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MARFA Presidio County, Texas

Thursdey, Apr:! 14, 1 Q C C Volume 30 — Number 7

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'Presidio rarmers preparing for ^Greatest Season In Valley Era

Lost Mine siuiica ami y a m s about buried treasure arc rated on the local market at about a dollar a dozen. KolKs hereabouts i Hamilton Siiii. SupeiinU-iidvni Of Pio.v>er. Insufficient W a f e r Last Year Fails Tu Daunt iitljutioii MKU have seen them come and go for I AppUcaiicr. Approved. New Teacher Lhl Announced With years past, until It's just about I Who Expect lic^ning Of Bright Pcrio-A Of Prosperity. Two Retirements And One Withdrawal. reached the point where, if s o m e stranger grabs you by the arm I By H a m m o n d B. Ford • The application of Hamilton and pours a taie of a lost c l a i m . A c t i n g W o r k - U n i t Clerk Still, of Prosper, Texas, tor SupInto your cars, you note the Bobby Everett To Work H i g h l a n d Soil Conservation D i s L erintendent of Marfa schools next gleam In his eye without too Bascome Webb Tells On Summer Dude Ranch year w a s approved at a meeting much surprise,' and pay for your Lions How To Use In spite of insufficient water Near Canadian Border of the school board Tuesday coffee and his, and go on and Carnegie Memory Pegs last year, with no definite relief night. forget about it. Bobby Everett, son of Mr. and in sight so far from similar conMembers of the Lions club Mr. Still is a graduate of AusMrs. Roliert Everett. Jr., of Val- ditions during the coming grow. Such stories died out for a gaped in a w e and wonder at their tin high school in 1927. received entine, will leave the latter part ing season, irrigation farmers in while around here, ua drought Wednesday noon luncheon at the his B.S. in education administraof this week for N e w York state the Fresiiiiu and Kctiiu.ii n border. r ..-„.....".t;„,- f,,.- ....•!••!* rrvivv ••- presidio county ranchP. Hunter being named director trying to raise cash to develop Searls hospital and Ramirez i s i m a n w h o h a s b e e n receiving head of the Paisano Lions club BOREN P. HUNTER of athletics, with r.o appointment the "lost claim" a l t e r it w a s lostill hospitalized, awaiting trans- j m e d j c a l treatment in San Angelo for the 1955-56 year during a n to fill the place of Mrs. C. G. cated, so local folks listened po, . ! fer to an army hospital. H e hadl d . r , B r p ~ „ n t W pnks Mr. Fletch- officer election held last (WedMatthews as librarian and teachAfter thirteen years of service . r r o m Korea a n d ' f . if' cturned litely, as all West T e x a s folks irom a hi hospital there nesday) night in connection witlv in Marfa schools a* coach and J t rrcturnea irom Korea a n a , er moved from e— r of Harry — „journalism, with . , n *"""«« st-nuuis. «»> i o a L i i ««iu i v a s ( ] u o t 0 repoj-t t o Camp Pen- to a hotel some time ago and sev the organization's regular m e e t ' do. to his story, before he hastened on his w a y Southward via Operation of the West T e x a s Williamson, principal and eighth I three years as principal. Boren j d , G t o n C a , j f , n i s w e e k T n e m e n n ">r»H Mrs. in" at Paisano hotel T h e newmail-truck, to a n undisclosed Ice company w a s taken over Ap- grade teacher at t h e Marfa Ele- Hunter hancea nis resignation 10 were enroute from Presidio" to Fletcher' moved into an apart- president will succeed Hector point along the route, w h e r e h e ril 2 by H. T . Horn, who recent- mentary school resigning at the School Board President William Fort Stockton when the accident Valdes, who has headed the s l a t e ment which they are now occupyWednesday afternoon, occurred. intended to disembarft and strike ly bought a n interest in the com- end of the year, and no appoint- Allison of officers since the club w a s ing In town. off across roadless country, eight pany, and has been in that type ment as yet to fill that position, folowing that body's action the chartered February 13, 1954. to eighty miles, to look over the of business his entire adult life, and with sixth grade teacher Ida night before, in naming him as Other officers elected w e r e "lost claim" he's seeking. d u r i n g the past y e a r h e has been A. Moss, also retiring at the end director of athletics at Marfa FFA Boys Place In Pint-Sized Irrigation Conrado Vasquez, first vice presl> high school. with the Pacific Fruit Express of the year, and her position undent; Ben Gonzales, second vice Farm Being Built Here Livestock Judging Such a thing happening in al- company, supervising car icing. filled. "I've worked here for the past! president; Manuel DeAnda, third most any other vicinity in the Marfa high school: Boren P. thirteen years, and I can't bring 1 Prior to that Mr. Horn did A pint-sized farm, complete' yjee president; Russell Guevara, Marfa high school FFA boys country outside the Big Bend similar work with the Crystal Hunter, director of athletics; Sam vith irrigation system is being reelected secretary - treasurer; country m i g h t well touch off a Ice Co., in Phoenix, Ariz., owned T . Holt, director of bands; Mrs. myself to accept a demotion, with I p j a c e ( j m livestock judging at Sul a subsequent cut in salary." said j R o s s s t a t e c o n c g e in Alpine last constructed at the Marfa high Faustino Bustamante, t a i l twist< blaze of rumors, and an exodus and operated ice plants In Minne- Robert McCallick, business ad, , , . . .. .. . . , , „ „ „ „ Hunter, in an interview shortly | w c e k Twenty-six teams partici- school FFA department and an er; Pat Rodriguez, re-elected. Into the back-country of local sota, and in Texas, served as .1 T->l^_~V-~. v ministration; Mrs. woiana K e i i e y , a ^ j e r n 0 j, a ( j handed in iiisi * -tfolk: all with "Ifarns in their manager oi a Kio Grande Valley English department; M i s . L*?oit jl res 1 WIUII«.MI« i£rnation Aguilar, re-elected club sweet* Marfa took third place in Live-1 c o m , mustard, radish, squash and e y e s , ' a l l with the gold fever in company, district manager of P. Fisher, English department;] heart. Hunter has been principal and! stock, with a team consisting of carrots is expected from the protheir blood, all seeking to find West T e x a s Ice Co., northern di- Myrtle Rawls, Spanish departFollowing the officer election, "lost claims" and lust mines. In vision, serving Vernon, Quanah, ment; Ellen Wafer Robinson, coach of Marfa high school until i Bob Prv.ett. T o m Robison and ject. Built along the side of the FFA Walter Garnctt, cabinet secreMurfa, however, such a happen- Childress and Memphis, and gen- homemaking department; Ken- the Tuesday evening meeting of! Billy Roberts. Bob Pructt also ing elicits very little interest; eral m a n a g e r of fhe Panhandle neth Wagner, social science and the new school board, at which! took third place in the individual building at Marfa high school, it tary, w a s in charge of an installanot much more than to cause Ice Co. In addition to operating assistant coach; Mrs. S. P. dis- time his name as principal had j overall judging and Tom Robi- represents in miniature all the tion ceremony w h e n Juan C a n a been scratched from the list, leav- son took second honors In sheep problems met