


Dtws Btview


--------..:AN=:.,.::INDIPIND=::.=.:ENT NEWSPAPER Volume 38, Number 11J


CHI Bylaw· A11endments Go to Public Hearing · by AI Skolnik


Thursday, March 6, 1975

WHAT GOES ON ~ Marcb 11, 1:30 p.m. GHI information meeting, North End School Thlli"L, March IS,. 'l':U p.m. Greenbelt Woman'.a Club, Library Meeting Room 8 p.m. GHI Board Meeting, Hamllton Pl.

· .


~'l.l..ect~ --~ 0~li~~ Bo..(


It seems that there are 188 lots in the cemeter-Y, besides the original Turner family cemetery, of which 88 Iota had been sold prior to the moratorium on lot sales two yean ago. lnll' transported At. thrir ri'II'Ularly achedutl;'d times on Alternate buaes. ·

Attention GHI Members A membership information


is scheduled for Tuesday.

March It at 7 :aO p.m. in the multi-purpose room of North End ( Elementary SchooL This meetin~ will be concerned with proposals for bylaw changes and energy conservation procedures.


"Mr. Mayor, why do they want to put ~p. a fence aroUDd the city cemetery?" "Because people are just dying to set_in, my ~on." ·Actually Mayor Pilski didn't say· this exactly • . . it was more like there wa.~ a big demand for city cemetery plata. And the discussion at the resuiar Greenbelt city council meetiq on Monday, March 3 was more grave than this. But it cUtl deal principally with all of the ins and outs of lifting the moratorium on the qle of· city cemetery lots, and it was interspersed with a goodly number of puns and other attempts at levity. A little time wa~ ~pent on tot lot playgrounds and the plan to modif.r the swimming pool, but not mtteh. • ·

