1 Caroline. 2 What? Where? How?

1 Basis: New friends 1 Caroline a) What is Caroline talking about? Read the text and the headings then write the numbers in the boxes. Worüber spric...
Author: Calvin Bergmann
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Basis: New friends

1 Caroline a) What is Caroline talking about? Read the text and the headings then write the numbers in the boxes. Worüber spricht Caroline? Lies den Text und die Überschriften, dann schreibe die Nummer der Überschrift in die Kästchen. 1 My family

2 Where I live

3 My pets

4 My hobbies

5 About me

6 My  favourite

food and drink

Hello, everybody!

5 My  name is Caroline. I’m eleven. I’ve  got a twin brother, George. He’s funny.

We’re from Manchester. We’re new in Camden.  That‘s a part of London. We live in a small house with our mum and dad.

My  favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is lemonade.

I’ve  got a rabbit and a dog. My rabbit’s name is Daisy and my dog’s name is Patch. Patch likes popcorn and I like popcorn, too.

I like inline skating, football, dancing and music. I’ve got a blue MP3 player.

b) Read again and find: Lies noch einmal und finde: three words for family members How to...

two towns

work with words

two pets two food words a drink

2 What? Where? How? Write questions. Schreibe Fragen. LiF

1. name – what’s – your


2. from – where – you – are 3. old – how – you – are



Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

There are lots of posters in my room. Bye. 


Basis: New friends

3 Countries Find the countries. Fill in the missing letters. Entschlüssele die Länder. Setze die fehlenden Buchstaben ein. G





ex • anc • urk • erm • uss • Isr







4 Oleg and Sarh Describe the kids. Say what they have got and what they like. Beschreibe die Kinder. Sage was sie haben und mögen.

Oleg 10, lives in Moscow, has got two brothers (Dimitri, 5 years old and

Sarah 11, lives in Jerusalem, has got two brothers (Zani, 16 years old and

Maxim, 8 years old) has got a dog (Boyar), likes basketball, skateboarding, has got a cool skateboard, favourite food = cheeseburger

Aaron, 13 years old) has got a hamster (Freddy), likes music, sports, shopping, favourite food = apple cake

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

This is Oleg. He is 10 years old. He lives in …

This is Sarah. She lives in …

LiF 3-5

5 Meet Katie and George a) Watch the clip about Katie and George. Tick what they say. Sieh dir den Film über Katie und George an. Hake ab, was gesagt wird. I love pasta and chocolate. My favourite food is pizza. I live at home with my mum, my dad and my sister. I like tennis, I like netball and I like football.


I ’m twelve years old and I live with my parents in a house in London. I'm from London. My favourite sport is football. I love rock music.

b) Watch the clip again. What else can you understand? Sieh dir den Film noch einmal an. Was kannst du noch verstehen? seven



Basis: New friends

6 A phone call a) Listen to the dialogue. Tick (   ) when the friends meet. Höre dir das Gespräch an. Hake ab, wann sich die Freunde treffen.










How to... listen

b) Listen again and fill in the names. Höre dir das Gespräch noch einmal an und setze die Namen ein. calls Caroline. and Caroline’s

would like to come at the weekend. says yes. wants to bring a guitar.

7 Caroline’s room a) What is there in Caroline’s room? Write about it. Was gibt es in Carolines Zimmer? Schreibe es auf. There is There is LiF

There is


There are There are There are b) Write about YOUR room. Schreibe auf was es in deinem Zimmer zu Hause gibt. There is There are



Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

can bring some chocolate.


Basis: New friends

8 New friends a) Read Caroline’s email in number 6 of your textbook again (page 22). Match the people with the hobbies. Lies noch einmal Carolines E-Mail in Nummer 6 im Schülerbuch. Verbinde die Personen und ihre Hobbies.

