Burke, Peter Lind Hayes Sports, Thrillers, Golf, Mental Illness 1969 106min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107576

Cornel Wilde, Phyllis Thaxter, Karl Malden, Paul Picerni, Steve Cochran War, World War II, Drama 1952 108min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107586

Once Before I Die

Operator 13 One Minute To Zero Robert Mitchum, Ann Blyth, Margaret Sheridan, William Talman, Charles McGraw Romance, War, Drama 1952 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 06.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107577

Katharine Alexander, Jean Parker, Marion Davies, Gary Cooper, Ted Healy Romance, War, American Civil War, Drama, History Channel 1934 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107587

One On One

The Opposite Sex

G.D. Spradlin, Melanie Griffith, Gail Strickland, Robby Benson Romance, Sports, Basketball, College Life, Drama 1977 98min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107578

Joan Collins, Ann Sheridan, June Allyson, Ann Miller, Dolores Gray, Leslie Nielsen Musical, Romance, Comedy 1956 117min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107588


The Organizer: The Criterion Collection Marcello Mastroianni In turn-of-the-twentieth-century Turin, an accident in a textile factory incites workers to stage a walkout. But it’s not until they receive unexpected aid from a traveling professor (Marcello Mastorianni) that they find a voice, unite, and stand up for themselves. This historical drama by Mario Monicelli is a beautiful and moving ode to the power of the people, brimming with humor and honesty. The Organizer (I compagni) features engaging, naturalistic performances; cinematography by the great Giuseppe Rotunno; and a multilayered, Oscarnominated screenplay, by Monicelli, Agenore Incrocci and Furio Scarpelli.

On The Job, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Italian 1963 130min. Criterion 24.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107535

The Organizer: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Marcello Mastroianni In turn-of-the-twentieth-century Turin, an accident in a textile factory incites workers to stage a walkout. But it’s not until they receive unexpected aid from a traveling professor (Marcello Mastorianni) that they find a voice, unite, and stand up for themselves. This historical drama by Mario Monicelli is a beautiful and moving ode to the power of the people, brimming with humor and honesty. The Organizer (I compagni) features engaging, naturalistic performances; cinematography by the great Giuseppe Rotunno; and a multilayered, Oscarnominated screenplay, by Monicelli, Agenore Incrocci and Furio Scarpelli.

Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Italian, On The Job 1963 130min. Criterion 24.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107558

Orphans Albert Finney, Anthony Heald, Matthew Modine, Kevin Anderson, John Kellogg Crime, Drama, Kidnapping 1987 115min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107589

Otley Romy Schneider, Tom Courtenay, Freddie Jones, Phyllida Law, Fiona Lewis, Leonard Rossiter, Edward Hardwicke, James Villiers, Alan Badel, Ronald Lacey, James Bolam, Geoffrey Bayldon, James Maxwell This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Born loser Gerald Otley (Tom Courtenay) is a freeloader living off the nearly exhausted kindness of friends and former lovers. One night, Otley is drunk and asleep when his host is murdered. The next morning, before the police arrive, he is kidnapped by a beautiful woman he met the night before (Romy Schneider) and her partner, who attempt to extract information from him but eventually determine he’s clueless. Realizing he’s in the midst of an espionage conspiracy and also wanted for murder, Otley stumbles from one near-crisis to another, incapable of distinguishing friend from foe, and unable to extricate himself. Set in swinging London, the story is propelled by Courtenay’s charm and a sense of humor informed by the best of British spy films; co-written and directed by Dick Clement. Newly remastered.

Mystery, Classics, Comedy, Crime 1968 Ltbx 16x9 M 90min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106642

Our Dancing Daughters Joan Crawford, Anita Page, Dorothy Sebastian, Johnny Mack Brown, Nils Asther Silent Film, Drama 1928 84min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107591

The Our Gang Collection Darla Hood, Carl Switzer

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 66

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Classics, Collections, Comedy 1938 572min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107592

Our Miss Brooks Don Porter, Jane Morgan, Eve Arden, Gale Gordon Teachers, Comedy 1956 85min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107593

Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107600

Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107608

The Outfit

Painting The Clouds With Sunshine

Robert Duvall, Karen Black, Robert Ryan, Joe Don Baker, Timothy Carey Revenge, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1973 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107601

Virginia Mayo, Gene Nelson, Dennis Morgan, S.Z. Sakall Musical, Romance 1951 87min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107609

Outlaw Blues

Paranormal Activity 3

Joan Crawford, Anita Page, Rod La Rocque Romance, Comedy, Drama 1929 76min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107595

Michael Lerner, Susan Saint James, Peter Fonda, John Crawford, James T. Callahan Music, Country Music, Drama 1977 100min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107603

Sprague Grayden, Katie Featherston

Our Time

The Outriders

Pamela Sue Martin, Karen Balkin, Parker Stevenson Drama, girl power, Historical / Period Piece 1974 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107597

James Whitmore, Arlene Dahl, Joel McCrea, Barry Sullivan, Claude Jarman Jr. Romance, Western 1950 93min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107604

Our Modern Maidens

Over 21 Our Vines Have Tender Grapes Frances Gifford, Agnes Moorehead, Edward G. Robinson, James Craig Romance, Drama, Family 1945 105min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107599

Out Of Africa (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Brandauer Winner of 7 Academy Awards®, including Best Picture, Out Of Africa is a cinematic masterpiece filled with breathtaking passion and majestic imagery. Robert Redford and Meryl Streep star in the fascinating true story of a woman who travels to Kenya to be with her cold husband and falls in love with a mysterious adventurer. Directed by Sydney Pollack, this epic tale of love, loss and self-discovery amid the stunning vistas of the African continent is an unparalleled filmmaking achievement.

Classics, Drama, Epics, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Romance min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107329

Out Of The Dark Cameron Dye, Divine, Lainie Kazan, Karen Witter, Tab Hunter, Paul Bartel, Bud Cort, Tracey Walter This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. The women who work the lines at a Los Angeles phone-sex service are being brutally murdered, and the perpetrator may be one of the clients. The anonymous nature of the service, and a host of strange characters, make the list of suspects lengthy. The psychotic killer chooses to hide his identity behind a creepy clown mask... and it just gets weirder from there. This off-the-radar horror flick boasts an insanely quirky cast featuring, Queen of B-Movie horror Karen Black (Trilogy of Terror, Five Easy Pieces), Bud Cort (Harold and Maude), Tracey Walter (Repo Man), Divine (Pink Flamingos, Hairspray), Paul Bartel (Eating Raoul), Tab Hunter (Lust in the Dust, Birds Do It) and Lainie Kazan (The Big Hit, My Favorite Year)! Newly remastered.

Serial Killers, Thrillers, Comedy, Horror 1989 Ltbx 16x9 S 89min. SPHE MOD 01.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106644

Irene Dunne, Lee Patrick, Charles Coburn, Alexander Knox, Jeff Donnell This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Ruth Gordon’s play is the source of this delightful comedy (written by Oscar® winner Sidney Buchman, 1941, Here Comes Mr. Jordan) about a newspaper reporter who quits to join the Army during WWII, infuriating his editor and perplexing his wife, a famous novelist and screenwriter. She moves to a run-down apartment by the base to be near him, and spends more time dealing with the dilapidated housing than she does with him (he must sleep in the barracks). To make matters worse: at almost 40, he’s having trouble remembering all the things he’s supposed to be learning. Can the marriage survive? Will America win the war without him? Starring: Irene Dunne, Alexander Knox, Charles Coburn, Jeff Donnell, Lee Patrick. Director: Charles Vidor (Gilda). Newly remastered.

War, World War II, Army, Comedy, Marriage Woes 1945 Ltbx DD 5.1 105min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106645

Oxford Blues Julian Sands, Ally Sheedy, Amanda Pays, Gail Strickland, Rob Lowe, Michael Gough, Alan Howard, Aubrey Morris, Julian Firth Sports, College Life, Comedy, Drama 1984 97min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107605

The Pack Joe Don Baker, R.G. Armstrong, Richard B. Shull, Ned Wertimer Horror, Killer Animals 1977 95min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107606

The Pagan Renee Adoree, Donald Crisp, Ramon Novarro Silent Film, Drama 1929 83min. Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107607

Paid Out Of The Fog Ida Lupino, Eddie Albert, John Garfield, George Tobias, Thomas Mitchell Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1941 85min.


Joan Crawford, Marie Prevost, Robert Armstrong, John Miljan, Douglass Montgomery Prison, Crime, Drama 1930 86min.

In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.

Mystery, Thrillers, Devils And Demons, Horror 2011 83min. Paramount Pictures 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106759

Paranormal Activity 3 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Sprague Grayden, Katie Featherston In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.

Devils And Demons, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2011 84min. Paramount Pictures 24.01.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106780

Parenthood (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Relive all the heart-warming moments of the unforgettable film that explores life’s most rewarding occupation in Parenthood. Steve Martin stars as Gil Martin, a funny and loving husband who’s also trying too hard to be the „perfect“ parent to his uniquely different kids. Rick Moranis, Keanu Reeves, Jason Robards, Mary Steenburgen and Dianne Wiest also star in this family affair you’ll want to watch again and again!

Comedy, Drama min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107421

Parenthood (DVD + Digital Copy) Relive all the heart-warming moments of the unforgettable film that explores life’s most rewarding occupation in Parenthood. Steve Martin stars as Gil Martin, a funny and loving husband who’s also trying too hard to be the „perfect“ parent to his uniquely different kids. Rick Moranis, Keanu Reeves, Jason Robards, Mary Steenburgen and Dianne Wiest also star in this family affair you’ll want to watch again and again!

Comedy, Drama min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107354

Party Girl John Ireland, Cyd Charisse, Robert Taylor, Lee J. Cobb, Kent Smith Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1958 99min. Warner Bros. MOD 19.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107610

Passport To Suez Ann Savage, Lloyd Bridges, Warren William, Sheldon Leonard, Eric Blore This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In his ninth and last appearance as retired jewel thief Michael Lanyard - aka The Lone Wolf - the peerless Warren William again finds himself overseas helping to battle the Third Reich. This time, he and loyal valet Jamison (the priceless Eric Blore) arrive in Egypt, where Lanyard is promptly blackmailed into stealing vital documents that the Nazis need. How he gets out of this mess makes for a terrific combination of action, suspense and humor, with the bonus of a pre-Detour Ann Savage as the femme fatale. The cast also includes such beloved character actors as Sheldon Leonard, Lloyd Bridges, Gavin Muir, Jay Novello and Sig Arno, plus it’s the very first American film directed by the illustrious Andre DeToth (House of Wax). Newly remastered.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **

Seite 67

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Femme Fatales 1943 Ltbx M 72min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106646

The Joke

The Patsy

Penn And Teller Get Killed

Howard), U.S. drug enforcement agent Charles Sturgis (Victor Mature) embarks on an investigation that takes him from New York to London, Lisbon, Rome, Naples and finally Athens in pursuit of McNally’s shapely associate, Gina Broger (Anita Ekberg). With her arrest by Interpol, Gina agrees to help Sturgis track McNally and his latest multimillion dollar drug shipment back to New York, where the chase finally ends when the drug lord falls to his death while trying to escape. Newly remastered.

Marie Dressler, Marion Davies, Dell Henderson Romance, Silent Film, Comedy, Drama 1928 78min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107611

Teller, David Patrick Kelly, Caitlin Clarke, Penn Jillette, Leonardo Cimino Comedy, Dark Comedy 1989 89min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107618

Revenge, Thrillers, Action, British, Classics, Crime, Drama, Foreign 1957 Ltbx 16x9 M 93min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106648


Planet Earth


Myrna Loy, Mae Clarke, Warner Baxter, Charles Butterworth, Phillips Holmes Mystery, Romance, Crime, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1933 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107619

Janet Margolin, Diana Muldaur, John Saxon, Ted Cassidy TV Movies, Science Fiction 1974 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107637

Loretta Young, Ann Doran, Kent Smith, Alexander Knox, Raymond Greenleaf, William Wright, Tommy Rettig This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Former cinematographer (Gilda, Address Unknown) turned director (D.O.A., The Dark Past) Rudolph Maté brings his noir toolbox to this study of guilt and redemption that’s part melodrama, part suspense. Academy Award® winner Loretta Young (1947, Best Actress, The Farmer’s Daughter) is Paula Rogers, the middle-class wife of a young and up-and-coming college professor (Kent Smith) whose depression over her inability to have a child is channeled into caring for a young hit-and-run victim (Tommy Rettig, The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T and TV’s Lassie). But the twist is that Paula is secretly responsible for the child’s condition! With the support of her close friend Dr. Frazer (Alexander Knox, Over 21), who begins to suspect her secret motivation, Paula starts on a path that may mean the end of her husband’s prestigious career and her marriage, or even lead to her arrest. Newly remastered.

Classics, Crime, Drama, Marriage Woes 1952 FF M 80min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106647

Pay Or Die Alan Austin, Renata Vanni, Zohra Lampert, Ernest Borgnine Crime, Drama 1960 111min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107612

Payment On Demand Bette Davis, Kent Taylor, Betty Lynn, Barry Sullivan, John Sutton Drama, Marriage Woes 1951 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107613

Pearl: The Miniseries Robert Wagner, Lesley Ann Warren, Angie Dickinson, Tiana Alexandra, Dennis Weaver War, World War II, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Romance 1978 278min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107617

Pearls Of The Czech New Wave: Eclipse From The Criterion Collection Of all the cinematic New Waves that broke over the world in the 1960s, the one in Czechoslovakia was among the most fruitful, fascinating, and radical. With a wicked sense of humor and a healthy streak of surrealism, a group of fearless directors-including eventual Oscar winners Milos Forman and Ján Kadár-began to use film to speak out about the hypocrisy and absurdity of the Communist state. A defining work was the 1966 omnibus film Pearls of the Deep, which introduced five of the movement’s greatest voices: Ve¡ra Chytilová, Jaromil Jire?, Jir¡í Menzel, Jan Ne¡mec, and Evald Schorm. This series presents that title, along with five other crucial works that followed close on its heels, one from each of those filmmakers-some dazzlingly experimental, some arrestingly realistic, all singular expressions from a remarkable time and place. Daisies A Report On The Party And Guests Return Of The Prodigal Son Capricious Summer


Art House, Collections, Criterion Collection, Czech, Foreign min. Criterion 24.04.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107536

The People Against O’Hara Diana Lynn, Spencer Tracy, John Hodiak, Eduardo Ciannelli Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1951 102min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107620

Perfect Strangers Ginger Rogers, Thelma Ritter, Margalo Gillmore, Dennis Morgan Romance, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1950 88min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107630

Police Academy / Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (Double Feature) George Gaynes, Bubba Smith, Kim Cattrall, Steve Guttenberg It’s a double-barreled dose of Police Academy laughs, lunacy and mayhem! First up, a class of inept, would-be cops suits up for action in the original hit that spawned no less than six sequels. Then, the cadets graduate to a whole new level of crime-fighting hilarity in Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment. With stars including Sex In The City’s Kim Cattrall, Steve Guttenberg (Cocoon) and more, these two Police Academy outings serve up comedy in a class all its own!

Action, Classics, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Double Features min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107503

Perfect Woman

Polish Wedding

Barry Gordon, Joanne Nail, Fred Willard, Cameron Mitchell

Claire Danes, Lena Olin, Gabriel Byrne

King of distant planet, fanatic of earth TV programs seeks an earth woman as wife.

TV Movies, Aliens, Comedy, Science Fiction 1981 71min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107223

The Phantom Of Hollywood Skye Aubrey, Broderick Crawford, Jackie Coogan, Jack Cassidy, Peter Haskell Thrillers, TV Movies, Drama, Horror, Serial Killers 1974 74min. Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107632

The Phantom Tollbooth Daws Butler, Mel Blanc, Hans Conried, Butch Patrick Family, Fantasy, Adventure 1970 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107636

The Picasso Summer Albert Finney, Yvette Mimieux Drama, Marriage Woes 1969 90min. Warner Bros. MOD 30.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107634

Pickup Alley Victor Mature, Anita Ekberg, Trevor Howard, Martin Benson, Andre Morell This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Spurred on by the death of his drug-addicted sister at the hands of ruthless narcotics kingpin Frank McNally (Trevor

The Hollywood Reporter. Hala (Danes) is as sassy as her mother (Lena Olin) and as sensitive as her father (Gabriel Byrne). It’s a winning combination, but when she falls for the neighborhood cop on the beat, their summer romance stretches her family’s strength and support to outrageous lengths. Now the rush is on to plan the nuptials - despite an extremely reluctant groom and other hilarious complications.

Comedy, Drama 1998 Ltbx 105min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106735

Porn Star Zombies They Want To Eat You. A group of adult film cast and crew members must discover what is causing their fellow stars to rabidly attack them.

Sexy Comedies, Zombies, Comedy, Horror 2009 80min. Music Video Distribution 24.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106670

Project X (Blu-ray) Matthew Broderick, William Sadler, Jean Smart, Helen Hunt, Jonathan Stark Following orders isn’t the only way to become a hero.. Matthew Broderick stars as Jimmy Garrett, a screw-up Air Force jet jockey who is transferred to the ‘Experimental Pilot Performance Project’ where chimpanzees - including a remarkable young chimp named Virgil - are taught to operate flight simulators. But when Jimmy discovers that the chimps will ultimately be used in a horrific experiment, he desperately seeks out the university researcher (Oscar winner Helen Hunt, As Good As It Gets - 1998 Best Actress) who taught Virgil to communicate. Time is running out. The military is closing in. Can two unlikely heroes and an extraordinary groups of apes defy the odds, escape the danger and end the top secret terror of Project X? William Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption) and Jean Smart (Hawaii Five-O) costar in this acclaimed hit from the writer of Wall Street and the director of Heart Like A Wheel that critic David

Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Action, Revenge, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1987 108min.

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Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Starz / Anchor Bay 17.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106790

Action, Adventure, Classics, Jungle 1950 FF M 69min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106651

Psyche 59 Curt Jurgens, Samantha Eggar, Patricia Neal, Sandra Lee, Beatrix Lehmann, Elspeth March, Ian Bannen This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Although the doctors can find nothing wrong with her eyes, Alison (Patricia Neal, A Face in the Crowd) remains blind following a fall down stairs during the waning months of her pregnancy. When Alison tells her husband, Eric (Curt Jurgens), of an upcoming visit by her newly divorced younger sister, Robin (Samantha Eggar), he’s angry. But once Robin arrives and sees that her brother-in-law is attracted to her, she deliberately sets out to seduce him, despite the presence of her sightless sister. Newly remastered.

Mystery, British, Classics, Drama, Foreign, Marriage Woes 1964 Ltbx 16x9 M 94min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106649

The Pumpkin Eater Maggie Smith, James Mason, Anne Bancroft, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Peter Finch, Eric Porter This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In her third marriage to writer Jake Armitage (Peter Finch), Jo (Anne Bancroft) wrangles her brood of five young children with Jake’s cheerful support. But Jo’s happiness is shattered when she realizes that Jake is not only unfaithful, but that he is constitutionally incapable of monogamy. Pregnant with another child, Jo becomes increasingly distraught, and eventually breaks down utterly when confronted with more evidence of Jake’s infidelity. The screenplay by Harold Pinter takes a cold psychological look at the interior turmoil of a middle class wife and mother, and begs the question: what is the ultimate cause of Jo’s unhappiness? Is it Jake’s unfaithfulness? A lack of fulfillment in her maternal role? A fear of losing her role as her youngest children grow? Director Jack Clayton shines a harsh light on fidelity and marital responsibility in the modern world in this disturbing but sharply crafted drama. Excellent supporting actors include James Mason, Cedric Hardwicke, and Maggie Sm

British, Drama, Foreign, Marriage Woes 1964 Ltbx M 105min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106650

Pure Country / Pure Country 2: The Gift (Double Feature) George Strait, Katrina Elam Dreams of country music stardom - and the unexpected turns those dreams can take — form the heart of these two starpowered films from Young Guns director Christopher Cain. In Pure Country, George Strait is a country music icon who gives it all up to go in search of the simple life — only to find his plans complicated by unexpected romance. In Pure Country 2: The Gift, singing sensation Katrina Elam stars as a small-town girl whose rise to the top of the countr charts almost makes her lose sight of the very things that inspire her music.

Music, Musical, Religion/Spirituality, Country Music, Double Features, Drama min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107504

Pygmy Island Johnny Weissmuller, Ann Savage, David Bruce, Steven Geray, William Tannen This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Following the success of his role as Tarzan, Johnny Weissmuller starred in a series of films as Jungle Jim, a character first depicted in a comic strip by Alex Raymond and Don Moore. Weissmuller played a hunter with a deep knowledge of the native people of the area, its land and animals. Most often, Jim faced off against evil and greedy scientists who were attempting to exploit the region, its people or resources for profit. In Pygmy Island, Jim aids in the search for a female scientist (Ann Savage) lost in the jungle. After helping to locate and rescue her, Jim and the scientist work with the local pygmies to defend a crop of plants from evil agents with evil intentions that would threaten world peace, and US national security. Produced by Sam Katzman and directed by William Berke. Newly remastered.


The Queens Raquel Welch, Capucine, Claudia Cardinale, Monica Vitti, Jean Sorel, Gastone Moschin, Enrico Maria Salerno This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This romantic comedy, an Italian and French anthology, is comprised of four short films each directed by a different director, each featuring a different star of ’60s European cinema. The first vignette, „Queen Sabina“ tells the story of a hitchhiker (Monica Vitti) who can’t seem to make it home without driving each of her drivers mad with passion. „Queen Armenia“ centers on a gypsy babysitter (Claudia Cardinale) who takes full advantage of a doctor’s bedside manner. The third episode, „Queen Elena“ centers on a husband who can’t get the seductive wife next door (Raquel Welch) out of his mind. The last vignette, „Queen Marta“ centers on a wealthy woman (Capucine, Walk on the Wild Side, Song Without End) who, when sober, is a cold, haughty member of high society, but after a few drinks, becomes the purring plaything for her chauffeur who can’t keep track of where his place should be. Newly remastered.