with on a full-scale became a n e w member of t h e some old-timer to shift his cigar the plant here, he is serving as mukes, science-social science; > irrigated farm with the exception club, bringing the total member* or hand-rolled cigaret from one the company's district manager. Mrs. J. B. Steen, mathematical Ing him named as "director of.Judging. athletics" only. A wool team also competed, of source of supply of water, ship to 23. side of his mouth to the other, department; Robert E. Edwards, Mr. Horn has moved his famOnly program arranged w a s * cock an eyebrow quizzically, and H e said he had no plans in consisting ^ 1 ^ 8 L * ? " « 1 ^ 5 / which is, in the case of this truck ily—his wife and four children— vocational agricultural departgroup of musical selections pre* farm, an ordinarygarden hose. remark "Another one? Well, I mind for the future, although h e ; d a n McDavitt and Rube Domin here from Phoenix. T h e children ment. comln All the angles, from grading sented b y Miss Aguilar and M i s s shore do w i s h h i m luck." S ° « in e i G h t h P I a c c Marfa Elementary school: Mrs. had been considering the r e s i g n * ! fuez. are Teddie Mae, 8 years old; Harln t n e to cross-ditching, are represented. Mary Lou Ordonez. T h e t w o g i r l s event. They don't mean the luck of old Thomas, 6; Deborah Lynn, 4, J. W. Peevey. seventh grade; tlon for some time prior to W e d - . T h e water system includes a last w e e k won first place ln a Mrs. Ervin RIdout. fifth grade; nesdav in the event the rumored' actually finding a lost mine. That and Rondah Kay, 2. reverse-tank, consisting of one- talent contest held during the anMrs. J. B. Little, fourth grade; demotion materialized. MEXICO VISITOR HERE hope died a century ago. T h e y O. F. Newell, w h o has been half of a gallon oil tin, to a ser- nual Zone meeting, and it w a s "I kept puting off any action,! mean luck In getting back. Lost with the ice company here t h e Mrs. Beulah Bryant, third grade; ies of water levels controlled by announced that they would at* rospcctors can be almost as past 10 years, and in charge of Mrs. Ray Hegy, second grade; hoping that the matter would ad-1 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett DeVolin coffer dams, and the project is tend the annual District 2T2 con* just Itself, but now the board has had as their guests here for a utch a problem a s lost hunters ten local plant, will give all of Ruth Livingston, first grade. venlion to be held in Big S p r i n g Blackwell Elementary school: brought It to the surface," said i week. Mrs. DeVolin's twin sister, intended to show each student April 22-23. in the Big Bend country, and his time to operation oi Newell's all the ramifications of such anybody who's gone out w i t h service and bus station which he Leon P. Fisher, principal; Hector Hunter. "I have a great many Mrs. D. G. Howard of Mexico types of farming, says Bob EdErnie Barnett on a "hunter hunt',' took over s o m e time ago, and a Valdes, eighth grade; Mrs. T. C. friends In Marfa, and It has been City. Mrs. Howard was enroute wards, F F A director. In t h e fall knows w h a t a j o b cafe, at the s a m e location, which d a v i s , seventh g r i d e ; Hector A. a very happy place to live and to her home after spending a that can be. There are so m a n y he will have opened within a Arce, sixth grade; Mrs. Brooks work. I shall regret very deeply month In Mississippi. Mr. and Joe C. Mitchells Begin Bentley, sixth grade; Mrs. Fred the necessity of places that a lost hunter can find f e w days. leaving, but Mrs. DeVolin took her to El Paso Vicente Cordero, Jr. Five Weeks' Vacation Hutton, fifth grade; Eunice Wal- there is no other course left. T h e Monday, and Tuesday she left t o misplace hlrrutelf. lace, fourth grade; Mrs. Hilda demotion I received at the hands from Juarez by plane for Mexico Receives Foot Injury In European Countries tjasX prospectors are fewer and Tittle, third grade; Mrs. Kenneth of the Board of Education s e e m s City. T h e DeVollns returned • farther between these days, slm- Movie Construction Mr. anil Mra. Vicente M. CorMr. and Mrs. Joe C. Mitchell Mellard, third grade; Mrs. poor gratitude for all the hard Tuesday evening. p l y b e c a u s e there / a r e - f e w e r of Unit Arrives Here ' dero have received word from left Saturday by plane for N e w Charles Bowman, second grade; work I've done In the last thirt h « n than hunters during the Los Angeles, Calif., that their York, from w h e r e they wer* Twenty-five members of t h e Mrs. Norma Giles, second grade; teen years. They have made m y course of a year. This reduces son, Vicente Cordero, Jr., recent- scheduled to leave today, also b y unit of Warner Willie Harper, first grade; Mrs. future ln Marfa untenable." t h e chances of having to organ- construction TO MAKE HOME IN MEXICO ly received serious foot injuries plan*?, for a tour of European, ize a "lost prospector" hunt, but Brothers arrived in Marfa Wed- Robert E. Edwards, first grade; in an accident while he w a s on countries and t h e British Islands. Mrs. E. S. Powers left Sunday Mrs. Lawrence Kidwcll. first nesday-evening by rail to carry the odds are more fearful of t h e UNDERGOES SURCERY the job as a construction worker. iThcy planned to go first to Madof last week for Torroon, Mexico, grade. ' lost prospector being found, sim- on pro-camera work in preparaMrs. Jack Hompton Is reported; where she plans to make her H e received a compound fracture'rid, Spain, and from f ».re t o Redford Elementary school: ply because he usually keeps his tion for t h e filming of "The : Edmundo Madrid, principal and to be recovering satisfactorily af; home for a time \v th her daugh- of the right foot which required\i;,-;y. G r e c o . France and E n g s destination a complete secret, and Giant." Edna Ferber's novel. Twelve w e r e housed at the higher grades; David R. Dutch- ter undergoing major surgery in tor, Mrs. A. W. Edelcn, Jr., and hospitalization for a time, t h o u g h , land. In Athene. Greece, they w i l l might even begin the hunt from he is now convalescing at his be guests In the home of L t OoU one point, such as Marfa, and Crews hoetl, and the remaining over, Jr., intermediate grades; the Hill clinic In Alpine Thurs- family. Mrs. Powers w a s accom h o m e there. and Mrs. Norman K. M a r k l X panied to Torreon by Mrs. Gene Mrs. Enrique Madrid, primary day of last week. She hopes to thirteen put up at the Paisano. then wander out of the area from Cordero w a s employed as a former Marfa residents. Their .work will be to construct grades; Frances J i m e n e i pri- be able to return to her h o m e Elmehdorf, the t w o making the another point, and return In comMr. and Mrs. Mitchell are ri*t» during the coming weekend. Mrs. trip by automobile. Mrs. Elmen- truck driver with Segura & Sons plete secrecy to his native home- proper settings both Indoors and m a r y grades. Hampton Is employed with West dorf returned to Marfa by train h e r e before going to .California ed to arrive back In N e w Y o r t t land without ever letting folks out, for the film work, which is about six months ago. on May 2 a Friday. to take place later. Bee T H E S E N T I N E L for GIFTS. T e x a s Utilities company, here. k n o w he's left.