How to... read

b) Work with a partner. Imagine you are Caroline and one of her friends. Interview each other. Arbeite mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin. Eine/r von euch ist Caroline, der/die andere ist eine/r von Carolines Freunden. Befragt euch gegenseitig.

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your hobby?

Who are your friends?

9 Odd one out Which word is the odd one out? Circle it. Welches Wort passt nicht? Kreise es ein. cat • goldfish • dog • giraffe

football • basketball • swimming • baseball

friend • brother • sister • grandfather

guitar • drum • violin • book

10 Say it in English Was sagst du auf Englisch, um … … jemanden zu begrüßen?

… jemand nach seinem Namen zu fragen? How to... help out

… jemanden vorzustellen?

… jemand zu fragen wo er/sie herkommt?




Basis: New school

11 In the classroom


Listen to the classroom scene and tick (   ) what you hear. Höre dir die Klassenzimmerszene an un hake ab, was du hörst. Can I open the window, please?

Do you need help?

Can you open your books, please?

Can you help me, please?

Can you open your school bags, please?

Can I help you?

What’s ‘ruler‘ in German?

What is the problem?

Are you new here?

We’ve got a new girl in class.

Can I have your exercise book, please?

We’ve got a lot of pupils in our class.

b) Listen to the classroom dialogues again and repeat what you hear. Höre dir die Klassenzimmerdialoge noch einmal an und sprich sie nach. c) Work with a partner and act out the dialogues. Arbeite mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin. Spielt die Dialoge nach.

12 Claire’s classroom a) Listen to Claire talking about her classroom. Colour in the things she describes. Höre Claire zu. Sie spricht über ihr Klassenzimmer. Male die Dinge aus, die sie beschreibt.

S 35

How to...

b) Write three sentences about Claire’s classroom. Schreibe drei Sätze über Claires Klassenzimmer.

wordbank At school

There is a There are There 10


in Claire’s classroom.

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012



Basis: New school

13 Scrambled questions a) Put the words in the right order to make questions. Bringe die Wörter in die richtige Reihenfolge, um Fragen zu stellen. brown – ruler – is – the ? nice – the – teacher – is ?

LiF 16

there – a – whiteboard – is ? are – three – there – schoolbags ? classroom – are – there – the – desks – five – in ? in – timetable – the – is – classroom – there – a ? there – pin board – are – posters – the – on – the ? a – calendar – is – on - the – wall – there ? b) Write two more questions. Schreibe noch zwei Fragen auf.

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

c) Work with a partner. Ask and answer each other four of the questions. Arbeite mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin. Stellt euch gegenseitig vier Fragen und beantwortet sie.

14 Who’s who? Look at the pictures of Caroline's classmates. Then read the descriptions and fill in the names. Sieh dir die Bilder an von Carolines Klassenkameraden. Dann lies die Beschreibungen und setze die Namen ein. Martin

Daisy Frank Fiona

He has got red hair. He has got a green schoolbag.

He has got brown hair. He likes music. His name is

His name is

She has got black ha ir. She has got a green fol

He has got brown hair. He likes music.

Her name is

His name is





Basis: New school

15 Crossword puzzle 6

Do the crossword puzzle. Write down the English words. Löse das Kreuzworträtsel. Setze die englischen Wörter ein.


wordbank At school


1 Stühle 4 Lineal 7 Schere 8 Schultasche 10 Tische

2 Lehrer 3 Radiergummi 5 Klassenzimmer 6 Hausaufgaben 9 Bleistifte


5 4 9


8 10

a) Find all the school words in the snake. Write them down. Finde alle Schulwörter in der Wortschlange. Schreibe sie auf.

ru ber b u rr rule


b) Write down the words in alphabetical order. 1








5 12


olb ags s

r he ciss c a orsstudentte

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

16 A word snake


Basis: New school

17 In the bag a) What is in the schoolbag? Put the letters in the right order. Was ist in deiner Schultasche? Setze die Buchstaben in die richtige Reihenfolge. 1

6. ruelr

1. pcliens


7. pceasilnce

3 2. pnes


8. soscriss

5 6

3. bosok

4. hwomroek

5. rbeubr

b) Work with a partner. Ask six questions with What’s … in English? Arbeite mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin. Stelle sechs Fragen mit What's … in English?