Anthologies, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Gypsy, Italian 1966 Ltbx 16x9 M 111min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106652

The Quest (Blu-ray) One man’s search for his soul leads him on the ultimate journey. In his most spectacular adventure to date, acclaimed action superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme directs and stars in this exotic odyssey that takes him from the slums of New York to the mysterious Lost City of Tibet. Van Damme portrays a 1920’s street criminal whose run from the police thrusts him into a forbidding realm of gun smugglers, pirates and an ancient, underworld martial arts competition. The legendary contest, known as the Ghun-gheng, pits the world’s deadliest fighters against each other in a furious winner-take-all battle. Forced to compete, Van Damme faces the ultimate test of manhood where one wrong move could cost him not only the competition, but his life.

The townsfolk aren’t happy to have him in their midst, even though he helps fight off a gang of outlaws led by a former gun-slinging pal. Can Clint win back his girl, the trust of his neighbors, and settle down to a life of peace and quiet on his own land or will he live long enough to even have the chance? Sidney Salkow (The Great Sioux Massacre, Blood on the Arrow) directs this action-packed western, photographed in Cinemascope and presented in its full, widescreen aspect ratio, which also features James Best (Sounder), Ted de Corsia (The Killing) and Walter Sande (A Place in the Sun). Newly remastered.

Outlaw Country, Romance, Shooter, Western, Classics 1964 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min. SPHE MOD 06.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106655

R.P.M. Anthony Quinn, Gary Lockwood, Donald Moffat, Norman Burton, Alan Hewitt, John Zaremba, Ramon Bieri, Graham Jarvis, John McLiam This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Stanley Kramer had a knack for tackling stories where social change is the background for compelling drama on a personal level, as in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner and The Defiant Ones. In R.P.M. the politics are more overt, and Kramer deftly takes on the counter-culture of the late ’60s to explore how change impacts the individual. Anthony Quinn is the liberal and well-regarded college professor in a period of increasing radicalism. His students demand change, and he supports their desires, but when his role of professor-advisor changes to college administrator, he must decide where to draw the line. Ann-Margret (Viva Las Vegas, Tommy), Gary Lockwood (Model Shop), and Paul Winfield (Sounder) also star in this powerful examination of campus life in its most dynamic stage in history. Newly remastered.

Politics, Classics, College Life, Drama 1970 Ltbx 16x9 M 92min. SPHE MOD 01.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106658

Luise Ranier Collection Luise Rainer, Janet Beecher, Spencer Tracy, Eddie Quillan, Charley Grapewin The Emperor’s Candlesticks The Toy Wife

Cult Film / TV, Action min. Universal Studios 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107638

Romance, Triple Feature, Drama min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107277

The Quest (Pilot)

The Reckoning

Tim Matheson, Brian Keith, Morgan Woodward, Kurt Russell, Neville Brand, John Cameron Mitchell

Nicol Williamson, Rachel Roberts, Ann Bell, Douglas Wilmer

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This pilot movie for the 1976 TV series introduces the Beaudine brothers, Quinton (Tim Matheson) and Morgan (Kurt Russell), who have been separated for 8 years since the murder of their parents in an Indian attack on their wagon train. Morgan prefers to be called Two Persons, the name he was given by the Indians who raised him. Quinton has interrupted his medical studies in the East upon hearing of his brother. Reunited, they are intent on finding their still missing younger sister, Patricia. The two set out and quickly meet up with ex-gunslinger Tank Logan (Brian Keith, 5 Against the House and TV’s Family Affair) driving cattle to Cheyenne. Tank offers the brothers a share of the price if they string along with his cowhands. Sensing the need to raise money to fund their expedition, the Beaudines agree, and in the process get caught up in a variety of adventures in the wild frontier town. Newly remastered.

Native Americans, Action, Adventure, Drama, Kidnapping, TV Movies, Western 1976 FF M 96min. SPHE MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106654

The Quick Gun Audie Murphy, Merry Anders, James Best, Walter Sande This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Clint Cooper (Audie Murphy, To Hell and Back) is a gunslinger who returns to his hometown after a two year absence with the hopes that his sweetheart, schoolteacher Helen Reed (Merry Anders, Tickle Me), has waited for him.

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A brutal lower-class Irishman, Michael Marler (played by Nicol Williamson, Hamlet, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution) has clawed his way to success. An ambitious man with an important job - but a boss he hates - and a wealthy wife (Ann Bell, To Sir, With Love), Marler is absolutely ruthless when it comes to getting what he wants. He returns to Liverpool, and upon hearing his father’s recent death was the result of being attacked by a Teddy Boy, Marler, more vicious than ever, is intent on revenge. Directed by Jack Gold (The National Health), the film takes on class and social ills in 1960s London and Liverpool, in a deeply penetrating drama with excellent performances. Newly remastered.

Revenge, British, Drama, Foreign 1969 Ltbx 16x9 M 110min. SPHE MOD 01.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106662

A Reflection Of Fear Mitchell Ryan, Mary Ure, Sally Kellerman, Sondra Locke, Robert Shaw, Signe Hasso This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Renowned cinematographer William A. Fraker (Bullitt) directed this perverse, dream-like chiller. Sondra Locke (Sudden Impact) plays a reserved young woman living in a remote New England house with her grandmother and mother. Her already fragile world is further shaken when her father (Robert Shaw, Jaws) turns up with a woman he introduces as his fiancée! Needless to say, murder soon rears its ugly head, leading to a truly jaw-dropping ending. Sally Kellerman, Mary Ure (Mrs. Shaw), Signe Hasso and Mitchell Ryan co-star; co-scripted by Lewis John Carlino (Seconds) and photographed by Laszlo Kovacs (Shampoo). Newly

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA remastered.

Thrillers, Dysfunctional Families, Horror, Mental Illness 1971 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106664

Refuge Thrillers, Dark Comedy, Drama 82min. Celebrity Video Distribution 03.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106840

Reindeer Games: Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) Charlize Theron, Gary Sinise, Ben Affleck, Dennis Farina, Donal Logue, Clarence Williams III, James Frain The trap is Set. The game is on.. Sizzling hot Ben Affleck (Pearl Harbor) and Charlize Theron (The Cider House Rules) team up with Gary Sinise (Mission To Mars) in this story of high-stakes crime and deception! Upon release from prison, Rudy (Affleck) poses as his old cell mate Nick in order to meet Nick’s sexy pen pal, Ashley (Theron). But things heat up for Rudy when he’s forced into an armed robbery plot being hatched by Ashley’s evil brother (Sinise)! Also featuring Clarence Williams III (Life), Danny Trejo (Con Air) and Dennis Farina (Get Shorty) — don’t miss this nonstop thrill ride!

Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Action, Prison, Thieves, Thrillers 2000 Ltbx DTS 124min. Lionsgate 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107482

The Reluctant Saint Akim Tamiroff, Maximillian Schell, Ricardo Montalban, Arnoldo Foa, Harold Goldblatt This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. The story of the simple peasant boy who became known as Saint Joseph of Cupertino stars acclaimed Academy Award®winner Maximilian Schell (1961, Best Actor, Judgment at Nuremberg) as Giuseppe Desa, thought of by many as the village idiot. At a time when scholars filled the ranks of the monastery, Giuseppe longed to be a priest, and his devotion eventually won him a place among the Franciscans at Otranto, where he continued to struggle to meet the ideal. Only when Giuseppe is exiled to the stables does his true nature become recognized by another former peasant-turned-Bishop (played by Akim Tamiroff, Touch of Evil). The young priest’s faith was so great that he began to have visions and levitated during prayer, feats which would „elevate“ him to sainthood. Directed by Edward Dmytryk (The Caine Mutiny, Crossfire), written by John Fante and Joseph Petracca and featuring Ricardo Montalban (Border Incident and TV’s Fantasy Island). Newly remastered.

Prison, Religion/Spirituality, Classics, Comedy, Drama 1962 Ltbx 16x9 M 60min. SPHE MOD 03.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106671

The Return Of Daniel Boone Ray Bennett, Betty Miles, Dub Taylor, William Elliott, Walter Soderling This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Bill „Wild Bill“ Elliott plays Bill Boone, the grandson of Daniel Boone, who comes to the rescue of fair maiden (and renegade) Ellen Brandon, played by Betty Miles, who has shot and killed a tax collector in the employ of a crooked mayor. Mayor Ewell (Walter Soderling) is in the pocket of local thug Leach Kilgrain (Ray Bennett). Kilgrain’s goal is to gain control of the local ranches through an unscrupulous tax scheme. Meanwhile, Bill’s usual sidekick Cannonball (Dub Taylor) is less support than usual as he’s busy attracting the attention of twin sisters Melinda and Matilda - but he thinks they’re the same girl! Newly remastered.

Western, Adventure, Classics, Crime 1941 Ltbx M 60min. SPHE MOD 03.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106673

Return To Warbow James Griffith, Jay Silverheels, Philip Carey, Andrew Duggan, William Leslie, Robert J. Wilke This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using


a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. When Clay Hollister (Phil Carey, The Shadow on the Window) escapes prison, he’s determined to return to reclaim the gold he was imprisoned for stealing. Accompanied by two other escapees to his hometown, Hollister is faced with his past, and the three catch up with Hollister’s brother (and partner in crime) only to discover that the cash isn’t so easy to get their hands on. Newly remastered.

Prison, Western, Action, Classics 1958 Ltbx 16x9 M 66min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106675

Revolver Robert Urich, Assumpta Serna, Steven Williams, Neil Dudgeon, David Ryall This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Robert Urich (TV’s Spenser: For Hire and Vega$) stars as Nick Sastre, a secret intelligence agent paralyzed by an assassin’s bullet, who sets out to track down his assailant and in the process, uncovers a major arms-smuggling operation that threatens international security. When Sastre’s undercover assignment makes him collateral damage in a plot to kill a drug dealer and confines him to a wheelchair, his determination for revenge takes him to Barcelona, tracking the party responsible for his condition. While there, Sastre enlists the aid of a number of exotic characters, who are in one way or another connected to an international plot to smuggle missiles. The action-suspense film also stars Dakin Matthews (The Fabulous Baker Boys and Clean and Sober). Newly remastered.

Revenge, Action, Crime, TV Movies 1992 FF DD 5.1 91min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106678

Rio Bravo / The Searchers (Double Feature) John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson Look up „Westerns“ in a cinema dictionary and 2 names tower above the rest: John Ford and John Wayne. In The Searchers, the duo’s 12th collaboration, these legendary artists achieve perhaps their finest moment in this epic story of an ex-Confederate soldier seeking retribution on rogue Native Americans who massacred his family. Following on the heels of this iconic classic, Wayne heads up a notable cast (featuring Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson) in Howard Hawk’s Rio Bravo. Wayne’s portrayal of Sheriff John T. Chance ranks at the top of his finest screen performances as he brings to life the fearless sheriff bound and determined to thwart a gang of ruthless desperados threatening the peace in a small frontier town.

National Film Registry, Western, Classics, Double Features, Drama min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107521

Roadracers Salma Hayek, David Arquette, William Sadler, Kevin McCarthy, Boti Bliss, Gina Mari, Tammy Brady Conrad, Karen Landry, John Hawkes, Jason Wiles, Lance Legault, Tommy Nix, Mark Lowenthal Spy Kids and Desperado, delivers more action-packed thrills with Roadracers! It’s the wild story of a rockin’ rebel (David Arquette, Scream) racing through life with a fast car, a loud guitar, and a sexy girlfriend (Salma Hayek, From Dusk Till Dawn). But when a confrontation ends with deadly threats, this young rebel finds himself speeding head-on towards a showdown that will settle the score for good! With hot stars and an energetic style all its own, Roadracers.

TV Movies, Action, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Romance 1994 min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 20.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106801

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: 35th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick Boxed Sets, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Horror, Musical, National Film Registry 1975 100min.

20th Century Fox 13.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106899

Romantics Anonymous Isabelle Carre, Benoit Poelvoorde A recent surprise hit in France, the delectable comedy Romantics Anonymous tells the story of Angelique Delange (Isabelle Carré, Private Fears In Public Places), an unemployed but gifted chocolate-maker with a lifelong case of uncontrollable shyness that prevents her from properly sharing her confectionary talents. Jean-René Van Den Hugde (Benoît Poelvoorde, Coco Before Chanel) suffers from a similar case of terminal abashment and runs a fledgling chocolate company in desperate need of a new direction. When Jean-René hires Angélique as the new sales associate, the two nervous Nellies must face their deepest fears. With the chocolate business hanging in the balance, they are forced to fess up to their hidden sweet affections for each other. Co-screenwriters Jean-Pierre Améris and Philippe Blasband have prepared a deliciously witty script filled with rich characters that are packed with honesty and humor. Director Améris teases out the fairy-tale quality of this timid romance while grounding the film’s charm and spirit firmly in its lovable and authentic protagonists and their quest for emotional freedom.

Romance, Comedy, Foreign, French 2010 80min. New Video DVD 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107126

Rumble On The Docks David Bond Group, Celia Lovsky, Robert Blake, James Darren, Edgar Barrier, Timothy Carey, Michael Granger This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Fred F. Sears directs James Darren in his first role, before his good looks (and singing talent) brought him fame in later films as diverse as The Guns of Navarone, The Brothers Rico and Gidget (as Moondoggie). In this gritty story about streetgang toughs, Darren plays Jimmy Smigelski, who sides off against his own father when one of the local longshoreman’s protection racket’s goons takes him under his wing. Jimmy’s association with the gang brings him into fast company, and soon, Jimmy’s family, friends and girlfriend are afraid that Jimmy will go too far, and even become an accessory to murder. Timothy Carey and Robert Blake round out the cast. Newly remastered.

Action, Classics, Crime, Drama 1956 Ltbx 16x9 M 83min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106680

Saddles And Sagebrush Ann Savage, Dub Taylor, Russell Hayden, Wheeler Oakman, Jack Ingram, Edmund Cobb, William Wright, Frank LaRue, Bob Wills This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys provide the musical interludes in this western starring Russell Hayden, Ann Savage, and Dub Taylor. Lucky (Hayden) is a hired gun in a range war who switches sides to help the homesteaders when he realizes his new boss is corrupt and out to steal land, even if he has to kill to do it. Wills, one of the best-known musicians for popularizing Western Swing (and who also performs most of his own music), plays a second lead, sings, and even helps our hero get the best of the bad guys. Newly remastered.

Musical, Western, Classics, Crime 1943 FF M 54min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106682

Sahara Mark Lee, Jim Belushi, Michael Massee, Robert Wisdom, Simon Westaway, Jerome Ehlers This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. James Belushi is Sergeant Joe Gunn, a tough American tank commander battling the Nazis in Sahara, a remake of the classic war drama of 1943. It is October 1942, and Sgt. Gunn and his two soldiers, Waco (Paul Empson) and Doyle (Mark Lee), are American tankers assigned to the British Army. When the Germans attack their positions, Gunn’s tank is forced to retreat south into the Sahara. Desperately searching

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA for water, they pick up a group of stragglers who lead them to the ruins of a Muslim shrine where they find the water they’ve been seeking. However, it isn’t long before Gunn learns that a German detachment is also in the area searching for water. Though outnumbered, Gunn decides to stay and fight the Germans, hoping that British reinforcements will arrive in time. Newly remastered.

TV Movies, War, World War II, Action, Adventure, Drama 1995 FF DD 5.1 106min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106685

The George Sanders Saint Movies Collection George Sanders Detectives, Drama 338min. Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106903

The Scout Brendan Fraser, Albert Brooks, Lane Smith, Tony Bennett In this hilarious fantasy for baseball lovers, Albert Brooks stars as a desperate Yankee scout who’ll do anything to sign a new prospect. Banished to Mexico to search for talent, he discovers the greatest young ball player (Brendan Fraser) he’s ever seen. But once he gets him back home, he finds this new recruit has a few unexpected problems that may just jeopardize both their jobs. Dianne West, Lane Smith and Tony Bennett co-star along with some of baseball’s most popular players.

Sports, Baseball, Comedy, Major League Baseball 1994 Ltbx 102min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106739

The Scout (Blu-ray) Brendan Fraser, Albert Brooks, Lane Smith, Tony Bennett In this hilarious fantasy for baseball lovers, Albert Brooks stars as a desperate Yankee scout who’ll do anything to sign a new prospect. Banished to Mexico to search for talent, he discovers the greatest young ball player (Brendan Fraser) he’s ever seen. But once he gets him back home, he finds this new recruit has a few unexpected problems that may just jeopardize both their jobs. Dianne West, Lane Smith and Tony Bennett co-star along with some of baseball’s most popular players.

Sports, Comedy, Major League Baseball, Baseball 1994 Ltbx 102min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106791

Screaming Mimi Romney Brent, Anita Ekberg, Gypsy Rose Lee, Philip Carey, Red Norvo, Alan Gifford, Harry Townes This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Anita Ekberg plays the gorgeous and tortured dancer with the Great Dane named Devil, who, after being nearly attacked by a man with a knife, is put into an asylum under the obsessive care of psychiatrist Dr. Greenwood (Harry Townes). When the girl begins to show signs of improvement, the psychiatrist assumes her care on the outside so she can resume her dancing career. The proprietor (Gypsy Rose Lee) of El Madhouse, a tawdry nightclub, hires the girl but then a series of murders by „The Ripper“ attracts the attention of a newspaper reporter (Phil Carey), and the doctor and reporter face off to try to protect the girl. A sensual statue of a dancing girl called Screaming Mimi seems to play a part in the bizarre mystery. Newly remastered.

Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Mental Illness 1958 Ltbx 16x9 M 79min. SPHE MOD 23.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106687

Screen Couples Spotlight Collection (Charade / Double Indemnity / Pillow Talk / My Little Chickadee) Mystery, National Film Registry, Romance,


Thrillers, Western, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107303

The Search For One-Eye Jimmy John Turturro, Sam Rockwell, Jennifer Beals, Anne Meara, Samuel L. Jackson, Steve Buscemi, Nicholas Turturro, Tony Sirico, Michael Badalucco, Holt McCallany, Ray Mancini Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Film About Film 1996 Ltbx 16x9 S 86min. Kino Video 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107084

The Search For One-Eye Jimmy (Blu-ray) John Turturro, Sam Rockwell, Jennifer Beals, Anne Meara, Samuel L. Jackson, Steve Buscemi, Nicholas Turturro, Tony Sirico, Michael Badalucco, Holt McCallany, Ray Mancini Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Film About Film 1996 Ltbx 16x9 S 86min. Kino Video 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107100

Secret Pleasures: Four Asian Films About Love, Longing And Fishhooks The Isle Electric Shadows The Personals Ghosted

Romance, Art House, Foreign 377min. First Run Features 20.03.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106874

The Seminarian Ryan is a closeted gay student in his final semester of seminary studies. Despite his school’s hostile stance towards homosexuality, Ryan has two gay classmates - Gerald and Anthony - in whom he secretly confides. He is also close to his religiously devout mother who, as things stand, is unaware of his sexual orientation. Ryan needs to complete a solid theological thesis in order to continue doctoral work at the university of his dreams. As he works on his thesis ‘The Divine Gift of Love,’ he begins a relationship with Bradley - a man he has met on the Internet who seems perpetually unable to commit himself. At the same time, Ryan learns that Gerald and Anthony have romantic struggles of their own. During this volatile time, with the pain of unrequited love and the inability to share his fears with his mother deepening, Ryan struggles with finishing his thesis and holding on to his faith.

Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2010 101min. Breaking Glass Pictures 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107297

A Severed Head Ian Holm, Claire Bloom, Jennie Linden, Richard Attenborough, Lee Remick, Clive Revill This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Based on the novel by Iris Murdoch, director Dick Clement’s black comedy about the sexual escapades of upper crust Brits is a terrific satire of swinging 60’s London with a fantastic cast. Upon learning that his wife Antonia (the beautiful Lee Remick) is having an affair with his best friend, Palmer (Richard Attenborough), who is also her psychiatrist, Martin Lynch-Gibbon (Ian Holm) is plunged into agony. Martin’s longstanding mistress Georgie (Jennie Linden) is ecstatic with the hope that Martin, now free from Antonia, will marry her - but Martin is too busy trying to woo his wife back to pay much attention to Georgie, leaving her free to explore other partners. Throw in a few more characters/love partners: Martin’s brother, and Palmer’s sister (Clive Revill and Claire Bloom), and the finale of this boudoir version of musical chairs becomes impossible to guess! Newly remastered.

Sexy Comedies, British, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Foreign 1970 Ltbx 16x9 M 101min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106689

Sex And The City / Sex And The City 2 (Double Feature) Sarah Jessica Parker, Chris Noth, Kim Cattrall, Candice Bergen, Cynthia Nixon, Kristin Davis, Alice Eve, Jennifer Hudson, John Corbett Fun, fashion and friendship are in vogue with Carrie and her Manhattan gal pals in the two captivating Sex and the City movies. The quest for true love always sparked the hit TV show, but the first movie dares to ask what happens when you find it? Put another way: does Carrie have the right shoes, the right bag...and the wrong man? The stylish fun continues in the follow-up film that asks what happens after you say „I do?“ Life is everything the ladies ever wished it would be, but it wouldn’t be Sex And The City if life didn’t hold a few more surprises. After all, sometimes you just have to get away with the girls.

Romance, Sexy Comedies, Based On TV Show, Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Fashion min. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107522

Shackled After Brian McDonald (Simon Fogarty) is found murdered on a beach, his sister Sarah (Donna Bradley) begins to unravel the events surrounding his last few weeks alive. Soon, Sarah begins having dreams of them at a mansion, where they are being haunted by strange figures. With the help of childhood friend Michael (Andy Blaikie) she begins digging into her past to find out why they were fostered, who their real mother is and how the mysterious mansion ties into her brother’s death.

Murder Mysteries, Thrillers 82min. Brain Damage Films 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107257

Shades Of A Killer Sometimes destiny is like a train journey; sometimes your destiny comes on a train; His name is Jaan and if he is in your destiny you won’t even hear him coming.’ Jaan is an assassin sent to a murdered hitman, protégé to a mysterious mentor, head of an elite cartel and husband to a loving wife. On his quest to rescue his brother Jem and the love of his life Aysha, Jaan will face many enemies to the death. As Jaan delves deeper into the belly of the beast he begins to realize that his enemies are closer than he realized.