mm J I


Coach Hunter Resigns Following "Demotion" By Marfa School Board

Richard Gonzales Named President Paisano Lions Club

New Ice Manager Assumes Charge Of Local Plant






• e in tho Throne Hoom signed to add another S1Q9.0Q0.0C0 a couple of bushels of fan mail of Windsor Castle. BS8G8T -?&3/fl R H R l l P . *%£&*] | to tho vctcr-.m land prnqrnm :i a day and is reigning favorite viav a constitutional aVnendment. with the nation's teenagers, which is considered remarkable. Giles Is Defended *\**r»'*, ~»? D—taJ w i » i \ i ft) A In "Hroken Lance." Wagner as e •s^v 5 ^ j Spencer Tracy's son and sweetStanley L Fry. a R e e v i cni'n heart of Jean Peters has his most ty landowner, testified before t V .r 1 * — * a t * it N i r v n r - t j j v * T o ! e tO ( I d t C . H e p l a V S Senate investl^atin" f^irri^iifr^ »4_ . - - V i T U ---UU u u i f i k u ^.fshMrRi ' t * t r^v ^ liim but his more-or-less fa,niliar boyishlliat Giles was a "hard trader Li, L/i^J nc.-s for part of tlie story and for the state." / i 'l feared to the rest is a tight-lipped avenger. "Giles," said Fry, "argued am' i , ' share his "•l , This - * • • Robert Taylor, Janet Leigh, j broughV" ouT a "compromise tax bill to permit the state to fix George Raft. Steve Forrest and b i l K u p r o m i s c d §15,000.003 in minimum prices on natural gas Anne Francis head the stellar n c w m o n e v has failed so far to get House cast of "Rogue Cop," opening this) chairman" Stanton Stone and approval . . . Water conservation wee ; ; at the Palace theatre, as an H o u s o . S p o a k ( : r J i m L i n d F c y r e . groups won a round when the excitcmcnt-pitclied drama of t h e j B a r d i t a - s t h o i r n u m b e r o n o p r o . Senate decided to let tlie peop'e vote on a $100,000,000 bond issue underworld and of a police de-1 j e c t ,Qr t n i s A v e e k tective who tries to play bothj A l t ] , O U K h t h e committee side- next September . . . The House sides ot tlie lence and becomes t r a c k e d G o v _ A „ a n S h j v c r s . s i n . is debating a counter bond plan the butt of a crime syndicate. gle-shot bills and adopted Chair- . . . Final action sent to the govFor Taylor, the new M-G-M of- man Stone's omnibus bill. Gov.' ernor a bill to put "Section rt v-l-jj • i j j l ft \ I warming story cl ferin . ^ r ^ - " . ^ ^ " ™ - 1 ™ ™ Shivers said it was a workable 1303-B" trust companies stcclis ..—.*6Kaff&^4^Jy&£rEME»*k , („„, (i: „ H , such of his recent costume pic- basis for providing what is need- under state securities control . . . tures as "ICni^lits of the Round ed. r r ^ Z ^ m ® m ^ ^ % ^ yoancteM | Also passed was one of the maior ,*.. -..-—... '''^^f'i^y^'V'^'fM^i'-Myiy'^x^jt T;.!)ie" and "Ivanhoe," and a re- Actually the bill gives Gov. I corrective Insurance bills dealii -•-.. 7 / 1 ^ - ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ - 1 - ^ - ^ turn to the tough-guy type of Shivers more than half of hir ' ing with fire and casualty com/'. ^-^--0^..^^0^1-^-^^^1^^^--^ SUrmif #-•• .-.-^:.1.-½. '^Tfix^^.^i&'frys—.m-r:. --s.. F% r - ^ < !:ai';:i-:eri.-r.tion of " J o h n n y announced desires. He praised j.anies . . . Roth houses have apEager," one of his greatest hits. the committee and asked, that proved an increase in driven,' He pi.iys the detecuvo who liniis tlie balance of his "program" be I license fees to $2 (ever. two that easy money mi'.anr; anything restored somewhere along t h e ' years*, effective September 1. It but an easy life. < way. 3 i will permit the hiring of 200 adJanet Leigh also returns to a Approved by the committee ditional highway patrolmen . . . modern role, after costume ap- was the one-cent per pack in-1 A bill to prohibit the carrying of pistols in automobiles was pearances in "Prince Valiant" ••• • • •••'• :•:-.. . . - ' - • - ) b y j :.:;;! " T h ' 1 I^la!-!: Si::vir! '•:" : " • ' th'j g./V, .::-).-. .*.!-.; i r " - ' ' i ' b : i -.v.-i • witlvi'v-vn -fter a ^.-.ar:".: ~i \-:~ wi,rtli." ohe is cast as a night a one-cent |L>r gallon gasoline|tests by motorists . . . Pensions club singer trying to hide the un- tax, which v.v.s half what the of $100 per month for teachers, savory reputation of her past. governor suggested. An increase after 10 years of .service, arc George Raft, who w.red toin beer operators license fees called for in a proposed constitustardom en tho strength of hiswas injected into the hill as a jtional amendment passed by the menace' portrayals in such films concession to strong House senti-' Senate . . *\ Passed by . both as "Scarface," again plays a sin- mentTo'induiIe'teer'rn'thc new- Houses and awaiting concurrence • fnmtm Adtditioa » , U 0 N A R 0 PRASKINS • Slcr, b, FRANCES UARI0N ister role as the head of a crime money scheme. A fourth tax |-in amendments was a hill to ban syndicate. j item was diesel fuel at 1.5 cents. objectionable comic books . . . MCMI,ROBERT I LEONARD. ,,MWILLIAM H. WRIGHT- A , « . G . « M The House has refused to conper gallon. i sider a bill calling for removal M A N H U N T IS K E Y Under the proposed levies, jfrom office of elected public of"Naked Alibi," Universal-Inter- ,$25,000,000 , , - , would be added t o ! ficials who refuse to give testinational's melodrama, has been , h ' B h w a y ^ P r o v e m e n t s annually mony when their agencies a r e scheduled to show next Wednes-i a n t l S20.000.000 would go into the being investigated. day and Thursday at the Palace, Ecneral fund, House theatre. ,with Sterling Hayden. S P ^ k e r Jim Lindsey THE SENT1NEI your ufiice Gloria Grahame, Gene Barry and took a strong stand for the com supplies headquarters in the Big promise plan. Governor Shivers DAILY SERVICE Marcia Henderson cast in star- complimented him for the pro-Bend area. ring roles. The story of "Naked Alibi." be-jS"?* m a d e o v e r t h e l o n K w < > e k M A R F A , A L P I N E , P R E S I D I O , E L PASO, V A N H O R N gins with a series of brutal police ( c n , j , , „,.,,„„,„„„ Dr. Monroe Slack, Jr. murders which detective llaydcn', W a i t l n B tot rx^t\y $00,000,000 Bonded and Insured stubbornly believe* is the work," 1 new money, before it can! Optometrist of "honcst-citi7.cn" Gene Barry, j ™a r » - t i »••

of a : - / ¾ fcorihr.iwHi ^ *



Irilifc 'tiKf±K il







Robert D. McCready





T T T V W l ^ . "fQ 1 - ^ - ^ - f - ^ ^ C ' ^ S s S ^ i S i t M S J ^ ' J ^ ^ V v S • "**» JT&** * * V.;', - i s» ;«.;..,.. „ ; - - - - I- n- -, .- *- *- .- . - ; •V^vV'sjj'ri*