Staggered 3-year terms for board members and a means of meeting deficits due to r,ising cost of fuel, utilities, and taxes are among the Greenbelt Homes, Inc. bylaw changes that are being fa'fOrably considered for · submittal to the membership at a Special Membership Meeting on Thursday, AprillO. Membership approval b~ a two-~rds vote is required for any change in bylaws. An Informational meeting explaining the bylaw changes to the members has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, at by ElaiDe Skolnik ·Nortb ~d School, starting at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will also The weekly Tbunday llhuttle bus ~eel wtth the energy-8aving program described in the Feb. 20 service for Greenbelt's senior citiISSUe of the News Review. zens hq been expanded to include At lu. Thunday, February 20, r~ulre that the working capital atopa In Springhill Lake u well as llleetiq, the GHI board dlsctllled funda derived from the 3% a.ueu- the core of Gree!Welt. Twenty-eight aeveral bylaw chanpa, 'lOme of ment on the lelllng price of GHI seniors rode the bus last week. wblch it favored and IOIDe of units be a subject of an annual Former city manager Charles Mcwb.lch It took DO PCIIItloa 011. In report u to...thelr Ule8. An addi- Donald, president of the Greenbelt addttlon, two bylaw changea, which tiona! part would require all in- Golden Age Club, said the "new ha•e been pr-nted by petition, veatments of worklnr capital to be program baa already brought our Utetlme Opportunity community cl011er together." Green· mlllt be lubmitted to the member- limited to one year. The discUIIIion was kkked off by •hlp for vote. It wu pointed out ·that thla pfo- · oolt senlon have been Invited to Emory Harmon who would Uke to n-:vMr Tmlll poaaJ might be costly to frame participate In the Thul'lday morn· see the cemetery opened up to new The ·lltaqered _3-year term means home ownl'rs, since at present the · ing knitting class at the SHL Com· salea of plots again. He said that that a of the 9 board members deftcit In the frame home budget munlty house. there were a lot of Greenbelten I!!Very Thunday at 10 a.m. and woul4 be elected each year. At is being met from the working who planned to remain liere the Pl'l!llellt, the board tel'lllll arc for capital at no interest charge. again at 12:111 p.m. the bus will rest of th,elr lives and would like to wind ita way around Greenbelt. 2 1Mril, with 6 membera eleCted If thia bylaw change wu Inhave the opportunity to remabl In Return trlpa from Beltway Plaza : one year and 4 the nexL Thill wu terpreted aa precluding the ·Ulle of the city even longer than that if are scheduled 1\t approximately a recommendation of the Cresa11. , working capital for such pul")>08es, given a chance. '.'I talked with May:McOJrmick, and P&&"et man&&'c- then GHI would havp to go out 12 noon and 2 p.m. Th~ cost of ~>ach or Pilakl earlier this e"vening," he trip is lOc, and passengers will he ment audit. and borrow mont>y to meet the stated. "and he'd like to stay here One arrument in .favor of this frame home deftcit. The intcrl'st picked up and discharged at various · the rest of his life and beyond, points throughout the city, includ propoaal is that the present two- .. on this loan would then. have to be right?" ing the Greenbelt Shopping Center, year term Ia too short for a board rharged the frame homeowners: Harmon was joined by ~lr. and GrcPnbelt Convalescent Home, Gimember to become fully acquainted One-day Vo&lnc Mrs. Highland who stated that they ant Food Stor.-, Beltway Plaza and with corporaUon bualneu and AnQthcr bylaw change that th~ have been Gre•nbelt residents for make a contribution. Another ar- membt>rs will be required to votr Springhill Lakto. Persons cliglbl.- to 28 years and would like to have ride th~> bus must be M years and the opportunity to purchue plofs. rument Ia that 3-year tl'rma 1181ure on was a Jeftovl'r from thc May old~>r." Joe Wilkinson stated that the numronUnulty of policy as turnover annual membership mel'ting. This The firogram is funded by the br of plots wns so small that they would not involve a majority of was a chan~ calling for a onc-day county under the auspic collection rise in the aggregate by ----· Last ncr at 10 a.m.; Cre•cent &: put up for sale. Councilman Gil more than $30,000 on an IIDiluallaed Weldenfeld took tit~> stance that th, except when the Voluntoor Fire Department. found on Cherrywood Lane to Springhill would join Schwan and White in the compromise becau1e he waa ml'lllbenhip at a membenhlp the lire confined to the four buse•. Dr.. SHL Community Hou•r. Edmeetlnr requeets by majority vote With the additional help aent from monston Rd .. Edmonston Court. and •urr that. once openPd, the d.-mand for plot.a would be so great that that the bylaw chsnrl' be voted Greenbelt and Branchvillr, the lire . bac~ to Beltway PlazL The bua will return via Green- council would be back again to on by· referendum. The eecond WM quickly I'Xtinl!llillhed. Firrmen would exprenly allow the bylaws r' the •ce_ne said tlarr• taken from belt Road 118 far as Kenilworth and open up the rest of tl.e plots for sale. · to be amended throuch a valid t hi' buses werr USf'd to start thr rome into Greenbelt past the lake Cons1derablc diiocusoion thl'n took to Lutner and Crescent where it flrr•. petition for a referrndum. place about rr•trictlons and oth.-r Clrarl:v A 00111' of nr.•~n. tl,r will follow the aamr route. Another bylaw chance clarilll'l tha,t any petition clllling for a County Fire Marshall's office is in



All members of GHI are encouraged to attend and par-

ticipate in this important meeting.

kinds of guidance for the city 1111111to ass'ist him in drawlnc up the ordinance .which would govem the sale of plots, but m~tly It about how much the cost of 1M plots should be. White introduced • motion to place the price at S400. suggestinc that this was not UDreuonable, would quicldy brlq m revenuf1 for maintenance of tbe cemetery, and would probably be · -tlw-real teat of whether or not people were dylll&" to be burled In the city cemetery u Pl1ald and othen had suggested. He wu joilled by Schwan. What Prier I'Wf


Pllakl and Castaldi both felt that

S200 would be more reuonable. Weldenfeld said he had no idea how to aet a llgure, but that saoo - e d to be about the mean of plot prices for 1M generaCU.. Schwan and Wblt.e &&'reed to that, and were joined by Pllakl and. White. or.. Greer. of SprJnabiD LAke, kept. preaing for at leaat 11100 to no avaiL Someone earlier had l!lentloned that lots had previously aold for $311, to whi.ch Schwan remarked. "N- that'• what I call a - . . steal." Cutaldl, at the end, nid that he just didn't want to get int& this discUBBion again and hoped that this would take care of the matter one~ and for ail, to which Pilskl replied. "Sorry, Richard. but tbkind of iuuee never die." The mat,. ter was buried for the evening how· ever. Playrrounds Mary Clarke, representing the Park and Rec.reation AdvisorJ Board, read a numoor of !etten auporting the redevolpment of the Lake Park playground and Cand)t Cane City aa bicentennial project& and urged that more imagination Ill' used in the future de\•elopmf'nt of playrrounde for amaii children. ShP wu supported by Wayne Willlama of Ridge Road, who · further recommended that citizen rroupa micht w6r in cooyE'ratlon witlt· the city to tter maintain the present play many of which eriorating. ··trhere Wre a n 11· ferr.·d' the PRAB n·nort to the Bicentennial Committ•••· for ron· s:dcration. OthN" llatt.>rs George Jones and Charles Gl"('ll( spoke in support of ,accepting th• GrecnhornP and O'Marn report a· bout constructing a turninc wall and tilling in thP bottom end of the shallow end of thr pool in or· der to create a 2~ mE'ter AAU regulation pool •hich would be ell· glble for swimming m~ets. The mat· ter was referred to· PRAB for further llludy. In oth•r actions, coun· ell approvl:'d placing n hiatoril:al marker. u recomm.-nded by the Bi· centennial Committee. at the dty l'ntrance on South wRy; adoptPr lt:i