Action 92min. Brain Damage Films 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107258

Shadow Of The Hawk Marianne Jones, Marilyn Hassett, Chief Dan George This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Jan-Michael Vincent (White Line Fever and TV’s Airwolf) stars as Mike, the grandson of Native American shaman Old Man Hawk (Academy Award® nominee, Chief Dan George, 1970 Best Supporting Actor, Little Big Man) who is called back to his village to help defeat evil forces threatening the tribe. After years of living in the city and working in a business world altogether apart from his roots, Mike is contacted by a freelance reporter, Maureen (Marilyn Hassett, The Other Side of the Mountain), who was enlisted by Old Man Hawk to track his grandson. When Mike assents to returning with Maureen, they find that the village is beset by the evil spirit of an ancient sorceress, Dsonoqua (Marianne Jones, Where the Spirit Lives), animating beasts and objects and causing strange, deadly accidents. Only the heir of the tribe’s shaman can stand in the way of the evil and protect his people, but will Mike be able to harness his power in time? Newly remastered.

Native Americans, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Fantasy 1976 Ltbx 16x9 S 92min. SPHE MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106690

The Shadow On The Window Betty Garrett, Philip Carey, Jerry Mathers, Paul Picerni, Corey Allen, Rusty Lane This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Musical-comedy legend Betty Garrett (My Sister Eileen) has a rare dramatic role in this incredibly tense thriller. Lisa Atlas

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA (Garrett) and her seven-year-old son Petey (a pre-Beaver Jerry Mathers) witness the murder of her boss during a botched armed robbery by psycho Jess Reber (John Barrymore, Jr., While The City Sleeps) and his two pals. Stunned by what he saw, Petey wanders off, leaving the thugs holding his mom hostage. But what they don’t know is that her husband is a police detective (Phil Carey, TV’s Laredo) and will stop at nothing to get her back safely. Corey Allen and Paul Picerni co-star in this seldom-seen gem, skillfully directed by William Asher (Bewitched). Newly remastered.

Mystery, Thrillers, Classics, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping 1956 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 73min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106723

VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107225

Sins Of Jezebel Paulette Goddard, Eduard Franz, George Nader In 9th Century, B.C., in the city of Jezreel, the prophet Elijah warns Ahab, the King of Israel, against marrying Jezebel the beautiful but evil Phoenician.

Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1953 74min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107226

Short Circuit / Short Circuit 2 (Double Feature)

Sister Mary Explains it All

Michael McKean, Ally Sheedy, Fisher Stevens, Steve Guttenberg

Diane Keaton, Jennifer Tilly, Laura San Giacomo, Brian Benben, Wallace Langham

Something wonderful has happened-Number Five is alive! Steve Guttenberg (Three Men And A Baby, Cocoon) and Ally Sheedy (Breakfast Club, WarGames) co-star in this high tech comedy adventure about Number Five, a robot who escapes into the real world after he short circuits in an electrical storm and decides that he’s human. Because he’s carrying destructive weapons, the Defense Department and his designer (Guttenberg) are desperate to find him. But Number Five is being protected by a young woman (Sheedy) who is teaching him a gentler way of life. High-voltage, fast-paced comedy for the entire family. Number Five, A.K.A. Johnny Five, that incredible lovable robot, is back and taking the big city by storm. More „human“ than ever, upbeat Johnny’s out for some „urban input“, but some street hoods see his innocence as their high-tech ticket to easy street.

Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Comedy, Double Features 209min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107511

Religion/Spirituality, Comedy, Drama, TV Movies 2001 Ltbx 16x9 S 76min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106725

Short Circuit / Short Circuit 2 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Michael McKean, Ally Sheedy, Fisher Stevens, Steve Guttenberg Something wonderful has happened-Number Five is alive! Steve Guttenberg (Three Men And A Baby, Cocoon) and Ally Sheedy (Breakfast Club, WarGames) co-star in this high tech comedy adventure about Number Five, a robot who escapes into the real world after he short circuits in an electrical storm and decides that he’s human. Because he’s carrying destructive weapons, the Defense Department and his designer (Guttenberg) are desperate to find him. But Number Five is being protected by a young woman (Sheedy) who is teaching him a gentler way of life. High-voltage, fast-paced comedy for the entire family. Number Five, A.K.A. Johnny Five, that incredible lovable robot, is back and taking the big city by storm. More „human“ than ever, upbeat Johnny’s out for some „urban input“, but some street hoods see his innocence as their high-tech ticket to easy street.

Comedy, Double Features, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 209min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107529

Sidewalls A clever romantic comedy examining with charm how the architecture of a city conditions the lives of two of its residents, Sidewalls is a touching, poignant film about love in an ever-changing metropolis. Paying unique homage to the city of Buenos Aires, writer/director Gustavo Taretto reflects on how urban chaos, as well as new technologies, can alternately unite and alienate people. Mixing animation, photography and graphic art, he reveals how the isolation and anxiety that come with modern life in a bustling city can inadvertently lead two hearts destined for each other to find themselves despite all odds.

Argentinian, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Romance, Technology 94min. MPI 20.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106936

The Silver Star Marie Windsor, Edgar Buchanan, Lon Chaney A third generation deputy sheriff doubts whether or not he has the guts for the job that killed both his father and grandfather. His doubts are re-enforced when three vicious gunmen arrive in town. From the original 35mm widescreen negative.

Western 1955 73min.


This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Written by Christopher Durang and directed by Marshall Brickman (The Manhattan Project), this all-star cast features Diane Keaton as Sister Mary, and Brian Benben, Wallace Langham and Laura San Giacomo as the former students whose lives were forever scarred by the teachings of the dogmatic nun. A confrontation between students and teacher is the central event of a Christmas lecture given by Sister Mary, when her former students co-opt the classic pageant and turn the Sister’s original teachings on their head. The revisionist portrayal of the biblical story highlights her students’ disillusionment and disappointment. Their lifestyle choices provoke Sister Mary’s intolerance and anger, resulting in an eruption of violence. Executive produced by Kirk Stambler and Victoria Tennant.

Snow White: A Deadly Summer Eric Roberts, Maureen McCormick, Eileen Dietz, Tim Abell, Aaron Jaeger, Barbara Kymlicka, David DeCoteau, John Schouweiler, David DeCoteau This is no fairy tale.. Snow (Shanley Caswell) was stunned when her Father (Eric Roberts) remarried. Still hurt and reeling, Snow began a cycle of bad behavior. Resentful of the tension Snow has caused in the house, her stepmother Linda (Maureen McCormick), convinces her father to send Snow away to a discipline camp. Snow learns that the camp has a history. There had been a murder there years prior and the prime suspect, one of the campers, disappeared into the woods never to be found again. When Snow starts to suspect that someone is watching from a distance... stalking them... she wonders if the killer may have returned. Soon, campers start dying off. Snow’s stepmother uses the camp’s troubled history as an excuse to get Snow out of the picture. She’s been killing the campers one by one and now Snow is next!

Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2012 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min. Lionsgate 20.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107596

Soda Springs Tom Skerritt, Victoria Pratt, Patty McCormack, Michael Bowen, Jay Pickett It’s never too late to be what you might have been.. Eden Jackson returns to his hometown to pick up the pieces of the life he was forced to leave eight years earlier. It proves to be more difficult than expected because the town may not yet be ready to forgive. An old friend, a new love and a rekindled passion for music open the path to his salvation. On this journey of redemption, Eden affects many other lives and affirms that often the only way back to the light is through the darkness.

Slightly French

Drama 2011 114min. Monarch Home Video 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107375

Dorothy Lamour, Janis Carter, Adele Jergens, Don Ameche, Willard Parker

A Soldier’s Story (Blu-ray)

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Director Douglas Sirk, best known for his melodramatic masterpieces of the ’50s, directs this charming musicalcomedy which gives a peek into the Hollywood studio system of the 1940s. After driving his leading lady to an emotional breakdown, director John Gayle (Don Ameche, Heaven Can Wait, Midnight) is fired by producer Doug Hyde (Willard Parker, A Slight Case of Murder, Kiss Me Kate). When he meets carnival performer Mary O’Leary (Dorothy Lamour, Road to Morocco), John plots to get his job back by molding her into a sophisticated actress whom he can pass off as a fascinating French beauty. Mary’s a quick study, and she provides just the international flair Doug needs for the film. When Mary lands the part, John is rehired, too, but, in Pygmalion-like fashion, Mary has fallen for her tutor, who is consumed only with his own ambition. The love complication deepens into a triangle when Doug falls for Mary. Can she keep up the ruse and succeed as a star? Also features Janis Carter (Night

Adolph Caesar, Howard Rollins Jr.

Musical, Romance, Classics, Comedy, Film About Film 1949 FF M 81min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106727

A Song To Remember

Snake River Desperadoes Smiley Burnette, Monte Blue, Charles Starrett, Don Reynolds This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Two young boys, one Indian and one white, aid The Durango Kid in foiling a plot to start a war between the white settlers and the native Indian population. This entry from the popular matinee series of films has Steve Reynolds (Charles Starrett) as an agent for the Department of Indian Affairs and his alter ego, The Durango Kid, enlisted into action by Little Hawk (Don Reynolds), the young son of Chief Black Eagle, and Billy Haverly (Tommy Ivo), the nephew of the Trading Post owner, Jim Haverly (Monte Blue). Of course, Smiley Burnette is on hand to provide entertainment in the form of songs and hi-jinks, and there’s plenty of action as The Durango Kid works to unmask the bad guy behind the trouble! Newly remastered.

Native Americans, Western, Action, Classics, Fighting 1951 FF M 54min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106730

Tensions flare in this gripping film about a murder on a black army base near the end of World War II. Captain Davenport (Howard E. Rollins, Jr.), a proud black army attorney, is sent to Fort Neal, Louisiana, to investigate the ruthless shooting death of Sergeant Waters (Adolph Caesar). Through interviews with Sarge’s men, Davenport learns that he was a vicious man who served the white world and despised his own roots. Or could he have been a black soldier embittered by Waters’ constant race baiting? Directed by Norman Jewison from Charles Fullers Pulitzer Prize-winning play, A Soldier’s Story is both a spellbinding mystery and a superb drama that transcends race.

Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, War, World War II 1984 97min. Image Ent. 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107124

Cornel Wilde, Nina Foch, George Macready, George Coulouris, Paul Muni, Howard Freeman, Merle Oberon, Stephen Bekassy This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Cornel Wilde plays Frederic Chopin in this richly detailed bio-pic which highlights the famous composer’s relationship with the unconventional author George Sand (Merle Oberon). Directed by Charles Vidor, and featuring a strong supporting cast including Paul Muni and Nina Foch, this drama was nominated for six Academy Awards®, for editing, cinematography, score (Miklos Rozsa and Morris Stoloff), sound, original screenplay, and best actor for Cornel Wilde. Newly remastered.

Music, Musical, Biography, Biopics, Classical Music, Classics, Drama 1944 FF DD 5.1 112min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106733

Song Without End Capucine, Lou Jacobi, Marsha Hunt, Patricia Morison, Genevieve Page, Dirk Bogarde, Ivan Desny This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This lush bio-pic of the brilliant composer and piano virtuoso Franz Liszt (Dirk Bogarde) depicts the great conflicts in his young life. Liszt has begun to tire of the oppressive demands of his current mistress, Countess Marie (Genevieve Page), who has given up her own life and young children to live with him despite a great scandal. Liszt prefers to flee to the adoration of the crowds and the concert stage, where he captures the attention of another adoring woman, the beautiful Russian princess, Carolyne (Capucine). Carolyne encourages Liszt to go into a sort of exile, so he can focus on his composition, while she awaits her divorce. Despite her great love for the composer, he is torn between his carnal passions, his religious devotion, and the demands of his artistry. The last film directed by Charles Vidor (who died before its completion, replaced by George Cukor) is a gorgeous spectacle photographed by the famed cinematographer James Wong Howe. Newly remastered.

Music, Musical, Romance, Academy Award Winners, Biography, Classical Music, Drama 1960 Ltbx 16x9 130min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106736

Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Horror 1948 FF M 79min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106746

Stable Days: The Road To Jumping Come jump inside Araya’s world as she follows her passion for horseback riding. In Stable Days - The Road To Jumping, we follow Araya around the barn as she explores what it takes to be a true equestrian. In this delightful DVD series, you will encounter Araya’s stable mates, learn fun animal facts, meet her horse Laurel and trainer Lisa. You’ll get a first hand look at what it takes to care for a horse, train endlessly and prepare for show day.

Family, Horses 82min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106799

The Soul Of A Monster

The Stone Killer

Rose Hobart, Jeanne Bates, George Macready, Jim Bannon

John Ritter, Charles Bronson, Martin Balsam, Norman Fell, Jack Colvin

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Esteemed actress Rose Hobart (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1931) stars in this moody horror film reminiscent of the classic chillers of Val Lewton. A noted surgeon (George Macready, Gilda) lies terminally ill, but a strange woman appears and announces she can cure him; she succeeds, but the good doctor now behaves a little bit... differently. Creepily photographed by Academy Award®-winner Burnett Guffey (1967, Best Cinematography, Bonnie and Clyde), this seldomseen thriller is a must for those who like their fright a little bit... different. Will Jason (Movie Pests) directs from a script by Edward Dein (Lewton’s The Leopard Man). Newly remastered.

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A new breed of anti-hero appeared in 1970s cinema. Obsession, violence and instability characterized these protagonists, regardless of what side of the law they were on. „Stone Killer“ is underworld argot for these particularly cold-blooded and ruthless characters and New York detective Torrey (Charles Bronson) is just such a man. Chief among Torrey’s enemies is mob tycoon Vescari (Martin Balsam), an oldschool capo who has eluded Torrey and is now expanding out west. To track him down, Torrey must travel from the seamy underworld of Spanish Harlem and Little Italy to laid-back Southern California - skid row, Hollywood and the canyons. A bad shooting provides the excuse to get Torrey out of New York, where he is viewed as a problem by the police brass. In Los Angeles, Torrey has the same issues, but he finds himself in a very different society. Mathews (Ralph Waite), a bungling bigot distracted by problems with his teenage daughter (Christina Raines), is assigned by Detective Captain D

Mystery, Thrillers, Classics, Devils And Demons, Horror 1944 FF DD 5.1 62min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106738

The Southern Star George Segal, Ian Hendry, Ursula Andress, Orson Welles, Harry Andrews, Johnny Sekka, Michel Constantin, Guy Delorme, Georges Geret, Chuck Lamb This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. The year is 1912. Kramer (Harry Andrews) has carved out a private empire for himself in West Africa, complete with a personal militia. But, as his daughter, Erica (Ursula Andress), and the American geologist Dan Rockland (George Segal) are celebrating their engagement, Kramer’s fabulous diamond, The Southern Star, disappears. Dan’s African helper, Matakit, suspected of the theft, flees into the jungle, pursued by Dan and Erica, who believe him to be innocent, and by Kramer’s militia commander, who wants the diamond for himself. Based on a Jules Verne tale, this comedic adventure features excellent performances from its top-notch cast (including Orson Welles). Directed by Sidney Hayers (Burn, Witch, Burn! and TV’s The Avengers).

Adventure, British, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, Jungle 1969 Ltbx 16x9 M 104min. SPHE MOD 01.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106741

The Spiritualist Lynn Bari, Virginia Gregg, Turhan Bey, Donald Curtis This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Turhan Bey (The Mummy’s Tomb) plays the mysterious spiritualist who convinces a beautiful widow (Lynn Bari, Orchestra Wives) and her young sister (Cathy O’Donnell, They Live By Night), that her dead husband is trying to contact her from beyond the grave. Richly photographed by famed cinematographer John Alton (Border Incident and The Big Combo), the dark, smoky interiors and fog-swept beaches give this a gothic feel that elevates this B-picture to a favorite of noir fans. Co-starring Richard Carlson, Donald Curtis and Virginia Gregg, with stylish direction by Bernard Vorhaus (Bury Me Dead); sadly, this was one of his last films in the U.S. before being blacklisted. Also known as The Amazing Mr. X, this is the first and only DVD release of this film mastered from original 35mm elements. Newly remastered.


Thrillers, Action, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Detectives, Drama 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 115min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106751

Storm Center Bette Davis, Brian Keith, Kim Hunter, Paul Kelly, Kevin Coughlin, Joe Mantell This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Directed and co-scripted by Daniel Taradash (From Here To Eternity), this reflection on the rights and responsibilities of citizens was a timely response to Anti-Communist sentiment in the 1950’s. A small town librarian (Bette Davis) stands up to local pressure to remove a controversial book from the shelves - on principal, not out of sympathy for its perspective. Also co-stars Brian Keith (Tight Spot, and TV’s A Family Affair) and Kim Hunter (A Streetcar Named Desire). Newly remastered

Politics, Classics, Drama 1956 Ltbx 16x9 M 86min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106753

Storm Over The Nile Laurence Harvey, Ian Carmichael, James Robertson Justice, Geoffrey Keen, Ronald Lewis, Anthony Steel This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A.E.W. Mason’s oft-filmed classic novel, The Four Feathers, gets its first CinemaScope treatment in this dynamic adventure co-directed by Terence Young (Dr. No) and Zoltan Korda, who also helmed the famed 1939 version. Filmed and set in the Sudan, it tells of Harry Faversham (Anthony Steel, The Queens), one of a group of close friends in the British Regiment. When he abruptly resigns his commission, his friends and fiancée each give him a white feather: the symbol of cowardice. His struggle to regain his reputation forms the backbone of this thrilling tale, driven by R.C. Sherriff’s screenplay and Miklos Rozsa’s superb score. Also starring Laurence Harvey, James Robertson Justice, Geoffrey Keen, Mary Ure (in her film debut), Ronald Lewis, Ian Carmichael,

Michael Hordern,Ferdy Mayne and, in an early role, Christopher Lee. Newly remastered.

Romance, War, Action, Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign 1956 Ltbx 16x9 M 108min. SPHE MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106755

Streets Of Ghost Town Smiley Burnette, Frank Fenton, Charles Starrett, Stanley Andrews, George Chesebro, Don Reynolds This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Charles Starrett played a dual role as a former Texas Ranger and his secret identity, „The Durango Kid“, in a long-running series of B-Westerns in the 1940s and ’50s. His standard sidekick, Smiley Burnette, was around for comic situations and light-hearted musical entertainment between the action sequences, where he’d sometimes lend his pal a hand in solving the mystery and capturing the bad guys. Steve Woods (Starrett), Smiley and the Sheriff of Dusty Creek go to a ghost town mine in search of missing gold and re-tell the tale of how a gang of crooks stole the gold and were later double-crossed by one of the thieves. Newly remastered.

Outlaw Country, Thieves, Western, Classics, Ghosts, Kidnapping 1950 FF M 54min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106757

Stuck Between Stations Michael Imperioli, Zoe Lister Jones, Nadia Dajani, Josh Hartnett, Sam Rosen Sometimes the best night of your life happens at the worst possible time.. Casper (Sam Rosen), a soldier home on bereavement leave, gets as second chance to make an impression on his childhood crush Rebecca (Zoe Lister Jones), a promising grad student whose career hangs by a thread. While they drift through the streets of Minneapolis, they have one night to find themselves falling in love and falling apart.

Romance, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 84min. Lionsgate 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106991

A Study In Terror Frank Finlay, John Neville, Judi Dench, Adrienne Corri, Barbara Windsor, Anthony Quayle, Robert Morley, John Fraser, Donald Houston This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Three of 19th Century England’s most famous characters come together for the first time in this sumptuous, exciting mystery, as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson set out to bring down history’s most notorious serial killer: Jack The Ripper! When a suspicious package arrives at the master sleuth’s Baker Street home, he and his old friend must join the hunt before more murders are committed... even though the trail may lead to places they’d rather not go. John Neville is one of the most authentic Holmes portrayers ever, and he’s ably supported by Donald Houston as Watson, as well as such British acting royalty as Anthony Quayle, Robert Morley, Frank Finlay, Barbara Windsor, Cecil Parker and, in one of her earliest screen roles, Academy Award® winner Dame Judi Dench (1998, Best Supporting Actress, Shakespeare in Love). If you like your Holmes straight up and unadulterated, then adding this thrilling, sexy, witty, colorful adventure to your collection is... oh, come now, do we really need to

Mystery, Serial Killers, Sherlock Holmes, Thrillers, Crime, Detectives, Drama 1965 Ltbx 16x9 M 95min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106761

@Suicide Room Roma Gasiorowska, Krzystof Pieczynski A series of humiliating events 100 days before graduation pushes privileged Dominik into the virtual world of comfort. He begins spending all this time as an avatar in the Suicide Room, but soon his online adventures begin to dangerously bleed into his real life.

Polish, Art House, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, High School 2011 min. Wolfe Video 12.03.2012

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107072

Sullivan’s Travels Adventure, Classics, Comedy, Drama min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107339

Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams Joanne Woodward, Sylvia Sidney, Dori Brenner, Martin Balsam This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Director Gilbert Cates (I Never Sang for My Father) takes on the complexities of family relationships, mid-life pain and loss. Joanne Woodward and Martin Balsam play the couple coming to terms with the truth about their relationship, their fears about their homosexual son, and the mixed emotions brought on by the death of her mother (Sylvia Sidney). This rich character study resulted in two Oscar® nominations, for actresses Woodward (Best Actress) and Sidney (Best Supporting Actress). Written by Stewart Stern. Newly remastered.

Drama, Family, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Marriage Woes 1973 Ltbx 16x9 M 88min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106763

Surprise Package Mitzi Gaynor, Yul Brynner, Noel Coward, George Coulouris, Barry Foster, Warren Mitchell, Lionel Murton, Alf Dean This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Legendary director Stanley Donen (Singin’ In The Rain) serves up this delightful soufflé, starring Yul Brynner (The Ten Commandments) in a rare comedy role as big-time gambler Nico March, who’s been deported to the Greek island where he was born. He runs into dethroned King Pavel II (Noel Coward, Blithe Spirit) who offers to sell his bejeweled crown for $1,000,000. Nico asks his former associates to send him the cash, but instead they send his ex-girl friend (Mitzi Gaynor, South Pacific). And now Nico finds himself on the run with an unwanted dame in tow! Hilariously scripted by Harry Kurnitz (A Shot in the Dark) from a novel by none other than beloved humorist Art Buchwald, this is colorful, sophisticated comedy at its very best! Newly remastered.

