Ganv31 tllnlfi-og Gear repairs and aligrlmolli kr luliCOfllbe S :> r'IotIfKilIlex getr. The upper arnllcvrer gear legsjilll(! .illex legs)arl! bNllr~lIIib. Tht:y WAY NOl bewellied or repaired by "",*,.Iion of IIt:md dInbiIiI~. 1/ ;mpcc:llon ra-eaE.~ r"'fI8iBin lhefc/d, ~ i5,...urvrenoed It"e1 Ihosele9Sbe 'eplErecl Toe in MAY NOT be adjus1ed by h5ting and berd"1I1g Il1e legs as we are ,,~~, Thio ..... ~ del .. on SOllIe eiII1y lube and tatr-ic .~pllroea, DuI tIi5 seNa! is not awopiale for I.uscombes.

Algl"IIrent ollie landing gear 8SSemb~ 00;:11 (tIO'O piec.o cd 51) 10 etghl inches 01 .2~.

inaide e de" ITIQ.Inling t-dt. ... -1Of> ""nter ""Wile rnou .... as rmreoot. Snap, c:h;Ilk Irle between tJee pcr.ts. Tlis is you-

-refereno:e -.e.

""'' 'IOp._

.,tIef" ..

The lOp ITlOI..J1ling holt .. specified al l l2" froIn !he !we.&e ~,,", "'11. are lOnger Ot " - roquirins ilil Itd)us1rnen\ oIlhi!l inS!;lWMk>n dimer>6lorr. 0iAnce lrom 1h-e 1OpoUhe Itwer s1ru\ (~r...-t on theleg ce ......... ej IDtheuloe ~ d Iho gew io 19 r'tr;r. ..... 1O:" PrtlP cIea!"a-.ce. Distance 10m are k>p d !he"111 to lie center C)! the lOp bole Is lfl" +,L Itt;. From tMlOp!roleto eentt.... of Ihe ;>O\U.oO. hoIo! Jrf; 3", """".""". >1/G4'. 0".

c:e..cem. ....

-to: IIiIv as _ may-~at'V1enlG& to mokc "'boW' or ben::! in the lower leg nctioeable viwally.


Sh"cld. modificatioo& Severa semce diffi::ullEs have beer! allJt.>uted to the Right B6i11 shackle pin end $hackle forging BOLTS AND TWI.IctI can Iud t> """'" fctgUC! The pol'" few ~ d '--nile hQYe tH:lcon ""nc:h.sted 171 OWI"m o:nosioo jII5t aIXN. IfIe iJllle shift weld ~ ~ n !he field ha\e ai!ll reporIOO 'Weif' ~ to geĀ„Iegs which ..... net

clc:ted ~IHI wrfGoe n service orxt ttouid not condemn tOO g_leg. Mono than a !him" fuI of debris should make the geer leg IJSp8Ct, MId adcitional noo destr.ldl\e lesls IUcI1 as x...,.". or ulIrasound are ildic8ted pri:lr to re1umng the leg to 58f\1ict. Absent ttese Ie5ts or other eordusille nipedU! ~s conJimlrg iIU'Io'CIVme$$, pmreotatllle ...pIacĀ»rnent ~ It!t 118"' lag is indic:ata:l. NOTe.;~, ~ .........,. of t