I WOMAN'S CLUB M E E T 8 t'!ei£ I EV-'ls T h e Presidio Valley Woman's spT.r.1 * I club met Tuesday afternoon in !!:'.> Inutu;e of the Starr hotel. I In the abseiiiv .;f •'•«• jiui'i s present. sldio and Toofilo Carrasco o L O e h o a in officer for the Agri* Mrs. Herman West was. v/el-Kcdlord, w a s barbecued hy Nic-'cultural jicbiNin-h buiviLc, Vviii< By RALPH E N G L A N D Supr. Kracmcr _j coined into the club as a new olas Port!!'" and Pedro Itivera Investigated t h e operation on (he Renews Insrrucrions member. and served to the public !?y ladies Mexican side of the river. So7a; Grace f'Hto and Fred MenEASTER QUEEN CROWNED After a brief business session, of the Catholic church, Severn! border residents and Regarding Resections doza; Lorraine Scellg and Joso p.. n. two San Angelo buycis «TC. ir. In an atmosphere of pomp'and H u b l o > J r . T h e q u c e n ' s escort w a s a film w a s shown by John II. Former, superintendent of the Miss Evangeline Armendariz volved in the burro smuggling regal splendor. Miss Jlomclla j o s 0 Tavaivz. Installation of flasher hgnri; on Presidio school, titled "Contro- went to El Paso Sunday where Incident. Juarez w a s crowned Easter queen the Southern Pacific riilr-a'' she will remain for a woek a s the Blotxl tests on the sei/ed ani- through Marfa will t:p nvick' a;in a ceremony held in the school I Princess Hcrtha Lydia wore -a versial Subjects in Education." Mrs. John II. Fortner was h c t - Ifuest of Miss Delfina Fiance, IIUII.-. in Oklahoma and at Can- soon a s authoritv is received, J auditorium. Saturday ni^ht, Ap- whlio bouffant g o w n of nylon i). I I . deiaria will be made by Dr. Fred \V. Kracmcr. superintendent of n i y. " j net caught up with pink rosebuds. c-ss, assisted by Mrs. Mae Starr. Chrwyiinto calcc squares centered Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tuva re/ Major, El Paso, veterinarian for the San Antonio division, has asot T h e queen wore nylon net over I I c r t l a r a was rhinestones Vorrp. white taff«!?. with a fcuuicc o f ! Princess Rorn.arda wore a strap-1 with a green decoration and cof and brother. Jnso Tnvnrpy, loft the Aeri.-uiiiiral Research service, «iirofl .? W a l f o r t />» f ' i t v Sund.ty for N e w Orleans where which are to be sold by custom •ary. but nn exact date for this J ace. H e r train of coral vclvie t i less gown of white nylon n*t!* cc * wx:lv served. H they were called because of the officials at a public auction, t h e . iiisUUatinii boa not been sci . ^ lined v.itli white satin, w a s bor- with a bodice of not" ruffllnc | P- "• ...... of which ...-,. ...._ announced. y c t death of a cousin of Mrs. Tavarez date wil .be across the front. j CHURCH OUTING dered with simulated e r m i n e ^ soon. T h e First Baptist church spon- in an automobile accident. About two years ago. when the Her majesty and her court enp. n. Thc crown bearer, Johnny Por- j sored an Easter e g g hunt on a p. n. Southern Pacific changed to dietered t h e auditorium from a rear tillo, llo, wearing a while soil, ear-1 mrm in Loma Pelona last SunMr. and Mrs. F. T . Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer, entrance and marched to h e r ried. the crown and scepter o n a day afternoon. Children of the children, Teddy and Lynn, of El Jr., and four children, Frank III, sel powered locomotives on this division, request w a s made to throne on the stage to strains of white satin pillow. Sunday school and their guests Paso, spent the Easter holiday, Elizabeth, Luis and Rebecca Ann,! the authorities in Marfa to inregal music played by a special Nancy Tipton and Christine were assisted In the hunt by the with her mother, Mrs. Mac Starr. of Chihuahua City, were guests I crease the speed limit through coronation orchestra. Fowler, wearing sun • y e l l o w Kev.and Mrs. Cart Gentry, Mrs. p. n. during the Easter weekend in this city, from fifteen miles per Her jeweled crown and scepter frocks, carried baskets of flowRandall Kerr and Mrs. Joe TurnMr. and Mrs. Earl Heaves of the home of his mother, Mrs. Ga- "hour t forty. An agreement wa were received from H i s Excel- ers. Alpine spent Easter Sunday with blna V. Spencer. er. rearhr.-S ,-;{ That time that th lency John IT. Fortner, superinp. n. Train bearers were Alicia Hino ployed by a g a s firm in that by J o e A. Spencer and George San Angelo Junior college, S a n . ,,£ . ' " „ . , . . . . _ Copyright, 1935, United States Viewers Foundation city. Angelo. were Easter holiday! "Sou hern Pacific Lines in Texas Burgess. a d Diamond visitors with their parents and . " L o u ^ " . San Antonio dixit i .- „ !„ oE d light fa the home of her sister, Mrs. Wil dangerous siiuaiiuu twisis iK-ve. Ham D. Petit and Dr. Petit, We have not attempted to enj P- n. force the 15 miles per hour sliced HONOR SOLDIERS limit, but since the railroad is Adams Pvts. Hector and Homero taking advantage of us in rimNo. 2 tin " Acosta, w h o recently completed ing their trains through here at n it... r » r . army basic training at Fort Ord. Calif., loft Tuesday for Camp hour and evidently does not in-. Gordon, Ga.,'where they will re- tend to install flasher lights, the ceive advanced training. ! City has no alternative hut to p. n. | start enforcing the fifteen miies T h e twin brothers were enter-. . . ,. ., talner. Satunlay by their-father. ; P - ' - ^ ^ l;n,0I,t and Filomcno Acosta. farm foreman our position, in this matter, and NBC—1 pound and Don Payne, farm manager w e hesitate to start the enforce for La Junta farms, with a barment of cur ordinal.-? if flasher t:ecue to which more than a hun: lights arc *f» ho iiist.~i:iC-vi wit.nri LiW^AVW ms^miwm^'iwrsT dred friends were invited. the next thirty days. Young goats were barboci'ed Please advise me whether or and s e n c d with green chili, not it will be possible to install ranch style benns. sal-ids, coffee , the flasher lights within this perami uihec bevtri'agca. j iod of time and if not, this is to pound advise you that our l a w enforce* inrerschoiasric League ment officials will be instructed to enforce t h e 15 miles per hour Meet- In Progress speed limit. Af Aloine This Week Sincere!'/ yours, OLDSMOBILE'S HOLIDAY S E D A N . . . J. Walter Lee, City Sec'y.*' Sul Ross State college, Alpine, Mr. Kraemer's reply to t h e will be host to the Interscholastic the only 4-door hardtop offered in every League meet for District 8 8 B , above letter w a s received this Swift's starting Wednesday, Anril 13 at w e e k : price r a n g e . . . is creating a sensation in our 1 p.m. w h e n t h e grade school I "Mr. J. Walter Lee, City Sec'y. tennis players will be in action. | City of Marfa, Marfa, T e x a s s h o w r o o m l C o m e s e e it-—drive it—todayl On Thursday, April 14, high Dear S i r : Hits are a habit with OkUmobUe! And when you ace Oldsmobile's entirely new school tennis matches will b e This refers to your letter of played on t h e Sul' Ross courts Hobday Sedan, you'll »»y—"They've done it againT Oldunobile haa taken the starting at 6 a.m. At 5 p.m. Thurs- March 23 concerning the installarigor and vitality of Holiday styling . . . added'the convenience and comfort J . . . ~ W , . „ . ~ , = H I . , „ ,^11 hn. h „ ^ tion of flasher light signals at ^ T OU.t t. i!e * thoatre ^ ! " ^ "o nb t?h eu S^u l ,Austin. Russell and Mesa streets. of a 4-door sedan. Jtesnlt? An entirely new kind of c a r . . . a hardtop with 4 In Vthe g d , h t „ A B J doors! There's a promise of new motoring pleasure in every sleek line, every Ross campus. This is a n e w con- will 'not be possible t o- have t h e test which h a s been added f o r flasher light signals installed sparkling detaiL And the famous "Rocket" Engine ia your assurance of perhigh school competition this within t h e next 30 days, a s this formance phis! Oldunobile—and Okkmobile alone—offers you three new year. At 6 p.m. all divisions of matter is still pending with our Holiday Sedans . . . three popular-Holiday Coupes! One of each in every price declamation will start in t h e management. s a m e place. On Friday, April 15, range! Visit our showroom today. See and drive the Holiday that's right for you! I assure y o u It is not our inwinners In play ground ball a n d tention that our crews Violate volley ball will be determined. your city ordinance, and I a m On Saturday, April 16, starting renewing instructions regarding at 8:30 a.m. literary events will £ . h„M n » T h » AtnTnP Z ^ - i T 'speed restrictions through Marfa. A h t a d l D r l v « a "Rocket" ™ J ^ 1 ? ? „ ™ 1hPJ 5 1 , ½ ¾ ^ I regret the delay in progressand at 1 p.m .the district frack *> B „ „ r • „ « mnciuslon. 2-A fi-tj J^»".Y.m"J«rrt"„-*7h"2i>ng this mmatter t o a conclusion lAlpine ?n.ni h i J f tschool , ™ i ttrack r ^ w field. # u M ,™ that e will high . d. ,trust ,_ „ w „,,_ — -receive - - - - - . - nai !decision from o u r m a n a Schools which will p a r t i c i p a t edecision Bement soon. in District 88B arc Blackwell Yours truly, v Junior high of Marfa, Fort Da- S I I YOU* NIARBST OLDSMOIILI DIALIR — J." W. Kraemer.}' vis, Marathon, Marfa, Presidio, Sanderson and Valentine. Mr.i. W. K. Flint and il^t'ightw, Bond ar.d onionskin office Anne, of Las Cruces, N . M., visitpapers, second sheets, "Copy" ed from Thursday of last week f*hon« 88 Marfa, Texas sheets, mlmeograpn papers, ditto until Sunday with Mrs. Flint's — F O R T H I • 1ST USID CAR DIAL t O O K POR OLDSMOBILI'S SAPITY-TISTID SIAL—r* paper, letter a n d legal a t e , at sister, Mrs. N . B . Chaffln. and • • * — n < a « J M M f a ^ * i t M » < p ^ p ^ j j HI ,^^tm^^tsmtJ^miSiSgeaa^^ 4 Tha Sentinel o f f i c e . - « d v . family. •



• • _ « • .•


* • -.