Royalty, Screwball, Caper, Comedy, Drama 1960 Ltbx 16x9 M 100min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106766

Swing Vote Andy Garcia, James Whitmore, Kate Nelligan, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Margaret Colin, Hallie Kate Eisenberg, Hedy Burress, Robert Prosky, Bob Balaban, Ray Walston, Harry Belafonte, Albert Hall, John Aylward This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A newly-appointed Supreme Court Justice must settle a controversial moral and legal dilemma with his tie-breaking decision which may also have serious implications on his own family’s harmony. Andy Garcia is cast as Justice Joseph Kirkland who, in his freshman term on the court, must wrestle with the dilemma of freedom of choice versus the right to life. Judge Kirkland tries to find a balanced response as the lone voice on the court to weigh in, making his the critical deciding vote. The all-star cast features Bob Balaban, Kate Nelligan, Ray Walston, James Whitmore, with Robert Prosky and Harry Belafonte as Justice Dunn. Newly remastered.

Politics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, TV Movies 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 91min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106769

Switching Channels Burt Reynolds, Christopher Reeve, Kathleen Turner, Ned Beatty, George Newbern, Henry Gibson This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur’s The Front Page gets a 1980s update from the print newsroom to broadcast television, complete with era-appropriate heartthrobs Burt Reynolds, Christopher Reeve, and Kathleen Turner. The world of broadcast anchor and journalist Christy Colleran (Turner) is


a hectic and often humiliating place, especially under the thumb of ex-husband and producer John „Sully“ Sullivan (Reynolds). So when she takes a much needed vacation and meets handsome, wealthy, and self-assured Blaine Bingham, she’s determined to leave the rat race and become his wife. But, Sully won’t let her go so easily, and connives to get her involved in one last big story. Ted Kotcheff (Life at the Top, Fun with Dick and Jane) directs this fast-paced romantic comedy whose central conflict - from His Girl Friday to the Nine to Five world of the 1980s - needed little updating: will she or won’t she sacrifice her career for the quiet life of a well-loved wife? Newly remastered.

On The Job, Romance, Comedy, Crime 1988 Ltbx S 105min. SPHE MOD 03.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106770

The Swordsman Ellen Drew, Edgar Buchanan, Marc Platt, Ray Collins, George Macready, Larry Parks, Holmes Herbert, Michael Duane This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Recently returned from school in England, the scion of one feuding Scottish clan, Alexander MacArden (Larry Parks, The Jolson Story), happens upon the beautiful niece of the rival Clan Glowan, Lady Barbara (a very young Ellen Drew). Of course, they fall deeply in love, despite their families’ generations-long hatred, which only strengthens young MacArden’s resolve to bring an end to the barbaric warring of the clans. But MacArden’s charms and arguments are wasted against the savage hostility of the Glowan Clan, especially that of Robert (played by George Macready, with even more than his usual supreme evilness). This swashbuckler is a Technicolor treat with beautiful costuming - including the distinct tartans of the clans to match the Scottish accents of the cast. Directed by Joseph H. Lewis (My Name is Julia Ross, The Big Combo). Newly remastered.

Romance, Swashbucklers, Swordfighting, Action, Classics, Drama 1948 FF M 82min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106772

Synanon Eartha Kitt, Stella Stevens, Barbara Luna, Chuck Connors, Richard Conte, Alex Cord, Richard Evans, Greg Morton, Alejandro Rey, Larry Kert

SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106774

Tale Of The Mummy (Blu-ray) Michael Lerner, Shelley Duvall, Jason Scott Lee, Honor Blackman, Lysette Anthony, Louise Lombard, Christopher Lee, Sean Pertwee, Jack Davenport The Curse Is Legend. The Adventure Is Real.. When an archaeological expedition opens an ancient Egyptian tomb, the unimaginable evil of a cursed pharaoh-Talos - is unleashed! But before all are lost, team leader Sir Richard Turkel (horror legend Christopher Lee,Dracula) heroically sacrifices his own life to destroy the tomb and contain Talos once more. Then, year later, Sir Richard’s granddaughter (Louise Lombard) sets out with her own team to finish her grandfather’s work...not knowing that she herself is about to reawaken the supernatural terror of the mummified Talos. Also starring action star Jason Scott Lee (Rudyard Kipling’s, The Jungle Book), the heart-pounder Russell Mulcahy’s Tale of the Mummy tells us that this time, there may be nothing that can stop the mummy’s murderous quest for immortality.

Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, Mummies 1998 88min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106884

The Tango Lesson Sally Potter, Peter Eyre, Carlos Copello This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Written and directed by Sally Potter (Orlando), The Tango Lesson is the story of a filmmaker, Sally (Sally Potter), who becomes dissatisfied with her latest screenplay (vividly illustrated in luscious color) and stumbles upon an Argentinean tango dancer (Pablo Veron). She places herself under Pablo’s tutelage and together they explore their spiritual and artistic connections. It soon becomes clear that they each want very different things from each other. Potter’s raw examination of the artist’s struggle for authenticity, set against the human frailties of ego, jealousy, lust and insecurity, makes for a tense drama - beautifully photographed in black and white and set in Paris and Buenos Aires. Newly remastered.

1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 102min. SPHE MOD 04.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106775

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This hard-hitting, fact-based drama was filmed on location in the actual Synanon House in Santa Monica. Academy Award® winner Edmond O’Brien (Best Supporting Actor, 1954, The Barefoot Contessa) stars as a reformed alcoholic who began the facility to help other addicts of all kinds, and who coined the famous phrase „today is the first day of the rest of your life.“ An outstanding cast - Chuck Connors, Stella Stevens, Richard Conte, Alex Cord, Eartha Kitt, Barbara Luna, Alejandro Rey, Larry Kert and some actual Synanon residents - drive this multi-layered story of redemption and tragedy, crisply photographed by two-time Academy Award® winner Harry Stradling (Best Cinematography, 1945, The Picture of Dorian Gray; 1964, My Fair Lady) and directed by the great Richard Quine (Strangers When We Meet). Newly remastered.

Tarawa Beachhead

Substance Abuse, Drama 1965 Ltbx 16x9 M 104min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106773

War, World War II, Classics, Drama, Marines 1958 Ltbx 16x9 M 76min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106776

The Take

Elizabeth Taylor: The Warner Archive Classics Collection

Billy Dee Williams, Albert Salmi, Eddie Albert, Vic Morrow, Frankie Avalon, Sorrell Booke This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Terry Sneed (Billy Dee Williams) is a well-known cop brought by police chief Ray Berrigan (Eddie Albert) to quell a crime wave that has gripped Paloma, New Mexico. Already on the payroll of local businessman and crime chief Victor Manso (Vic Morrow), corrupt police Captain Frank Dolek (Albert Salmi) finds it hard to control Sneed. But in fact, Sneed is in business for himself, and even has his own „business manager“ (Sorrell Booke) to help him shake down anyone he can for a payoff. Directed by Robert Hartford-Davis; also stars Frankie Avalon and Kathleen Hughes. Newly remastered.

Action, British, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Foreign 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 92min.

Julie Adams, Karen Sharpe, Kerwin Mathews, Ray Danton, Onslow Stevens, Russell Thorson This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Directed by Paul Wendkos (The Burglar and Gidget), Kerwin Mathews (The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad) and Ray Danton (The Longest Day) play conflicting soldiers fighting first over a woman (Julie Adams, Creature from the Black Lagoon) and then on Guadalcanal. The film is a realistic portrayal of the struggle in one of the most important earliest strategic victories in World War II, with a deep dramatic exploration of the struggles between combat soldiers and officers. Newly remastered.

Elizabeth Taylor Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama, Hollywood Legends min. Warner Bros. MOD 22.11.2011 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106700

Tell It To The Judge Rosalind Russell, Louise Beavers, Marie MacDonald, Fay Baker, Katherine Warren, Robert Cummings, Gig Young, Douglass Dumbrille, Thurston Hall, Harry Davenport, Clem Bevans, Grandon Rhodes This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players..

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Forties star Rosalind Russell (His Girl Friday, She Wouldn’t Say Yes) is movie-shorthand for a smart, sophisticated, professional woman of the ’40s whose career comes before love... until it doesn’t. She’s the epitome of the screwball comedy heroine, and just a little too smart for her own good. So you know that when Marsha Meredith’s (Russell) recent divorce from hubby Pete Webb (Robert Cummings) threatens her appointment to the federal bench, and Webb insists that the divorce was based on a misunderstanding over pretty Ginger Simmons (Marie McDonald), things are going to get complicated. Enter Alexander Darvac (Gig Young, That Touch of Mink), who becomes Marsha’s pigeon for a pretend fiancé, and you have a monumental marital mix-up! Directed by Norman Foster (Father is a Bachelor, Journey into Fear). Newly remastered.

Romance, Screwball, Classics, Comedy, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Marriage Woes 1949 FF M 87min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106777

Temptation Danielle Hobbs Sometimes all a woman has are the choices she makes.. A romantic drama about what happens when two longtime friends make a pact to start dating! When Tracy (Davana Singletary) and Erin decide to seek out love, Erin soon finds herself romantically involved with two different men - Jacque and Tony (Jean Claude LaMarre). Erin falls in love with both of them, and finds it difficult to juggle the two relationships. After a big disagreement with Tracy, she decides to get serious with Tony - but soon, Erin and Tony pass the „honeymoon“ stage of their relationship and the disagreements begin. Erin reaches out to her friend Marcus (Don Hale Jr.), who is there to comfort her. And before lines can be drawn, the two friends begin to explore more than Tony would like.

Romance, Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 80min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107545

Terror Among Us Jennifer Salt, Kim Lankford, Sharon Spelman, Ted Shackelford, Spencer Milligan, Don Meredith This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Ted Shackelford (TV’s Knots Landing) plays a rapist on parole who threatens the lives and safety of five women who previously testified against him. This thriller is rounded out by a cast including Don Meredith as a cop who’s out to catch the rapist and Sarah Purcell (TV’s Real People), Jennifer Salt (TV’s Soap), Kim Lankford (TV’s Knots Landing) and Sharon Spelman as potential victims. Airing on television in 1981, this film is full of suspense and a cast of familiar favorites. Newly remastered.

Mystery, Revenge, Action, Cops, Crime, Drama, Thrillers, TV Movies 1980 FF M 96min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106814

This Is Not A Movie Edward Furlong, Peter Coyote, Edi Gathegi With the end of the world imminent, Pete Nelson (Edward Furlong) locks himself inside a Las Vegas hotel. There, he tries to understand his confused reality influenced by film, TV, pop culture, disinformation, drugs and propaganda. The journey that follows is a surreal, psychedelic, apocalyptic quest where nothing is what it seems.

Thrillers, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, End Of The World 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 99min. Kino Video 20.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107392

56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107427

Thomasine And Bushrod Vonetta McGee, Juanita Moore, Max Julien, Glynn Turman This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Gordon Parks, Jr. directs this western-romance with a twist, often compared to Bonnie and Clyde, whose fresh take on the genre was written and produced by, and starred Max Julien (Cleopatra Jones). Vonetta McGee (Blacula) is featured as the female bounty hunter who resumes an old romance with bandit Bushrod (Julien). Amid the changes transforming the country at the beginning of the twentieth century - cars replace horses and trails turn to roads - the „wild“ west of the 1900s is gradually being tamed. It’s still a tough, hard place to make a living, but Thomasine and Bushrod are prepared to try. Hounded by Sheriff Bogardie (George Murdock), they proceed on a spree of bank robberies, sharing their loot with the poor living on the harsh frontier. Bushrod’s old buddy, Jomo (Glynn Turman, Cooley High), turns up just when they need him most, and the trio plan their next heist together. Newly remastered.

Romance, Western, Action, Blaxploitation, Comedy, Crime 1973 Ltbx 16x9 M 95min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106817

Thou Shalt Not Kill...Except (Bluray) Vietnam, 1969. War is Hell. For Marine Sergeant Jack Stryker (Brian Schulz), however, Hell is just the beginning. Trapped outside a Viet Cong village, Stryker takes two bullets to the leg. Sent home from the war, he discovers his exgirlfriend (Cheryl Hausen) has been kidnapped by a religious cult with a vicious Manson-like leader (played by The Evil Dead and Spider-man. trilogy director, Sam Raimi). Stryker teams up with some marine friends to form an assassination squad and annihilate the gang of crazed killers. Synapse Films is proud to present Thou Shalt Not Kill...Except in an all-new 2K high-definition transfer from the original negative. Directed by Josh Becker, this „must-see“ (Detroit Free Press) cult classic features many of the people responsible for The Evil Dead, including co-writer Bruce Campbell, writer/producer Scott Spiegel, composer Joseph LoDuca, and actor Ted Raimi.

Slasher, Horror 83min. Synapse Films 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107505

Three For The Show Jack Lemmon, Betty Grable, Marge Champion, Myron McCormick, Robert Bice, Paul Harvey, Gower Champion This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Jack Lemmon and Betty Grable are paired in this musical remake of Too Many Husbands which infuses the original story of a marital mix-up with the backstage action of a musicalcomedy. Grable plays Julie Stewart, whose husband Marty (Lemmon), is reported killed in action. Shortly after the widow decides to marry Marty’s best friend and partner, Vernon Lowndes (Gower Champion), husband number one shows up. While Julie tries to decide whether „happily ever after“ will be with Marty or hubby number two, she takes up residence with both! The plot is further complicated by Julie’s best friend Gwen (Marge Champion), who becomes both a romantic and professional rival. Will Julie choose Marty or Vernon, or will she lose the love of both through indecision? Newly remastered.

Musical, Classics, Comedy 1954 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106819

Three Hours To Kill This Is Not A Movie (Blu-ray) Edward Furlong, Peter Coyote, Edi Gathegi With the end of the world imminent, Pete Nelson (Edward Furlong) locks himself inside a Las Vegas hotel. There, he tries to understand his confused reality influenced by film, TV, pop culture, disinformation, drugs and propaganda. The journey that follows is a surreal, psychedelic, apocalyptic quest where nothing is what it seems.

Thrillers, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, End Of The World 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 99min. Kino Video 20.03.2012


Dana Andrews, Donna Reed, Dianne Foster, Paul Burns This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Alfred Werker had directed a number of lower budget noir films (He Walked by Night, Shock) when he brought his talents and a dark sensibility to this western-themed drama. Donna Reed (Ransom!), Dana Andrews (Where the Sidewalk Ends), and Dianne Foster (The Brothers Rico) star in this revenge story of a cowboy wrongly accused of murder. Strung up by an angry lynch mob, he escapes with the scar of the noose around his neck. In order to prove his innocence, he’s determined to hunt down the real killer. Newly remastered.

Mystery, Revenge, Western, Cowboy, Crime, Drama 1954 Ltbx 16x9 M 77min. SPHE MOD 01.03.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106821

Three Smart Girls Deanna Durbin’s engaging feature film debut, Three Smart Girls, showcases the teen singing sensation in a heartwarming musical comedy that was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award. Penny Craig (Durbin) is a highspirited girl who conspires with her two sisters to reunite their divorced parents. Her millionaire father, however, has plans of his own to remarry a beautiful socialite. High jinks, hilarity, and wonderful songs ensue as the sisters let nothing (and no one!) stand in their way to break up the romance and bring their father home. Featuring a stellar cast that also includes Charles Winninger, Binnie Barnes, Alice Brady, Ray Milland and Mischa Auer, the film made Deanna Durbin a household name and endeared her to millions of movie-going fans.

Musical, Romance, Classics, Comedy 1936 min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107340

Three Stripes In The Sun Tatsuo Sato, Chuck Connors, Aldo Ray, Dick York This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Though his wartime service left him with a bitter hatred for the enemy, an assignment with occupation forces in postwar Japan will transform Sergeant Hugh O’Reilly (Aldo Ray). In a small war-ravaged village, Hugh’s growing affection for its many orphans has inspired him to give his time and money for food and shelter, and has led him to a love affair with his translator, Yuko. Already facing her family’s vehement opposition, seeing Yuko on the arm of an escort at a charity event turns Hugh against her and the Japanese people. Yet with help from his commanding officer, Hugh finally realizes that he is in love and makes Yuko his bride before returning with her to the States. Newly remastered.

Romance, War, Classics, Drama 1955 Ltbx 16x9 M 93min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106823

Thunderstorm: Return Of Thor Jody Haucke, Ray Besharah, Emmanuel Carriere Striking soon. A group of religious zealots known as The Death Risers have an evil plot to destroy the world by bringing to Earth the Norse God they worship: The Goddess of the Undead, known as Hel! In Asgard, however, Thor the Norse God of Thunder has gotten wind of the evil scheme and forms a plan of his own to stop it. Thor bequeaths a portion of his lightning-wielding powers to his Earthbound descendant, a military scientist named Grant Farrel. Now known as Thunderstorm, Grant puts his powers to use in the name of justice! But is it too late to stop Hel and her acolytes from raising the Midgard Dragon and ruling the Earth...?

Action, Fantasy 2011 87min. Tempe DVD 01.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107245

To Catch A Thief (Blu-ray) Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, John Williams, Jessie Royce Landis Mystery, Intrigue, Romance.... Cary Grant plays John Robie, a reformed jewel thief who was once known as „The Cat,“ in this suspenseful Alfred Hitchcock classic thriller. Robie is suspected of a new rash of gem thefts in the luxury hotels of the French Riviera, and he must set out to clear himself. Meeting pampered heiress Frances (Grace Kelly), he sees a chance to bait the mysterious thief with her mother’s (Jessie Royce Landis) fabulous jewels. His plan backfires, however, but Frances who believes him guilty, proves her love by helping him escape. In a spine-tingling climax, the real criminal is exposed. Three Academy Award nominations, including an Oscar for „Best Cinematography.“

Classics, Crime, AFI Top 100, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 1955 106min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106703

To Kill A Priest Ed Harris, Joanne Whalley, Cherie Lunghi,

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Seite 75

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Timothy Spall, Pete Postlethwaite, Tim Roth, Christopher Lambert, Joss Ackland This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Directed by Agniezska Holland, this gripping and chilling drama is based on the true story of political unrest in Poland prior to the fall of communism and Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the Solidarity chaplain who was murdered by the secret police in 1984. Christopher Lambert is Father Alek, a Polish labor union chaplain at Saint Sebastian’s church in Warsaw. All gathered within the great church adore him, save one - the police captain, Stefan (Ed Harris), who believes this priest who dares to mix prayers with politics is a threat to his country. Stefan sets him up for harboring a deserter, but his plan is foiled when his commanding officer (Joss Ackland) releases Alek. For his part, Alek is warned by his bishop to abandon his political activities or be sent to Rome. Undaunted by his initial failure and with the covert support of his superiors, Stefan devises a more effective way of dealing with the „threat.“ Newly remastered.

Politics, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1988 Ltbx 16x9 S 117min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106825

To Sir, With Love II Sidney Poitier, Lulu, Judy Geeson, Cheryl Lynn Bruce, Saundra Santiago, Daniel J. Travanti, Christian Payton, Michael Gilio This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Sidney Poitier reprises his role as Mark Thackeray in To Sir, With Love II, the sequel to the original 1967 classic film To Sir, With Love. It is the eve of Thackeray’s retirement from the working class London school where he has taught for the last 30 years. During his speech to the faculty and friends who have gathered to send him off with good wishes, he announces that he has taken a teaching position on Chicago’s South Side. But Mark has another reason for wanting to go to the States - to find his first love, a woman he met over thirty years ago when he was a young man in Guyana. The answer to the question of whether and how Thackeray will succeed with his new unruly students will not be a surprise for fans of the 60’s classic, but the pleasure is in revisiting the characters and actors from the original film (including Lulu and Judy Geeson, who reprise their roles). Newly remasterd.

On The Job, Romance, Teachers, Drama, TV Movies 1996 FF DD 5.1 93min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106827

Tomboy And The Champ Candy Moore, Ben Johnson, Jesse White This heartwarming story of a girl’s devotion to her pet Angus steer is an inspiring one. She conquers polio and her lack of faith in herself to turn her steer into a champion.

Drama 1961 87min. VCI MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107227

Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy lead an all-star cast in this hilarious comedy caper about a luxury condo manager (Stiller) who leads a staff of workers to seek payback on the Wall Street swindler (Alan Alda) who defrauded them. With only days until the billionaire gets away with the perfect crime, the unlikely crew of amateur thieves enlists the help of petty crook Slide (Murphy) to steal the $20 million they’re sure is hidden in the penthouse. From the director of the Rush Hour series, „Tower Heist is so fun, it’s criminal!“ (Associated Press)

Thieves, Action, Comedy, Crime min. Universal Studios 21.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107152

Tower Heist (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy lead an all-star cast in this hilarious comedy caper about a luxury condo manager (Stiller) who leads a staff of workers to seek payback on the Wall Street swindler (Alan Alda) who defrauded them. With only days until the billionaire gets away with the perfect crime, the unlikely crew of amateur thieves enlists the help of petty crook Slide (Murphy) to steal the $20 million they’re sure is hidden in the penthouse. From the director of the Rush Hour series, „Tower Heist is so fun, it’s criminal!“ (Associated Press)

Thieves, Comedy, Crime, Action min. Universal Studios 21.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107206

The Toy (Blu-ray) Richard Pryor, Jackie Gleason, Teresa Ganzel, Ned Beatty, Scott Schwartz, Carol Sobieski, Phil Feldman, Richard Donner For the first time in picture history, the outrageous talent of Richard Pryor and the ingenious comedic sense of Jackie Gleason are combined in the same film. Gleason is U.S. Bates, a megalomaniac millionaire who owns most of south Louisiana. Pryor is Jack Brown, a former journalist who has worked his way down the vocational ladder to the position of janitor in Bates’ department store. Among Bates’ other vast holdings is a young son Eric (Scott Schwartz), who visits his father for one week a year. Typically, Eric is chauffeured to the department store after-hours to pick out anything he wants. This time, Eric has a more elaborate toy in mind - Jack Brown. So begins the unique relationship that teaches Eric more about life than fun and games.

Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families 1982 102min. Image Ent. 24.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106896

Drama, Romance, Science Fiction min. Shout Factory 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107264

Larry The Cable Guy Larry the Cable Guy proves he can handle the tooth in this heartwarming and hilarious comedy that’ll keep your whole family smiling! Larry Guthrie is a fun-loving guy with a serious mission: to win back Brooke, the love of his life. But when Larry upsets a small boy with a loose tooth where Brooke works, he’s „sentenced“ to become a real Tooth Fairy. It’s tutu times the laughs watching Larry strut his stuff in pink tights and ballet shoes as he tries to restore the boy’s faith before Brooke marries the wrong man - and he only has ten days to git-r-done!

