09 Page 1 of 11. Debt Settlement Services Agreement

Case 2:09-cv-00657-EAS-NMK Document 3-1 F i led 07/27/09 Page 1 of 11 FreSh Start Advisors, L.I C. FrashstartSojLttians Debt Settlement Services Agr...
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Case 2:09-cv-00657-EAS-NMK Document 3-1 F i led 07/27/09 Page 1 of 11

FreSh Start Advisors, L.I C.

FrashstartSojLttians Debt Settlement Services Agreement

3lyl2007 betw e en Fresh Start This Debt Settlement Services Agreement, (heminafier 'Agreamenf) dated Sdutions, LLC, Fresh Start Advisors, LLC (hereinafter 'FSP) a Florida corporatkm whose principal address.of business is located st address Is

P 0 Box 842



4 30t 64 8 4 2

SERVICES pROVIDED: FSS, on behalf of CUENT, wfii attempt lo negofiate settlements of CUENl'S unsecufad debt upon the terms and amdithns eet forth herein. FSS wfi work with the CLIENT to preparea monthly repayment phn taktrig into considerathn'CLIENT'S personal finandal eituafion.FSS shell remive dsared funds monthly from CUENT to bs placed bio FSS' bust account for the purpose.of'dhtrlbuffng to CUENl's cnwfttors once a setUement ls successfugy regoUated, Upon CLIENl S request, FSS wIH pmvldea state>vent Jefiec5ng CUENI'S furds hetd in trusL FSS FEESANb,PROCESS INS CHARGER ltusa Is a one@me rmwefundsbie wtaine'r fee in the amount qf'WB5.0II or$% of OUENI s Mil unsemrsd debt'whichever Is grealer, due upon the execufion of this agrsemenL However, the Rejainer hes alieady bhani'ccurately

induded ln'the monthly paymentplanyourreprasentafi ve hesestablishedwff h you.lluae h a monthlyprogram fi se of$29,whichJsInduded

In'.CUENT's monthtypayment. FSS wHI stiempt to arrange setffemsnts for 53% or less than cradlkas' deans Iorsfiof CljENT's unsecured eauurits and will recelya a perfonnancekxuaaf he of the difference behveen Ihe 53% CUENT, pays to mtfie each aanunt and the amount ths creditor agrees to setffe for.It any of the CUENl'S paymenls or bansfer of funds to FSS are not honoied by FSS' bank, for whatever reason, there isa $29,00 fye, which shaH. be dedudad from CUENI'S I'unde hekl In trusL

If CUENT prior to."program cornplsfion terminates agraamsnt, there Isa $250.00 tanninetkm fee as s'et foith in TejmInation of Program below. If settlement is nego8ated Ior 53% or less ofbalanoe due to credffor, FSS wHI'sulcmsffcafiy psy ciedltor'without CLIEN7s approvaL If set5emsnt Is over 53%, FSS wffl contact CUE CUENTACKNOWLEDGFJHENTS AND RESP NSIBILITES'. ." ' '(a) FSS cannot process QUENT's fiis and/orM ct ' al ecesssry CUENT and creditor lnformsfion s ors ' S sl retsirier.fee. ch do 8 ed Induding a copy'of CUENT's statements ttom L1E c th Inf o afionffprovides FSS tsbua and accurate and '(b) CUENT edmo/rledges that all debts furnish Hd ,tnj , or nses, indudlng but not fimlted to lifigation agrees lo hold FSS4wnnlcssand hdemnify F a in co n I Infoimafion pertaining to CLIENTS creditors. fees and chats, 1ncuned or threatened to be in tyandare notable to con5nuetopaythe m imum monthly p (c) CUENT adnilis that they are lh finan'col dlffi l aymentsjo their cmditors' UENT hss YOLLIN'ARILY chosen to stop under the cubi.'nt drcuinatancas.' FSS hh's NO ~aking mgutsr payments. '



(d) CLIENT admowledges thatFSS does not prcytde Is'gsl, tax'Or inVestment advice or services. FSS recommends the useef a qualtfied accountant/CPA or anattorneywhen' appropriate. (e) CUENT agrees to provide FSS wffh any changes of address, phone numbers, or any olher Important intact Infonna5on. (I) Tlrne frames and debt settkunent amounts discussed with your FSS Rep|esentafive ara remNmabie targeted gosh based on FSS,' experience end knowledge. CUENT understands that FSS ascot guarantee lhs outcome of any matter and'gwse are Its best ptotessional estimatesonly Each debt setfietnent case Is unique and msuffs may vary. FSS will always sffempt tonegcfiate a mtfism'qnt thst is ln the best interest of CUENT. (g) FSS wHI not nofify cmdfheporfirig agendas of your partldpsfion ln the program CUENT understands.that white exuvnls are being negofiatad, creditors wffl report dellnquendes to ths credff reporting bureaus, whkA wIH have a negative eNsct on their credit report. (h) CUENT adaunatadges that whHa accounts ere being nsgofiated, aadilors may put eoxxmts intocollection, or use attor'nays or other coiiec fi on methods. Attorneysand cofi ecthn agendas usuallywouktntthersettlethan fi h a lewsulL and FSS wl proveHa best efforts to setffe such accounts effher by lump sum or monthly payments. CUENT un'dsrstands that it ls lhe credffora right not to setfie and mey take