, v . v . , .:•.:; * '



sfcsftriftore i!!5!e



To Sjiistf?!] Fk??!??^




ge* df%fi6%S


omwm For Friday and Saturday Shortening


m*.. \ From where I sit... It/ Joe Marsh.

Pillsbury Flour

Learn Kow io Pull Together

$ 1.17


vriarmin Tissue 3 for 25c

Cut Green Beans 10c

Goiden Corn 2 for 21c

We've got another hit

Apricot Preserves

...and you'll love it !


Orange jyfee £. IUr £J£

Premium Crackers .. 26c

fAeadplzske Oleo I9c

Chopped Beef 34c

Nil - Way

Grocery And

Marfa Motor Sales



T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L 14, I5»a



"car, 52.30 — aix Months, $1.50 OutsWe P r e s i d e , J c « Davis ar.J Brewster Counties, $3.00 year.

C vrvCUlZK/ % ^

Published every Thursday at Marfa. Presidio County, Texas

Mike Brown Celebrates Birthday Wirh ParJy


s w Q i l t j t f t : n u : ixvrwrva

tne I o r m e r Mrs. Ernest Gibbens, Mrs. S. M. prepared by Marfa high school stuA and tier wedding cake In white with T i « opened with! I** *!» ^ ™ £ Heacock, Mrs. Milton Nicholas. paie pink fiorai decor. It was a devotional by Mrs. D. E. Acker,' mJ:"1 w » f "*?" w , , w ? n C Mrs. E. K. Beanland, Miss Addle dents for inlerschulasUc league competition, was presented to r i a t e d e c o r a t i l n c l u d e d a topped with a miniature bride and the girls' project for the afl P °" P i n ' Bertha Holmes, and Mrs. Walter members and visitors at the Parot a stor and bridegroom, with a long lad- ternoon was the making of East- ata i n t h e iorm - Lee, a new member. ent-Teacher association meeting der extending from the top to er bunnies. In addition to mem- Games were provided for enterTuesday afternoon in the Gregg the base of the cake. Served with bers present, Margaret Lowther tainment and refreshments of auditorium. The play, directed by the cake were hot chocolate, cof- was a guest 0 Once this was the finest thing on wheels. j cake, cookies .and iced drinks C. G .Matthews, was the program fee and cookies. Alternately preNow they put it in a museum, along with arranged for the meeting. (were served. The cake was dec siding at the table were Mrs. the mummies. Times change. We must During the business period, an'orated in keeping with the pre.Marie Lugo of Ballinger and Mrs. CALLED TO BROWNWOOO nouncement was made of the dechange with them. In the world of medicine, Maria L. Minjares, aunts of the vallln Mr. and Mrs. Hillsman Davis livery this week to the elementS theme. _,.,,. bride, Mrs. T. H. Vasquez, Miss L. B. Martin left Tuesday for new products and techniques come convisited with Mrs. Davis' parents About 24 guests attended the ary school of a new typewriter, Teresa Vasquez and Miss Maria Brownwood where he was called stantly to the front. Our job is to keep toned in San Angelo from Thursday of and the association agreed to buy Lucia Cabezuela. Miss Lucilla to the bedside of his father, C. party. last week until Monday and were a new electric typewriter for the to the times, helping your Doctor by comR. Martin of Rising Star. The: Mrs. Soza, with her husband, Polanco and Miss Sophia Chavez accompanied on their return pounding promptly and precisely the prewere in charge of the guest book. elder M R Martin underwent sur- aTFived l a s t w e e k f o r t w o w e e k s home by their daughter. Vickec, typing department. The group also voted to-send a gift of five scriptions be writes. Yon will find oar servThe bride, born and reared in n F c Z S ^ t r t E ^ t o . , v « t with relatives in Marfa. Pvt. who had been visiting with her dollars to the national P-TA to ice excellent; our prices always right. Try Marfa, was graduated from Martin planned to return to Mar-1 Soza is stationed at Camp Chaf- grandparents. be applied to the headquarters us next time! We value your patronage. Blaekwel! and Marfa high school. fa this evening. ' fee, Ark. building fund, and to purchase Mrs. J. G. Minniecc, field repre- the 1955 Marfa high school annual. V sentative of the American Red Mrs. Noland Kcllcy reported Cross, left Monday on a business on the recent District 15 conventrip to Kerrvillc. She is expected tion held in Pecos, when Mrs. Day Phone 45 Night Phone 536 home today. John Segulia of El Paso was elected president of the district Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller visit- association and Mrs. J. S. Lived over Easter with relatives and ingston of Marfa was named vice friends in San Antonio and Aus- president. Room count awards lor the tin. They left Thursday of last day went to the third and fifth week and returned Monday. grades and the senior class. Roy N. Thomas, Jr.. was here the latter part of last week from Carlsbad, N. M., and was accompanied on his return then? Saturday by Mrs. Thomas and son, William Roy, who have been staying here in the home of Mrs. Thomas' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett DeVolin. B,' H I n S « r a l 9 Mm > A i w


l l f J I l i i i i i s i s s &1 S B • ^88(8¾ ¾ Si*, mary's Church Ceremony Unites Virginia iViinjures, Nasario Hernandez

Sot We're "On-to-Date!"




Home Means More With Carpet on the Floor

Pvt. and Mrs. Henry D. Soza arrived_ Thursday of last week from ton Smith, Ark., where Pvt. Soza is stationed at Camp •*"•-"::, --.1 .rj spending two weeks with their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel DeAnda and Mr. and Mrs. D. P. SoTa.

••_... /•—I.-* mure vumiuri More Kw-wi/

More Safety •


Why people who could pay more buy



**wiciii rt's worth moral

Thrill to o Ford Test Drive today!

W. B. Johnson Motor Co. Phono 75 YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER Morfo,Too* Now Available • Detroit Deliveries o Ask Yoor Ford Dealer Today' ..Tmmju