Comedy, Family 2012 Ltbx DD 5.1 90min. 20th Century Fox 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107538

Tooth Fairy 2 (Blu-ray) Larry The Cable Guy Larry the Cable Guy proves he can handle the tooth in this heartwarming and hilarious comedy that’ll keep your whole family smiling! Larry Guthrie is a fun-loving guy with a serious mission: to win back Brooke, the love of his life. But when Larry upsets a small boy with a loose tooth where Brooke works, he’s „sentenced“ to become a real Tooth Fairy. It’s tutu times the laughs watching Larry strut his stuff in pink tights and ballet shoes as he tries to restore the boy’s faith before Brooke marries the wrong man - and he only has ten days to git-r-done!


Tower Heist

The Tribe: Series 1 - Part 1

Tooth Fairy 2

Comedy, Family 2012 Ltbx DTS 90min.

20th Century Fox 06.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107561

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 - Special Edition (Blu-ray) Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Maggie Grace, Anna Kendrick, Sarah Clarke, Elizabeth Reaser, Ashley Greene, Christian Serratos, Michael Sheen, Billy Burke, Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Taylor Lautner In the highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, a marriage, honeymoon and the birth of a child bring unforeseen and shocking developments for Bella (Stewart) and Edward (Pattinson) and those they love, including new complications with werewolf Jacob Black (Lautner).

Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Werewolves 2011 117min. Summit Entertainment 11.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107148

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 - Two Disc Special

Edition Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Maggie Grace, Anna Kendrick, Sarah Clarke, Elizabeth Reaser, Ashley Greene, Christian Serratos, Michael Sheen, Billy Burke, Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Taylor Lautner In the highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, a marriage, honeymoon and the birth of a child bring unforeseen and shocking developments for Bella (Stewart) and Edward (Pattinson) and those they love, including new complications with werewolf Jacob Black (Lautner).

Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Werewolves, Drama, Fantasy 2011 117min. Summit Entertainment 11.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107144

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 - Two Disc Special Edition (Valentine’s Day Packaging) Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Maggie Grace, Anna Kendrick, Sarah Clarke, Elizabeth Reaser, Ashley Greene, Christian Serratos, Michael Sheen, Billy Burke, Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Taylor Lautner In the highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, a marriage, honeymoon and the birth of a child bring unforeseen and shocking developments for Bella (Stewart) and Edward (Pattinson) and those they love, including new complications with werewolf Jacob Black (Lautner).

Romance, Thrillers, Vampires, Werewolves, Drama, Fantasy 2011 117min. Summit Entertainment 11.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107145

Two Against Time Peter Friedman, Marlo Thomas, Ellen Muth, Joe Penny This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. For Julie Portman (Marlo Thomas, TV’s That Girl), the past few years have not been easy. Her divorce has left her with the sole responsibility of providing for her teenage children. And, as she scrambles to find the college tuition for her son Michael (Troy Hall), her daughter Emma (Ellen Muth, TV’s Dead Like Me) becomes ever more difficult in her adolescence. While she strives to be a good mother, her irresponsible ex-husband, Robert (Peter Friedman), has lost another job and can no longer offer any support. Julie’s dark clouds always have silver linings, however, as when a flirtatious relationship with her friend, George Tomich (Joe Penny), tentatively begins to develop into a real romance. But Julie and Emma are forced to face new challenges when both are diagnosed with cancer, and they must now fight not against one another, but together against their respective illnesses. David Anspaugh (Hoosiers, Rudy) directs this difficult subject matter with extraordinary sensitivity, resultin

Romance, Drama, Marriage Woes, TV Movies 2002 Ltbx 16x9 S 90min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106833

Undercover With The KKK Slim Pickens, Ed Lauter, Albert Salmi, Michele Carey, Maggie Blye, Clifton James, Lance Legault, Don Meredith This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This 1979 Made for Television Movie is based on a true story and stars former star football player „Dandy Don“ Meredith as an FBI informant who infiltrates the Ku Klux Klan in order to gain information to help prosecute Klan members. Tom Rowe (Meredith) uses his small town Alabama connections to work his way into the Klan, but soon finds being a paid informant will ensnare him more than Klan member rallies. Rowe is forced to prove his loyalties to both the Klan and the FBI, involving himself in some of the racially motivated violence the FBI is attempting to put to rest. Of course all of this doubledealing puts a strain on his marriage and family, not to mention the physical risks of the endeavor. Newly remastered.

TV Movies, Biography, Crime, Drama 1979 FF M 96min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106835

Valley Of The Dragons I. Stanford Jolley, Cesare Danova, Danielle de Metz, Joan Staley, Sean McClory, Michael Lane, Gilbert Perkins This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Based very loosely on a story by Jules Verne, two men, about to undertake a duel, are thrust into an alternate universe. Finding themselves the only „civilized“ men in a world of cavemen and savage beasts, the two realize they’ll have to put aside their differences to help each other survive in this strange new world. Cesare Danova and Sean McClory star, with Joan Staley (The Ghost and Mr. Chicken) and Danielle De Metz (The Magic Sword) starring as the love interests. Directed by Edward Bernds (Queen of Outer Space and The Three Stooges In Orbit), who also wrote the screenplay. Bernds likely saw the comic possibilities in the implausible Verne story, just one of the many reasons that this bizarre adventure is a one-of-a-kind fun-filled science fiction film without the earnest, straight-forward tone of many of its era’s sci-fi classics. Newly remastered.

Romance, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Classics, Dinosaurs 1961 Ltbx 16x9 M 79min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106838

Vanina Vanini Sandra Milo, Martine Carol, Isabelle Corey, Laurent Terzieff, Paolo Stoppa This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Roberto Rossellini (Rome, Open City and Germany Year Zero) directs this politically-charged melodrama about the Italian Risorgimento set in 1824. The princess Vanina (Sandra Milo), daughter of a Roman aristocrat, falls in love with Pietro (Laurent Terzieff), a wounded revolutionary and assassin hidden in her father’s palazzo. Vanina nurses Pietro back to health, and naively follows him to northern Italy where she tries to free him of the fervent political commitment which stands in the way of their love. The film takes full advantage of its Romantic era setting in both Rome and the countryside, and the décor and costumes are sumptuous and authentic. This controversial examination of personal desire and political commitment intertwined set the stage for Rossellini’s important late cycle of „didactic“ historical works. Italian with English subtitles. Newly remastered.

Following years of growing apart, Harold Lee (Cho) and Kumar Patel (Penn) have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrive at Kumar’s door on Christmas Eve, his attempts to redirect it to Harold’s house ends with the „high grade“ contents - and Harold’s father-in-law’s prize Christmas tree going up in smoke. With his in-laws out of the house for the day, Harold decides to cover his tracks, rather than come clean. Reluctantly embarking on another ill-advised journey with Kumar, through New York City, their search for the perfect replacement tree takes them through party heaven and almost blows Christmas Eve sky high.

Stoners, Buddy Pictures, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays 2011 90min. New Line Home Entertainment 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106895

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Elias Koteas, Neil Patrick Harris, Patton Oswalt, Danneel Harris, Paula Garces, Danny Trejo, Kal Penn, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, David Krumholtz Following years of growing apart, Harold Lee (Cho) and Kumar Patel (Penn) have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrive at Kumar’s door on Christmas Eve, his attempts to redirect it to Harold’s house ends with the „high grade“ contents - and Harold’s father-in-law’s prize Christmas tree going up in smoke. With his in-laws out of the house for the day, Harold decides to cover his tracks, rather than come clean. Reluctantly embarking on another ill-advised journey with Kumar, through New York City, their search for the perfect replacement tree takes them through party heaven and almost blows Christmas Eve sky high.

Buddy Pictures, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, Stoners 2011 90min. New Line Home Entertainment 07.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106898

Violets Are Blue Kevin Kline, Sissy Spacek, Bonnie Bedelia, Kate McGregor Stewart, John Kellogg

A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray)

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A chance reunion becomes a second chance in Violets Are Blue, a touching, bittersweet love story starring Kevin Kline (The Big Chill) as Henry Squires and Sissy Spacek as Gussie Sawyer. Years ago, Henry and Gussie were high school sweethearts in the small seaside town of Ocean City, Maryland. With lofty dreams and youthful ambition, they parted to build separate lives. Fifteen years later, Gussie - an accomplished photojournalist and single woman - returns to her hometown to reassess her life. She meets Henry again, and hidden emotions are suddenly brought into play. The two must now come to grips with their strong feelings of love and affection that have endured throughout the years. Newly remastered.

Elias Koteas, Neil Patrick Harris, Patton Oswalt, Danneel Harris, Paula Garces, Danny Trejo, Kal Penn, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, David Krumholtz

Romance, Comedy, Drama 1986 Ltbx 16x9 S 86min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106843

Politics, Romance, Royalty, Classics, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1961 Ltbx 16x9 M 114min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106841

Following years of growing apart, Harold Lee (Cho) and Kumar Patel (Penn) have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrive at Kumar’s door on Christmas Eve, his attempts to redirect it to Harold’s house ends with the „high grade“ contents - and Harold’s father-in-law’s prize Christmas tree going up in smoke. With his in-laws out of the house for the day, Harold decides to cover his tracks, rather than come clean. Reluctantly embarking on another ill-advised journey with Kumar, through New York City, their search for the perfect replacement tree takes them through party heaven and almost blows Christmas Eve sky high.

Buddy Pictures, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, Stoners 2011 90min. New Line Home Entertainment 07.02.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106897

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas Elias Koteas, Neil Patrick Harris, Patton Oswalt, Danneel Harris, Paula Garces, Danny Trejo, Kal Penn, Eddie Kaye Thomas, John Cho, David Krumholtz


The Virgin Soldiers Nigel Davenport, Lynn Redgrave, Tsai Chin, Rachel Kempson, Nigel Patrick, Jack Shepherd, Hywel Bennett, Michael Gwynn This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Singapore in 1950, a crop of young British soldiers are trained in the arts of love and war in this darkly comic examination of the perils, tedium and confusion that dominate the day-to-day life in the ranks. Phillipa (Lynn Redgrave, Georgy Girl, The National Health), the daughter of British Sergeant Major Raskin, is the singular object for the sexual speculations of the raw recruits known as the „virgin soldiers.“ Although Phillipa responds to Private Brigg’s (Hywel Bennett, The Buttercup Chain, The Family Way) overtures at a military dance, he is too drunk to consummate the act. When the more mature Sgt. Driscoll (Nigel Davenport, Chariots of Fire) also expresses an interest, he learns that, just like the boys he’s training, Phillipa is a reluctant virgin. Newly remastered.

War, Army, British, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest 1969 Ltbx

16x9 M 95min. SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106920

Virgin Witch Vicki Michelle, Ann Michelle, Patricia Haines, Keith Buckley, Neil Hallett With dreams of becoming fashion models, Christine (Ann Michelle) and her sister Betty (Vicki Michelle) sign with an agency and agree to accompany the owner (Patricia Haines) to a photo shoot at a faraway castle. But the girls soon discover this is no ordinary modeling job. The real reason they’ve been invited is to serve as virgins in an induction ceremony for a coven of witches — a titillating twist that Christine is all too willing to accept.

British, Foreign, Horror 1972 Ltbx 16x9 M 88min. Redemption USA 13.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107092

Virgin Witch (Blu-ray) Vicki Michelle, Ann Michelle, Patricia Haines, Keith Buckley, Neil Hallett With dreams of becoming fashion models, Christine (Ann Michelle) and her sister Betty (Vicki Michelle) sign with an agency and agree to accompany the owner (Patricia Haines) to a photo shoot at a faraway castle. But the girls soon discover this is no ordinary modeling job. The real reason they’ve been invited is to serve as virgins in an induction ceremony for a coven of witches — a titillating twist that Christine is all too willing to accept.

British, Foreign, Horror 1972 Ltbx 16x9 M 88min. Redemption USA 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107483

A Walk In The Spring Rain Anthony Quinn, Tom Holland, Ingrid Bergman, Virginia Gregg, Fritz Weaver This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Libby (Ingrid Bergman) is the bored, middle-aged wife of college professor Roger Meredith (Fritz Weaver). Going on sabbatical, he takes Libby to Tennessee’s Smokey Mountains, where Roger intends to write a book. Upon arriving, Libby and Roger meet Will Cade (Anthony Quinn), the caretaker of the house they are renting. Will is attracted to the reserved Libby and pursues her. Will’s warmth and vitality are the opposite of Roger’s staid academic demeanor and Libby begins to return Will’s interest. When Libby’s daughter asks her to leave Tennessee prematurely to return to New York, she’s torn between her family obligations and the blossoming relationship with Will, and the idyllic rural lifestyle which has stolen her heart. Directed by Guy Green, with a soundtrack by noted composer Elmer Bernstein (The Magnificent Seven). Newly remastered.

Romance, Drama, Marriage Woes 1969 Ltbx 16x9 M 98min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106847

John Wayne Adventure (3 Pack) John Wayne Acclaimed director John Ford and screen legend John Wayne team up for what would be their final collaboration in this boisterous, rowdy South Seas escapade. Hatari! is Swahili for „danger“-and also the word for action, adventure and broad comedy in this two-fisted Howard Hawks effort. John Wayne stars as the head of a daring Tanganyka-based group which captures wild animals on behalf of the world’s zoos. Director Otto Preminger’s epic treatment of the bombing of Pearl harbor details the devastating attack on the Hawaiian naval base. Featuring an all-star cast of: John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Henry Fonda, Patricia Neal and More.

Triple Feature, War, Western, Action, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Epics 432min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106804

John Wayne Western (3 Pack) John Wayne, Ron Howard, Lauren Bacall, James Stewart Acclaimed director John Ford and screen legends John Wayne and James Stewart come together for what is considered to be the modern-day Western to beat all Westerns. Henry Hathaway directs the 1965 psychological

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Western of four sons who reunite in their Texas hometown to attend their mother’s funeral. John (John Wayne) is the gunfighter, Tom (Dean Martin) is the gambler, Matt (Earl Holliman) is the quiet one, and Bud (Michael Anderson Jr.) is the youngest. John Wayne stars in his last movie role as a dying gunfighter who spends his last days looking for a way to die with a minimum of pain and a maximum of dignity. Featuring James Stewart, Lauren Bacall and Ron Howard.

scheme’s „manager,“ Luther then brings in Ralph (Joey Bishop, Ocean’s 11), who works in the sewer and can help them reach the Mint; the Captain, an operator of kiddie playground „boats“ that can navigate the sewers; and Willie (Bob Denver, TV’s Gilligan’s Island), an ice cream vendor to be used as a decoy for attractive busybody Verna (Dorothy Provine, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World). Newly remastered.

Triple Feature, Western, Action, Adventure, Classics, Cowboy, Epics 342min. Paramount Pictures 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106806

On The Job, Caper, Comedy, Crime 1966 Ltbx 16x9 M 103min. SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106921

Westerns Spotlight Collection (High Plains Drifter / Destry Rides Again / Winchester ’73)

Wild Stallion

Western, Classics, Comedy min. Universal Studios 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107305

What My Husband Doesn’t Know Brian White, Clifton Davis Lena Summer (Michelle Williams) is the envy of all her friends. Big house. Successful husband. It’s the perfect life... or so it seems. But with her husband’s busy schedule, the other side of Lena’s bed is too cold too often. When a handsome young plumber (Brian White) is hired to work on their home, the spark Lena’s been seeking quickly rages into a wildfire.

Plays On Stage, African Americans, Drama 2011 113min. Image Ent. 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107249

White Line Fever Slim Pickens, Leigh French, Kay Lenz This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A young Air Force veteran, Carrol Jo Hummer (Jan-Michael Vincent, Baby Blue Marine, TV’s Airwolf), starts in business as the owner-operator of a thirteen-speed, seven-and-onehalf-ton diesel truck, which he „dresses up“ and names „The Blue Mule.“ With his bride, Jerri (Kay Lenz, Falling from Grace, Physical Evidence), he sets off to Tucson, Arizona, where his old friend Duane (Slim Pickens), the manager of a trucking company, gets him a job. But after Carrol Jo realizes he will be carrying illegal cargo and refuses the assignment, he’s beaten by a band of gangsters working for an organized group of criminals headed by Cutler (Don Porter, 711 Ocean Drive). When Carrol Jo’s commitment to staying honest results in even further violent retribution from the trucking syndicate, he has no choice but to team up with other independent truckers to break Cutler’s stranglehold and uphold the rights of the decent working man. Newly remastered.

On The Job, Romance, Action, Crime, Drama 1975 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min. SPHE MOD 05.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106849

The White Sister (1923) / The White Sister (1933) (Double Feature) Clark Gable, Helen Hayes, Lillian Gish, Ronald Colman Romance, Silent Film, War, World War I, Double Features, Drama min. Warner Bros. MOD 25.02.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106659

Who’s Minding The Mint? Jim Hutton, Dorothy Provine, Walter Brennan, Jamie Farr, Milton Berle, Victor Buono, Bob Denver, Joey Bishop, Jack Gilford This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. When United States Mint employee Harry Lucas (Jim Hutton, Major Dundee, Walk Don’t Run) inadvertently destroys $50,000, he enlists the aid of retired printer Pop Gillis (Walter Brennan, To Have and Have Not, Rio Bravo) and expert safecracker Avery Dugan (Jack Gilford, Catch-22) to steal the engraving plates. Deafened by his work in prison, Dugan gets a hearing aid from pawnbroker Luther Burton (Milton Berle) who, learning of the plot, cuts himself in. As the


Robert Wagner, K.C. Clyde, Miranda Cosgrove, Connie Sellecca, Danielle Chuchran, Fred Ward Drama, Family, Horses 2009 min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106794

Winter A Go-Go Beverly Adams, Julie Parrish, Anthony Hayes, James Stacy, William Wellman Jr. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Filmed on location around spectacular Lake Tahoe, this rollicking comedy finds Jeff Forrester (William Wellman, Jr., Born Losers) inheriting a ski lodge where, with friend Danny Frazer (James Stacy, TV’s Lancer), he hopes to create a happening destination causing Jeff to neglect his lovely secretary (Beverly Adams, The Silencers). And then the partners are faced with a problem guest whom they soon learn is actually working for the mortgage-holder who wants to take possession of the now-hot property. Tom Nardini and Julie Parrish co-star in this lively, song-filled romp, featuring a theme song by the Hondells! Newly remastered.

Music, Musical, Classics, Comedy, Drama 1965 Ltbx 16x9 M 87min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106851

The Wrong Box Peter Sellers, Ralph Richardson, Tony Hancock, Nanette Newman, Michael Caine, John Mills, Dudley Moore, Peter Cook This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Set in Victorian England, The Wrong Box is a British black comedy with a splendid cast including John Mills, Ralph Richardson, Michael Caine, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore and last, but definitely not least, Peter Sellers. A strange rule of inheritance allows only the last remaining survivor of a family of siblings to get the sizable legacy, precipitating a dangerous contest between two elderly brothers (Mills and Richardson). Their families get involved too, sparking a wild chase and absurd comedy as they attempt to be the last man standing. Directed by Bryan Forbes (The L-Shaped Room, Séance on a Wet Afternoon). Newly remastered.

British, Classics, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Foreign 1966 Ltbx 16x9 M 107min. SPHE MOD 23.11.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106853

Wyatt Earp’s Revenge Diana Degarmo, Val Kilmer, Matt Dallas, Shawn Roberts, Scott Whyte, Trace Adkins, Daniel Booko, Steven Grayhm, Levi Fiehler Based on the true story of the legendary lawman, Earp recounts how he brought together the Best of the West to avenge the vicious murder of his beloved Dora. Joined by the famed Bat Masterson, Charlie Bassett, Bill Tilghman and Doc Holliday, Earp rides after the Kenedy brothers, who are on a murder spree that spans from Dodge City to Mexico. Protected by their powerful father, the ruthless brothers know that the law won’t touch them - but they gravely underestimated Earp and his posse. Featuring Shawn Roberts, Matt Dallas, Grammy® nominated Country Music artist Trace Adkins and Val Kilmer.

Outlaw Country, Revenge, Western, Action, Crime, Drama 2012 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 06.03.2012

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107237

X Y & Zee Elizabeth Taylor, Susannah York, Margaret Leighton, Michael Caine This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Elizabeth Taylor is Zee Blakeley, the wife of eternally philandering Robert (Michael Caine), in this story of swinging Londoners directed by Brian G. Hutton (Where Eagles Dare). When Robert’s fancy for the beautiful young widow Stella (Susannah York, Tom Jones) threatens to break up her marriage, Zee takes matters into her own hands to try to gain the advantage in their tumultuous relationship. Taylor plays the vulgar, loud and shrewish wife with great relish in the role, her star persona illuminating every scene, making her fun to watch no matter what outrageous lengths she goes to in her bid to eliminate her husband’s mistress. Written by Edna O’Brien (Girl with Green Eyes). Newly remastered.

Rocky Relationships, Romance, British, Drama, Foreign, Marriage Woes 1971 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 108min. SPHE MOD 21.12.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106854

Yesterday’s Enemy Bryan Forbes, Stanley Baker, Leo McKern, Guy Rolfe, Richard Pasco, Gordon Jackson, Philip Ahn, David Oxley This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Val Guest (The Day the Earth Caught Fire, Stop Me Before I Kill!) directs this black and white scope film about a band of British soldiers in an enemy-held village. Cut off by the Japanese advance into Burma, Captain Langford (Stanley Baker, Zulu) and his men seek refuge and attempt to gain information about an upcoming Japanese attack. When his interrogation fails to produce results, Langford horrifies war correspondent Max Anderson (Leo McKern, A Man for All Seasons) and a missionary (Guy Rolfe, Mr. Sardonicus) by ordering two innocent villagers to be killed in an attempt to persuade an informer to talk. But Langford’s harsh methods come back to haunt him when, after the Japanese retake the village, they too resort to senseless murders in their effort to get his cooperation. Newly remastered.

War, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Jungle 1959 Ltbx 16x9 M 94min. SPHE MOD 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106922

Yor: The Hunter From The Future Reb Brown, Corinne Clery, Carole Andre, John Steiner, Alan Collins This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. It is before the dawn of time. Strange, savage beasts roam the earth, foraging for human flesh. Fierce tribesmen prey on the weak and innocent. Mystic sacrifices appease the gods. Yor (Reb Brown, Space Mutiny) is the mightiest warrior of his era. But his own past and true identity-are shrouded in the mists of time. He knows he doesn’t belong in this world, but his only clues to the fleeting memories of his past are the gold medallion around his neck and the beautiful priestess held prisoner in a forbidden city. She wears a matching medallion. Yor is determined to rescue her to find her and the answers, even at the risk of losing his life. The talisman takes him on an incredible journey, joined first by the sensuous cavegirl, Ka-Laa (Corinne Cléry, Moonraker), then by the lusty priestess, Roa (Ayshe Gul). He learns the secrets of the mummified fire people and outwits the brutal fur-draped barbarians of the Northern hills. But it is on a floating island where an army of robots and a psyc

Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Cult Film / TV, Dinosaurs, Fantasy, Monsters 1983 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min. SPHE MOD 06.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106856

You Belong To Me Henry Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck, Ruth Donnelly, Edgar Buchanan, Melville Cooper, Roger Clark This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Shortly after their star-pairing in Preston Sturges’ The Lady Eve, Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda were re-teamed in this lesser-known screwball comedy about a hardworking,

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA intelligent, modern woman and a handsome but slightly oldfashioned playboy. On a ski trip, rich, idle Peter Kirk (Fonda) pursues and falls (literally) for Helen Hunt, M.D. After a courtship of hypochondria, she agrees to marry him on the condition that she will continue to practice medicine. Will the very jealous Peter be able to reconcile himself to his wife seeing male patients? Laughs and sophistication abound from Claude Binyon and Wesley Ruggles, the writer/director team behind Too Many Husbands. Newly remastered.

Romance, Screwball, Classics, Comedy, Marriage Woes 1941 FF M 95min. SPHE MOD 01.02.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106858

You Must Be Joking! Denholm Elliott, Lionel Jeffries, Michael Callan, Arthur Lowe, James Villiers, Bernard Cribbins, James Robertson Justice, Peter Bull, Graham Stark This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. One of several off-beat ’60s English comedies directed by the irrepressible Michael Winner (Death Wish), this cult favorite finds five soldiers - including one Yank played by Michael Callan (Cat Ballou) - sent on a 48-hour scavenger hunt by a military psychiatrist (the legendary Terry-Thomas) who is himself in need of a spot of analysis. The object: to determine which one is the quickest thinker in unpredictable circumstances. An enormous collection of Britain’s finest farceurs, including Lionel Jeffries, Denholm Elliott, Bernard Cribbins, Wilfred Hyde-White, James Robertson Justice, James Villiers, Graham Stark, Arthur Lowe and Peter Bull, plus a lively score by Laurie Johnson (TV’s The Avengers), make this an irresistible treat. Newly remastered.

Slapstick, British, Comedy, Foreign, Military 1965 Ltbx 16x9 M 100min. SPHE MOD 01.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106861

Young Winston Anne Bancroft, Robert Shaw, Simon Ward, Ian Holm, Jane Seymour, Patrick MaGee, Jack Hawkins, Anthony Hopkins, John Mills, Robert Flemyng This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Richard Attenborough’s examination of the early life of Winston Churchill - up until his early days at Parliament, before his marriage - is a fascinating look at the formative years of one of the greatest politicians and most influential world leaders in recent history. Played by Simon Ward (All Creatures Great and Small and TV’s The Tudors), young Churchill is ambitious and over-eager, with a tendency toward boastful over-exaggeration and opportunism, all of which served him well in overturning the low expectations of his father. The film flashes back through three main periods of Churchill’s life narrated by the older, knowing Churchill (well-voiced by Ward, based on Churchill’s own autobiography). In boyhood and adolescence, Churchill’s self-consumed parents, Lord Randolph (Robert Shaw, A Man for All Seasons) and American-born Lady Jennie (Anne Bancroft, The Graduate), are too busy with their own lives in Parliament and social engagements to see him off to boarding school, a task fu

Politics, War, Adventure, Biography, British, Drama, Foreign 1972 Ltbx 16x9 M 151min. SPHE MOD 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106862

Music Chuck Berry: Live At The Toronto Peace Festival 1969 This concert is a testament to the raw power that makes Chuck Berry the true king of rock & roll. His enormous personality has stamped itself on three decades of rock music. Filmed at Toronto’s Rock & Roll Revival in 1969 by D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus. Featured Songs: Rock and Roll Music Long Live Rock & Roll Johnny B. Goode Promised Land Carol Hoochie Koochie Man Maybellene Too Much Monkey Business Reelin’ & Rockin’ Sweet Little Sixteen In The Wee Wee Hours (I Think Of You)

Concerts, Music 1969 FF S 46min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107290


Lindsey Buckingham Live With Special Guest Stevie Nicks One of the most popular and enduring acts for more than 35 years, Lindsey Buckingham takes the stage, reuniting with rock goddess Stevie Nicks to perform some of their classic Fleetwood Mac hits. Filled with smooth solos and catchy melodies, this concert captures the nostalgia of Rock and Roll’s two most talented music icons, featuring music from each era of Buckingham’s enduring career. In this intimate live show, Buckingham delivers a charged and emotional performance, discussing the meaning and controversy behind his work, and includes several of his current hits. Someone’s Gonna Change Your Mind Trouble Big Love Go Insane Down On The Rodeo Peacekeeper Red Rover Never Going Back Again Say Goodbye Murrow Turning Over In His Grave Go Your Own Way

Concerts, Music 2005 58min. Image Ent. 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107250

Lindsey Buckingham Live With Special Guest Stevie Nicks (Bluray) One of the most popular and enduring acts for more than 35 years, Lindsey Buckingham takes the stage, reuniting with rock goddess Stevie Nicks to perform some of their classic Fleetwood Mac hits. Filled with smooth solos and catchy melodies, this concert captures the nostalgia of Rock and Roll’s two most talented music icons, featuring music from each era of Buckingham’s enduring career. In this intimate live show, Buckingham delivers a charged and emotional performance, discussing the meaning and controversy behind his work, and includes several of his current hits. Someone’s Gonna Change Your Mind Trouble Big Love Go Insane Down On The Rodeo Peacekeeper Red Rover Never Going Back Again Say Goodbye Murrow Turning Over In His Grave Go Your Own Way

Concerts, Music 2005 58min. Image Ent. 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107260

Celtic Thunder: Voyage Celtic, Concerts, Music min. Universal - Music 21.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107263

Thomas Dolby: The Sole Inhabitant Deluxe Edition (CD + DVD) Hot on the heels of a string of US performances, Thomas Dolby was recently featured in an extended interview on NPR’s Weekend Edition. This deluxe CD+DVD celebrates the career of this legendary electronic pioneer. Track Listing: Leipzig Is Calling One Of Our Submarines I Live in a Suitcase Flying North The Flat Earth Budapest By Blimp Windpower Europa and the Pirate Twins Hyperactive She Blinded Me With Science Airhead

Music, Pop Music 2006 FF S 90min. Allegro Entertainment 21.11.2006 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107285

From The Jam: A First Class Return This double DVD features a complete sold-out London show plus interviews and extras, including interviews with all of the band members and an album-by-album history by Bruce Foxton and Rick Buckler. Featured songs: All Mod Cons To Be Someone (Didn’t We Have A Nice Time) It’s Too Bad The Modern World Pretty Green David Watts So Sad About Us In The City News of the World Little Boy Soldiers Private Hell Ghosts That’s Entertainment Smithers-Jones In the Crowd Set the House Ablaze When You’re Young Start! Strange Town Eton Rifles Going Underground Down In The Tube Station At Midnight The Gift A Town Called Malice

Music 2009 FF S 160min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107281

Philippe Herreweghe: And The Word Became Song Philippe Herreweghe is first and foremost the choir-master who put back all the freshness and purity into Baroque choral music. He is also the orchestra leader who constantly seeks out new material, from the Romantic to the Contemporary

repertoires. But above all he is the man who, thanks to his incredible energy, kindles a sacred flame whose rays transfix not only the general public but his performers as well. This film portrait thus attempts to capture all these facets via interviews, concerts, and above all rehearsals which lead us from the Bach Cantatas to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.

Biography, Classical Music, Documentary, Music 56min. Kultur 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107448

Let England Shake: 12 Short Films By Seamus Murphy Music, Performing Arts, Pop Music min. Fontana DVD 31.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107150

Nature Babe: Mozart & Friends The Nature Babe series shows kids the wonder and diversity of nature, while introducing them to the greatest composers and artists in history. In Mozart & Friends, the greatest composer in history serves as background for these delightful and colorful butterflies and they flit and fly from flower to flower.

Classical Music, Music min. Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106632

Nature’s Escape: Autumn Splendor Turn your home or office into a peaceful sanctuary with these DVD+2 CD collections. Relax and unwind to a tranquil, soothing environment and find serenity in the stunning scenery and beautiful instrumental melodies. Filmed in High Definition, these sets include original music from awardwinning composers Gary Malkin, Cam Newton, and others. Relax and unwind with the inspiring beauty of fall in New England. View spectacular footage of vibrant colors in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire. Capture the essence of nature’s healing with the gentle sounds of rain showers. Feel the tension of the day wash away with these gentle guitar melodies blonded with soothing rain showers. Track Listing: Journey of Joy Moments in Time Dawning of the Dawn In the Soft Light Passages Taking Time Minor Moods Awakenings Ebb and Flow One of a Kind Open Door 6 String Melody

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2012 180min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107433

Nature’s Escape: Inner Peace Turn your home or office into a peaceful sanctuary with these DVD+2 CD collections. Relax and unwind to a tranquil, soothing environment and find serenity in the stunning scenery and beautiful instrumental melodies. Filmed in High Definition, these sets include original music from awardwinning composers Gary Malkin, Cam Newton, and others. Transform your home into a healing sanctuary and experience complete serenity with beautiful footage of sunrises and sunsets, filmed across the world’s most stunning landscapes. Capture the essence of nature’s healing with the gentle sounds of ocean waves. CD 2 Find serenity and inner peace with these soothing piano melodies blended with ocean waves. Track Listing: Serenity Shores Healing Waters Gentle Retreat Quiet Moods Inner Peace For Greater Good Mystery Moods Pathways Sacred Ground Softly Said Aloft The Promise Another World With Hope Healing Harmonies

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2012 180min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107436

Nature’s Escape: Island Paradise Turn your home or office into a peaceful sanctuary with these DVD+2 CD collections. Relax and unwind to a tranquil, soothing environment and find serenity in the stunning scenery and beautiful instrumental melodies. Filmed in High Definition, these sets include original music from awardwinning composers Gary Malkin, Cam Newton, and others. Relax and unwind with the inspiring beauty of Hawaii. Enjoy spectacular footage of magnificent waterfalls, breathtaking beaches, majestic sunrises, and the soothing sunsets of Hawaii. Capture the essence of nature’s healing with the gentle sounds of a tropical rainforest. Quiet your mind, body, and spirit with these soothing string melodies blended with the peaceful sounds of a rainforest. Track Listing: Gentle Ways Peaceful Easy Paradise Journey Within Echoes Mystic Morning Celestial Tranquil Splendor True Paradise Warm Hearted Dreamscapes Aloha Sunset Cloud Drifter Ascending Awakenings Universe Of Calm

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2012 180min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107432

Synth Pop, Concerts, Electronica, Music min. Eagle Rock 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107125

Nature’s Escape: Mountain Solitude Turn your home or office into a peaceful sanctuary with these DVD+2 CD collections. Relax and unwind to a tranquil, soothing environment and find serenity in the stunning scenery and beautiful instrumental melodies. Filmed in High Definition, these sets include original music from awardwinning composers Gary Malkin, Cam Newton, and others. Relax and unwind with the inspiring beauty of the world’s most majestic peaks. Experience complete serenity with spectacular footage of Patagonia, the Alps of Switzerland, the Rockies, New Zealand, and more. Capture the essence of nature’s healing with the gentle sounds of a mountain stream. Soothe your mind, body, and spirit with these beautiful piano melodies blended with a soothing mountain stream. Track Listing: Tranquil Journey Journey Within Silent Calm Gentle Touch Without Words Sanctuary Spirit Renewed Reflections One Voice True Calm Wild Rose Sunset Free Spirit Sustained Serenity Tenderness A Guiding Light

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2012 180min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107431

Nature’s Escape: Soothing Waters Turn your home or office into a peaceful sanctuary with these DVD+2 CD collections. Relax and unwind to a tranquil, soothing environment and find serenity in the stunning scenery and beautiful instrumental melodies. Filmed in High Definition, these sets include original music from awardwinning composers Gary Malkin, Cam Newton, and others. Relax with the inspiring beauty of the world’s most beautiful waterfalls. Transform your home into a healing sanctuary with this spectacular footage of magnificent waterfalls in Yosemite, Hawaii, California, and Oregon. Capture the essence of nature’s healing with the gentle sounds of waterfalls. Soothe your mind, body and spirit with these healing string melodies blended with flowing waterfalls. Track Listing: Natural Wonder Restful Simplicity Morning Light Gentle Breeze Serenity Evening Calm Impressions Peaceful Moments Dawning Deep Within Spring Aire

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2012 180min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107435

Nature’s Escape: Zen Garden Turn your home or office into a peaceful sanctuary with these DVD+2 CD collections. Relax and unwind to a tranquil, soothing environment and find serenity in the stunning scenery and beautiful instrumental melodies. Filmed in High Definition, these sets include original music from awardwinning composers Gary Malkin, Cam Newton, and others. Relax and unwind with the inspiring beauty of a Japanese garden. Experience complete serenity with spectacular footage of vibrant seasonal colors and peaceful solitude of a traditional Japanese garden. A meditative soundtrack, blended with natural sounds, accompanies the scenery. Capture the essence of nature’s healing with the soothing sounds of a water garden. Quiet your mind, body and spirit with the delicate, soothing melodies of koto and flute blended with a gentle water garden. Track Listing: Healing Meditation Water Garden Simple Affirmations Wings of Dawn Gentle Spirit

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2012 180min. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107434

The Nutcracker Melissa Hayden, Patricia McBride Ballet, Christmas, Dancing, Drama, Family, Holidays 1964 55min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107544

On The Road In a rodeo style factual-doc, On The Road documents the behind-the-scenes story and battles of Rappers Professor Green joins Mike Skinner and The Streets on the 10 Rounds Rap Competition Tour. Locals battle to beat the champ, win money and the right to stay on the Tour of the Rap Competition standings.

Documentary, Music, Rap 2006 47min. Monarch MOD 02.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107232

Owl City: Live In Los Angeles


Owl City: Live In Los Angeles (Blu-ray) Synth Pop, Concerts, Electronica, Music min. Eagle Rock 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106958

Place: Mikhail Baryshnikov Mikhail Baryshnikov Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts 30min. Kultur 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107442

Prokofiev: The Unfinished Diary All that is certain about Sergei Prokofiev is that he was a musical genius and one of the greatest composers of the 20th Century. With the discovery of his personal diaries, the mystery that was Prokofiev is about to be revealed. Prokofiev fled Russia shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution. He spent the next eighteen years trying to build a successful career in North America and Europe. Then, he made a decision which stunned the world: he returned to Russia in 1936, at the height of the Stalinist purges. Now more than fifty years after his death, this documentary reveals the largely untold story about the pivotal eighteen years (1918-1936) outside Russia, the years which sealed his fate. Through the intimate, revealing and often heartbreaking words of Prokofiev’s diaries, the film investigates Prokofiev’s life and art through his own words and the prism of some of his most extraordinary musical creations.

Biography, Classical Music, Documentary, Music 52min. Kultur 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107447

Rusalka: Dvorak Klaus Florian Vogt This highly acclaimed production from the Bayerische Staatsoper, a powerful and fascinating re- interpretation of Dvorák’s fairy-tale opera Rusalka, was a revelation: the young, up-and-coming Latvian soprano, Kristine Opolais, whose performance was rightly hailed by the press as „one of the most vivid and striking accomplishments seen on an opera stage in a long time“ (Vienna’s leading daily Der Standard). With her supple and velvety soprano voice, her captivating physical beauty and her hauntingly moving stage presence, Kristine Opolais perfectly embodies the role of the water nymph who becomes a human being in order to find love.

(Blu-ray) Blues, Concerts, Latin Music, Music, Pop Music, Salsa 2011 min. Eagle Rock 21.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107566

Spin The Mic: New York Rap Battle 2006 An exclusive Double DVD that follows the story of the first ever Spin The Mic competition as the best underground battle rappers from the UK and USA do combat in a plush New York arena. Each MCs fate is decided by their perception, strategy and chance as they spin a mic to select their next opponent. Lose and you’re out! Win, and choose who’s next! Watch as this war of words turns physical and forces the final four to finish on the street. A Two Disc set

Music, Rap, Reality 2006 231min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107235

Spin The Mic: New York Rap Battle 2006 - Disc 1 In Part 1 of this exclusive Double DVD that follows the story of the first ever Spin The Mic competition as the best underground battle rappers from the UK and USA do combat in a plush New York arena. Each MCs fate is decided by their perception, strategy and chance as they spin a mic to select their next opponent. Lose and you’re out! Win? and choose who?s next! Watch as this war of words turns physical and forces the final four to finish on the street. Part one of a two part program.

Music, Rap, Reality 2006 116min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107238

Spin The Mic: New York Rap Battle 2006 - Disc 2 Disc 2 of this exclusive Double DVD that follows the story of the first ever Spin The Mic competition as the best underground battle rappers from the UK and USA do combat in a plush New York arena Each MCs fate is decided by their perception, strategy and chance as they spin a mic to select their next opponent. Lose and you’re out! Win? and choose who?s next! Watch as this war of words turns physical and forces the final four to finish on the street. Part 2 of a 2 Disc set.

Music, Rap, Reality 2006 88min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107236

Styx: The Grand Illusion / Pieces Of Eight

Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Arts 189min. Kultur 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107446

Concerts, Hard Rock, Music, Progressive Rock min. Eagle Rock 31.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106627

Rusalka: Dvorak (Blu-ray)

Styx: The Grand Illusion / Pieces Of Eight (Blu-ray)

Klaus Florian Vogt This highly acclaimed production from the Bayerische Staatsoper, a powerful and fascinating re- interpretation of Dvorák’s fairy-tale opera Rusalka, was a revelation: the young, up-and-coming Latvian soprano, Kristine Opolais, whose performance was rightly hailed by the press as „one of the most vivid and striking accomplishments seen on an opera stage in a long time“ (Vienna’s leading daily Der Standard). With her supple and velvety soprano voice, her captivating physical beauty and her hauntingly moving stage presence, Kristine Opolais perfectly embodies the role of the water nymph who becomes a human being in order to find love.

Concerts, Hard Rock, Music, Progressive Rock min. Eagle Rock 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106701

Styx: The Grand Illusion / Pieces Of Eight (DVD + 2 CD Combo)

Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Arts 189min. Kultur 27.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107491

Concerts, Hard Rock, Music, Progressive Rock min. Eagle Rock 31.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107151

Santana: Live At Montreux 2011

Thielemann: Live Aus Der Semper

Blues, Concerts, Latin Music, Music, Pop Music, Salsa 2011 min. Eagle Rock 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107548

Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 2011 min. Universal - Music 21.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107549

Santana: Live At Montreux 2011

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Richard Thompson: Live At The Celtic Connection Alternative, Concerts, Folk, Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Music min. Eagle Rock 31.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106704

Richard Thompson: Live At The Celtic Connection (Blu-ray) Alternative, Concerts, Folk, Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Music min. Eagle Rock 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106702

Tides Of Life Giant kelp forests of California, impossible blue off the Kona coast, the rich currents of Cozumel Island. Can you describe what you see, or do you just feel it? Color, function, rhythm. All contribute to „Tide of Life.“

Atmosphere DVDs, Music 2007 min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106800

2012 Allstate BCS National Championship Game The 6th annual BCS National Championship Game will feature SEC Champions, 1st ranked, LSU (13-0), against 2nd ranked Alabama (11-1). This will be the first time that the BCS National Championship Game has featured two teams from the same conference, the same division, and the first time it features teams who have already met in the regular season. LSU, led by the Associated Press college football coach of the year, Les Miles will bring their defensive power into New Orleans. The Alabama Crimson Tide will roll in with running back Trent Richardson (Heisman Nominee) who racked up over 1,900 total yards this season and 23 total touchdowns in the most competitive conference in the nation. The Official 2012 Allstate BCS National Championship Game DVD includes the commercial-free game broadcast as well as special bonus features. It is a great addition to any fan’s collection!

Sports, Football, NCAA min. Team Marketing 12.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106709

2012 Allstate Sugar Bowl

TV On The Radio: Nine Types Of Light Alternative, Art Rock, Funk, Indie Rock, Music min. Universal - Music 07.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107430

Umphrey’s McGee: Live Legendary on the jam band circuit, Chicago-based Umphrey’s McGee has perfected the art of progressive improvisation. Swirling guitars and innovative multi-faceted arrangements keep fans on their toes. With power and finesse, this sextet brings jamming to a new level. A flair for spontaneity, dazzling musicianship, and an impressive live presence make Umphrey’s McGee a must-see as they perform Higgins, Morning Song, and many others. Ocean Billy Higgins Got Your Milk (Right Here) Out Of Order Great American The Bottom Half Walletsworth Believe The Lie Eat Words Morning Song Alex’s House Glory

Concerts, Music, Pop Music 2009 118min. Image Ent. 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107252

Umphrey’s McGee: Live (Blu-ray) Legendary on the jam band circuit, Chicago-based Umphrey’s McGee has perfected the art of progressive improvisation. Swirling guitars and innovative multi-faceted arrangements keep fans on their toes. With power and finesse, this sextet brings jamming to a new level. A flair for spontaneity, dazzling musicianship, and an impressive live presence make Umphrey’s McGee a must-see as they perform Higgins, Morning Song, and many others. Ocean Billy Higgins Got Your Milk (Right Here) Out Of Order Great American The Bottom Half Walletsworth Believe The Lie Eat Words Morning Song Alex’s House Glory

Concerts, Music, Pop Music 2009 118min. Image Ent. 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107261

The Wiggles: Pop Go The Wiggles

The 78th Allstate Sugar Bowl will feature the 13th ranked University of Michigan Wolverines (10-2), from the Big Ten Conference, against the 11th ranked Virginia Tech Hokies (11-2), from the Atlantic Coast Conference. The 2011 Wolverines, the first team to win eight home games in Michigan Stadium in a season, lead the conference in rushing defense helping them make their first BCS game since the 2007 Rose Bowl. Virginia Tech earned the ACC’s first-ever BCS at-large bid and will be lead by Hokies’ star David Wilson.