Thursday. March 6. 1975

.(;HI Exchanp:e p,. ·, mbt·r





G.:~ .. b··r~


:.. s

7 B Res,•areh Road





t., not {\·

Ft•bruary 28. 19i:>

~''·'· :\lar:ha' Hutzler

• ; · .:g a A\';':-tth

. :r ·t·::bo·lt. Maryland thllt



·: 'Ua:l i•H•·k'1 ·>f · ... ..- J!t~ units. li~t·:d at ~:;7 :.fit) • , .. ~fr 1 , .. hmaar.'- y··


stat.·m· r~ -Wlnt ·•t!L· r · i~· 1 !'• ~1 ing 111 th•- budg··t f.,r :lr,r• rad·a t·Jr v.·lv• !-- in th·· fram, lH>m ·~ But \-h1· c.ro~.:ni-1~ ~.suit t .. th• m•·mb.-rship i~ I):Jr JH•·s~"n• b:,.f &'''l Til'· braz .. n··ss a!ld •·:tl• · • n .. s, .,f brJ~"'d and ma:t~g. ::1 ·: . ~ u:1 b,.J.,.,·abltI am fully awnr·· ,,f th·· rv• suns f ,r thJ:; l·cmn·rti'CJ ··fffJrt.b:· board and m •nagPmPnt tcJ phll~·· 'Jut th· fram·· br,mf.·S by mon• tarv m•·ans ikbt Ufl'lll d•·ht f'li~iw~Ucm of th• middl·· da:;:, tht· rxp•·ndablt·!' A!t 1111r corporation hw.:y.·r \'OU mu!it A.pprrl'i:ttf• tht• unh·n

~bl•• pHsition bf•th . bt>~rd a~tl manag,·mPnt rna~· flnd thr-m st·I\'P'i: in ('ithf•r indi\'itluall\' ··r (•OJif•rti\'PI:\'. in th,.. nr·ar (Utllrt ·~hncl"'rrly,

A Conct·rnt•d M··mbf-'r

Martha Hutzler

THANKS To thr F.dltur: Thanks to all my claumateo. teachers. Mal'r. O'Donn~ll of St. Hul'h'o and all my, good neighbor• and fri.,nds who \'!sited me at th•· hospital and ···nt mt• cards. now .. r• and rifts.

authnritit·s for netion. Sinct• ;~u has rPt.'t'i\'t•d nu indicatiOn , ·f a:~ otfidn! inn·stigation. I b 1;~>\',. it lS Ill th .. bl'St intt'r('St






2nd Annual Race At Greenbelt Park


61-11 s-olar ·Project Moves Ahead,, But Hits -.A .Bump


Grt'f'nbt•lt H d.


:\Ir Alb•·rt f;insberg .

ravorab!,· members.


munlcation! Talk about "lht• W..arin' uf th•"

told h··r pupils that sh•• bee:1m,·




At thP first S('ssion Mrs. Garrt•n

pron'-nbdt 1: dt>p\-.:~·t···~ .n . ur b..n.: at th~ T\\·1n P:nt"jll · ··r.. ,. · .J,< ... ·,.~.: .., 111 thE' editorial offl,t' m thE' ba!l~m.•nt of 15 Parkway 14-:'.t-11:11 '• ··;•·


lnngu 1): · 1lt and his



11lursday, March 6, 1975

Thur~dity. Mill't'h 6. !97 2__________21~·i~lE~G~'i~\i:..~.E~-:~;~L;~I::~L~T~\_:£~\\:_:·::.::_·_!R~£:_:'\~'l~E:_!\\~'.;;_·----:---:---::-:~-:--~~:.:.::~~.:.::.:.;_..:.:...--