.r i


A .n.ir~~t , Kastt-r vao.'i Aust ti Monday. ^ ^ ^ ^--you c - n c i m a ro '.villi their parents and Topper Rowling';, a student in and Dana Poevoy. They enterD.i,!.ii!is at HOMi: in jour spare (--::1-1- ;".'!:i!ivi«< anil friend-:, '.'vv the high school department of tained In the Pilot Lodge honorti::i? o.:r ):•...!.:. !-'••; !:a-. c e-r.trr.!:. a:-..! Mrs. 11...,.•.> Anichand basket of eggs centering the Semi ir..- >.n.r free 44-pJgC Illjh "'!. .1:-., Ml:::; Sao Mitchell." Miss refreshment table. Refreshments School IJJOklct r.iliie I n l'urson. Rodney I.ee. of cakes and iced drinks were ay Mrs. Jonn l . holey Wayno Waldrep a:id Mack Bent.-arr.i served during the evening tc I l i ' l l . . u c - > O } t . l . t i_illli^ ttli.l J U L n Mrs. Lee Chastain and children, J some 125 guests including high Link of Presidio, graduates of ., ,„ .*.-.*.. Marfa high school, wore also in v *.'_» t i l l . 4 , . , L l k l t l A L i,A i k b U J i school and college students anc t'lo -.;mup from Texas Tech who spool the Easier holidays with out of town visitors. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.-.v.Tcnce Kldwell and his bunt' S.Vilir.el \V ANT ADS get results. vi.utcd here and In Tresldio. Everett and other relatives, provided the music for dancing .Most of the group came last v. n. Thursday and classes resumed Pvt. Jobn Clark of Fort Bliss Tuesday. was borne over the Easter holiHere from Texas Western col- days. A I I rt I lege in El Paso were Miss Lee v. n. I Arthur. Miss Willie Rae Dumas, Ail rorms or Carmen Brown celebrated her April 9. 195.r | Miss Rosie Herrora. Danny Herthirteenth birthday with a picnic I rcra. Joe Ligon. Reeves Tevis. last Frkhiv at Mfcliern ennyon Mr. M. B. Cavanaugh. Ttiblislicr I M C II D A Jr.. and Jerry Garnett. Miss Ar- Mrs. Charlie Short assisted Mrs. The Big Bend Sentinel ' -• — " _ •..1 t... „ — i i n j u n n1 1 \ U thur was accompanied by a col Marfa. Texas the picnic, j lege friend. Mi.ss Janel Casner. Duke Dollins with Dear Mr. Cavanaugh: v. n. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rainey I learned of your purchase o o LIFE M:s. Lura Harnett accompan{ Car.r.er of L'! Paso, who was !ier ied by her mother, Mrs. C. G. the Sentinel with much interest j guest over the holidays, and Miss ] £ and should have written lon-_ o F.I RE ' Iteiror.i aiso nnd a college friend CuiiiKick, m u t u i c u it> Cot p u s since to say welcome to this part Christi last woe!; to visit Mrs. as house guest Miss Ksperan/a Barrett's daughter and family, of Texas. I have been watching o HOSPITAL ' Soto, whose home in is Sunrise. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers a n d " 0 PaP°«" w l t " •nK'rest since the Wyo. o ACCIDENT son. Chrrlos Morton. Thev r c- , ' h n n « t ' ' a n i l n o : ° , l l a t - v n u ; , r e 1 All students from Texa-i A and turned home S a t u r d a y ' a l „i!Ketting lots of local news nn M college at Bryan wore at home n r < j u L ; m L i u t t t v s . m . ' U « M i , \S!i«» *J a CANCER i% fc . . '-^ ' ' G e n e Corder, who was accom- will visit here for several wwks. j ,M:mn l s ;! UnB community, one o AUTO panied by bis roommate. Bob S';;:j of my favorites in all \Ve.~t Tc:::>.s v „ aml ioiair; Warren .lohns^n. Lawrence Pvt. John A.'Bel! and wife o f ' ! 1 , : , v c a l ' v n . v s cvloyed:rea.la PQLiQ Ilr.-.vari! .".:::! C'nr'e*-. S! .r.r::*.;:r-. f lnfJ t n o Fi Pa-o sp"" th" Fa«»er bollSentinel. I was a partner Allen and Larry He.-.coc! Charles Moore, pub****** «i«iit.iicil| (^-l>v *1(I3 111..4^ 1 Usher from 1934 to 1938. v „ If It's Worth Owning It's from Schreiner institute in KerrMiss Kathryn Foley and Miss M F ° r climate, scenen' and fine ville. returning to Kerrville Tuesks l Worth Insuring think you certainly have day; Michael Raine, a student at Carmen Brown were in c h a r g e , a top town and I wish for the University of Texas school of of an Easter Egg roll for the picked department of the y ° "uac"k d y ° " r associates the best medicine in Galveston, visited primary •"'•"'" much success in your with his parents, and Walter church. After the egg roil, the °' ' there. It may be some Roberts, who is attending Trinity children were served refresh-, Jventures me hefore I hay- a chance to university in San Antonio, visited merits of punch and cookie," o n ' d r' o ln Pgiii the lawn at the home of Mrs. H. P personally and meanwith rviaiives. jtime if you are traveling this Here from Austin for a visit T Creps. I way. piease be sure to stop and Inciirrtn^a v> n_ in the Frank Jones home were • l i t f V i M l l k W I Mr. and Mrs. We"sley S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers s e e o u r P I a n t a n d K et psrs'.nally and son. Frank. Mr. Johnson is of Fort Stockton spent the week-: acquainted, 106i Highland — Phone 459 j a student at the University of end in the home of their son and I Cordially yours, I Texas. They arrived Wednesday family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey j George Baker. Publisher Fort Stockton (Tex.) Pioneer. Rogers and children. v. n. Miss Laura Herrera, an emMrs. Dolly Ledingham and son^ ploye of International Water and Jaikie. speni Easier here with Mrs. J. R. Ledingham and son. t Boundary commission in El Paso. John Robert, Jr. i s p e n t t n c p a s t w c e k e n d here with her father, Lucas Herrera, and family. "!GH £CH "^' P!P!.C^*

/• ••' / ft] \ \ If you arc IC or ov111 t A•




j;pco' r n;-

ti-.n is lC- he- \va? first nnmetl 5-oklier of the Day From there no transferred to Camn Chaffee. Ark., with the Armored Field Artillery, where Col Richard P . Smith, commandinc officer, -nformed the parents that lit- u;i& >L-it-"• memhers of After B. low days I'OU will ac- cra'.sV Vitamins 1.1. 22, nC,'B12 .\ii I-. C (.:• \v.>s a pretender to tually •"VJ t!-.3 re: I i l t - Watch ! and C, PLUS niacinamide, folic !!:'.• ::::.>- -\* i.f Eiy;!nnd. In the Battery A o fthe .THth hattal Oil ' ~->.'OT | acid, calcium pantothenate, des- . vour .c !iv.:-at;';n r: : r Fort Hi )1.1 /• ; : • i v s " f ''!,: L:v; his r?l:el!i:j:!. will depart Jur^e ri. :;T In- ; sicatcd whole liver, natural yeast ' Ta'?LU no-.-'-'' :'.After th.e :\vv'. ; rsd of a.-ti h" ):. -,:":;'•;•: ti;;? i"':,:>'o t!:r>; li-.-y c. •ar.s (•:••:.---i-.ti-atc and stcmnc'i powder. duty. tliL-y v.-ill i~ :.'o v.c!-. '.or that pronle v.ho h.ave ' '' .'•;"• ; ..>! lui'i\c: :, y eivilinns. tal;.>:i Dr.-.rr-Ts'OT Tablets ray to I.;-.-.-..;; f:n ; r •";: :-'::;.•, .-.::-1 ::'.! t/.r..':VL ~ Oiiirr cc:-i; ':v.-'r r i \ -.'• -'o:i U'.cir fr cr.i!p, "Xo matter how l!0-._.:M ;; :l, ?'.u-:\.\'u\ h-i\a teaK.J •a-.-.! Ion.? yo:i have suifercd nor what or ho;:p:;, a! 1 tiling.; should be in battalion with he 'qua;'.::: tablets you have taken t!-j-:p t : . : ^r t:::-.n you have for drujrs common, the laws of England F o i l Dliss are at : .uimon! in the past, try Drag-NOT i ; . o a ' . i : 3 . Waco and they will join would come from his mouth, and Tablets." l A H i v ."V.ND i i . r . : , im;.«it,i> hi:; mourn would be parliament the Marfa unit. Btticry A. GTTAItANTEED die -Fort Hood June ^. T h e 537th Xnt r>r!y will yc.i feel younger, Here w a s the mumise ol If you do not feel better, cat but you will LOOK younger; tatorship, socialism and Commun- J commanded by Lt. Col. Ben T. | lustre will start returning to better and sleep better after takism, all rolled into one, in t h e | B a ' r ^ ' i your hair, you will relax, your ing your first bottle of Dragtime of Shakespeare, and in or-} Battery A is the largest auto-; eyes will sparkle and you- will NOT Tablets, we will refund your again experience the joys of life money. Price only JL98 for a der to accomplish these results i rnatic weapons self-propelled anmonth's supply. in ' ycu thought you bad lost. the first thing to be done w a s t o i "aircraft artillery ^>»™ 'battery " " " ^ '" kill all the lawyers, w h o would Texas. It currently numbers 571 C I T Y DRUG STORE naturally oppose any such sys- men with at least eight recruits j in process of enlisting. *| Marfa, Texas tem. 1 Upon the pages of history are ! the n a m e s of lawyers w h o s e contribution to our free society w a s so great that they are beacons by which all men continue to s e e their inalienable rights shine forth in the darkness of dictatorship and injustice. One, whose n a m e stands out on the early pages of history as a champion u fail men in their striving for equality, w a s Cicero. Chrysogonus, t h e political power of Rome, condemned Roscius, so that his-property might be con fiscated for the benefit of Chrysogonus W h e n n o one else would defend Roscius for fear of Chrysogonus. Cicero c a m e forward and, with the knowledge that h e stood 5 months o» $5.00 alone against the most powerful 7 months at... $8.00 figure, in Rome, made himself Immortal w h e n . h e refused t o temo».;i Scwcr ih .Mountain on Sat' T h e Bird u r v h a r i i t !•>«•• Day..>rk. he w a s sent by nlr transnwtn mothers Mrs. George It. j unlay. She w a s admitted for o v e r vis w a s once the center of the port to Camp Chaffee, Ark., for M'Mii? and Mrs. Jack Dumas. iniglu observation. My wife, she read that stuff by apple Industry here, and con- discharge. Mrs. T. T. Kelly, Mrs. Clivc Ac-1 f. d. n. :.,„„•:. . . siderable conjecture is evident ton ami Mrs. J. K. Nc-»t.».. rear. Mr. n«wnsnn >»..>rry X. P.oall .\:\r.i\v.: t.'.o.;.' .v:io ictu; r.^-il >o ;.T; n an f. el. r.. The P.-.'v. and Mrs. O. V.. "s.:c; Fort T.\n is to s-onii Faster were: arU ••i. Harry, ,'r.. returned Frifr/i— fr«;!n San An;-;o'a day from a trip 1)11011711 Northriill three children i;i" i"ui'-.':> Van K'"'.::i!-t, ; \i-; UiH Youn; ; ..:•'.:.' i were in Kurt Davis Si;n- t(.;k'-i'. .- a:i ^-i::,.'!i:; Liill Voun^ era California. Oregon.'Washingffi-,m .Sterling City: Mr. and Mrs. f . n . Mrai-'nna .-.r.
A. Marfito's Viewpoint