Sports, Football, NCAA min. Team Marketing 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106630

2012 AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic The 2012 AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic will feature the 8th ranked Kansas State Wildcats (10-2), from the Big 12 Conference, against the 6th ranked Arkansas Razorbacks (10-2), from the SEC. This is the first-ever Cotton Bowl meeting between these two top-ranked teams. Arkansas last played Kansas State in 1967.Led by quarterback Tyler Wilson and wide receiver Jarius Wright, Arkansas led the tough SEC in passing yards and receiving touchdowns. While Kansas State brings quarterback Collin Klein who set many schoolrecords including rushing and scoring and will create quite a challenge for the Arkansas defense. The Official 2012 AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic DVD includes the commercial-free game broadcast as well as special bonus features. It is a great addition to any fan’s collection!

Sports, Football, NCAA min. Team Marketing 21.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106930

2012 Discover Orange Bowl The 2012 Discover Orange Bowl will feature the 22nd ranked West Virginia Mountaineers (9-3), from the Big East Conference, against the 14th ranked Clemson Tigers (10-3), from the Atlantic Coast Conference. Both teams bring a high scoring offense which could set Orange Bowl records in Miami. Clemson will make its first appearance in the Orange Bowl since 1981 while it marks the first time West Virginia has been invited. The Official 2012 Discover Orange Bowl DVD includes the commercial-free game broadcast as well as special bonus features. It is a great addition to any fan’s collection!

Sports, Football, NCAA min. Team Marketing 12.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106928

The Wiggles Family, Music, Preschool min. NCircle Entertainment 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107063

2012 Rose Bowl The 98th Rose Bowl will feature the Big Ten Conference Champions, 10th ranked, University of Wisconsin Badgers (11-2), against the 5th ranked Oregon Ducks (11-2), winners of the Pac-12 Conference. This could be the highest-scoring Rose Bowl in history, as Oregon ranks third nationally in scoring offense and Wisconsin ranks fourth. Neither team has been held to fewer than 27 points this season. Two of the nation’s top running backs will be on display in Wisconsin’s Montee Ball (Heisman Nominee) and Oregon’s LaMichael James.

Special Interest 2011 NBA Finals: Dallas Mavericks A 31-year quest for the Dallas Mavericks and their fans ended on a Sunday night in June in Miami as the team hoisted the Larry O’Brien NBA Championship


Basketball, NBA min. Team Marketing 17.01.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107259

Sports, Football, NCAA min. Team Marketing 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106629

2012 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl Two of the nation’s top quarterbacks, Oklahoma State’s Brandon Weeden and Stanford’s Andrew Luck (Heisman Candidate), square off in the 2012 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. Featuring the 4th ranked Stanford Cardinal (11-1), from the Pac-12 Conference against the 3rd ranked Oklahoma State Cowboys (11-1) the champions of the Big 12 Conference, each team brings an explosive offense. The 2012 Fiesta Bowl could be one for the record books!

Sports, Football, NCAA min. Team Marketing 21.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106628

Bag It Is your life too plastic?. Americans use 60,000 plastic bags every five minutes that are then throw away. But where is „away“? Where do the bags and other plastics end up, and at what cost to our environment, marine life, and human health? Bag It follows everyman Jeb Berrier as he navigates our plastic world. Jeb is not a radical environmentalist, but an average American who decides to take a closer look at our cultural love affair with plastics. Jeb looks beyond plastic bags and discovers that virtually everything in modern society-from baby bottles, to sports equipment, to dental sealants, to personal care products-is made with plastic or contains potentially harmful chemical additives used in the plastic-making process. When Jeb’s journey takes a personal twist, we see how our crazy-for-plastic world has finally caught up with us and what we can do about it. The recipient of numerous film festival awards across the nation, BAG IT is a briskly entertaining eye-opening documentary.

Documentary, Environmental 2010 74min. Docurama 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106992

Ballet Victoria: A Leap Of Faith Ballet Victoria is currently in its fifth year of operations, struggling to stay alive. This is a story on how a young artistic troupe stays alive in our economic times, the joys and hardships of keeping alive an artistic dream. Its an old story really, one that requires cooperative effort, a story of dependence, benefits, and of the never ending highs and lows - a classic love story and a business model to be studied as well. HDTV

Ballet, Dancing, Documentary, Performing Arts 2009 48min. Monarch MOD 02.12.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107228

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey Biography, Documentary, Puppets, Sesame Street 2011 80min. Docurama 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106889

Best Of The NBA Slam Dunk Contest Ever since man first looked to the sky, there has been an undeniable fascination with flight. And perhaps no event taps into that spirit quite like the Slam Dunk Contest at NBA AllStar Weekend. For more than a quarter of a century, gifted athletes have raised the bar on the art form known as „the dunk“ and then preceded to soar above it. This DVD traces the roots from 1984 to date of what has become the centerpiece of All-Star Saturday night. Not only will the founding fathers of flight such as Julius Erving and Dominique Wilkins tell their stories, but also more recent stars such as Vince Carter and Blake Griffin reflect on performances that will never be forgotten. Experience the Slam Dunk Contest’s greatest moments and most inventive innovations. Watch dunkers of all shapes and sizes, such as 5’7" Spud Webb, captivate the crowd. Re-live the epic battles between Nate Robinson and Dwight Howard. And dip into the Slam Dunk vault for a look at dazzling gems that haven’t been unearthed in years. It’s all here, now for the first time, the „Best of the NBA Slam Dunk Contest“. So sit back, hit „play“ and ge

Sports, Basketball, NBA 60min. Team Marketing 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107119

Billy Blanks Tae-Bo: Express Billy Blanks Billy Blanks is one of the best selling personalities in fitness with countless top 10 fitness hits! This new release offers differentation, including 8 different 10-minute workout options

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Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305)

Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA to focus on each body area, resulting in maximum burn power!

Tae Bo, Fitness, Health 2012 96min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107358

The Boy Who Plays On The Buddhas Of Bamiyan For over 25 years, Afghanistan has been at war. Over two million civilians have been killed. In March 2001, the ruling Taliban destroyed the tallest stone statues in the world, the ‘Buddhas of Bamiyan’. Over the course of a year, this film follows the story of one of the refugees who now lives in a cave among the ruins.. an 8-year-old-boy called Mir. British film-maker Phil Grabsky travelled alone to central Afghanistan a few months after the fall of the Taliban. His aim was to produce a cinema film that would explore the lives of ordinary Afghans. One young boy caught the film-makers eye. Mir is ever-optimistic; a smile always son his face. He is cheeky, inquisitive and full of humor. And yet, when the film stars he is living on bread and water, and owns nothing - not one toy or book. Through the summer, winter and spring we follow Mir’s life - the scrapes, the fun and the naughtiness - against the magnificent backdrop of Bamiyan and its ruined statues. As Mir grows, the adults around him reveal what life has been like over the past two decades, a period in which hundreds of thousands of children lik

Documentary, Family 2003 96min. Microcinema DVD 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107481

Brazil: An Inconvenient History As Brazil prepares to celebrate its 500th anniversary in the year 2000, it will display to the rest of the world its most brilliant features - heady carnivals, samba, football and a bewildering ethnic diversity. But behind this glittery facade, lies a much more disturbing story - the history of the biggest slave population ever. Whereas 4% of all slaves went to the USA, 40% went to Brazil. This program looks at those 4 million people on whose backs Brazil was built and without home none of its present day culture would have been possible. Using contemporary accounts, the film reconstructs the world as seen by slaves in Brazil over 300 years. Living and working in squalid conditions on plantations or in other cities teeming with disease, most Africans survived only seven years in the New World. The harsh punishments meted out by their white masters took their toll too, and those that could, fled. But many found a way through the daily oppression by forging a new culture fusing the African and European, a culture which permeates the whole of Brazilian society to this day.

Brazilian, Documentary 2000 50min. Microcinema DVD 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107480

Chasing Madoff At approximately 8:30am on December 11th, 2008 two federal agents entered the New York City penthouse of 133 East 64th Street and arrested Bernard Madoff, the admitted mastermind behind the largest act of financial fraud in world history. Ten years prior, Boston based securities analyst Harry Markopolos discovered that Bernard L. Madoff Securities was a Ponzi scheme. Based on the New York Times best-seller „No One Would Listen“, Chasing Madoff is the compelling story of how Markopolos and his team of investigators pieced together a chain of white-collar predators and revealed some of the most frightening truths behind the infamous scandal.

Crime, Documentary 2010 91min. MPI 03.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107602

Chasing Madoff (Blu-ray) At approximately 8:30am on December 11th, 2008 two federal agents entered the New York City penthouse of 133 East 64th Street and arrested Bernard Madoff, the admitted mastermind behind the largest act of financial fraud in world history. Ten years prior, Boston based securities analyst Harry Markopolos discovered that Bernard L. Madoff Securities was a Ponzi scheme. Based on the New York Times best-seller „No One Would Listen“, Chasing Madoff is the compelling story of how Markopolos and his team of investigators pieced together a chain of white-collar predators and revealed some of the most frightening truths behind the infamous scandal.

Crime, Documentary 2010 91min. MPI 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107640

Corman’s World: Exploits Of A Hollywood Revel Ron Howard, Martin Scorsese, Pam Grier,


Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, Eli Roth

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107394

Roger Corman is perhaps the most prolific and influential Hollywood filmmaker mainstream America has never heard of. Alex Stapleton’s documentary Corman’s World: Exploits Of A Hollywood Rebel attempts to rectify that injustice by not only examining Corman and his filmography, but also by attempting to explain why the writer-director-producer is more than just a low-budget schlockmeister. Featuring interviews with heavy hitters of Hollywood including Jack Nicholson, Martin Scorsese, Robert DeNiro, Jonathan Demme, Ron Howard, Eli Roth, David Carradine, Peter Fonda, William Shatner, Pam Grier, John Sayles, Brett Ratner, Bruce Dern, Paul W.S. Anderson, Peter Bogdanovich, and many more actors and filmmakers.

Elmo’s Learning Adventures (Triple Feature) Preschool, Sesame Street 46min. Warner Bros. 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107543

The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue

Documentary 2011 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107516

Join Rip Esselstyn, former Texas firefighter and author of the national bestselling The Engine 2 Diet, as he guides the White and Wali families through an Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue. Watch Rip teach these families how to take control of their health through: With life-saving tips in The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue, it’s easy to own your health - join Rip and learn how to rescue your kitchen today!

Corman’s World: Exploits Of A Hollywood Revel (Blu-ray)

Documentary, Health 52min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106893

Ron Howard, Martin Scorsese, Pam Grier, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, Eli Roth Roger Corman is perhaps the most prolific and influential Hollywood filmmaker mainstream America has never heard of. Alex Stapleton’s documentary Corman’s World: Exploits Of A Hollywood Rebel attempts to rectify that injustice by not only examining Corman and his filmography, but also by attempting to explain why the writer-director-producer is more than just a low-budget schlockmeister. Featuring interviews with heavy hitters of Hollywood including Jack Nicholson, Martin Scorsese, Robert DeNiro, Jonathan Demme, Ron Howard, Eli Roth, David Carradine, Peter Fonda, William Shatner, Pam Grier, John Sayles, Brett Ratner, Bruce Dern, Paul W.S. Anderson, Peter Bogdanovich, and many more actors and filmmakers.

Documentary 2011 90min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107531

Crime After Crime Horribly abused... Wrongfully imprisoned... One signature away from freedom.. Crime After Crime. Her story takes an unexpected turn two decades later when two rookie attorneys, with no background in criminal law, step forward to take her case. Through their perseverence, they bring to light longlost witnesses, new testimonies from the men who committed the murder, and proof of perjured evidence. Their investigation ultimately attracts global attention to victims of wrongful incarceration and abuse, and takes on profound urgency when Debbie is diagnosed with cancer. Filming in and out of prison for over five years, filmmaker Yoav Potash methodically documentted this story as it unfolded. With exclusive access to Debbie Peagler and her attorneys, Crime After Crime tells an unforgettable story of a relentless quest for justice.

Biography, Crime, Documentary 2011 89min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107267

Don Quixote: Nureyev (Blu-ray) Rudolf Nureyev, Lucette Aldous, Ludwig Minkus Rudolf Nureyev and Robert Helpmann are thrilling in this Australian Ballet production. Also starring Lucette Aldous, Ray Powell, and Francis Croese. Shown in wide screen, and digitally restored to its’ original brilliance. Includes Bonus features, such as the details of the film’s restoration, a comparison of the old and new versions as well as a documentary on the making of the film A Little Bit Of Don Quixote.

Dancing, Performing Arts, Ballet 122min. Kultur 27.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107488

El Bulli: Cooking In Progress For six months of the year, renowned Spanish chef Ferran Adrià closes his restaurant El Bulli and works with his culinary team to prepare the menu for the next season. An elegant, detailed study of food as avant-garde art, El Bulli: Cooking In Progress is a tasty peek at some of the world’s most innovative and exciting cooking; as Adrià himself puts it, „the more bewilderment, the better!“

Documentary 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 108min. Kino Video 27.03.2012

Express Russia Depicts the history of Russia from the very beginning of the country till post communist Russia. The film describes the most famous people and events, who influenced the history and development of Russia

Documentary 2008 50min. Monarch MOD 02.12.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107229

The Found Footage Festival: Volume 3 Joe Pickett, Nick Prueher Hosts Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher present an all-new collection of unintentionally hilarious videos found at thrift stores and garage sales across the country. From pool hustlers to public access TV weirdos, from exercising celebrities to toilet training cats, Found Footage Festival: Volume 3 puts them all on display in a loving tribute to the golden age of VHS. Recorded live at the Red Vic Movie House in San Francisco. And much more!

Comedy, Instructional, Short Film Collections 2008 90min. Kino Video 27.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107398

The Found Footage Festival: Volume 4 Joe Pickett, Nick Prueher Hosts Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher are back with a fourth installment of VHS relics they’ve salvaged from thrift stores, garage sales and garbage cans across the country. Found Footage Festival: Volume 4 is chock full of furniture salesmen, rapping celebrities, bachelors in bad sweaters, anthropomorphic Rubik’s Cubes, blowgun enthusiasts and piano-playing rabbits. So sit back, adjust the tracking on your VCR, and enjoy the show. Recorded live at The Loft Cinema in Tucson, Arizona. And much more!

Comedy, Instructional, Short Film Collections 2009 90min. Kino Video 27.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107400

Fresh New thinking about what we’re eating. The underground documentary that became a massive grassroots success, Fresh is the embodiment of the good food movement.

Documentary, Environmental 2009 70min. Docurama 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106993

General Orders No. 9 William Davidson Awarded for its visionary cinematography, General Orders No. 9 breaks from the constraints of the documentary form as it contemplates the signs of loss and change in the American South. The stunning culmination of over eleven years’ work from first time writer-director Robert Persons, General Orders No. 9 marries experimental filmmaking with an accessible, naturalist sensibility to tell the epic story of the clash between nature and man’s progress, and reaches a bittersweet reconciliation all its own.

Documentary 72min. Passion River 20.03.2012

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106911

General Orders No. 9 (Blu-ray) William Davidson Awarded for its visionary cinematography, General Orders No. 9 breaks from the constraints of the documentary form as it contemplates the signs of loss and change in the American South. The stunning culmination of over eleven years’ work from first time writer-director Robert Persons, General Orders No. 9 marries experimental filmmaking with an accessible, naturalist sensibility to tell the epic story of the clash between nature and man’s progress, and reaches a bittersweet reconciliation all its own.

Documentary 72min. Passion River 20.03.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106959

Ghost Encounters: The Queen Mary Documentary, Ghosts 52min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106795

Gilda Live Gilda Radner Comedy, Documentary, Plays On Stage 1980 96min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106910

Girls Gone Wild: All Girl Orgy Are you in the mood for an orgy? Then get ready to meet the hottest, horniest real college girls you’ve ever seen as they lose their clothes and explore their wildest sexual fantasies together. Watch Devan give Stephanie her first lessons in girl-girl sex. Natalie and Cayla are so sweet and innocent you won’t believe how horny they are for each other. 18-yearold Adrienne seduces 19-year-old Katie, who she just met, in the bathroom of a club where they get totally naked and take advantage of each other. You’ll love Bree’s amazing breasts as much as her friend Vanessa does. And then there’s Brittany, Lindsay, Randa and Nicole.. all real girls, getting together and getting off in ways they’ve never dreamed of. Its non-stop party of teasing, licking, kissing, and fondling and it doesn’t end there. These girls will do whatever it takes to please themselves, and each other! It’s all hot, all real and totally uncensored. It’s Girls Gone Wild: All-Girl Orgy!

Girls Gone Wild min. GGW Brands, LLC. 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107437

Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional 2012 FF 240min. Topics Entertainment 10.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107330

How To Die In Oregon In 1994, Oregon became the first state to legalize physicianassisted suicide. As a result, any individual whom two physicians diagnose as having less than six months to live can lawfully request a fatal dose of barbiturate to end his or her life. Since 1994, more than 500 Oregonians have taken their mortality into their own hands. In How To Die In Oregon, filmmaker Peter Richardson gently enters the lives of the terminally ill as they consider whether-and when-to end their lives by lethal overdose. At the heart of the film are the patients themselves, their families and friends, as they grapple with the legal option they are allowed in Oregon. Through their stories, Richardson examines both sides of this complex, emotionally charged issue. What emerges is a lifeaffirming, staggeringly powerful portrait of what it means to die with dignity.

If you think blondes have more fun, get ready to meet some sex-crazed brunettes that will change your mind forever! They’re Girls Gone Wild: Horniest Brunettes! These darkharied hottiest have just one thing in mind - getting naked and getting off! You’re gonna fall in love with 19-year-old Angela from Michigan, even before she shows you you perfect boobs. Casey and Katherine are super-cute brunettes who love to lick nipples and press their naked bodies together. Brittany is so horny she has to drop to the floor of the Girls Gone WIld bus and masturbate right in the hallway! 21-year-old Ashley is pretty as hell, and happy to show you her amazing tanned boobs. Kara gets naked and shows off her top favorite sexual positions, and Vanessa... this totally naked college hottie seems on the verge of an orgasm for her entire GGW interview! You won’t believe how cute these college girls are - andjust wait till you see how wild they get! They’re Girls Gone Wild: Horniest Brunettes!

Girls Gone Wild min. GGW Brands, LLC. 06.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107438

HD Yoga (Blu-ray) Relax, Strengthen, Energize, Transform. Look great, feel great. Relaxation, strength, flexibility, energy: Get all the physical and mental health benefits of yoga with the four complete 60-minute routines in HD Yoga. Each class Basic, Strength, Core and Vinyasa features clear instructions for three different levels of difficulty: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Practicing a single yoga session has been shown in research to greatly decrease the stress hormone cortisol. Imagine what a regular yoga routine could do for you. Start your transformation now with HD Yoga. Filmed in high definition at 8 Limbs, the Seattle studio voted Best Yoga by

dinosaur finds. Travel across the exotic dunes of the Gobi Desert and along the sandstone buttes of New Mexico as scientists make brand-new discoveries about dinosaur behavior, their environments and find what could be the oldest dinosaur ever unearthed in North America. With stunningly realistic and scientifically accurate CGI, you’ll see these amazing creatures come alive ... in a big way! Narrated by Michael Douglas. In mind-blowing IMAX® detail, unravel the enshrouded human time capsules that have become the most fascinating mystery of our time - Egypt’s mummies. Probe ancient tombs to uncover these carefully hidden phenomena, and experience the dramatic adventure of their excavations. Follow top scientists as they embark on a modern-day forensic investigation of the mummies, extracting clues from our past that could have an enormous impact on medical science in our future.

Dinosaurs, Documentary, High Seas, IMAX, Mummies, Prehistoric Times, Ancient Egypt 119min. Image Ent. 14.02.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107527

In Their Own Words:The Tuskegee Airmen

Documentary, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2011 107min. Docurama 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106684

War, World War II, Black Heritage, Documentary, Drama 90min. Team Marketing 13.12.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107333

How’d They Build That?: Big Truck

Jillian’s Travels: Africa In 3D (Blu-ray)

We see them every day - Our favorite big trucks loading, hauling, and delivering the supplies and products we use every day. But where do these big trucks come from? And how are they made? Find the answers on a tour of Navistar’s International Truck Assembly plant in Springfield Ohio. As one of the largest builders of BIG transport trucks in America, we’ll tour their factory as they manufacture a large truck from the very beginning all the way down the assemble line. Get close to all the robots and machinery needed to build those big trucks you see every day. View different models of trucks and examine how they are built behind the scenes. Sit in the cab, and learn how they work from a drivers view. Using colorful 3D animated models and High Definition live action, you’ll see the steps and process it takes to build such Marvelous Machines. So hop on in, and came see how they built that... Big Truck!!

Family 2011 60min. Millennium Entertainment 10.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107248

Transportation, Educational, Family min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106798

How’d They Build That?: Concrete Truck

Girls Gone Wild: Horniest Brunettes


several of the area s respected publications, HD Yoga gives you the opportunity to practice with world-class instructors in the comfort of your own home. Recommended props: yoga mat, block and strap

Is there any truck more fun to watch than a concrete mixer? We’ve all stopped to stare at the giant spinning drum mixing the concrete inside. But did you ever wonder where that construction machine came from or how it was made? Now you can learn all about concrete mixers in a visit to the amazing McNeilus Concrete Truck factory.

Transportation, Educational, Family min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106797

How’d They Build That?: Garbage Truck Maybe it’s all those automated parts that fascinate the giant arms of a side loader, or the huge forked claws of a front loader or even the big crushing tailgate of a rear loader. But did you ever wonder where that refuse collector came from or how it was made? Now can learn all about Garbage Trucks in a visit to the McNeilus factory in Dodge Center, MN.

Educational, Family min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 06.03.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106796

IMAX: Dinosaurs Alive! / Wild Ocean / Mummies (Blu-ray 3D Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) Uncover the mysteries buried beneath our feet! Join the world’s preeminent paleontologists in this eye-popping IMAX adventure as they uncover some of history’s most astonishing

Kink Crusaders Go behind the scenes at the annual International Mr. Leather competition, where men from around the world gather to compete for the title of Mr. Leather. Once a small niche community that was dismissed by critics as a carnival of gay sexual fetishes, leather has gone mainstream, and Kink Crusaders proves why. As it delves into the lives and aspirations of its contestants with humor, tasteful eroticism and pathos, it reveals a group of men for whom spiritual connection, openness and understanding are the true definition of masculinity. This sexy, smart doc dares to ask is there a Kink Crusader in us all?