tlon> League& wlll each play .In a separate double round--robin competition for rity championships. Call 474-6878 for further details. Pr&-teen (Jiub All pre-teenagers art• invited to the Rld&'e Road Center for gamea and refreshments on Fri. cwnlnga from 7-9 p.m. Movies and sprclal actlvltlee are alao featured. T - aU!. A dance Ia schedulrd for th• Teen Club for Sat., Marrh 8 nt the Rld1e Road Center. Refrelrhmenta will be provldl!d and a nomInal fee will be charged. Cheek at the Youth Center for detall11. A one day excurtllon to WllllattUIburl'. Va. Ia achedulcd for s~t.. March 29, Weicht Llftln• Club M('tnbPno Many of the "members' ~arda have explrPd. tn nrder to continue



propiP must th.. tr cards. For Information no to (@ell or memberahlp, stop by thP Youth Center B••lncss omcr. Mon. thru Fri. lh'l pm.

PORTER'S UQUORS C74-lt'll (next to M¢Dnnald'a In Collep Parkl We have the larr-t lt'lectlon of Wine.~ from around the world. Special price~ on cUe purchUel liW Ralto. Jlvd.



Any questlona about wtnMI


. -~C-itize~ Une up for eye examinations at the recent Health Clinic co-sponsored by the Lions Club and the Re~reation Departml'nt. Greeting the unidentified people is Co-cha1rman He~ Fisher. At the end of the line are Lions "Bud" .Cormack, B1ll Hand and this year's President Don Love.


Health Clinic Resulh Cloae to 300 people turned out for the Health Clinic co-apo1110red by the Greenbelt Lions Club and the Greenbelt Recreation Department on Saturday, Feb. 8. . Over 200 were found to have normal vl1lon and no cJaucollllL Forty bad vlalon or possible glaucoma problellll. !Seven had cataract probleiDI. All these people were Instructed to eee their physicians . The ebole1terol reaultll wiD be eomlng In from the National Instltutel ·of Health !N.I.H.l In about two weelu. According to chairman Henry Fisher those people found to have high cboleeterol count will be contacted as soon as possible.

Delegate GrMn Holds Open Citizen'sMeeting State Delegate Leo Green wiD hold an open citizens' meetlnr 011 Sat.. March 1. at 10 a.m. In tiM Council Chamber of the Munlclpel Building. Delegate Green would like to hear the views of realdentll.

.Little. League Sign-up

Registration for the 0..-belt Little League wiD be held Satur~ c~q 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at tiM Greenbelt Recreation Center. Arqone between the &1ft of 8 and 12 IntereSted In playlnr bueball I• Invited to aim up.


County Limits Rent ·Increases With Emergency Legislation , With an eye on the area's lnfta· tlonar,. erlsls, the Prince county couJ1cll on Tuesday, Feb· ruary · , voted _ to enact a 8 3 18 third year of rent controls that attempts to strike a balanet' between landlord and tenant ·con·


Be Eco-Logical by Tim Moor.People talk a lot today about ecology. Biology teachers tell their students that the earth cannot support many more people with the limltrd rrsources available. Evrryone, parl'nts and. teenagers, got upset last winter sitting in long linea for hours waiting for gas. They tslk, and talk, and talk. But what do they do? Greenbelt Is lucky. Our dty hns It pot1t1ible for us to do somr thing rrcyclr. ci:y will pick up n.. wspapers for re




cy~ on ..All~~aeyyouWedneaday Thurtlday. havP to doand is be sure to put Y.,ur papers out aide where. someone elle can piek them up. The more papers """ recycle, the more trees w.. for other need.l.


If you've already bern puttinr your papera on thr curb for pick· up, think about !.he otht>r thlnl!l you Ule that can be re~ycled. All non .. returnablr bottlr• Rnd ~II aluminum rrmoved. The 19H rent control bill allowed a nat pere~nt rent hike or 4 per· cent 8base lnc~e plus ~· throu«h•. Landlord groups claim that they bad suffered more than a percent rate of lnllatlon last 8 and CO\Jid only survive by dieyear ~nc into reaerve capital or nelfectlng malntenanrt'. Tenant groups had sought an amendment that would have allowed landlords to



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through or a llat rate of 8

Page 4


Thursday. March 6, 19'i:i

Record Marathon Tht' Gr
t•nsily qual· stan-



:\ ,tim·•· m'l" R"'' For Ynt!r Llf•• nttra