Brewster-New IMC



Hi V





I I la

ii •


Dirt Moving — Twi.r; SuiSdin; — R « * Plm-ino Modern Up-to-date Equipment D-7 CATERPILLAR — BULLDOZER


Brewster-New V a n Horn, Texas

Box 26

I i



Trans-Pecos Bus Lines Schedule READ DOWN

6:15 A. M. Lv.




2:30 P. M.



. Saragosa F

7:00 A. M.


r r

Tnunhvnip F

7:50 A. M.

Fort Davis

Am m < M « •**

1:35 P. M. •m

12:45 P, M.

8:25 A. M.


12:15 P. M.

" 0Z33


11:45 A. M.



9:45 A.

:55 A. m *,


lUti'J A. Pi!.




FI«f! •sag S* s?sp



•m i ^I^B




i :•



M a r f a , T e x a s . T h u r s . . A p r i l 14. 1S55

YOUR A D Would Be Read, Too, I f Placed HERE!

Alpine, Texas •


^^^Mlr^ -*****

xM&Sb& * • V^n 3a.-»# rmm yp&i Q


.. BsmifiP


Thursday • Friday C. K. Mcruimuu, Dr. ?.!::r.rt;c Slack, Bill Bunton, ILiycs Mitch T h e Best Actress Academy Award ell and C. L. Arthur. .Winner (Grace Kelly) in her new, M U M picture— ' Mrs. J . M. Rosson and Mrs. i H. B. Holmes'," Sr., entertained i in COLOR and members of t h e Wesley Bible class of the Methodist Sunday { CINEMASCOPE i schec! lr. ob?nrv'>n«>'» of t h e twenty-first anniversary o l the organization. . * ** Colonel Henry R. Baxter, vet"ran of the South Pacific area, 1 assumed t h e duties of command= * » • • » »•••%*• a ing officer at Marfa Army Air

In B. B. S. April 12, 1935, when Katherine Schutze received a n aDpolntmcnt to teach Encllsh in a Chinese university In PlepJng, Chlnn, starting with the fall term. S h e planned t o sail for China In August


Bob Highsmith, only Marin 'my to exhibit, w o n two places In the Southwest Stock show In El P.iso, Classified rates—15c per line first insertion, ICc per line subse- and averaged 14% cents on his q u e n t i i i i i r t ' s r . : , v.-ith a m i n i " " ! " * c.harn* nf T i e first Insertion a n d three calves bringing him a net y > j for three 25c each tubsequent Insertion. A l l ad» f o r the regular classified profit of over months feeding M o t i o n m u s t be I n p r i o r t o 2:30 p.m. w»(ine«r.;»vs


W E L L BUILT house for sale. OFFICE space, formerly occupied Good location. H . 1* Karris. by Flowerland, for rent. Phone Phone 182-W. —SCO 'i71-J, Mrs. John Humphris. —S70 F O R S A L E — Living room sofa and chair in good condition. Will sell together or separate- F U R N I S H E D house for rent—?\ rooms and bath. Phone 275. ly. Phone 193. —S61 —S49 FOR SALE — 2 - bedroom homo." Phone 37, C. G. Cooper. —S55, F U R N I S H E D apartment for rent. T



lf»T*'*o r n n m r



REAL E S T A T E listings, special-, and bath. Good location. Phone i?lng in ranches. II. L. I lord, | Phone 471-J. —S5G Phone 119, Marfa. —SIM RUMMAGE SALE room open'| F U R N I S H E D n m i s ~ f n r ~ r e n t . Phone 797. —S42 every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5:00 ".m. in B^TI'l rrsidnnrp SMALT, e f f i c i e n t a::art:r:c"T near Safeway. Sponsored b y Phone G3S or 903-F-ll. —SI 1 Presbyterian Women's association. — S 1 3 OFFICE space for rent, 2 room;; Maria National Farm L.-,an N E W and reconditioned puitms Assn. Phone 14H. —li'Xi nf the better mnk??? Ovil! trru!^ for anything of value). Reaves F U R N I S H E D ""npnrtmonT a!sr Music Co., S i a N . Texas, bedroom:;, for rent. Phone 181 Odessa, Texas, Phone GG211. —RSS —S5 i-OR RENT.—Ltti^e imiuc- .;' South Highland. S e e A. .1. Iloff FOR SALE—National Casli Register i n good used condition, man. —R3!) will sacrifice a t ?53.f)0. S e e this machine at Nu-Way Gro- •L ;{.\I>HI-T> ;i;;.i-tn:j- ., , , Phone '.G'J-V/ „.v cery, Marfa. —S60


• GEIGER Counters for sale or for; rent at S5.00 per day. Baker Jewelers. —R7G


Quid Phone

VENETIAN B L I N D S - Repairor n i w Installation. Phone 1 for estimates. K e 11 c y An-' pliances. —M77


LOST—Tripod, on Presidio o r KEAL E S T A T E ; Casa Piedra roid. R c w a r i ^ Need a Raj;"". Rubifies;- ••" "imif ' i turn tn p, v, Ho.mmond o r CasSee Dr. A. J Hoffman ner Motor Co. —SJ7

"IP' If you want to continue drinkand Cemetery lettering ing that is your business; but if Craft Monumental Service you want to stop, that i s c u m Box 42G, Alpine, T e x a s —P77 Dial 2140, Alpine, or phone 1SS AERMOTOR MILLS—Pipe—Net Marfa, o r contact some A.A Fence—Barbed Wire. Foxworth member. Big Bend A.A. Group fialhrnithE Lumber Co.—4-tf. Box 120. Alpine. . —IMS _ _ _ _ _ LEVI-KHAKI shirts, house dresses finished, 20 cents each; famCASH for your old piano (If you ily wash, 8 cents per pound; want to- sell your old piano linens finished, 9 cents pound: drop us a card). Reaves Music wet'wash, 7 cents pound. Phone Co., 81G N . Texas, Odessa.' 363 f o r pick-up and delivery Texan, Phone 6(241. —S6 Howard's Washatcria. — -S33


' — SOT M ' M

UNUSUAL WOMAN With- car, nice personality, o n e who needs to earn as much a s $C0-SS0 in a week. N o canvassing, no parties, no collections. Free to work 5 hours day or eveiiiiv;. For interview write Mrs. Kin;/,

Repair Service all makes — all models

Phone 623 • I.IVU}J U I I U



r > — 1 1 ^ 1 r*-,-^-

"- .

phone Hickory ixttCo.