Adventure, Documentary, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2010 74min. Breaking Glass Pictures 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106892

Klondike: Quest For Gold Complete Series As seen on History Channel comes a new four hour „living history“ series that follows 4 men and 1 woman who retrace the historic route taken during the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush. Their amazing 10-week journey takes them along the infamous Chilkoot Trail, and to the gold fields near Dawson City. Our modern-day prospectors complete this journey with only the clothes, tools and resources of the era and carrying 3000 lbs. of provisions, giving them a true sense of the challenges faced in 1897.

Documentary, History Channel, Reality 188min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107230

Legends Of The Russian Ballet The film is made as a concert which is composed of unique fragments of dances from the famous performances of the great ballet dancers of the XX century, who brought fame to the Bolshoi theatre. The film depicts stories about their creative activities. One could see Ann Pavlova in the dance The Dying Swan, Sulamifj Messerer and Asaf Messerer in the dances specially staged for them, Marina Semenova in Swan Lake, Olga Lepeshinskaya and Peter Gusev, Galina Ulanova in Romeo and Juliette and Zhizelj, Vachtang Chabukiani and Natalia Dudinskaya in Bayadere, Otello, and Laurencia. Maja Plicetskaya in Laurencia, Don Quixot, and Karmen. Ekaterina Maksimova and Vladimir Vasiljev in Spartak as well as the performances staged specially for Igor Beljsky, Nina Ananishvili and Alex Fadeichev, Nadezhda Gracheva in Bayadere.

Ballet, Dancing, Documentary, Performing Arts 2008 47min.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Monarch MOD 02.12.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107231

The Lost Temple Of Java Borobudur in Central Java is unique. In the shape of a pyramid, with four square terraces leading to three circular ones, this extraordinary building is covered with 3 miles of carvings. Situated on a lush palm-covered volcanic plain, this is a building that deserves title of ‘eighth wonder of the world’. Remarkably, this massive construction lay deserted and obscured by jungle for over 1000 year, only to be rediscovered by none other than famous Englishman Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Following a recent complete renovation of its 1.6 million blocks of volcanic stone, many questions can now be answered surrounding this enigmatic temple.

Documentary 1999 50min. Microcinema DVD 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107479

Louder Than A Bomb Every year, more than six hundred teenagers from over sixty Chicago area schools gather for the world’s largest youth poetry slam, a competition known as „Louder Than A Bomb.“ Founded in 2001, Louder Than A Bomb is the only event of its kind in the country - a youth poetry slam built from the beginning around teams. Rather than emphasize individual poets and performances, the structure of Louder Than A Bomb demands that kids work collaboratively with their peers, presenting, critiquing, and rewriting their pieces. To succeed, teams have to create an environment of mutual trust and support. For many kids, being a part of such an environment in an academic context - is life-changing.

Documentary 2010 100min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107268

The Lovers’ Guide 3D: Igniting Desire How to have the best sex of your life.. Twenty years after the original The Lovers’ Guide exploded into the lives of the American public, the groundbreaking guide is back with another no-holds-barred exploration of the pleasures of lovemaking. To mark the anniversary of the series that has brought adult sex advice firmly into the mainstream, the latest installment has been created using cutting edge 3D technology as the next stop in the sexual revolution. Here the audience is engaged with a never-before-seen sense of intimacy and massively richer viewpoint. After selling 1.5 million copies and being distributed in 22 countries and in 13 languages over its colorful 20-year history, The Lover’s Guide 3D: Igniting Desire is now bigger, better and bolder than ever before and will take audiences to an altogether new level of love-making enlightenment. The Lovers’ Guide 3D has been created by the original producers of The Lovers’ Guide series—Robert Page and William Campbell—and fil

Educational, Erotica, Instructional 2011 166min. Kino Video 14.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107012

Tim Marlow At The Courtauld In this series Tim Marlow presents a unique insight into the Courtauld Institute and Gallery, one of the finest small museums in the world. Its collection stretches from the early Renaissance into the 20th century and is particularly famous for its array of Impressionist and Post-impressionist paintings. In his engaging and informative style, Tim will present his pick of the art on display in the galleries, each episode focusing on a number of key works from the Courtauld’s remarkable collection, from the precious golden altarpieces of early Renaissance painter Bernado Daddi to Edouard Manet’s enigmatic work, A Bar at the Folie-Bergére. Tim will journey through art history, exploring the imagery and iconography, the technique and the cultural context that inform what are some of the most profound works of Western Art. Tim will also take an exclusive look at the Courtauld’s ongoing restoration work as well as explore the evolution of the collection itself.

Documentary, Educational min. Microcinema DVD 28.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107476

Tim Marlow Meets: Series One Tim Marlow meets some of the world’s most admired creative individuals to reveal how visual art inspires and motivates them in their life and work. Most creative people have a passion for visual art. For actors, writers or film directors, and not least artists, visual art is an enormous source of inspiration. This series will celebrate that passion through the exploration of a series of artwork chose by the guest. In


each film we visit the guest’s favorite museum or gallery to film six of their favorite artworks - be they paintings, sculptures or photographs. The result is not only a compelling journey into the nature of creativity but also a fascinating look at the life and career of each guest. Tim Marlow’s guests include: Michael Palin - Tate Britain, London Mike Leigh Cartoon Museum - London Paul Smith - At his studio Tony Bennet - Metropolitan Museum, New York Renee Fleming Neue Galerie and Chuck DVD Close’s studio, New York

Documentary 2009 115min. Microcinema DVD 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107477

Tim Marlow On... Carsten Höller Tim Marlow, television’s most engaging art expert, takes an exclusive look behind the scenes of Carsten Höller’s Test Site installation in Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall. The Test Site is a set of five stainless steel slides intended to propel members of the public down from the highest floors of the Tate Modern to the very bottom. The slides invite visitors to become part of the art, move out of their comfort zone, free their senses and slide.. Somewhere between a monumental set of sculptural forms and an oversized, rather menacing, playground, Höller describes his creation as „ a unique experience which forces you to let go, give up control and thick, oh my God, I’m going into the abyss“. Featuring a rare filmed interview with Höller and with unique access from the early stages through the opening day, this film charts the progress of one of the most successful art projects in the world.

Documentary 2006 39min. Microcinema DVD 28.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107478

Mastering Tae Kwon Do: Biography And Demos The Mastering Tae Kwon Do Biography and Demos DVD presents to you some of the most amazing Tae Kwon Do demonstrations ever shown. Grand Master Jong Soo Park is known the world over for the speed, power, and accuracy of his amazing flying kicks and you will get to see all accompanied by a terrific collage of authentic Korean music. You will also see hundreds of rare photos and follow the personal history of Tae Kwon Do’s guiding light through the course of this immensely entertaining martial arts DVD. A must for any mixed martial arts student or fan.

Documentary, Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts 45min. BayView Entertainment 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107106

Mastering Tae Kwon Do: Black Belt Sparring This is the Tae Kwon Do martial arts instruction DVD that people have been waiting years for. Grand Master Jong Soo Park teaches the art of Black Belt Sparring, including combinations that work, drills, do’s and don’ts, as well as giving you a private one-on-one lesson with the master. This DVD is taught by a real Korean Champion and with no fluff, just real deal techniques that work not just theoretically but in actual sparring situations. A must have for every fighting champion, mixed martial arts, and future fighting champion.

Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts 51min. BayView Entertainment 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107104

Park Learn from Grand Master Jong Soo Park, the man who was there the day Tae Kwon Do was formed. In fact, Master Park was the person who General Choi used to demonstrate many of the actual forms on that unforgettable day when the Korean arts were given the name Tae Kwon Do. He tells about the General’s last wishes and what his dreams were for the future as he sat at the bed before the Founder passed away. You will learn where Tae Kwon Do really came from the dreams of its founder, and the real Tae Kwon martial arts Do truths - presented with no politics. This is an important historical DVD that all can learn from as Master Park speaks the truth about the roots of Tae Kown Do as never before. A must for any mixed martial arts student or fan.

Documentary, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts 59min. BayView Entertainment 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107105

Mighty Machines: Smash, Mash, And Crash! Technology min. NCircle Entertainment 14.02.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107067

NHL Road To Victory: The New York Rangers Story Mark Messier Where were you when Mark Messier was traded to the Rangers on October 4th, 1991, or when Mike Keenan was named the head coach of the Blueshirts and the dominoes began to fall? Where were you when you found out Mark Messier guaranteed victory — then delivered it — against the Devils? Remember, he made the guarantee the day before, then followed through the next night. And where were you when the waiting was finally over on June 14th, 1994 and the New York Rangers ended a 54 year drought and became Stanley Cup Champions? Road To Victory is a celebration of the most impactful and greatest days of the 1994 season. These are the stories from the passionate and devoted fans who lived through the every heartbreaking defeat and epic ending. For Rangers fans, Road To Victory is your story. Road To Victory is a gathering of the never before heard passionate, emotional and unforgettable stories of Rangers fans and also the Blueshirt legends like Mark Messier, Brian Leetch, Mike Richter, Mike Keenan, Adam Graves and many others that helped make these moments happen. This is the untold story behind the Rangers day

60min. Warner Bros. 17.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107501

On The Trail Of Bin Laden This film follows the path of Bin Laden from his last sighting as he entered the Tora Bora Mountains. Using hidden cameras our Arab reporter follows his path through towns and mosaics in Pakistan loyal to him, and to the training grounds where several of the 9/11 hijackers were trained.

Terrorism, War In The Middle East, Documentary 2004 52min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107233

One Lucky Elephant A ten-thousand pound love story.. One Lucky Elephant.

Mastering Tae Kwon Do: Hand Basics This martial arts DVD will teach you all the hand basics of Tae Kwon Do, including blocking, striking. as well as stances and blocks with your legs. Master Jong Soo Park makes this the absolute perfect beginner’s DVD with his easy-to-learn teaching methods demonstrating the correct ways to punch alongside open-hand techniques, the correct way to block, correct stances, and much more. He demonstrates all of the moves with such clarity that you will be totally amazed by his attention to detail that few TKD teachers go in to. If you have been training for less than one year or are into mixed martial arts, this is an absolute must-own DVD.

Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts 61min. BayView Entertainment 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107103

Mastering Tae Kwon Do: Historical Interview With Jon Soo

Documentary 2010 81min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107269

Quest For The Bay Series As seen on PBS comes the complete DVD series of this thrilling „living history“ series about eight „average people“ (7 men and one women) who volunteer to relive an adventure. The epic 1200 kilometer journey by the Hudson’s Bay Company fur traders of 1840s from Winnipeg, to the Hudson Bay. They undertake this grueling and difficult journey through the heart of the Canadian wilderness in a historically accurate York Boat (a hand made wooden boat 40 ft. x 8 ft.) with only period provisions. Rowing 12 to 14 hours a day, carrying 180 lb. packs, shooting the rapids, and covering over 1200 kilometers, the trip will take eight to twelve weeks. The journey is an exploration of the strength of the human spirit, and a return to the real experiences when empires battled for the the wealth of the new world. This Three Disc set features all 5, 47 minute episodes of this acclaimed series. Episode 1 and 2 on Disc 1. With Episode 3 and Four on Disc 2 and Episode 5 (the final Episode) on Disc 3.

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA Wilderness, PBS, Reality 235min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107265

17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107239

Street Talk And Tux

Quest For The Sea: Complete Series As seen on PBS stations comes this new „living history“ series about two modern families who travel back in time to experience life as it was lived in a 1937 rural Newfoundland outport fishing community. The two families, the Wheelers and the Murrays, as well as Mary Ann and Ralph two outsiders that will be living with each of households, spend two eyeopening months fishing for cod and preparing authentic meals with only the bare necessities at their disposal. Both families must learn to conserve what little food they have for the duration of the summer. The women find out that cooking takes an entire day, and the men leave to fish at dawn and don’t arrive home until dusk. Everyone struggles with fatigue and exhaustion. Tensions rise as personalities clash among the group and as time runs out for the outport to meet its fishing quota. Experience the remarkable ups and downs of life in Hay Cove, New Foundland.

PBS, Reality 2004 184min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107234

Leslie Sansone: Just Walk Leslie Sansone Ultimate 5 day walk plan!. This DVD contains multiple workouts designed to create a complete plan for the week:

Fitness, Health 2012 min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107360

Kathy Smith Timeless: Step Aerobics Workout Kathy Smith’s Timeless Collection.

Fitness, Health 70min. BayView Entertainment 20.03.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107102

Kathy SmithTimeless: Great Buns & Thighs Step Aerobic Workout Kathy Smith’s Timeless Collection. Step 1 - Cardio Enter the fat-burning zone with this calorie-zapping cardio step routine. Simple moves get your heart rate up, while warming up your lower body for some serious shaping! Step 2 - Sculpt For the ultimate long and lean muscles, Kathy’s signature Butt + Leg Power-Shaping Moves will hit all the spots! Sculpt your legs and lift your buns while increasing your lean muscle mass which will help you burn more calories (even while you’re sleeping!). Walk with newfound confidence in your favorite jeans! Step 3 - Floor Trouble spots be gone! Take it down, and put the finishing touches on your lower body with Kathy’s floor-based toning moves. Use these specialized, targeted routine to perfect the shape of your glutes, hips and thighs. Also includes special segment with weights for increased intensity and benefits. Bottom line results for a great bottom!

Fitness, Health 50min. BayView Entertainment 20.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107101

J.B. Smoove JB Smoove is a gifted writer, comedian and actor who continues to entertain audiences all over the world with his unique brand of comedy. When JB’s not touring the country with his stand-up act, he’s making millions laugh at home with his reoccurring roles in Everybody Hates Chris and Curb Your Enthusiasm. This hilarious extended and uncensored feature-length special includes exclusive behind-the-scenes special features and is a must-own for all stand-up fans.

Comedy 2012 61min. Comedy Central 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107449

Spirit Of Hiroshima Looks at the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima through the eyes of those who lived through it, and those who live in the city now. The film follows a Japanese family who lives in modern Hiroshima as they take their children to the 50th year ceremony.


Documentary 1998 52min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107240

From Playboy TV comes a kind of reality series. 6 people (three hot girls and three buff guys) let us invade their lives 24 hours a day for 3 months while they all live in a castle in the Hollywood Hills. We told them they would be followed by cameras everywhere they went. We didn’t tell them was that their were hidden cameras recording them also. Wilder then Big Brother! Be a fly on the wall as you watch their conflicts, fights, and courtships. See how real people can be when they don’t think the camera is on them.

Reality 2006 264min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107266

Sweet Death Terrorism is the main threat to the worlds order. The most dangerous weapon ofterror is a suicide-attacker or a socalled suicide bomber. What makes young people do so? The authors of the film are looking foran answer to this question investigating the history of activities of religious sects, whose psychology has initiated mass suicides, as well as studying interviews with suicide-attackers, who have survived, and their parents.

UFC 140: Jones Vs. Machida Lyoto Machida, Jon Jones Their dynamic styles have baffled opponents and allowed them to sail to the top of the light heavyweight division. UFC champion Jon „Bones“ Jones will look to follow up his finish of „Rampage“ Jackson by defeating another former title holder, Lyoto „The Dragon“ Machida.

Terrorism, War In The Middle East, Documentary 2008 45min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107241

Sports Entertainment, UFC, Fighting 2011 300min. Starz / Anchor Bay 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107472

The Swell Season

UFC: Best Of 2011

The world fell in love with Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová-the duo behind the band the Swell Season-when their songwriting collaboration in the indie film Once culminated in a euphoric Oscar® win. Behind the scenes, though, a grueling two-year world tour threatened to destroy their remarkable bond. Offering an intimate glimpse into the exhilaration and the turmoil of both love and fame, The Swell Season follows Glen and Markéta through a three-year period of incredible intensity, pressure and passion. As the two wake up in strange towns and navigate a new realm of public exposure, they undergo intense changes that lead them to question their love, their ambitions, and their identities. Ultimately, the audience witnesses the unraveling of a romance and the reconfiguring of a beautiful musical collaboration. A fresh, probing documentary overflowing with music, ardor, and authenticity, The Swell Season narrates a love story between two searching souls forever linked by their music.

Documentary, Music, Rocky Relationships, Romance 2011 91min. Docurama 13.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106994

Talking With Spirits A strange-but-true journey into the spirit world. See trance dancers possessed by gods. Learn how spirit channels from the unseen world assist healers. Join in the midnight graveyard rituals as high priests bring down the spirits to activate ceremonial masks.

Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 90min. Passion River 13.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106902

Teahupoo Uncut

JB Smoove: That’s How I Dooz It

War, World War II, Documentary 1996 56min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012

A powerful film that follows the lives and devastating histories and dreams of individual homeless street kids as they attend the only annual Prom for homeless youth in the country. Here for one brief night, they strut, eat, dance, laugh, and forget their lives at a traditional teenage rite of passage.

True Lives: Complete Series

Surf, Documentary min. Red 14.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107209

Titanic: The Complete Story The „unsinkable“ Titanic was a dream come true: four city blocks long and a passenger list worth 250 million dollars. But on her maiden voyage in April 1912, that dream became a nightmare when the giant ship struck an iceberg and sank in the cold North Atlantic. More than 1,500 lives were lost in one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. Now, the complete sensational history of the premier liner is recounted in Titanic: The Complete Story. Using newsreels, stills, diaries, and exclusive interviews with survivors, Titanic: The Complete Story charts the fateful history of the ship and its passengers as well as providing an overview on the popular culture phenomenon that this tragedy has become. The Definitive Story In 3 Feature-Length Programs: Elite divers explore the explosive theory that the doomed liner may have had a fatal design flaw - using advanced CGI technology, archive documents and photographs, as well as footage from modernday History expeditions.

Disasters, Documentary, High Seas, History Channel 1994 300min. A&E 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107572

Re-live every great moment, knockout, submission and fight with the UFC: Best Of 2011. All the UFC superstars are featured in their most spectacular bouts.

Sports Entertainment, UFC, Fighting 2011 400min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107473

UFC: Best Of 2011 (Blu-ray) Re-live every great moment, knockout, submission and fight with the UFC: Best Of 2011. All the UFC superstars are featured in their most spectacular bouts.

Fighting, Sports Entertainment, UFC 2011 400min. Starz / Anchor Bay 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107493

Under The Boardwalk: The Monopoly Story Rolling the dice is just the beginning . . .. A worldwide cultural phenomenon, the classic board game Monopoly® has been played by over a billion people in the last 75 years. From helping WWII POWs escape to cropping up in movies and television since its inception, Monopoly®’s rich history is revealed in this fascinating documentary, narrated by Zachary Levi (Chuck).

Documentary, Games 2010 88min. Docurama 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106683

Urban Warrior From Waco to the WTO protests, weaponry and tactics once reserved for the battlefield have been used in police operations on U.S. soil. „Urban Warrior“ investigates the debate over the use of military tactics in law enforcement.

Documentary, Military 2002 52min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107242

Urbanized A feature-length documentary about the design of cities, Urbanized looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities. This film serves as the third part of Gary Hustwit’s design film trilogy, joining Helvetica and Objectified.

Documentary 2011 85min. New Video DVD 14.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106688

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Januar 2012

Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106436

Urbanized (Blu-ray) A feature-length documentary about the design of cities, Urbanized looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities. This film serves as the third part of Gary Hustwit’s design film trilogy, joining Helvetica and Objectified.

Documentary 2011 85min. New Video DVD 14.02.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106781

Vintage Holiday Extravaganza A collection of extremely rare Christmas short subjects, public service spots, and toy commercials.

Christmas, Classics, Holidays min. Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106631

WWE: You Think You Know Me The Story Of Edge (Blu-ray) Edge You think you know him - he’s the Rated-R Superstar, the Ultimate Opportunist, and one of the most decorated champions in WWE History. Edge has won more than 30 championships, including 11 world championships and a record 14 tag team championships. He’s the only superstar in history to win the King of the Ring, the Royal Rumble, and Money in the Bank. And now that his career has been cut too short, fans can relive his entire storied career in the first ever home video biography to chronicle this Canadian superstar’s rise through the independent ranks into WWE. The release is also packed with career-spanning matches hand selected by Edge himself.

Documentary, Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. WWE Home Video 10.04.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107644

Telefonische Bestellannahme: Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen.

X-Treme Girl Games Bikini Special

What Is The Electric Car? Transportation, Documentary, Environmental 75min. Celebrity Video Distribution 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107373

WWE: Triple H (Blu-ray) Kane, John Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley Triple H continues to build upon his enduring legacy. The 13time world champion upped his game in 2011 first taking on Undertaker in a brutal No Holds Barred Match at WrestleMania XXVII and then shocking the world when he relieved his father-in-law, Vince McMahon of power to take control of Raw as the new COO. Triple H continued on even with a superstar walkout forcing him out of his position, followed by memorable bouts with CM Punk and former friend Kevin Nash. Now the Game looks back at his storied career, as this DVD collects more than two dozen of his greatest matches, along with all-new interviews where Triple H reflects on these touchstone moments throughout the years.

Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE min. WWE Home Video 13.03.2012

Sports, Extreme Sports 2006 22min. Monarch MOD 04.01.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107243

You Don’t Know Jack: The Jack Soo Story Max Gail, Nancy Kwan, George Takei You Don’t Know Jack: The Jack Soo Story tells the fascinating story of a pioneering American entertainer Jack Soo, who became the first Asian American actor to be cast in as a lead in a regular television series Valentines Day (1963) and later starred in the popular comedy show Barney Miller. The film features rare footage and interviews with Soo’s costars and friends, including actors George Takei (The Green Berets), Nancy Kwan (Flower Drum Song) and Max Gail (Barney Miller), comedians Steve Landesberg, and producer Hal Kanter (Valentine’s Day). The film also explores why Soo, a Japanese American who was interned during WWII, changed his name to avoid post-war racial discrimination and how he used his experiences to create his unique brand of comedy.

Documentary 69min. Passion River 06.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40106909

Newsletter 01/12 (Nr. 305) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann

© (2011) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler


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