legal action, which may result In a judgment against CUENT, and or garnishment of wages and may become pubfidy Ipywn.'.CUENT agrees to hold FSS harmless for all damages, Injuries, losses, coals, or expenses, lnduding but not Hmtted is Hfigafion fees e~ . Inc u ned or threatened to be lncunad by CLIENT by virtue of e din taken by CUENT's cream(s). CUENT adtnowlsdgss that 1&In their t4st hterest not to interfere with the negofiating process snd will inform FSS of eH creditor offers and communication. CUENT further adtnowtedgss that should CUENT Interfere wffh negofialions snd setfie direcfiy wffh any caxStor submitted to FSS on Creditor Ustlng Form, FSS vali be enfiffed to fees equivalent to FSS setfilng the same dslm on CUENT'8 behalf. (I) CLIENT understands that etsfitors ara required to repNt a wrffoaff ofany debt 5600 or more to the Internal Revenue Service snd such a wrNaelf wlH be considered as income.


Case 2:09-cv-00657-EAS-NMK Document 3-1 F i led 07/27/09 Page 2 of 11


Fresh Start Advisors, LLC

TERNNAllON OF PROGRAM: CUENVs monthly payment shall continue untN such Nme one of the following cecum; Ag of CUENT's accounts ate eetged (see "Completion of Program' below). CUENT cancels program. CUENT may cancel thh program at any Nrne by providing FSS wNh 15 day written notice by osrtNIed maN. Upon receipt of such notes,FSSwill irtop all negoNaVons In process and notify sll credNore that FSS ls no l onger scgng on CLlENVs behalf. A $250,00 cancdlagonfee wIII be Incuned to'cover the cost associated Vttth contacgng creditors end lo perform e Sml audit and sccourrNng of CUENT's funds held InFSS trust account, which shall bs deducted from said Irust ecCaunL FSSwill tetund to CUENT the balanba of effecgvecsncegasondale. CUENl'e funds held In trust wIIIIa complete statementwithln 3ldays f rom'the of FSS exerdses Its right to cancel the program with CUENT for cause by 15 day.wrNIsn nogce by certNled mail wbidi vnU lnchdeexplanation statement of eocauntahiINy wi t hin M days fror'n tha cause, FSSwgl refund to CUENT the balance of CUENl's funds held in bust wgh a eihctive cancellhtlon dati.

red Intothis program COMPLFAON OFPROGRAIVI; Theprqgnsn Is dornplata once ell unsecured.debts of the CUENT unsecureddebts ente to be negotiated by FSS are settled, Up'err cqmpleVon of program FSS will nogty'client as eucti• coinplete an audit df QUENT's funds held In +ys of notNcsIIon to the diehtof trust, and refund any hrids notdisbuis'ed to credltora3n scoordhnce with this Agreement,.wlth1n Mi. compielbn of the qmgram., " HOLD HARMLESS:CLIENT agrdej'to'hdkl FSS, its agents, a JmintslraNIrs gxecutive dlnictpra„empioysesmembsnt, ofNowe pnd duectors ndudlrg but riot Jiiiged to; any oi this'Ad rogram ' harmtssS from'any IiabliNy ordamage ensing'from FSS'adinin&ragon of the P " damage that may arise from acVOn's'taken by CU~ c r e d itors indudlng, but not JimNed'lq suNs, 1lens,, garnlahments,"levies, reposiessfons or eny othsr collecV on spgon,




• ENTIREAGREEMENT::ThNIAgreement arnbodI '': uhdehrtandlrig's', 'reprasenhigomr, italhrretits,.an undertalQng.shd.Bgnwments, wntten ororal n ' Irito this'Agreement, fhh agrddmentmay n'othe Agreement.

san the part}ss snd ail previous cancelled, wNhdrawn, and/or have merged th pa'rgss hereto sitar the data of this


ed to msdisVcnbefore.acerned mediator e aiI be '" DISPUTES;CUENTsgress that any~ute be or In grson. In the event that there'h riot ndedW p onics da.: I a Vo n be : wNh vtanus exdusively InPalmSasch C'ounty,+I Beach County, Florida end conducted In " ' 'nSolugoh attermadiation, any daint or tgspute s bi Submitted to sibltraNon wNh venus In, ny award msybh entered tn any court - Accords'nce wNh the cemmerdal rules of the Am "hiWInIIJudsdldfon.