Hord Building



Building Sunn'ipc i-1

for Every Need a t

b«#r\ * ; ! n

Mr. and Mr:, D. S. '.I^KcHir arrived last week from their home in ~ r.ugie i-.iss and a r e ! » .i * spending several* idays with thcirl ('r-i'Tlitcr, Mrs. J. I>. Lowther, and i family. • Mr. and Mrs. George H. M e n - | Kci i\T,d daughter. G^ye Gather\\\C'.

r.f T L ! p*ic-fi


•'—hrcs C o i n s I n T h : F o u n tain ', in C i n c m a S r o p s . was o n ; of* t h e f i v e p i c t u r e s n : m i m t 3 : l for the Acndcmy-Awird. Th-: stars are Clifton Webb nntl Jean Peters. Frank 5'nitn sintjs t h e t h e m e sanq " T h r e e Coins in t h e F o u n t a i n . " t h a t w o n the A c a d e m y A w a r d , as the best song f r o m a n y picture.


CJUlMtFR rO^PAWY 4 « ^ w - fl -f «J»

' M a r f ^ People O w n l r "

for n>.^

V . f ? . J I v - i V . > . * > " -1 - -" -;- -

r>l>0rip ?ri1

tllf the Rio Grand* Electric coher for over three years, received a f t c r w h [ c h they will be dUband first stnae of Mnrfn's March of operative, wa« hospitalised In for irrigation or ranch the praise and plaudit* of t h e , c , | Mtl\ merged into other active Progress. Fort Stockton this week for sur.-roup for her t r a c e ami charm In; temporary committees. In this Sales and Service wells gery pertaining to an Injury reI handling the work heretofor. and; x v a v > two ends will no accom• reived last summer. H e Is pro•»~ ^ *.. W e have in stock the only ,;; V.T.3 r.,Trv.-.: -'-^n-; the d i r o e t . ' , , . . : - , ^ . . a v , ^ , ^ - , , ^ , ^ , ¾ . Every-!Schcc! D e c l a r e r s gressing satisfactorily. . r"f*r t r \ m m t T T o t » c American made full automatic |ors that she will be offered a tun j„ H l V i „ y U1 ^;, lf . .. c tivc ;>.n | n Give F i n c f r o g r a m ~ — w w • ) w «•* w machine. Also complete stock : : i : f ' . V March c.f Progress I time job, at the smi'i' post but at ^ 1 1 ^ . 5 ^ 1 , 1 1 " f l ' r o K n » » . w i l l come j A f R o f a r y LuncSiCCr. g u a r a n t e e d to meet nil of other machines; Yi-ii uffk-i.tily hL-.ii.-I tt 7;•'.". ,a substantial increase in M I . I I > , to take a much g r e a t e r interest j *' If |:.io. "Yc.i.Iay ;-, - : i t . v.:-..-:i t h ? ' to ciiiiliiiue tia- \>'oiiv oil Singer m« the work. thrnn.'Th parilcijn-1 Slild'-nts of Miss Myrtle Ilawlsi l l i U s - l l ! . u - l n ; » - l > ,,; :\. of tl::' L ' l n m l x N - «)(•| C o m m l ' . c e C i v i i n m n N.im"d or w r i t e A- E. Jackson . ' l:giii uu»'r,. ir.-.if!: n v r " can bo j school gave a brilliant pcrfonnM a r f a , T e x a s Ciiii-.ir.iT.'O LT.itl:: red .it the :i-; A. I-!. I.!•;•'!! was one lo voliinSox 686, Phone 2102, Alpine | ance al Notary Huh luncheon l;:\i:y to :-.:•::-.' yl .-ntr,.*iii!e cf the i:uv '..•,; *::c ;ii;. ;-..:rmittee. Ligon w:ll lie aug-i One — W e will slaughter, process, »e n J h l r ^ , , ° ' M : " ' n ' l . Z , were present at the meeting It «-..«. was i:u!t • IUN! that the f:f een dirc.t- r v i t e d l.v nine committeemen to «"»iite before the meeting, »» Tuesday, and commented with cut up. w r a p and frccrc y o u r ---.-:11:11:: :>:id ready to s Myrtle R a v l s !K-:-;d of tin? public relatioi;s n-in-| ;i*-.i::ee and Walter tiarnett head' •of the statistical committee. ! which will have charge of the J critically important group which ! will prepare material for bro • ehures and form letters extolling , the virtues, advantages, asso's o Qrou m o r e o«oi ilifj Cherub, Carnation or Pet—tall cans ; and resources available in this NEW STORE HOURS Youll find that you save plenty J ' area which might be of interest tdlk ik, Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. j to potential industrialists, busion your total food bill ^ | nessmen and tourists inquiring 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. flatting ftart at SAFEWAY about Mrafa, or planning visits Friday and Saturday, -25 pound bag Kitchen Craft, Gold Medal or Pillsburyhere. Age &oa oot mar die original 10

Chamber Directors Name Chairmen

Sewing Machine

E. t . L'oyai



Plenty of Lock Boxes

iieai t in I

Mre nuw

Marfa Locker Co., Inc.


try and 1 he sure y before yoi ning. If : m a y mis: few men having h! back at y Friends acity I nt friends a assured n band of ) a comtno In the dc Davis mc talk, not mimicry, tion.


The Marjci Rational Ban


\ You Can't Judge Food Savings on'Specials*Alone ®mpare mil Prkes xe €@? fho Fssfs»««/

dmzd-m &i$

T h e stt a time a quired a lie c a m e

the sicrv is t h a t tl tome-cat


yjiu icou suddenE :. over Tht ruly-crb by"' the. tongue,



odirjwdy renin—riBSn nuuuuc

1 U. S. Graded Calf


for him. the story believe. friends si just mac story, bi that it v usual toi up sheep But th obviously truth, ai One da> just at n nt the 1 such ace of the !

8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


I I . .. I

t a l i g h t tli

Scotch Treat fro'C-n -fi : can

Empress—20 ounce jar

da 1 sway uuaianiBrju meaib

I I • . . ! . ! .. .. J

the poin!







package pound can

Fresh rich tasting




Canned Milk


If you i ing, fish I inlf or pi

pound 49c


4 pound bag 49c

. > Well, a|id : Toi Edlhary." ' became of orati state of

politicia him. Bi cept the Then two


sheep-hi to w h a i

S. Graded Calf


pound 47c

U. S. Graded Calf


. . . : pound 29c


5 pound bag 43c


8 pound bag 59c


for lor happen! Tom n after u over hi off to f domes ti Tom so tribe o: nelghbc his


times i the

Aermotor Windmill*

Round Steak




Colorado Wolf-Proof F«ne«



Fresh Broccoli

2 for 25c

pound . . 19c

pound . . 19c

Pip* and Fittings

PAINT . . . TOOLS . . . HARDWARE m f l i v w a v i t t a i onra

U. S. Graded Calf, pound


Yorkshire , pound


S t e r l i n g — 3 lb. cello, each...


creased was a i that, t