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

What’s Hausaufgaben in English?

It’s ‘homework’. What is Schere in English?

It’s 'scissors’. What’s …

18 School in the past This is a a classroom in 1910. What can you see? What is there? Is it like your classroom? What is similar? What is different? Dies ist ein Klassenzimmer von 1910. Was kannst du sehen? Ist es wie dein Klassenzimmer? Was ist ähnlich und was ist anders? There is …

There are …

I can see …

We haven't got …

The desks are different.





Auf den Test yourself-Seiten hast du Gelegenheit zu überprüfen, was du in Theme 1 gelernt hast. Bearbeite erst einmal der Reihe nach alle Aufgaben. Überlege anschließend, welche Aufgaben dir leicht gefallen sind, welche nicht ganz einfach waren und welche du richtig schwierig fandest. Deine Ergebnisse kannst du mit den Lösungen hinten im Workbook vergleichen und dann deine Punktzahl eintragen. Dort findest du auch Lerntipps für die Vorbereitung der nächsten Klassenarbeit. Die Test yourselfSeiten helfen dir bei deiner Selbsteinschätzung mit den Portfolio-Fragebögen.

1 Listening: New friends Listen to the dialogue. Tick (   ) what you hear. Höre dir den Dialog an. Hake ab, was du hörst.

S 36

1 I’m from Munich




2 Welcome to Camden




3 Do you like London




4 I love ice cream von


5 What’s his 6 His



her Its


cats. name?

name is Patch.

Read the text. Tick (   ) if the sentences are right or wrong. Lies den Text. Entscheide, ob die Sätze richtig oder falsch sind, und mache Häkchen. My name is Patch. I live in Camden. I’m Caroline’s dog. Caroline is eleven years old. Her friends are Gillian, Rajiv and Charlie. They like pets. Charlie has got a goldfish. His name is Fritz. Gillian has got a cat. Her name is very funny. She is called Mrs. Killmouskey. Rajiv hasn’t got a pet. He likes playing football with me.

right 1 Caroline’s dog lives in Berlin. 2 Caroline is eleven years old. 3 The four children like pets. 4 Rajiv has got a goldfish. 5 The goldfish is called Fritz. von



6 Gillian’s cat has got a funny name. 7 Gillian likes playing footbal with Patch. fourteen


Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

2 Reading: Patch’s story



3 Speaking: Say it in English Wie sagst du auf Englisch, dass 1 … du neu hier bist?

A I have got a cat.

2 … ihr aus Berlin kommt?

B I like pizza.

3 … du mit deinen Eltern in einem kleinen Haus wohnst?

C I am new here.

4 … du ein Haustier hast?

D We are from Berlin.

5 … du Pizza magst?

E There are lots of posters in my room.

6 … du in deinem Zimmer viele Poster hast?

F I live in a small house with my mum and dad.









4 Writing: That’s me Complete the sentences. Vervollständige die Sätze. My name is I live

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

I am

years old.

My favourite colour is My favourite sport is I like (three things)



I have got (three things)

5 Words: Odd one out Which word is the odd one out? Welches Wort passt nicht zu den anderen? 1 schoolbag • pencil case • football • pencil • pen 2 boy • girl • sister • brother • cat 3 goldfish • dog • lion • hamster • parrot 4 red • blue • happy • yellow • green 5 music • football • inline skating • jeans • basketball



6 students • chairs • desks • whiteboard • popcorn fifteen



Extra practice

E1 Listening: Hi, I’m George

S 37

Listen to George. Tick (   ) what you hear. Höre George zu. Hake ab, was du hörst.

How to...

I live in Camden




I’ve got a twin brother We’ve got a dog



Caroline has got a dog


. rabbit


I like to play football with Charlie Rajiv plays the guitar





E2 Reading: Claire Read the text. Tick (   ) if the sentences are right or wrong. Lies den Text. Entscheide, ob die Sätze richtig oder falsch sind, und mache Häkchen. read

This is Claire. Claire is from Manchester. She is eleven years old. Claire and Caroline are friends. They send emails. Sometimes they talk on the phone. Claire has got blond hair and green eyes. She likes music and films. She doesn’t like football. Her favourite food is lasagne. right


1 Claire isn’t twelve. 2 Claire is Caroline’s sister. 3 Claire sends letters to Caroline. 4 Caroline and Claire sometimes talk on the phone. 5 Claire has got blue eyes. 6 Claire likes football.

E3 Grammar: Rajiv Complete the sentences with the missing words. Vervollständige die Sätze mit den fehlenden Wörtern.

LiF 3

he • I • she • it • they

Hi, my name is Rajiv. live in a house. day. My best friend is Charlie. 16


am twelve. I have got a sister. is small. My parents have got a shop. is cool.

is called Sheree. We work there every

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

How to...


Extra practice

E4 Speaking: An interview Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Then swap roles. Arbeite mit einem Partner/einer Partnerin. Einer von euch fragt, der andere antwortet. Wechselt euch ab. What’s your name?

Have you got brothers and sisters?

Where are you from?

Have you got a pet?

How old are you?

What do you like?

What is your favourite colour?

What’s your telephone number?

E5 Grammar: a or an Do you need a or an? Write down the things in the list. Brauchst du a oder an? Trage die Sachen in die Liste ein.

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012



LiF 2

older brother • white house • orange MP3 player • room • funny dog • old book • new hobby • friend • school • exercise book • open window

E6 Grammar: New in Camden LiF

a) Read Caroline’s statements and fill in the missing verbs from the box. Lies Carolines Aussagen und setze die fehlenden Verben ein.


am • is • are

1 I 2 Patch 3 I 4 Daisy

from Manchester. a dog. eleven.

5 Gillian, Charlie and Rajiv 6 They 7 My new school

nice. my friends. very big.

a rabbit. seventeen



More: New friends

M1 Who is Charlie? a) Read Rajiv’s text about Charlie. What information do you get? Colour the information in. Lies Rajivs Text über Charlie. Welche Informationen bekommst du? Markiere die Informationen farbig. Charlie’s family

Charlie’s hobbies

Charlie’s favourite food and drink

Charlie’s pet

My best friend is Charlie. He is eleven years old. He has got black hair and brown eyes. He loves football and his favourite football club is Arsenal FC. I like football, too and sometimes we play in the park. Charlie and his sisters Josephine and Sharon live in Camden with their parents. Charlie has got a goldfish called Fritz. Fritz lives in a castle. Charlie listens to hip hop and his favourite band is Loophole. Sometimes we listen to music on Charlie’s MP3 player. He has got a lot of hip hop music. Charlie is always hungry! He likes burgers, pizza and chips. His mum says salad is much better but Charlie does not listen to her. He cannot stand salad. Charlie’s favourite food is pizza and his favourite drink is chocolate milkshake.

b) Underline three words for family members, three words for places and five words for food and drink. Then write the words into the grid. Unterstreiche drei Wörter für Familienmitglieder, vier Wörter für Orte und fünf Wörter für Essen und Trinken. Trage die Wörter dann in die Tabelle ein. places

food & drink

M2 Castle Fritz Look at the pictures and listen to Fritz the fish. Which pictures is he talking about? Schau dir die Bilder an und höre Fritz dem Fisch zu. Über welches Bild spricht er?

S 38



Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

family members


More: New friends

M3 Who is it? Read the dialogue. Then fill in the gaps. Lies den Dialog. Dann fülle die Lücken. Gillian: Oh, here is Lindsay. Hi Lindsay. Lindsay: Hi Gillian. Hi. Are you the new girl? Caroline: Yes. I’m new in London. My name is Caroline. Lindsay: Nice to meet you, Caroline. So where are you from? Caroline: I’m from Manchester. Lindsay: OK. So, I’m hungry, girls. How about a burger? Gillian: Yes, I’m really hungry, too. Caroline: Oh me, too. Lindsay: OK. I know where we can eat and then you can tell me all about Manchester, Caroline. Caroline: Cool. Let’s go.

girls are talking. Their names are is new in

She is from Manchester.

hungry. The girls want to tell

a burger.

Caroline is can

all about Manchester.

M4 International friends

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

Read the website in M3 of your textbook again. Fill in fact files for two of the kids. Lies die Website in Aufgabe M3 deines Schülerbuches noch einmal. Fülle für zwei der Kinder fact files aus.

name: name:






country: colour of hair: colour of eyes: family: pet(s):

colour of hair: colour of eyes: family: pet(s): hobby/hobbies:

hobby/hobbies: extra information: extra information:




More: New school More

M5 Haverstock library a)

S 38

How to... listen

Listen to Ms Fisher’s talk about the Haverstock school library. Fill in the gaps. Höre Ms Fisher zu, die über die Schulbibliothek an der Haverstock School spricht. Füll die Lücken mit den passenden Wörtern.

Haverstock library is

every day. It opens at half past seven in the There are a lot of

read the books

. You can

or take them


You can keep them for

b) Listen again. Read the sentences. Are they right or wrong? Correct what’s wrong. Höre noch einmal zu. Lies die Sätze. Sind sie richtig oder flasch? Korrigiere die falschen Sätze. 1 The library opens at half past eight in the morning. 2 There are a lot of desks where you can sit and read. 3 There are five computers that you can use. 4 You can’t take the books home. 5 You can read the books in the library.

M6 Haverstock identity card a) Look at Caroline’s Haverstock identity card. What can you find out about her? Answer the questions. Schau dir Carolines Haverstock Schulausweis an. Was kannst du über Caroline herausfinden? Beantworte die Fragen. When is Caroline’s birthday?

Who is Caroline’s form tutor*?

What is Caroline’s address?

Does Caroline eat lunch at school? *form tutor – Klassenlehrer



Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

6 You can’t eat and sing in the library.


More: New school

M7 Phoning Claire Listen to Caroline and Claire again and tick (   ) if the statements are right or wrong. Höre Caroline und Claire erneut zu und hake ab, ob die Aussagen richtig oder falsch sind. right



1 London is cool. 2 You can’t buy soft drinks in the school canteen. 3 There are seven computer rooms. 4 There are whiteboards in every classroom. 5 The school is very modern. 6 The football club is bad. 7 Caroline doesn’t like the Maths teacher.

M8 Scrambled classroom expressions Put the words in the right order. Schreibe die Wörter in der richtigen Reihenfolge auf. 1 window – open – I – can – the – please? 2 German? – ‘pencilcase’ – what’s – in

LiF 16

3 you – help – please? – can – me

Probeseiten aus Camden Market 1 Workbook, ISBN 978-3-425-73821-5/-73831-4 . © Diesterweg 2012

4 late – I’m – sorry. 5 spell – you – it? – can

M9 Any questions? What would you like to know aboout London and Haverstock school? Write down five questions. Was möchtest du über London und die Haverstock School wissen. Schreibe fünf Fragen auf. 1 2 3 4 5

Try to find the answers to your questions. Ask your classmates or your teacher. You can also look things up online or go to the school library. Versuche die Antworten auf deine Fragen zu finden. Frage deine Klassenkameraden oder deinen Lehrer. Du kannst auch online nachschauen oder in die Schulbibliothek gehen.



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